Why Baseball Sucks Compared to Football (Wussy Sport vs. Full Contact Action Sport)

Who cares?
Bobblehead days suck...but are well worth it.
I'm happy when the Twins win, but nothing thrills me more than a Packer victory. Here are my reasons why football is so much more enjoyable and more important than baseball
  1. With 16 games in the season, every game is critical for a football team. Baseball has like 162 games a season, so losing ONE football games is the equivalence of going on an approximate 11 game losing streak in baseball. After that, a person could lose interest.
  2. With football, the most you ever play another team in the regular season is twice. This way you aren't watching the same people play over and over again. If you split a series, who cares?
  3. Baseball has no salary cap, look at the Yankees vs. the Twins. Granted the current Twins are very good, but being a small market team, they can grow the players to Excellency, and then some other team (the Yankees) can offer them so much money it would be impossible to pass up, and thus the smaller team loses out. How many times have the Yankees been to the playoffs and to the World Series in the past 10 years? With the start of each new football season, the Super Bowl is up for grabs for anyone.
  4. Baseball pre-empts all of my favorite shows during their never-ending playoff series. Some of my favorite shows, such as The Simpsons, don't have their season premiere ‘til November, when they should have it in September.
  5. Football gives people a reason to get up on Sundays. I can watch 3 football games on a Sunday and still crave more. Baseball is on every day, there's nothing sacred about that. It just gives people a reason to be tired of it.
  6. When was the last time football players went on strike?
  7. I'll come out and say it, everything that is wrong with sports all starts with the Yankees.
  8. With instant replay, I can feel that for the most part, the right call was called.
  9. Even though football games take longer, they are not boring. We aren't watching some guy, the pitcher, look at 1st base, look at the catcher, shake his head, look at 1st, look at the plate, throw to 1st, get the ball back, look at the catcher, then throw the ball towards the batter. Repeat about a million times.
  10. Football gets my blood going. I live and die with each game. I think the only bad part is my heart is a little weaker each season, just from all the intensity of the games.
  11. How many playoff games are there in baseball? If you lose one game, it's not big deal; you still have a possibility of 6 more. It just drags and drags and drags. With football, everything is on the line, and this is where stars are born.
  12. I love bobbleheads, but football does not need promotional give-aways to attract people to the games. People are drawn to stadiums every game day. Almost every game is sold out, and people are waiting out of the stadium in case there are any spare tickets around. How many times are football games blacked out? I'm thinking basically never. Especially in our neck of the woods.
  13. This is kind of a continuation of reason #12, but it is a valid one, and an issue that needs to be discussed. Jon, the economics major, can back me up on this one. Supply and demand. The price of football tickets may be more, but stadiums are always packed. The demand for football is high, and the supply is low, hence the ticket prices. Besides, just because you can get Twins tickets for under $10, how much are Yankees tickets? Every team charges a different price for their assortment of tickets, and tickets in big markets are high. If you showed up on game day at Yankee stadium, ticket prices range from $10-$80. I know Jeremy only pays $25ish a game to see the Vikings.
  14. People genuinely care about football; it's evident by the fierce rivalry between the fans of opposing teams. When a Packer Viking game is happening I want to be as far away from Jeremy as possible, and vice versa. Unless he takes me to one of the games at the dome. When the Brewers play the Twins, I don't think anyone even knows it's happening.
  15. "Play ball," or "ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL?????" There's a lot more to add, but I think I'll stick to 15 points right now. I think it's clear, if anyone wants to debate me, I say BRING IT ON! Someone who rose to the challenge? Matt.

    Matt's response to this article

-Sarah Brovan likes to eat Macaroni n Cheese with Peanut Butter
question_mark.gifJustin (Guest)
10/14/2003 @ 01:23:47 PM
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shut ur mouth
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question_mark.gifMatt (Guest)
10/14/2003 @ 01:26:05 PM
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nooo ur wrong aseball rules ut football is ok too. dont go around bashin ma sport.
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
10/19/2003 @ 06:52:26 PM
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hah i think they both suck. but yeah football is more interesting.id rather see a guy tackle someone then one smack a ball with a stick.but still...soccer's great!
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question_mark.gifCarissa Neal Estep (Guest)
10/19/2003 @ 09:02:29 PM
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Sitting here watching the World Series and thinking about this page of yours.
Baseball is my favorite sport. football used to be but I dicovered that the violence
was far too outstanding for my taste and therefore I resort to Baseball.
I'm just particularly fond of it for many reasons, but the fact that Rodarigeuz
(catcher for Marlins) is so cute helps.

ANYWAY... if you hate the Yankees as much as everyone else check out this site:


It's awesome!

Carissa Neal Estep
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question_mark.gifsam walker (Guest)
10/21/2003 @ 09:58:15 PM
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i love both sports, but just fyi, i have some comments about some of your reasons
#6- football had a player strike in the mid 80's. when you consider that baseball has been around much longer than the nfl, relatively speaking strikes arent necessarily more common in baseball.

#8- baseball doenst need instant replay. i'd venture to say that umpires are right 99.5% of the time. they are full-time umpires, unlike the part-time refs you see in football.

#4 favorite shows??? i thought you were a sports fan? baseball has been around alot longer than tv and even longer than you favorite shows

#9- fyi, football games dont take longer, they both take about 3hrs

i must say i do agree that all things wrong with sports start with the yanks, and baseball does have its problems with the salary cap. but just as a sport baseball is great and so is football......just some thoughts....peace out
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sarah.jpgSarah - How do you use these things?
10/24/2003 @ 10:04:48 AM
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First off, I would like to say how happy it makes me to see people comment on my articles. Well, ok, just this one, but still. None of the other writers have people they dont know comment on their stories. I realize everyone is entitled to their opinion, and this article is my opinion. Baseball is kind of boring. I have however, been to a few Twins games where the Twins rallied at the bottom of the 9th, and those were a bit exciting. Not as exciting as any down of football, but still entertaining none the less. As for soccer, I cant say it interests me much. There is hardly any scoring and its just people passing a ball back and forth with their feet. But hey, I suppose if youre playing it, thats a whole other thing. Plus Europe and like the rest of the world really dig it, so it cant be that bad. :)
Football is very violent, a lot more than we realize. People break stuff and tear stuff all the time during games, but were just so used to it we hardly think twice about it. We have to remember those are human beings out there who hurt and bleed like the rest of us. Some guys make it more violent than what it has to be, and that I dont agree with at all. (i.e. Warren Sapp and Bill Romonawski) But then again, thats why the players get paid so much, they have to be talented but they also know theres a good chance they could get injured on any play. I personally think Doug Mientkiewicz is cute as far as baseball goes, but to each their own.
Now to counter point some other counter points.
Football may have had a strike in the mid 80s, but I was too young to remember that. I was a big Brewers fan when the strike of 92(?) occurred, and I just stopped caring after that.
I agree that football should implement some full time refs, but the part time ones have got their rule books down pretty darn well. With football though, theres so much action going on at once that sometimes a second or third look doesnt hurt.
Im a football fan more than a sports fan. I watch baseball on occasion, but forget basketball and hockey, no way am I going to sit through that. Fox has owned the rights to the baseball playoffs and World Series for about 100 years, so it kind of sucks that they never show season premieres until late October, early November. Also, Im pretty sure The Simpsons have been on as long as baseball has been around, give or take a few years. Why are they forced to air their Halloween special after Halloween? That just dont make sense G. :) Plus, when the baseball playoffs and World Series are on, other networks feel like they shouldnt compete with those so they show repeats of like Friends and Scrubs, when in reality I think more people would want to see those shows. ESPN also didnt have a Sunday night Football game last Sunday so the World Series wouldnt be out rated by a regular football game.
I am getting my average baseball and football times from an ESPN Page 2 article from awhile back. It was a fake letter by Bud Selig complaining about how he doesnt understand why people like football more than baseball. He said that football games were averaging about 3 hrs and 15 minutes while baseball games were averaging 2 hours and 45 minutes. Obviously those arent the exact numbers, but theyre pretty close, if I ever find the article, Ill put a link to it so you can see.
I still disagree that baseball and football are equals. Theres just no comparison between the two in my opinion. I hope I "answered" everyones thoughts. Thanks for the comments! Sarah
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - How do you use these things?
10/24/2003 @ 10:19:15 AM
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I found it!
Here's the excerpt:
"Length of games: The average major league game lasted two hours and 52 minutes last season. Even my own granddaughter knows the average NFL game now regularly stretches past the three-hour mark. So how come when you complain that baseball games drag on longer than Gene Orza speaking at a union meeting, you never bother to point out that football games last even longer?"
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question_mark.gifralph80@hotmail.com (Guest)
11/29/2003 @ 04:14:34 PM
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football is for people w/ no class
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question_mark.gifbenny (Guest)
12/27/2003 @ 04:09:29 PM
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you are ugly. fuck you
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question_mark.gifjoe (Guest)
12/27/2003 @ 04:25:29 PM
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Actually, the average baseball game lasts only 2 hours compared to a 3 hour football game. Baseball loves kids. They have promotional give aways each week. Baseball parks gives you a feeling that you're welcome.

On football players, didn't Randy Moss assult a police officer with his vehicle?

Baseball isn't boring. Have you ever been to a REAL baseball game? Probobly not.

In the playoffs, baseball teams get more than one shot at the World Series.

If baseball had 16 games, every single park would be filled to the very last seat.

As Ken Harrelson of the Chicago White Sox TV announcing crew would say- "GAS, HE GONE"

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question_mark.gifBob (Guest)
12/27/2003 @ 04:31:20 PM
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No one cares what you think.

If you really want to say somethin to baseball fans, go to http://mlb.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/mlb/fan_forum/index.jsp and go to their message boards and tell them what you really think (which is trash)

ps. you have the face of a horses' ASS!


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question_mark.gifRush Limbaugh (Guest)
12/27/2003 @ 04:44:10 PM
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This is a song that I think you'd sing:

They say that I'm sleaze
An elitist, if you please
Everybody disagrees with my rap (with her rap)
I'm horrendous, I'm appalling
My ratings now are falling
'Cause I'm so full of bull, so full of crap (full of crap)
With condescending cries,
Making money selling lies,
You might say everybody hates my guts (hates her guts)
I'm offensive, I'm a bigot
I'm a fraud - Can you dig it?
I'm a sexist, racist, homophobic, fat, pathetic putz

I'm a nazi (she's a nazi)
That's right, I really am,
'Cause I'm a nazi (she's a nazi)
That's right, you're being scammed

I'm a nazi (she's a nazi)
I don't care about the middle class
'Cause I'm a fat conservative butthead
With the face of a horse's ass
(She's a fat conservative butthead) Hey!
(With the face of a horse's ass)

I have a sub-human figure, a huge rear end
My brain? That's another story (it's quite another story)
I have a face the size of a wash tub
And my ass is as big as Missouri - Yes!
(This bitch is sick, he's a fat, pompous prick,
And her ass is as big as Missouri) Yessiree, Bob!

