- With 16 games in the season, every game is critical for a football team. Baseball has like 162 games a season, so losing ONE football games is the equivalence of going on an approximate 11 game losing streak in baseball. After that, a person could lose interest.
- With football, the most you ever play another team in the regular season is twice. This way you aren't watching the same people play over and over again. If you split a series, who cares?
- Baseball has no salary cap, look at the Yankees vs. the Twins. Granted the current Twins are very good, but being a small market team, they can grow the players to Excellency, and then some other team (the Yankees) can offer them so much money it would be impossible to pass up, and thus the smaller team loses out. How many times have the Yankees been to the playoffs and to the World Series in the past 10 years? With the start of each new football season, the Super Bowl is up for grabs for anyone.
- Baseball pre-empts all of my favorite shows during their never-ending playoff series. Some of my favorite shows, such as The Simpsons, don't have their season premiere ‘til November, when they should have it in September.
- Football gives people a reason to get up on Sundays. I can watch 3 football games on a Sunday and still crave more. Baseball is on every day, there's nothing sacred about that. It just gives people a reason to be tired of it.
- When was the last time football players went on strike?
- I'll come out and say it, everything that is wrong with sports all starts with the Yankees.
- With instant replay, I can feel that for the most part, the right call was called.
- Even though football games take longer, they are not boring. We aren't watching some guy, the pitcher, look at 1st base, look at the catcher, shake his head, look at 1st, look at the plate, throw to 1st, get the ball back, look at the catcher, then throw the ball towards the batter. Repeat about a million times.
- Football gets my blood going. I live and die with each game. I think the only bad part is my heart is a little weaker each season, just from all the intensity of the games.
- How many playoff games are there in baseball? If you lose one game, it's not big deal; you still have a possibility of 6 more. It just drags and drags and drags. With football, everything is on the line, and this is where stars are born.
- I love bobbleheads, but football does not need promotional give-aways to attract people to the games. People are drawn to stadiums every game day. Almost every game is sold out, and people are waiting out of the stadium in case there are any spare tickets around. How many times are football games blacked out? I'm thinking basically never. Especially in our neck of the woods.
- This is kind of a continuation of reason #12, but it is a valid one, and an issue that needs to be discussed. Jon, the economics major, can back me up on this one. Supply and demand. The price of football tickets may be more, but stadiums are always packed. The demand for football is high, and the supply is low, hence the ticket prices. Besides, just because you can get Twins tickets for under $10, how much are Yankees tickets? Every team charges a different price for their assortment of tickets, and tickets in big markets are high. If you showed up on game day at Yankee stadium, ticket prices range from $10-$80. I know Jeremy only pays $25ish a game to see the Vikings.
- People genuinely care about football; it's evident by the fierce rivalry between the fans of opposing teams. When a Packer Viking game is happening I want to be as far away from Jeremy as possible, and vice versa. Unless he takes me to one of the games at the dome. When the Brewers play the Twins, I don't think anyone even knows it's happening.
- "Play ball," or "ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL?????"
There's a lot more to add, but I think I'll stick to 15 points right now.
I think it's clear, if anyone wants to debate me, I say BRING IT ON! Someone who rose to the challenge? Matt.
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-Sarah Brovan likes to eat Macaroni n Cheese with Peanut Butter