Manipulating statements, exaggerate the truth,
I can't believe the hate my web page inspires (the hate her page inspires)
It's not just because I'm stupid (oh no)
It's not just because I'm dumb (uh huh)
It's just because baseball haters are liars (those dirty, filthy liars)

I am heartless, I am vain, insensitive, insane
They say that I'm a national disgrace (disgrace)
I am nasty (yes!), insulting (no!), basically revolting (uh huh)
I'm a concentrated pile of human waste (she's human waste)

I'm a nazi (she's a nazi)
(Sieg heil!) I really am
'Cause I'm a nazi (she's a nazi)
That's right, you're being scammed
I'm a nazi (she's a nazi)
I don't care about the middle class
'Cause I'm a sick football lovin sleaze ball
With the face of a horse's ass
(She's a sick Republican sleaze ball) Ho!
(With the face of a horse's ass)

They say that this is not about my vanity
They doubt my sanity
They think I'm nuts (so nuts)
I am a cyst on the ass of humanity (eww!)
New Republican slogan:
"Read My Putz" (read her putz)

From the bowels of Adolf Hitler
Comes the voice of Sarah Brovan, heh heh

'Cause I'm a nazi (she's a nazi)
(Sieg heil!) I really am
'Cause I'm a nazi (she's a nazi)
(Sieg heil!) You're being scammed
I'm a nazi (she's a nazi)
I don't care about the middle class
'Cause I'm a fear mongering scum bag
With the face of a horse's ass
(He's a fat conservative butthead) Hey!
(Sick football lovin sleaze ball) Ha ha!
(Fear mongering scum bag) Ho!
(Egotistical ass wipe) Yes!
(Mean-spirited, hog wallowing, fat, conservative putz)
(With the face... of a horse's ass)

Mega-dildos, Sarah!

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question_mark.gifjonathen (Guest)
12/27/2003 @ 04:46:49 PM
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
12/30/2003 @ 05:34:05 PM
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Apparently Mommy and Daddy bought the five Jones' a computer for christmas. It took them two days to figure out how do set it up, but all of them crowded around it and stumbled onto page 3, probobly searching "Baseball Sucks", then had a contest to see who could out moron the others. Unfortunately for those of us who wasted time to read thier posts, preschool was on vacation on the 27th. I'm not sure what would be sadder a bunch of gay 5 year olds each adding a post or one gay 6 year old pretending to be a group of gay five year olds.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
12/30/2003 @ 06:24:44 PM
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P.S. Boys, it's just an article about why she likes football more than baseball. Not an article bashing baseball per se.
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4718 Posts
12/30/2003 @ 06:41:05 PM
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Well, well. Nice to know we have a diverse readership now a days. To each their own. Not sure why I'm being personally attacked. If people could actually read, they would see some of the comments they posted have already been answered by me in my article or other posts. Apparently I also have to add that baseball fans are mean spirited bleeps who have nothing better to do than make obscene comments on other people's webpages. It's your time I suppose and since this is America you have that right.
I'm not sure why my looks came into play, but hey if you want to attack my personal looks feel free, I do it enough on my own but I could always use help.
Football will always rule in my heart and that's what this article was about, my love of football over baseball. So, once you can become articulate enough to actually have a debate about the better qualities of one sport over another, please feel free to come back. Otherwise, continue plagirizing other people's works to make fun of other people, that really works!
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question_mark.gifTYRONE (Guest)
01/02/2004 @ 12:38:58 PM
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Jeremy, why don't you go back to your gay 5 year olds and tell them not all web sites have "Appropriate" language. And that you should probobly try to monitor what your preschoolers are watching.

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question_mark.gif9 (Guest)
01/02/2004 @ 01:02:23 PM
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Football is the same: The QB hikes the ball, goes 2 yards, trashtalks, defence does the disco and call on cell phones to their mommy, time out offence. Repeat a million times. If you wanted to tell of your love of football, go ahead! But don't critisize another sport that is also popular,it seems that you put another sport down just to make a irrelevent point. It sounded in your page "Wussy sport" and "Who cares" in the World Series picture that you didn't want a debate, you just wanted to deride baseball.
What do you care people like baseball? If you didn't want to be ridiculed, you shouldn't have deprecated a sport in which alot of people world wide watch.
This site isn't for "debate", it's for showing supreriority towards an opposing side of the "arguement".
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Pie Racist
01/02/2004 @ 01:13:03 PM
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While I'm not quite sure either of those posts was in english I'd like to point out that the website didn't have any bad language on it til you morons showed up and had your little giggle contest.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - I believe virtually everything I read.
01/02/2004 @ 11:33:49 PM
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I'm bored right now so I thought I would right some detailed responses to some comments made above.

"Actually, the average baseball game lasts only 2 hours compared to a 3 hour football game."

First off she said football games last longer, so if anything you are proving her point. Secondly I doubt the shortest baseball game of the last 20 or so years was 2 hours long, let alone the average. They are both about 3 hours long. However the difference is that football games are stopped to go to commercial where as baseball games are just naturally that long and commercials can usually be slipped between half innings with no one even noticing a stoppage.

"Baseball loves kids. They have promotional give aways each week. Baseball parks gives you a feeling that you're welcome. "

Football games also have giveaways. They dont need to do it weekly because people dont need to be bribed to come to a football game. Often baseball and football parks are the same park so I dont know where you are getting this "unwelcome" feeling from.

"On football players, didn't Randy Moss assult a police officer with his vehicle?"

No. Traffic Cops are not police officers in Minneapolis. Randy was driving down the street and was waved into the turn lane by the cop, then when he attempted to turn she decided she didnt want him to turn. She then sat on his car. By that time he was trapped in the intersection so slowly rolled as she walked along in front of the car, at some point she fell over. That was all that happened. As it turns out she is a terrible traffic cop. SHE got in trouble for the incident. This wasnt the first time she sat on a car or the first time an incident like this happened to her.

"Baseball isn't boring. Have you ever been to a REAL baseball game? Probobly not. "

Yes, she has. As have I. They dont even come within 500 miles of the atmosphere or excitement that a football game presents. I dont know how the most diehard baseball lover/football hater can even argue with this.

"In the playoffs, baseball teams get more than one shot at the World Series. "

Like this aspect or not it makes it less exciting then the "Sudden Death" NFL style playoffs.

"If baseball had 16 games, every single park would be filled to the very last seat."

Well DUH. Theres the statement of the century. Its simple supply and demand. If you over supply the demand cant keep up. Baseball doesnt have 16 games, so what is your point? If they paid everyone $1000 to come to the games they would sell out too.

"As Ken Harrelson of the Chicago White Sox TV announcing crew would say- GAS, HE GONE"

What does that even mean?

"No one cares what you think.

If you really want to say somethin to baseball fans, go to http://mlb.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/mlb/fan_forum/index.jsp and go to their message boards and tell them what you really think (which is trash)"

I must have missed the memo where reading Page 3 became mandatory. You came here slappy. If you dont want to read stuff on the internet perhaps you should stop going on the internet looking for things to read.

"Jeremy, why don't you go back to your gay 5 year olds and tell them not all web sites have "Appropriate" language. And that you should probobly try to monitor what your preschoolers are watching.


I dont have the slightest idea what any of this is trying to say.

"Football is the same: The QB hikes the ball, goes 2 yards, trashtalks, defence does the disco and call on cell phones to their mommy, time out offence. Repeat a million times. If you wanted to tell of your love of football, go ahead! But don't critisize another sport that is also popular,it seems that you put another sport down just to make a irrelevent point. It sounded in your page "Wussy sport" and "Who cares" in the World Series picture that you didn't want a debate, you just wanted to deride baseball.
What do you care people like baseball? If you didn't want to be ridiculed, you shouldn't have deprecated a sport in which alot of people world wide watch.
This site isn't for "debate", it's for showing supreriority towards an opposing side of the "arguement"."

The center "hikes" the ball.

Yes there is time between plays in Football but stuff still actually happens during that time. It is fun to watch the defenses set up depending on the offenses formation and to guess what is going to happen. Audibles also often take place. This is a far cry from the pitcher shaking his head in response to signs only he can see.

By the way the amount of people watching baseball "worldwide" is no where close to the amount of people watching football.

The World Series games were beat out by CSI in the ratings and an ordinary Monday Night Football game was just barely edged out by the biggest baseball games of the season.

By the way she doesn't care if people like baseball. SHE LIKES BASEBALL. It just isn't as good of a sport as football. No one is upset by the fact that you disagree. However, your attacks were not aimed at her argument or football, they were aimed at her. There is a big difference there.

p.s. The words "Defense" and "Offense" are spelled with Ss
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
01/26/2004 @ 02:55:14 PM
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why the hell do you care, Jeremy?
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
01/26/2004 @ 03:52:02 PM
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Why the hell do I care about what?
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question_mark.gif-------- (Guest)
02/12/2004 @ 10:22:05 PM
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Some chick who has never played football is trying to say why it is so great, when baseball is the best sport
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
02/14/2004 @ 11:05:13 PM
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Remind me why playing a sport would have anything to do with pointing out which sport is the dominant one.
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:14:48 PM
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Because Jeremy, if you actually played the sport, then you can really say if it's boring
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4718 Posts
02/20/2004 @ 04:17:16 PM
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Well, I doubt that you've ever played PROFESSIONAL baseball or football, so you really don't know what you're talking about, or what I'm talking about. I am comparing PROFESSIONAL baseball and football and why I enjoy PROFESSIONAL football more. Sap.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
02/20/2004 @ 04:18:22 PM
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That's not what we're even talking about. I know lots of people enjoy playing golf but would rather shoot themselves than watch it on T.V. Baseball is boring to watch. Besides she has played both so what's your point?
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:18:33 PM
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Jememy, You could see the rules, how to play, and different circumstances of the game if you did play.
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:20:07 PM
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Jeremy, you must be her sister, because you're pretty ugly too
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - So's your face
02/20/2004 @ 04:20:23 PM
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The rules and how to play aren't just given to players. It's not a secret society. Baseball is boring, and that's how I feel about it. I play baseball and football all the time, but that's not my point at all. Sigh.
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:23:02 PM
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:23:27 PM
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lkajldskfjlkajsldl? jkkjjklklj! *sigh*
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:23:55 PM
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Vote 4 Kerry! Bush is an idiot
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:24:09 PM
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question_mark.gifa (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:24:28 PM
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I like to lick my toes
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:24:42 PM
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My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard......
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:24:56 PM
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THis is a giggle contest! HEE HEE
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:25:02 PM
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:25:14 PM
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:25:32 PM
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:25:56 PM
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DEAN is out of the race! Thank God
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4718 Posts
02/20/2004 @ 04:27:00 PM
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Can't understand the english eh? Attacking my looks again eh? Now you're attacking my boyfriend, eh? Cool, baseball fans rule!!!!!!!! The only thing you got right was that Bush is an idiot. He also owned the Texas Rangers. Sweet.
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:27:23 PM
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SIGH. Why won't she understand that football is just for beer and ladies who show their "Jackson" on halftime shows. And when big overweight fat butts fart on each other and knock each other down. Family Fun!
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:27:30 PM
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:27:48 PM
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Where am I?
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:27:56 PM
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question_mark.gifjustin (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:28:12 PM
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This web site sucks
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:28:24 PM
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Who is this Jememeee fag
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:28:50 PM
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Eat your maccaroni and cheese and shut up, Sarah
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:29:31 PM
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No BUSH!! Vote for the green party!

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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:29:48 PM
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:30:13 PM
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Bush went AWOL
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:30:30 PM
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - So's your face
02/20/2004 @ 04:30:33 PM
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Wow, you're right. The Jackson incident was totally related to football. In fact, I heard that they're going to do that for every halftime from here on out. Plus, I have NEVER seen anyone drink a beer at a baseball game. Score another one for you. I bow down to your greatness. Oh yea, don't call me a chick.
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question_mark.gifDUSTY BAKER (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:30:53 PM
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question_mark.gifDubya (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:32:23 PM
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i lick my toes too!
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:32:31 PM
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:32:42 PM
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SOSA corked
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question_mark.gifTim (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:32:52 PM
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pie is good
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:33:11 PM
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Squirrel. It's what you do
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:34:44 PM
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football is boring. A play is 5 seconds and a commercial break every play after.
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:36:56 PM
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Football is 4 showoffs. Spiking the ball, trying to dance like American Idol's William Hung in the end zone, and calling people on their cell phones.
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question_mark.gifWill Hung (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:37:21 PM
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I have had no professional training!
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question_mark.gifJim (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:37:40 PM
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She Bang! She BANG!
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question_mark.gifZac (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:39:03 PM
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Go eat mac n cheese with peanut butter and try to use your small brain with a 12 IQ
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question_mark.gifJoe Higgen (Guest)
02/20/2004 @ 04:39:51 PM
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This page3.com and it's people suck
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4718 Posts
02/20/2004 @ 04:42:21 PM
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Ok, last comment from me. Contrary to your posts, I do not have an IQ of 12. I don't think I could be a senior in college with that IQ. Also, I know more about english than all of you. The correct word is its, not it's. So, if you're going to waste your time spamming our website, at least show some intelligence.
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question_mark.gifHeath (Guest)
02/22/2004 @ 10:23:37 AM
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question_mark.gifRon (Guest)
02/22/2004 @ 10:24:09 AM
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question_mark.gifTom (Guest)
03/04/2004 @ 07:39:14 PM
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SHE BANG! SHE BANG! www.williamhung.net
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Broadcast in stunning 1080i
03/04/2004 @ 07:53:30 PM
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That's the first worthwhile post you have made. =)
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question_mark.gifJames (Guest)
03/20/2004 @ 06:21:37 PM
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I like the way u do it Right Thurr Right Thurr!
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question_mark.gifMike (Guest)
04/01/2004 @ 03:23:27 PM
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You're a flirt till it hurt in a throwback skirt
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question_mark.gifBob (Guest)
04/06/2004 @ 09:04:59 PM
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"Baseball is dull only to those with dull minds." - Red Smith - Sportswriter
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question_mark.gifDon Trump (Guest)
04/14/2004 @ 08:36:33 PM
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Whoever made this page....
You're Fired!(TM)
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question_mark.gifNomedboy (Guest)
04/22/2004 @ 02:44:22 PM
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Baseball does suck. It's boring. The Player's Union is only concerned with one thing: MONEY. And this mentality has rubbed off on the players. There is NO LOYALITY in baseball, players will take off in a heart-beat if means more money. They cry about how much they're worth and demand more and more. They're not nearly doing as much on the field as football players. Football players hit hard and work hard. A career can end in a matter of seconds in football. That's why they get paid what they do, cause they're risking it all for the game they love. Baseball players aren nothing but greedy, steroid hyped up cry babies. Damn, I can't wait til' football season.
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question_mark.gifFootballsgay (Guest)
04/23/2004 @ 01:58:03 PM
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question_mark.gifFOOTBALL SUCKS (Guest)
04/23/2004 @ 02:02:14 PM
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question_mark.gifdan (Guest)
04/23/2004 @ 02:06:14 PM
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baseball kicks ass! Fuck you Bitch
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Pie Racist
04/23/2004 @ 02:47:14 PM
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Yeah, football sure has alot of selfish jerks

Get a life loser.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - How do you use these things?
04/24/2004 @ 04:48:07 PM
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Die hard baseball fans seem to be asses. If anyone wants to argue with me, just check out these posts. GO football! Another point to make: the draft is a weekend event. I don't even know when the baseball draft is. But everyone knows that the football draft is in April.
Why does everyone have to rip on my looks? It doesn't offend me, but it seems kind of low to do so. Since I myself rip on my looks, I guess I shouldn't say anything, but if you ever want to date anyone, I suggest not telling them that they're "fucking ugly." It does not go over well with the ladies.
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question_mark.gifAndrew (Guest)
04/26/2004 @ 12:58:27 PM
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I am a Sox Fan. and trust me, each season is an exciting one! However, compare to football..... it is sitll not close enough. I love my football, baseball....... is just good old summer game to kill my time with.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
04/28/2004 @ 04:38:44 PM
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Baseball has it's hero's too.

Here's some more of the same

Willie Mays too

Sarah and Jeremy, I don't think you too are ugly.

Baseball has different strategy then football. Spending hours watching film isn't necessarily strategy. It can be, but doesn't make it any more involved than scouting a major league hitter. In baseball, the strategy changes on every single pitch. The strategy for a 1-0 count is different for a 1-1 count. Same as football where 1st and 10 is different from 2nd and 7. Once runners are on, things are even more different. Do you know that pitchers actually change their pitching motion when there is a runner on base? Pretty neat, huh. Anywho, I will always be a bigger baseball fan than a football fan, and I love football a lot, so that should tell you how much I love baseball.
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scott.jpgScott - You're going to have to call your hardware guy. It's not a software issue.
04/28/2004 @ 04:39:54 PM
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Where are all the readers coming from?!?
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question_mark.gifMarc (Guest)
05/03/2004 @ 02:01:07 PM
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Is this page for real? Maybe you should spend more time in the kitchen, and unless we're talking about the wnba or figure skating, maybe you should keep your mouth shut. Hook Em'
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sarah.jpgSarah - How do you use these things?
05/03/2004 @ 03:41:40 PM
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Are you serious? Because that's the saddest thing I've ever heard. Are women not allowed to enjoy sports? Last time I checked, I think we were. So I'll continue doing that and you may continue to live in the dark ages.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
05/03/2004 @ 07:43:33 PM
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It's weird how someone acquainted "not liking baseball" with "woman shouldn't write or have opinions about men's sports".

While I disagree with the opinion that football is better than baseball (because it's not), that doesn't make me mad at women for writing about it.
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question_mark.gifMICHAEL (Guest)
05/07/2004 @ 11:58:37 AM
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You have a picture of the Anaheim Angels winning the World Series and you say "who cares". Well let me tell you something i live in Anaheim and that World Series got all of Southern Californias attention and know the Angels average 42,000 a game. It was way more fun than ANY Super Bowl I have seen and all of Anaheim would agree with me. Also you say woman do not like being called "Fucking Ugly" but he probably dosen't have to say that to anyone else because you truly, and I mean truly, a fucking ugly dumbass girl I have met. Also the NFL draft is a crapshoot
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - As Seen On The Internet
05/07/2004 @ 12:43:04 PM
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Well the entire world does revolve around southern california. The Giants-Angels World series got the lowest ratings of any world series game EVER going all the way back to 1968, so it would be safe to say "who cares."

No kidding it would be a big deal in So Cal since BOTH teams are from the area....moron.

Obviously if your a fan of the teams playing it's going to be more exciting. I would be more excited to watch the Twins in the World Series than 2 random teams play the Superbowl, that DOESNT MEAN ANYTHING about which is better.

What draft isn't a crapsshoot?

Lastly what kind of low IQ 2 year old dipshits end arguments with "oh yeah and you're ugly"? I mean really.

She likes baseball, it just isn't 1/10 of the sport football is. Furthermore the World Series isn't 1/10 of the event the Superbowl is. I don't see how you can even argue with that.
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4718 Posts
05/07/2004 @ 02:10:39 PM
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Wow, the Angels/Giants world series was a big deal in Southern California. That should make it a big deal EVERYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD!!!! Did you care as much about the Mets/Yankees world series? Do I care about any of them? Don't be so stuck on yourself just because your from California. The world revolves around more than that small chunk of land that will eventually fall into the ocean.

I chose one picture that showed a team celebrating a world series win and you got all defensive because it showed the Angels? I picked a recent team and for some reason they were a recent team.

I'm really sure that Southern California became one as they watched their two "beloved" team battle it out for the championship. It would be great to hear from ALL of Anaheim though, as I'm sure ALL of them are huge baseball fans and take their baseball as religiously as you do.

I'd insult you in other ways, but somehow I just can't seem to stoop that low, it hurts my back. How does your back handle that, I must find out.
Football forever!

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question_mark.gifNomedboy (Guest)
05/10/2004 @ 11:56:30 AM
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Has anyone read the article about Pro-Baseball in May's edition of Maxim magazine? Fuck, what little respect I had for the MLB is now all gone. I can officially say that Baseball fucking SUCKS!!!!!Baseball is an over-rated, over-exposed pathetic, boring sport. It's become a fucking joke. The AVERAGE salary is $2.4 million, and they still cry for more? The fucking Yankees alone have the highest payroll of ANY pro sports team in THE WORLD. At almost $200 Million, they've completely monopolized the industry, capable of hiring ANY athlete in the game, something NO other team can do without making major sacrifices. On average, Major League Baseball also has some of the HIGHEST ticket prices. The MLB (and the Player's Union) doesn't test for ANY illegal substances. That's why guys like Bonds and Sosa are getting away with CHEATING. They attempt to claim they test for steroids, when in fact they don't. All other Pro sport leagues, including the NCAA and the U.S. Oympic Committee, test for various types of substances including: stimulants, narcotics, and steroids. And I'm sick of hearing the same response from EVERY god-damn baseball player that is given the question about being overpaid and greedy. "Well, the owners make a lot more than us..." THAT'S FUCKING BULLSHIT!!!When I was a kid, I didn't look up to the damn OWNERS, I looked up to the PLAYERS. So, if the owners are connving greedy assholes, the players should be too? The owners aren't roll-models, the players are. The fact of the matter is that with NO salary cap, a loose and corupt drug policy, a fucking greedy Player's Union, the MLB has become nothing but an insult to America's Pastime. Thank you Maxim, for making me HATE baseball even more.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
05/10/2004 @ 08:05:23 PM
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I'll argue whether or not the World Series is better or worse than the Super Bowl. The Super Bowl is a spectacle. There is no doubt about that. Very few sporting events get the kind of attention that the Super Bowl gets. But just because something is popular does not mean that it is good. 'NSYNC was the most popular band in America at one point, but that does not mean that they are a good band.

I'm not arguing for either game here, but it is hard to argue whether one is better than the other. Oh, and wussy? Comparing the two throwing motions. QB's through coming straight back with their arm, while pitchers through with a windmill style. The windmill style throw is about as hard on the human arm as anything in sports. Ever wonder why coaches and doctors are soooo cautious when it comes to shoulder pain? It has nothing to do with wussiness. (I know, I know, football is dangerous too, but football still is second to hockey when it comes to injuries and danger) That's just a comment about that.
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scott.jpgScott - You're going to have to call your hardware guy. It's not a software issue.
05/10/2004 @ 08:10:48 PM
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First, don't trust Maxim. I love baseball, more than football, and the salary cap and drug problem bothers me just as much as it bothers anyone. I wish there was a solution to it. The difference between the 1 and 2 payroll teams in baseball (yankees and red sox) is $65 Million. The difference between number 30 and 5 teams (devil rays and Phillies) is $71 Million. Kind of a big discrepency if you ask me. Something needs to happen.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
05/10/2004 @ 09:33:52 PM
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I have no problem with professional athletes making huge amounts of money. Their sports generate tons of money and people aren't paying to watch the owners.

However something needs to be done to level the playing field in baseball.

As for the world series vs the Superbowl I was actually just referring to the events themselves as events.
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question_mark.gifCarl (Guest)
06/14/2004 @ 02:05:01 PM
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ive played football and baseball.

ive watched football and baseball, both on tv and at venues.

i have never and will never fall asleep watching football, but have done so many times during baseball.

playing and watching are different tihngs, so you can't compare. Some kid who played little league baseball when he was 12 wants to say baseball rules and football sucks. Mom and dad probably didn't sign the release papers.

Either way, shut up. Lets talk about Tennis!

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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
06/24/2004 @ 12:29:21 PM
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"Baseball is dull only to those with dull minds." - Red Smith - Sportswriter

andre aggasi needs to retire.
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
06/24/2004 @ 12:30:23 PM
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
06/24/2004 @ 12:31:09 PM
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"Bobblehead days suck...but are well worth it."

Aren't you contradicting yourself??? Smart one
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
06/24/2004 @ 12:34:42 PM
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if u like baseball why do u say it sucks. if you went to a twins game, no wonder u think baseball sucks. Twins suck. Go White sox.

Congrats to Ken Griffey Jr. On 500 home runs!!!!
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
06/24/2004 @ 12:39:25 PM
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y do u care what people say here jermy? Barry bonds is a MUCH better athlete than Tom Brady, Brett Farve, and Brian Urlacher COMBINED!!!!!! (!!!)

If u really want to "Debate" this IMPORTANT issue", y don't u @ http://mlb.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/mlb/fan_forum/index.jsp
than you can really tell them exactly why baseball sucks if this means so much to your pathetic excuse for a life.

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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
06/24/2004 @ 05:33:38 PM
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The article is about how baseball sucks COMPARED TO FOOTBALL, learn to read.

Bobblehead days are a pain, but the bobbleheads are worth the effort. How is that a contradiction in your mind?

There's nothing to debate in my mind, football is the better sport. Why would I go to the MLB board to expect an honest debate? How about you go to www.prolife.org and try to get a fair discussion about abortion going? Moron. This is a perfect "non partisan" place to have a debate, but the only one who seems to feel she is wrong is you and "You're ugly" isn't exactly a strong case for why baseball is better.

Barry Bonds is probably as athletic as baseball players get and he could barely hold Favres old broken down jock, let alone those of the younger guys. There arent a lot of players in the majors athletic enough to play football because if they are they play football. Athletic is a somewhat ambiguous term anyway but if youre talking speed edge to football, power/strength edge to football, agility edge to football, in what way would the average starting baseball player be a better athlete than even a third string NFL player? If you think Bonds is a better athlete than 3 football players you have to have a reason. (Never mind the fact that one of the players you listed is a middle linebacker which, maybe second to cornerbacks, have to be amongst the best athletes in any major sports leagues. I mean what kind of athletics is needed in baseball where 99% of the game is standing? In football, hockey, and basketball players are always on the go and all almost all of those people are better athletes than baseball players. (Note: I'm not even talking about dead time, even during "live action" the players stand in their position on d, or stand in the batters box, or stand on base.)
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2887.gificbizzle - Who controls the past now controls the future
06/24/2004 @ 07:26:56 PM
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You are way over the line here J-unit. Just because the actual playing of a game of baseball requires less total physical activity than a game of football, doesn't mean that the majority of baseball players are athletically inferior creatures. Baseball players workout and lift weights and do speed training too. Sure there are players who probably wouldn't make it around the bases twice, but there are also players (SPod) who could outrun an awful lot of football players. The least athletic football players are probably the kickers. The least athletic baseball players are um..not really sure, but they are probably more athletic than any kicker. Sure on average football players are probably more overall athletic than the average baseball player, but if they did some sort of decathlon thing I bet it would pretty even.
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - Nutcan.com's MBL
06/25/2004 @ 08:11:05 AM
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A few points to set everybody straight.

1. As we learned in My Article Baseball is clearly the better sport.

2. Barry Bonds is not the best athlete in Baseball...maybe he was back in the mid '90s, but not today.

3. Comparing the athleticism of players in different sports it stupid and a waste of time. Different sports have different skill sets needed to play them. While being "athletic" usually can't hurt, if you can't hit/pitch a baseball or dribble/shoot a basketball you probably won't be a superstar in those sports.

4. Besides, Decathletes are obviously the best overall athletes in the world. Followed by Hockey players.

5. Drew Hensen will probably be the starting QB for the Cowboys in the next 2 years.....He tried and failed at Baseball first.

6. Joe Mauer gave up a football scholarship at FSU to play baseball. (If he didn't sign with the Twins, he would probably be Bobby Bowden's starting QB by now.
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
06/25/2004 @ 02:59:48 PM
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payton manning $42 million per year compared to Alex rodriguex $26 mill. who plays more? 162 games compared to not even 36???
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question_mark.gifmike (Guest)
06/25/2004 @ 03:00:24 PM
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drew henson quit baseball b/c football is easier
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
06/26/2004 @ 02:22:27 PM
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i didn't even mean players switching late in their careers, i meant more like "growing up." Case and point, i bet we can all name the quarterback for our high school football teams, unless you were on the baseball team i doubt you could name the "ace" picther from your high school baseball team.

p.s. What matt said about comparing different sport's athletes is what I meant when I said it's ambiguous. Obviously baseball players can hit a baseball farther than football players and football players can tackle better than baseball players. What I was trying to do was say if you referred to someone who played no sports as athletic what would you mean by that and everything I could think of football players had the edge on.

pps There is no way that playing QB is easier than being a baseball pitcher. Assuming you have the arm for either. Pitchers are told what to do from the moment they warm up to the moment they sitdown. QB's actually have to make split second decisions avoiding 11 people THEN make the throw. Comparing those two positions is laughable.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
06/26/2004 @ 02:29:11 PM
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ppps payton makes 99 mil over 7 years, not 42 mil a year, that would be like half the teams cap. Plus football contracts mean nothing.
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newalex.jpgicbizzle - 3619 Posts
06/26/2004 @ 07:47:32 PM
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My high school didn't have a football team, but I can name the "ace" from the baseball team (although I did play baseball so I guess I'm disqualified). Not that I necessarily disagree with your point, but your arguments for QB vs. P are lame. First of all, QB's don't really have to avoid 11 people. Even if you're playing Madden and pick FG block for a defensive play, there's always at least 1 guy hanging back. Secondly, I thought we were talking about athletic ability not mental ability. QBs obviously have to be much better at quick decisions: reading the defense, calling audibles, deciding who to throw to. However, their are many fine points to pitching. Now unless you really like baseball, people don't care about the fine points which is why they find it boring. But pitchers have to worry about runners on the bases, make sure they aren't tipping there pitches, and things like that. Although catchers generally call the pitches, pitchers can shake them off and of course they actually get to throw the ball so they can throw it wherever. Psyically, both positions require a strong arm. However, QBs basically just have to launch the football more or less the same way every time. Throwing nasty curveballs, splitters, sliders, knuckballs, and changeups is not as easy as just throwing fast balls 9 times out of 10.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
06/26/2004 @ 10:03:35 PM
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Well anyone not trying to sack the quarterback is covering a person that the QB has to avoid when they make the throw...sooooooooooo, you're a moron.

Yes there are multiple pitches, but not all pitchers need a full arsenal. All I meant was comparing the ability to hold a baseball/snap your wrist in different ways with the 7 million things a QB has to take into consideration is rediculous.
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - 3991 Posts
06/27/2004 @ 11:39:15 AM
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What I was trying to do was say if you referred to someone who played no sports as athletic what would you mean by that and everything I could think of football players had the edge on.

Jeremy - I'm curious what you're "athletic factors" were and why you think that football players have an edge in them.

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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - Ombudsman
06/27/2004 @ 11:41:11 AM
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crap... your, not you're
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - I hate our freedoms
06/27/2004 @ 02:47:06 PM
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Things like speed, strength, and agility.
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - Washington Bureau Chief
06/27/2004 @ 04:10:16 PM
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And what makes those exclusive to football players?
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
06/27/2004 @ 04:30:37 PM
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Who said anything about being exclusive?
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question_mark.gifSimone (Guest)
10/06/2007 @ 03:19:18 PM
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I agree that sometimes it seems ridiculous how many baseball games there are... just about every day and several shots in playoffs. However, the outcome of a single baseball game does not really prove which is the better team. Baseball games can definitely be won with luck. You can have a lucky game but its harder to have a lucky series. Therefore I think its necessary to have a series of games to be able to say without a doubt that the winner of the series is the better team. The other reason a series is necessary is because a baseball team consists of a fleet of pitchers... not just a single pitcher. So you need more than one game to measure the talent of the fleet of pitchers on both teams against eachother.
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scott.jpgScott - Get Up! Get outta here! Gone!
10/06/2007 @ 03:55:34 PM
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Well said, Simone.
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scott.jpgScott - No, I did not change your screen saver settings
10/06/2007 @ 04:06:29 PM
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After reading through this article again, most of Sarah's arguments in favor of football are a) the same argument I would use for why baseball is better or b) opinions that simply differ from person to person. The fact that baseball is on every day during the summer is why I enjoy it more than football. Who would have thought that people actually like watching their sport more than 1 time per week. The fact that baseball plays 162 games vs football's 16 takes the debate of who's actually better out of the question. After 162 games, even a 1 game difference is enough to prove that your team is better simply because of the volume of games that determined that outcome. 16 games is a rather small sample size, so the debates always linger (debates are usually fun, but baseball gets done on the field what football gets done next to the water cooler).
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10/06/2007 @ 05:48:02 PM
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anyone see the yankees vs indians game or the red sox vs angels game, those games prove that baseball isn't boring.

its just those late september kansas city-tampa bay games that make it boring, when the game means something its pretty exciting.

Go Dbacks!
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10/06/2007 @ 05:57:05 PM
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one more thing too add, even with no salary cap small market baseball teams can compete with the big boys, look at arizona and colorado rank near the bottom in payroll yet both are in the playoffs and doing well
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scott.jpgScott - Ma'am, can you make sure your computer is turned on?
10/06/2007 @ 07:34:07 PM
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Also, when it comes rivalries, saying that baseball has no rivalries because nobody cares about the Twins-Brewers rivalry is just rediculous. The Yankees-Red Sox rivalry is about as fierce a rivalry as there is in all of sports. It puts the Packers/Vikings rivalry to shame in terms of vitrial between the fans. When Johnny Damon left the Red Sox to play for the Yankees, Red Sox fans equated him to Benedict Arnold. When Darren Sharper and Ryan Longwell left for the Vikings, part of me actually wanted the Vikings to do good because I liked those guys. Rivalries in baseball are just as real as they are in football, and because the teams now play up to 17 or 18 times in a season, the rivalries can be even more heated in baseball.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
10/06/2007 @ 07:42:40 PM
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Scott Wrote - 10/06/2007 @ 04:06:29 PM
After reading through this article again, most of Sarah's arguments in favor of football are a) the same argument I would use for why baseball is better or b) opinions that simply differ from person to person. The fact that baseball is on every day during the summer is why I enjoy it more than football. Who would have thought that people actually like watching their sport more than 1 time per week. The fact that baseball plays 162 games vs football's 16 takes the debate of who's actually better out of the question. After 162 games, even a 1 game difference is enough to prove that your team is better simply because of the volume of games that determined that outcome. 16 games is a rather small sample size, so the debates always linger (debates are usually fun, but baseball gets done on the field what football gets done next to the water cooler).

You expected something Sarah wrote to be a fact-based, rational, argument categorically proving why one sport was better than the other?

Simone Wrote - 10/06/2007 @ 03:19:18 PM
Therefore I think its necessary to have a series of games to be able to say without a doubt that the winner of the series is the better team. The other reason a series is necessary is because a baseball team consists of a fleet of pitchers... not just a single pitcher. So you need more than one game to measure the talent of the fleet of pitchers on both teams against each other.

That isn't the case at all. It's fair to say the best team is more likely to emerge out of a series than one game, but to say "without a doubt" is over reaching. The pitchers argument has nothing to do with anything as an argument of football vs baseball.

jthompto Wrote - 10/06/2007 @ 05:57:05 PM
one more thing too add, even with no salary cap small market baseball teams can compete with the big boys, look at arizona and colorado rank near the bottom in payroll yet both are in the playoffs and doing well

The fact that small market teams occasionally get 1-2 year windows to make runs doesn't prove there isn't a flaw in the system. The big market teams are in play every year. Do you think the Yankees would have the problem of resigning one of the best center fielders in the game? Do you think they would have to factor in losing the best pitcher in the game if they don't look like they are trying to put a team together. Yes almost every year some small market team comes along to get into the playoffs, and even might go in favored to go pretty far. That doesn't change the fact that that team likely wasn't there the year before and likely wont be in the playoffs 1-2 years later.
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question_mark.gifLife Owner (Guest)
05/05/2008 @ 02:12:44 PM
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Your fucking garbage foot ball is just some couple of dumb wanna be jocks who think their stronger then everybody else go fuck yourself retard.Even if I play baseball I'am sure I can still kick youe ass
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
05/05/2008 @ 02:42:47 PM
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Sweet Baby Jesus. I weep for the future if "Life Owner" is what our education system is churning out. It would be harder to pack more errors into that sentence. I hope it was a joke.
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
05/05/2008 @ 02:47:15 PM
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Wow - lay off the meth buddy.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - What the F@#$ am I being arrested fo?
05/05/2008 @ 02:47:47 PM
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Given that the rant is based on Football, I assume that LIfe Owner is a soccer or rugby fan, which means they are not from the US. Also, since s/he says "your... foot ball" this only cements my assumption.

Also, since the majority of the world speaks little or no English, I would assume that is the reason their post is rife with typos and poor grammar. Atleast I hope so.

Life Owner- (hey wait, are you saying you have a life and we don't? You're right!) turn up your speakers and click this link: http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/youare
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Carlos44ec screwed with this at 05/05/2008 2:51:55 pm
fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Cube Phenomenoligist
05/05/2008 @ 02:53:16 PM
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I don't know how much of a life he can have, given he googled "BASEBALL SUCKS" (in caps I assume to help find the people who were extra adamant about it) to find articles for the sole purpose of telling the author they're retarded.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
05/05/2008 @ 02:54:11 PM
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BASEBALL does not suck. I've always been a little pissed at Sarah for this article anyway.
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flower .jpgPackOne - Well use me, use me, 'caus you ain't that average groupie.
05/05/2008 @ 07:46:58 PM
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Jeremy Wrote - 05/05/2008 @ 02:53:16 PM
I don't know how much of a life he can have, given he googled "BASEBALL SUCKS" (in caps I assume to help find the people who were extra adamant about it) to find articles for the sole purpose of telling the author they're retarded.

I am going to guess, that this was a rogue poster, directed here accidentally, during a Facebook experiment last night. I have no proof but I'd take a stab at that theory.
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2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
05/05/2008 @ 07:57:31 PM
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If you printed this out and put it on your wall it would be a rogue poster

[Click to Enlarge]
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flower .jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
05/05/2008 @ 08:00:09 PM
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Isn't that the picture when you got your magical horse riding abilities, in turn saving whatever planet that horse is from?
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jacobpeterdad.jpgbozz_2006 - 29 Posts
05/05/2008 @ 10:21:41 PM
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baseball gets me through until football season. Baseball = methadone
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - Knuckle Sammich
05/06/2008 @ 07:38:20 AM
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I like this Bozz kid. Stick around a while, will ya? Football season on the 'Can gets interesting.
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question_mark.gifGuest (Guest)
05/07/2008 @ 04:17:31 AM
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Jeremy Wrote - 05/05/2008 @ 02:53:16 PM
I don't know how much of a life he can have, given he googled "BASEBALL SUCKS" (in caps I assume to help find the people who were extra adamant about it) to find articles for the sole purpose of telling the author they're retarded.

Jeremy, Jeremy, do you not pay attention?

Life Owner wasn't "telling the author they're retarded" as you state.

S/he said, "go [bleep] yourself retard"

So, s/he was looking for someone to call a retard.

BUT, as we know:
"You don't call retarded people retards. It's bad taste. You call your friends retards when they are acting retarded. And I consider Oscar a friend." - Michael Scott

I assume Life Owner would never say something in bad taste, therefore I can only conclude that s/he was not calling Sarah retarded, but was actually using a term of endearment toward her. S/he considers Sarah a friend.
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - What the F@#$ am I being arrested fo?
05/07/2008 @ 07:50:37 AM
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I assume that you are either Life Owner or a friend of Life Owner. Would I then be able to call you a retard? Maybe I don't get the logic, or maybe I get it all too well.
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flower .jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
05/07/2008 @ 08:25:29 AM
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I don't think The Office is really where I would pull philosophy from.
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question_mark.gifBelgian waffels (Guest)
05/30/2008 @ 04:57:18 AM
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you americans are stupid,both 'football' and baseball suck,I have NASN and ESPN and get sooo bored watchin baseball,you should try real sports like football(soccer)
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question_mark.gifBelgian waffels (Guest)
05/30/2008 @ 04:59:04 AM
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(I'm European)
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
05/30/2008 @ 01:24:58 PM
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Well that makes it okay then.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - As Seen On The Internet
05/30/2008 @ 03:41:13 PM
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Belgian waffels Wrote - 05/30/2008 @ 04:57:18 AM
you americans are stupid,both 'football' and baseball suck,I have NASN and ESPN and get sooo bored watchin baseball,you should try real sports like football(soccer)

You came to an article which is largely about how boring baseball is to watch to "insult" us Americans about how boring you think it is, then you call US stupid?
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scott.jpgScott - If you aren't enough without it, you'll never be enough with it.
05/31/2008 @ 08:17:30 AM
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Especially since soccer trumps all sports for the boredom factor (even televised golf).
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
06/02/2008 @ 09:27:39 AM
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I prefer to watch televised football, then baseball, soccer, golf, hockey. In that order.

If it's live, it's already awesome.

You're European? That means you automatically have a right to look down on us? Congratulations for being a prick.
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question_mark.gifAmy (Guest)
06/28/2008 @ 04:50:20 PM
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I agree- baseball is boring! It is not even a sport. It's a nice little pastime, fun to play with friends, but true sports require taking real physical risks, total fitness, and finesse of MANY skills. I know soccer may not be understood by all, and for those who don't play, could be boring to watch, but for the rest of us who play, we know what it takes. Soccer players are the true athletes.
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newalex.jpgAlex - 3619 Posts
06/28/2008 @ 06:05:51 PM
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Not to bash soccer because I like it too, but mostly you run and kick the ball which is 2 skills. Baseball you to run, hit and/or pitch, and field so that's at least 3 skills. So that part of your point doesn't really make sense.
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question_mark.gifJeff (Guest)
06/28/2008 @ 11:32:37 PM
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Rearranging your nuts and spitting tobacco are also critical skills. So, now you have five!
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question_mark.gifGeorgia (Guest)
06/29/2008 @ 09:28:27 AM
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The gals and I used to play baseball at our retirement community for active adults. But then we got bored and wanted a challenge. So now we play tiddlywinks, shuffleboard, and...wait...where the hell are my teeth?! Henrietta, you trickster, you!
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question_mark.gifsHIT (Guest)
07/07/2008 @ 06:23:39 AM
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baseball sucks! not only when you compare it to football (which sucks itself) but also when you compare it to having your fingers cut off with a blunt rusty knife.
Baseball sucks almost as hard as Golf and Auto Racing.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
07/07/2008 @ 11:13:11 AM
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I love anonymous guests. They're a valued addition to the Nutcan Community!

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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
07/07/2008 @ 07:41:06 PM
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This thread rules. I really regret using it to make a point.
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question_mark.gifwilliam (Guest)
10/11/2008 @ 07:56:36 AM
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i really doubt that any sport is better than the other,they are just sports,personally i like football,but if someone wants to like baseball,does it really matter.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
10/11/2008 @ 02:31:19 PM
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William, you obivously don't understand how this site works. There are always at least two very distinct camps to every topic, both of which think the other side is completely irrational in their arguments.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
10/12/2008 @ 03:54:11 PM
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Scott Wrote - Yesterday @ 02:31:19 PM
William, you obivously don't understand how this site works. There are always at least two very distinct camps to every topic, both of which think the other side is completely irrational in their arguments.

I demand you hear my rebuttal, which is 180* from yours.
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
10/14/2008 @ 01:11:34 PM
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This topic is a magnet for rogue posters.
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question_mark.gifBaseball sucks (Guest)
02/21/2009 @ 08:09:24 PM
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Baseball is the most boring sport it should not be americas past time there is no action if you like it then you dont know what a sport is. Football is a great sport it is raw its a real mans sport

Buffalo bills #1
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
02/21/2009 @ 10:46:36 PM
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I like how you slipped one lone punctuation in there, as if to say, "Yeah, that's right world, I know it exists. I choose not to use it."
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - "Always remember that you are unique. Just like everybody else."
02/22/2009 @ 08:23:40 PM
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Anonymous guests have no opinions.
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
02/22/2009 @ 08:24:23 PM
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Baseball sucks Wrote - Yesterday @ 08:09:24 PM
Football is a great sport it is raw its a real mans sport

Raw... with all those rules, regulations, penalties and fines. Good game, slapnuts.
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sarah.jpgSarah - How do you use these things?
02/22/2009 @ 08:57:29 PM
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My articles... the gifts that keep on giving...
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reign_of_fire.jpgMicah - 584 Posts
02/23/2009 @ 08:34:42 AM
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Carlos44ec Wrote - Yesterday @ 09:24:23 PM
Baseball sucks Wrote - 02/21/2009 @ 09:09:24 PM
Football is a great sport it is raw its a real mans sport

Raw... with all those rules, regulations, penalties and fines. Good game, slapnuts.

Please don't say raw...
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
02/23/2009 @ 10:09:55 AM
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Are you gonna channel ODB and go Shimmy Shimmy Ya on us?
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question_mark.gifnutsaxontonsils (Guest)
03/24/2009 @ 04:56:32 AM
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alright here we go football is better then baseball although i do consider it a sport it just barely cracks the boundary of being a sport let alone a team sport. football is more athletic and physical its more team orientated some might argue the skill in baseball is timing, eye coordination and ball speed-control. i assure you football has all that and much more and has many players working on similar tasks at the same time where in baseball its all about hitter and pitcher meanwhile 98% of the rest of the field is just positioned and waiting. if your a baseball fanatic your pretty much brain consumed with about 160 games a year and each team playing 5 games a week for 6 months you just might be helping some secret organization succeed on a world government and banking system just maybe you never know.
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reign_of_fire_150.jpgMicah - 584 Posts
03/24/2009 @ 07:31:14 AM
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It really makes my day every 3 months when some illiterate moron (albeit one with a pretty sweet name) posts on this page. I want Life Owner back.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - I believe virtually everything I read.
03/24/2009 @ 10:27:56 AM
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I know, I really don't understand it. I get that the "inner circle" of frequent/regular visitors is mostly a smart, well educated, lot, so in comparison the average Joe is probably dumber. I also get that there's a certain amount of "peer pressure" so-to-speak, because we call each other out on the most minor of typos. What I don't get is why virtually all posts from the random population are complete gibberish. The occasional punctuation free post should be expected. You're/Your and Their/There/They're errors I can live with. (Although I have to say that this isn't affect vs effect where the rules are muddy. The usage is clear, and, I thought, beat into your head as a 9 year old.) Those things do add to the difficulty of processing the post, but even overlooking errors, most of these posts are just nonsense. Even if you edited the post to contain no/fewer errors, most of them still don't contain a coherent thought, or a point of any kind.

nutsaxontonsils Wrote - Today @ 04:56:32 AM
Alright, here we go. Football is better then baseball. Although I do consider it a sport, it just barely cracks the boundary of being a sport, let alone a team sport. Football is more athletic and physical. It's more team orientated. Some might argue the skill in baseball is timing, eye coordination, and ball speed-control. I assure you football has all that, and much more, and has many players working on similar tasks at the same time. Where, in baseball, it's all about hitter and pitcher. Meanwhile, 98% of the rest of the field is just positioned and waiting. If you're a baseball fanatic you're pretty much brain consumed. With about 160 games a year, and each team playing 5 games a week, for 6 months, you just might be helping some secret organization succeed on a world government and banking system. Just maybe, you never know.

Edit: Also, even if we conceded the point about every non batter/pitcher being "just positioned and waiting" that would only be, at best 85% of the players, and at worst 80%, "doing nothing."
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Jeremy edited this 2 times, last at 03/24/2009 10:45:45 am
newalex.jpgAlex - Refactor Mercilessly
03/24/2009 @ 12:49:52 PM
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There's nothing to conceded, it's a ridiculous statement.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
03/24/2009 @ 12:55:59 PM
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Well, sure, I just meant that the only way 98% of the players were not the batter or pitcher is if there were 100 players on the field, which would be a crazy game.
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question_mark.gifEaton B. Ver (Guest)
05/16/2009 @ 12:31:22 PM
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This chick is a complete moron. You are comparing apples to oranges for fan appreciation. I love both baseball and football, but I don't try to make comparisons as to which I like better. You have to be a true fan of baseball to watch and understand a game on tv (the experience is so much greater when you are at the ball park). If you don't like baseball then so be it. Don't try to make wacky opinions and assumptions in regards to how football is better.

I can say this much, from an economic standpoint I would encourage an athlete to play professional baseball over football if they were talented for both sports and given that opportunity. A professional career in mlb is about six seasons vs. 3-1/2 in the nfl for an average player. Average salaries in mlb are greater than in the nfl. The probability of being handicapped or mamed after playing days are over is huge for nfl players; obviously because the nature of the game.
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reign_of_fire_150.jpgMicah - 584 Posts
05/16/2009 @ 01:13:47 PM
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Listen if you're going to come in here and argue you better at least get a name that's better than the current favorite, nutsaxontonsils. Eaton B. Ver is so 1998. You really have to be a true fan of clever sexual internet handles to appreciate the layers and understand the methods of creation.
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question_mark.gifDO-NOT-FUCK-WITH-ME (Guest)
05/16/2009 @ 09:05:47 PM
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different strokes for different folks its that simple... some ppl hate baseball some ppl hate football who gives a gently caress? at the end of the day whatever YOU like thats your own gently caressing business this topic is totally senseless...
put a dick in your ear & gently caress what you heard* uggh
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - Since 1980!
05/20/2009 @ 05:28:38 PM
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why post such an idiot comment?

Winner- the language filter (for guests)!
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question_mark.gifBryan (Guest)
08/23/2009 @ 12:45:36 PM
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Here is the bottom line that baseball fans cant and wont admit. Baseball is our national pastime, However it is no longer our national sport Football is. You cant even compare the world series and the super bowl now. Back in the day you could, not anymore. And guess what, this whole steroid era thing...doesn't help the cause baseball fans, for bringing the sport back to prominence.
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jon.jpgJon - 1000000 posts (and counting!)
08/23/2009 @ 09:55:17 PM
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Bryan Wrote - Today @ 12:45:36 PM
Here is the bottom line that baseball fans cant and wont admit. Baseball is our national pastime, However it is no longer our national sport Football is. You cant even compare the world series and the super bowl now. Back in the day you could, not anymore. And guess what, this whole steroid era thing...doesn't help the cause baseball fans, for bringing the sport back to prominence.

Funny thing, in all the years this article has been on here, I don't think I've ever posted a comment.

Anyway, this comment from bryan seems pretty typical of a lot of non-baseball fans. Except here's the thing: it's basically meaningless. Football is more popular. Everyone knows that. Fine. I think baseball is way better than football. But I know football is more popular. The only thing I "can't and won't admit" is that its popularity somehow means it's better in any way shape or form.

Personally, I think we're at a point culturally where you'd almost have a better argument that the mass popularity of football is an argument against it's quality. I don't think it's a great argument, but it's probably just as valid. Have you seen what's popular in the entertainment industry these days? There's a lot of good stuff, but there's an equal amount of absolute crap that everyone loves. (And plenty of so-so stuff too, by the way.) Personally, I'm not ready to anoint Lady GaGa as a national treasure just yet, no matter how many #1 hits she has. I could go on, but I think we all get the picture.

For me, football is like American Idol. I like football. I like American Idol. Both of them are #1 in popularity and have been for years. But I like baseball more and like a bunch of other shows more too. The fact that the Nielson ratings don't agree doesn't really keep me up at nights.
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Jon messed with this at 08/23/2009 9:58:31 pm
vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - Tater Salad?
08/24/2009 @ 07:44:24 AM
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I've been trying to get into soccer recently. I saw a Manchester Utd. versus [team I'd never heard of before] and was greatly amused- for fifteen minutes.
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question_mark.gifFootball Fanatic (Guest)
10/29/2009 @ 07:11:48 PM
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yeaa dude ur 100% correct who the f*** wants to watch some try to either hit a ball or strike out.. oo thats real hard hit a ball in a litttle tight space, when u know ur about to catch the ball across the middle and have the all american line backer hit you so hard and break your shoulder and still catch the ball for a 1st down, thats football right there baseball fans (I love homosexualss)
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question_mark.gifFootball Fanatic (Guest)
10/29/2009 @ 07:18:17 PM
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hunchbacks are nice
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
11/04/2009 @ 07:55:05 AM
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only two months and 6 days between random (nobody) comments? It's picking up!
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question_mark.gifcritter (Guest)
02/04/2010 @ 09:10:38 AM
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first off this whole thing should be "why i think baseball sucks" no why baseball sucks. everyone has a different opinion.

1. two different and yes more things happen in 162 games compare to 16 games. Football players would never be able to last 162 games.

2. you watch same people over and over in football as well. that does not mean it ends the same at all. You want to win a series most baseball games are 3 game series you want to take the series. its important aspect of it.

3. There has been talk last few years about slary cap in baseball, yet the rays go to the playoffs without having large some of money so your point at the moment has no meaning

4. football does the exact same thing. nice try. its all about making money $$$$$$$

5.It never game me a reason to get up on sunday nor do i care i can't stand football and i think its one of the most boring sports on planet earth. other than golf. Nothing scared in baseball how about 90 fastball at someone head? how about a brawl? yea it does not happen much but yes there things to be scared and its not the same.

6. when was last time baseball players when on strike?

7. cause one team everyone wrong with all sports? I don't like yankees but that makes no sense.

8. instant replay is in baseball only limited to foul/fair/fan interference home run calls. that is it. Baseball is a judgment call and if you take that away it take 6 hrs just for a game to end.

9. your telling me there not boring but yet there are. ok well in football you look and huddle and check.... yet grown men getting dog pile on look great with hd...

10. baseball gets my blood and enjoyment going just cause football does that to you does not make it the same to everyone else. learn to understand this part.

11. actually its harder than you think. you act like 162 games do nothing to you. yea you loose one game you have a chance to come back. you can loose three games and still come back. in a 7 game series in 5 games series you can only lose so many.

12. nor do baseball but its extra and it helps get more money out there. yet there plenty things that bring people out to football. cooking out in parking lot, beer etc.... Baseball is black out for mlb reasons not tv reasons.

13. all ticket prices go up and down with all sports this is how they make some of there money.

14. wrong wrong wrong wrong. there more you just pick a national team and American league team to try to prove you point. How about try doing something with rivals like red sox vs yankees something seem to happen almost all the time.

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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - The pig says "My wife is a slut?"
02/04/2010 @ 10:02:06 AM
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(Isn't the "why I think" part implied? She's not the czar of public opinions. Also, she loves baseball, these are just her reasons why she thinks it's worse than football.)

1) Well, we're talking about 2 different body types in many cases. Lots of football players would be able to play 162 baseball games, but probably less so vise-versa. More importantly, you missed the point. She's saying the games matter more in football because they are a larger percentage of your season. If you started off 0-4 in football you'd have a huge hole to climb out of. If you started off 0-4 in baseball it wouldn't be that big of a deal at all.

2) You play teams in your division twice. That's hardly the same thing.

3) Yeah, and the Rays needed a magical "lighting in a bottle" season to get there once. They finished 19 games out of first, and 11 out of the wild card this year. In the 2000's the Yankees only DIDN'T make the playoffs once, and that was viewed as a spectacular failure on their end. They went to 4 World series in 9 years, and won 2.

4) No, not really.

5) Epic fail.

7) She said the Yankees represent everything that's wrong with sports, not that every sport is somehow tainted because the Yankees exist.

8) AFAIK there was no instant replay at all when this was written. There are so many natural stoppages in baseball it probably wouldn't take any longer than it does now if plays were just reviewed by an additional ump in the booth. (Though, granted probably not every ball and strike, but that's not really the point.

9) There's dead time in every sport, but if you're trying to make the point that baseball is played at the same "pace" as football, you're crazy.

10) Did she call you up and tell you that you weren't allowed to think differently?

11) And how many games can you lose in a one game series?

12) I think this is a stupid point on both sides.

13) Their.

14) First off, this was a little tongue-in-cheek. It's a big deal when the Brewers and Twins play, it's not 1/1000th of the Packer/Viking rivalry (though you get the sense Brewer fans want to think it is, for some reason. I suspect they dislike all the ass-kickings.) Obviously baseball has rivalries, but they're no where near as vicious/rowdy as football rivalries. I'm not sure that's a compliment/pro for football, but it's true.
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Jeremy messed with this 4 times, last at 02/04/2010 11:33:21 am
face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
02/04/2010 @ 11:14:16 AM
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so... blogs are typically based on actual fact- and not the bloggers opinion? Good LORD have I been doing this wrong!
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
02/04/2010 @ 11:16:12 AM
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on second read-through of the post... ENGRISH!
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4718 Posts
02/04/2010 @ 08:37:46 PM
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I don't even think this article is applicable anymore. Do I dare say I love baseball more than football now? Although why am I saying this? This Sarah Brovan girl should come back and comment on this article, see how she feels about it now.
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scott.jpgScott - If you aren't enough without it, you'll never be enough with it.
02/05/2010 @ 09:01:53 AM
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Sarah Wrote - Yesterday @ 09:37:46 PM
I don't even think this article is applicable anymore. Do I dare say I love baseball more than football now? Although why am I saying this? This Sarah Brovan girl should come back and comment on this article, see how she feels about it now.

I've thought this for a while now.
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question_mark.gifJD (Guest)
03/14/2010 @ 09:29:01 PM
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Sarah, you said it perfectly. I couldn't of said it more perfect. I'm a Eagles fan, an a bangwangon Phillies fan and I'll tell you it killed me not that the Phillies lost the World Series, it was watching 6-7 games of the same thing over, and over and over.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - ...and Bob's your Uncle!
03/17/2010 @ 08:22:22 AM
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LET'S GET SOME BASEBALL ACTION GOING! my sports widget is d-e-d- ded!
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4718 Posts
03/17/2010 @ 07:06:07 PM
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JD Wrote - 03/14/2010 @ 09:29:01 PM
Sarah, you said it perfectly. I couldn't of said it more perfect. I'm a Eagles fan, an a bangwangon Phillies fan and I'll tell you it killed me not that the Phillies lost the World Series, it was watching 6-7 games of the same thing over, and over and over.

I read this the first day it was posted and now re-reading it, it actually makes sense, I thought he was writing the exact opposite of what he meant. It doesn't make sense though b/c baseball is now awesome! Going to Target Field on Saturday!!
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question_mark.gifkevin127 (Guest)
04/26/2010 @ 08:17:28 PM
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u guys are gay. baseball is a little pussy sport. all you do is hit a ball with a stick and run around.wow. in football, you go head t head with the ruoghest, toughest competitors, fighting for the ball, utilizing your strengths. in fact, foot ball has a health benefit for the chunky kids. it helps them lose wight and build some muscle.
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
04/26/2010 @ 11:12:26 PM
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Obviously football hasn't done anything for your mental capacity. Tell me that you could go out right now and even 1 out 10 times get a hit off of a high school-college level pitcher. There is no doubt in my mind that you wouldn't be able to. Or how about react to a ball that came off of the bat at over a hundred miles per hour and catch it while you're standing 60 feet 6 inches away. Now, I don't dislike football; in fact I really like it. But I hate how everyone says that baseball is for pussies and takes no skill, because I took PE football, without ever throwing a football before in my life, or at least not practicing, just screwing around, and I could throw a spiral in 3 weeks and I knew how to lead someone. It's taken me my entire life to become a good pitcher.
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
04/27/2010 @ 08:27:49 AM
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sometimes I just stare at the pixels and ask, "Why me, God?"
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question_mark.gifNick (Guest)
04/30/2010 @ 03:50:32 PM
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Haha your trying to argue that poor teams cant get good players because they are poor??? What do they have to grow them to get credit for them?? O ok footballs better cause everyone has a fair chance. Does mommy need call the other teams parents cause they are better than you??
#6) when was the last time football players had a high enough IQ to form a union.
#8) yah i fell the same way. well i felt that way when i was 4, now that my balls have dropped i get over it like a man and stop female dogin. Me and my friends had something like that it was "thats not fair, Yeah-HA! NA AH! YEAH HA!!!"
#9) This is much more exciting: 30 seconds of playing time then tv time out, 30 seconds of play, tv out, 2 seconds of a dumb ass getting payed to run into a pile of steroid pumped other dumb asses then pulling everybody off of each other to see if they got the extra inch they needed, which they didn't, becuase they never do. Then Punnt and repeat.
#10) No its where one guy is confused with a star because he is the only one on his team whom anybody knows the name of.
#12) No its because the're only 16 games to watch. You'll miss 'em if you blink
#13) Who gives a gently caress about the twins?
#14) Who gives a gently caress about the brewers or the twins? How bout compair that to the Sox Yanks rivelry
#15) they have to say that for all the football fans so those dumb SPEDs will realize were they are.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
04/30/2010 @ 04:33:11 PM
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Why is it that only the barely literate seem to find this and comment on it?
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question_mark.gifAnonymous Speaker (Guest)
05/01/2010 @ 01:46:12 PM
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Do you all realize that this has all been going on for 6 years. All of you ,especially you Jeremy, have won the biggest waste of time debate, congratulate yourselves you have wasted your time since 2004 !
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - You had me at "Hello"
05/03/2010 @ 07:33:23 AM
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stop typing.
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question_mark.gifTim (Guest)
05/20/2010 @ 08:36:25 PM
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Baseball sucks
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
05/25/2010 @ 08:46:16 PM
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Baseball sucks
for those of you who disagree how many of you have watched an entire baseball game on tv
Not many because it is to gently caressin boring
PPl only watch baseball in october during the playoffs because the rest of the games really dont matter
How manyof u kno the current record of your home baseball team maybe a couple of you diehard fans but not many.
Fact: The Superbowl is the most highly watched sporting event/program in America. The second most in the world just short of the World Cup.
Cant dispute those facts America loves Football
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question_mark.gifWriter from the previous comment (Guest)
05/25/2010 @ 08:47:48 PM
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Baseball is only fun when u go the games mostly because of the food
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
05/26/2010 @ 03:23:33 PM
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Anon. Nut Can Fan Wrote - Yesterday @ 08:46:16 PM
Baseball sucks for those of you who disagree how many of you have watched an entire baseball game on tv Not many because it is to fuckin boring PPl only watch baseball in october during the playoffs because the rest of the games really dont matter How manyof u kno the current record of your home baseball team maybe a couple of you diehard fans but not many. Fact: The Superbowl is the most highly watched sporting event/program in America. The second most in the world just short of the World Cup. Cant dispute those facts America loves Football

1) Many, Many games
2) lol @ swear filter
3) Your opinion, not based on fact
4) I do- 26-18. My other team? 18-27
5) Great, but where did you get those numbers?
6) We can dispute your infor because most of it is not fact, but opinion.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - The pig says "My wife is a slut?"
05/26/2010 @ 03:59:59 PM
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I watch almost every Twins game. Admittedly I don't know their record, but the last couple years I haven't known the Vikings record right off the top of my head at times either. Those things are trivial to look up, and really don't mean a whole lot as to how die hard you are about it. (And couldn't mean jack squat in a which-is-better contest.) It's really just a sheer numbers game. I'd never know the Vikings record if they played all but one day a week either.

Anon. Nut Can Fan Wrote - Yesterday @ 08:46:16 PM
Fact: The Superbowl is the most highly watched sporting event/program in America. The second most in the world just short of the World Cup.

So soccer must be the best sport in your opinion?
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
05/27/2010 @ 06:15:29 PM
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Jeremy Wrote - Yesterday @ 04:59:59 PM

Anon. Nut Can Fan Wrote - 05/25/2010 @ 09:46:16 PM
Fact: The Superbowl is the most highly watched sporting event/program in America. The second most in the world just short of the World Cup.

So soccer must be the best sport in your opinion?

Is American Idol really the best tv show too?
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newalex.jpgAlex - Ignorance is bliss to those uneducated
05/27/2010 @ 07:50:56 PM
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I am pretty excited for the World Cup, just ordered a new TV on Amazon. If I have Charter and already have a DVR, do I need to do anything else to get HD? Acceptable answers are "Amazingly, no", "Duh, it's Charter", and "Good luck".
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05/28/2010 @ 07:52:57 AM
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Alex Wrote - 12/31/1969 @ 06:00:00 PM
I am pretty excited for the World Cup, just ordered a new TV on Amazon. If I have Charter and already have a DVR, do I need to do anything else to get HD? Acceptable answers are "Amazingly, no", "Duh, it's Charter", and "Good luck".

You need to make sure it is an HD DVR and you will need to have charter upgrade your signal to HD if you aren't receiving it already, it is normally an additional $10 a month. You also need to make sure the HD DVR is hooked to the TV through an HDMI cable or component cable. Good luck.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Always thinking of, but never about, the children.
05/28/2010 @ 11:32:54 AM
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Go with HDMI, it's digital so it can't get interfered with (read you only need to spend about $3 on a cable)
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - 3991 Posts
05/28/2010 @ 05:49:20 PM
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jthompto Wrote - Today @ 07:52:57 AM
Alex Wrote - Yesterday @ 07:50:56 PM
I am pretty excited for the World Cup, just ordered a new TV on Amazon. If I have Charter and already have a DVR, do I need to do anything else to get HD? Acceptable answers are "Amazingly, no", "Duh, it's Charter", and "Good luck".

You need to make sure it is an HD DVR and you will need to have charter upgrade your signal to HD if you aren't receiving it already, it is normally an additional $10 a month. You also need to make sure the HD DVR is hooked to the TV through an HDMI cable or component cable. Good luck.

Long story follows, skip to the end if you just want the moral of the story.

I just went through this with Charter a few months ago. I think they used to charge $10 more, but I was looking at their website and it said no additional charge for HD programming (their site has changed a bit since then, but I think this is still the case). A quick side note, I have a Tivo HD and got a CableCard through Charter that allowed the Tivo to "act" as a cable box. Anyway, after I got the card installed, I was getting some of the HD channels but not all of them, so I called Charter and the guy said, no you have to pay extra for the HD channels and I shouldn't have even been getting the ones I was getting. I argued with him for a while until finally giving up and saying fine just charge me extra. He said he'd activate the channels and that it may take a little while to send the signal or whatever. So I waited and no HD channels. After a day or two I called back, this time I chose the "billing" option instead of the "add new service" option (though all the calls probably go to the same people), and talked to a new guy and told him the problem and renewed my argument that I shouldn't have to pay extra. This guy agreed with me and said the other guy must not have known what he was doing since he also charged me for an HD box that I didn't have, didn't need, and never would have even received. Plus the fact that he never sent my "order" to the right department/person to be activated (which is why I wasn't getting my channels).

Of course resolving this couldn't be that easy. The guy said he couldn't send the "signal" activating the new channels and had to send me to someone who could. The lady I got was a complete moron and I kept having to repeat myself 3 times before she would understand the situation, until finally she just sent the signal and everything was ok.

Moral of the story: 1. Charter sucks. 2. You may have to pay more to upgrade from a standard dvr to an HD dvr, but the HD channels should be no extra charge. 3. Based on my small sample size, 2 out of every 3 Charter employees are incompetent and/or complete morons.
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Matt perfected this 2 times, last at 05/28/2010 5:52:57 pm
reign_of_fire_150.jpgMicah - 584 Posts
05/28/2010 @ 06:47:49 PM
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Matt Wrote - Today @ 06:49:20 PM

Moral of the story: 1. Charter sucks. 2. You may have to pay more to upgrade from a standard dvr to an HD dvr, but the HD channels should be no extra charge. 3. Based on my small sample size, 2 out of every 3 Charter employees are incompetent and/or complete morons.

Concur...file under Charter, average customer service call. I am not far away from cancelling my cable and just watching hulu through my ps3.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - You had me at "Hello"
06/01/2010 @ 11:53:35 AM
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I cancelled Comcast and will watch just Hulu or right from the networks' websites. I'm convinced more and more every day that;

1) Comcast is really Charter, deep down
2) This world is filled with incompetent morons.
3) I will probably be the compulsive old man waiting in the bushes for kids like Micah and Joe to come along with their bag of leaves.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
06/06/2010 @ 04:05:47 AM
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Download uTorrent, then go to http://showrss.karmorra.info and build a custom feed of all the shows you watch, look up instructions for having uTorrent use said feed. Your computer will download the shows in decent quality (with hd options), commercial free, and sometimes within minutes of the show ending. Also, they're on your computer, so an internet connection need not apply once that has happened.
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IMG_3063[1].jpgjthompto - 209 Posts
06/09/2010 @ 07:03:10 AM
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So how do you watch the show after you download it?
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Broadcast in stunning 1080i
06/09/2010 @ 09:59:54 AM
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Double click on it? emoticon

Sarah and I usually watch them via my modded xbox or our ps3 with this program running on my computer to talk to the PS3, but you can just watch them on your computer with Windows Media Player (although I generally use VLC)

Edit: Also the nice thing about torrent files is that they can contain more than one file, so you can be 1 click away from telling you computer to download 20 seasons of the simpsons, or the first season of lost. Also unlike p2p software days gone by where a popular file meant everyone waits in line for other people to fully download one guy's copy, the more popular a file is the faster it goes for everyone. (You download a chunk from someone and then tell everyone else "I've got this hunk if anyone needs it" so you're helping share the file almost immediately with everyone else who are also doing the same thing.)
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Jeremy messed with this 2 times, last at 06/09/2010 10:16:00 am
question_mark.gifjbork (Guest)
07/23/2010 @ 09:45:44 PM
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target field is indeed amazingOU
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question_mark.gifkyweaver (Guest)
07/23/2010 @ 09:46:58 PM
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it is
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4718 Posts
07/24/2010 @ 09:04:48 AM
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jbork Wrote - Yesterday @ 09:45:44 PM
target field is indeed amazingOU

It is indeed, in fact so much so that it has its own thread where you can post some more insightful comments.emoticon
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question_mark.gifALEX (Guest)
10/30/2010 @ 02:59:41 PM
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ok get your ass into a batters box with a 97mph ball coming at you with movement and call baseball a wossie sport. Any gently caressin person who is 6-5 300 lbs can block for a another big guy to run so gently caress you and you football loving idiots. NFL forces people to saleout a damn game just to see it do you have 85 bucks a week to spend just on one ticket including food parking and all that so gently caress you and the nfl. I DO NOT SEE WHY PEOPLE LOVE FOOTBALL thery are little puppets
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
10/31/2010 @ 12:46:04 PM
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Ah, the internet. Good to see you're still overflowing with the borderline illiterate.
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
10/31/2010 @ 08:16:46 PM
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http://www.nutcan.com/images/smiles/015.gif baseball
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question_mark.gifFootball Is Superior (Guest)
07/20/2011 @ 08:04:50 PM
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dude i went to a giants game, got to sit in the press box and everything. you know what i did? sat on that comfy couch and took a nap. i went to a football game and i couldn't keep my eyes off that field i think tyat says something about the excitement in the sport.
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question_mark.gifFootball Is Superior (Guest)
07/20/2011 @ 08:05:34 PM
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i apologize i mean luxury box not press box
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - "The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the lawnmower."
07/21/2011 @ 10:53:06 AM
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it indicates your current level of fandom. Welcome to free speech.
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Carlos44ec messed with this at 07/21/2011 10:54:01 am
scott.jpgScott - Resident Tech Support
07/22/2011 @ 11:40:19 AM
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It also indicates your level of "whatever I like is clearly superior for everyone" thinking.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - "The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the lawnmower."
07/25/2011 @ 11:52:59 AM
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Football Is Superior Wrote - 07/20/2011 @ 08:05:34 PM
i apologize i mean luxury box not press box

I think you meant lunch box
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question_mark.gifmary (Guest)
08/07/2011 @ 03:53:58 PM
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Football players just went on strike. It was just recently settled so that the stupid season could begin. Football is full of convicts and low lifes who can't get decent jobs any where else and make that much money (other than dealing drugs or charging people to enormous sums of money to watch dog fights! IN plan and simple truth, it's football that really stinks! No class. All ass!!
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
08/08/2011 @ 05:00:27 PM
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John Elway owns a couple of restaurants. That's a decent job. And I think it was actually the owners who actually caused the work stoppage.
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question_mark.gifCam (Guest)
10/13/2011 @ 11:21:09 PM
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Totally agree. baseball is so boring
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question_mark.gifDean (Guest)
10/27/2011 @ 12:53:44 AM
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Your seriously hating on baseball because you missed a cartoon? Get a life. At least it is a sport you can play without having your life in jeopardy, unlike football
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4718 Posts
10/27/2011 @ 05:58:20 PM
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Yay for random jerks still commenting on this article!emoticon

side note: Just had the most magnificent macaroni'n'cheese last week. I wholeheartedly feel that peanut butter would've ruined it.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
10/28/2011 @ 07:31:24 AM
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Dean Wrote - Yesterday @ 12:53:44 AM
Your seriously hating on baseball because you missed a cartoon? Get a life. At least it is a sport you can play without having your life in jeopardy, unlike football

I've thought the same thing about Sarah hating baseball for missing a cartoon. Also, I read that statstically, more young people die in car accidents than die playing football (per 1000 or some rate that makes the numbers somewhat equivalent).
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reign_of_fire_150.jpgMicah - 584 Posts
10/28/2011 @ 08:51:47 AM
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I was never really on the fence, but last night pretty much sealed the deal for me, although I am sure there are some Michigan State fans out there that would disagree. I don't think I ever get that excited about football games for which I have no vested interest.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Robots don't say 'ye'
10/28/2011 @ 12:23:49 PM
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The Pats/Giants superbowl was pretty epic.

Baseball has the highest fatality rate among sports for children ages 5 to 14, with three to four children dying from baseball injuries each year. So, yeah. The stats are hard to find, but baseball is up there in injuries, and number one in deaths, for kids, and football is dwarfed by Baseball in adults.

Obviously there are certainly more people playing baseball/softball, but the point is baseball gets plenty of people hurt and killed, for whatever that stupid point is worth.

Also, Sarah's [8.5 year old, and probably half joking] point was about baseball delaying her favorite shows multiple months. I really don't see how the one she called out by name being "a cartoon" makes that a sillier statement, or not.

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Jeremy edited this 2 times, last at 10/28/2011 12:26:15 pm
question_mark.gifJoe q Public (Guest)
11/03/2011 @ 05:11:10 PM
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Everyone who says that if you don't play a sport you cant criticize it. I get it for High School and maybe college sports but not professional. Their whole job is to entertain and this whole debate is on which one entertains more. In my opinion baseball sucks. But thats all i'm going to say besides the point that people who say you cant criticize should go back to school because that is completely irrelevant.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
11/03/2011 @ 08:14:31 PM
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Re-reading point number 14, i find it not just an opinion, but something that is actually an untrue statement. Rivalries exist in every sport, and I actually think baseball rivalries tend to be "fiercer", if for no other reason than these rivals play each other 16 times a year. The rest of the points are a bit of opinion that are addressed only by saying "well, I don't think so". This point, i believe, is simply an erroneous assessment. And, reading further, point 14 is a bit of a contradiction from point 2. How "fierce" can the rivalry really be when you only play that team 2 times. This year alone, the Brewers and Cardinals played 18 times in the regular season, each winning 9 games, and then played 6 more times in the NLCS with the pennant on the line. Can you really get more fierce than that? #justsaying
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Scott edited this at 11/03/2011 8:30:24 pm
sarah.jpgSarah - So's your face
11/03/2011 @ 10:07:04 PM
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Scott Wrote - Today @ 08:14:31 PM
Re-reading point number 14, i find it not just an opinion, but something that is actually an untrue statement. Rivalries exist in every sport, and I actually think baseball rivalries tend to be "fiercer", if for no other reason than these rivals play each other 16 times a year. The rest of the points are a bit of opinion that are addressed only by saying "well, I don't think so". This point, i believe, is simply an erroneous assessment. And, reading further, point 14 is a bit of a contradiction from point 2. How "fierce" can the rivalry really be when you only play that team 2 times. This year alone, the Brewers and Cardinals played 18 times in the regular season, each winning 9 games, and then played 6 more times in the NLCS with the pennant on the line. Can you really get more fierce than that? #justsaying

Out of all the things said on this article, this post hurts the most.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
11/03/2011 @ 10:19:08 PM
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The Brewers have the Cubs. Not every baseball team even has an obvious rival, let alone a rivalry people are so heated about.

Playing each other so many times also means each game is worth that much less.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
11/04/2011 @ 09:55:25 AM
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I wasn't arguing that the amount of times played makes things worth more or less, because obviously in football each game is worth 6.25% of the season compared to baseball's 0.6% (which I suppose is a whole nother--that's right, I said it--debate in itself). My point is that the rivalry has more on-the-field time to build in baseball than in football. In football, you see the opposing team once a year. In baseball, you host your biggest rival maybe 9 times! I went to a Packers-Bears game at Lambeau field a few years ago, and it really didn't seem like any other football game I've been too. I've been to Brewers-Cubs and you would swear that it was a completely different stadium than Brewers-Marlins. When you play a team that many times during the season, the festering builds up on the field, not from week-long media hype. It should be noted that the Brewers played the Cardinals in 11.1% of their games, and the Packers play their division rivals 12.5% of their games. So proportionally it might be about the same. But because baseball plays so many games, in this case, the quantity factor is unequivocally on the side of baseball (in my humble opinion).

I'll note that Jeremy conceded Brewer-Cubs, and that he has a point about baseball teams not always having obvious rivals. But, I think some of that comes from ESPNs hype of some rivalries and not others.

EDIT: And for the record, I think it is worth noting that interleague play has inserted a number of rivalries into the league in past years. Brewers Twins seems more heated now than it did when the Brewers were in the AL.

When I see someone wearing a Cubs fan, I usually tell Melissa something to the effect of "I just want to punch him in the face and run away." I don't think I feel that way about football, even though I do completely agree that football rivalries are quite fierce. I just don't think their fierceness is of a greater quality that baseball.
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Scott edited this 2 times, last at 11/04/2011 10:41:32 am
scott.jpgScott - On your mark...get set...Terrible!
11/04/2011 @ 10:33:02 AM
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Also, knowing what we know now about how some of the NutCanners feel about the twins, does Sarah still agree with a lot of what she wrote and commented about? In 2004, I would have believed that Sarah didn't give two shakes of a lambs tail about baseball. Now, however, she is very into Twins baseball, goes to a lot of games, and dresses her dog up twins garb. Reflect on the last 8.5 years and fill us in on some of your baseball vs football feelings.

Not that I'm going to hold Jeremy or Sarah accountable for things they said 5, 6, 7, 8 years ago (unless you run for political office, then this is ALL fair game!), but reading the comments, the banter goes back and forth from "we are just saying we like football better" to "football is clearly better". Oh how the debate has amoeda'd.
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Scott messed with this at 11/04/2011 10:35:18 am
hoochpage.JPGSarah - So's your face
11/04/2011 @ 04:06:50 PM
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Scott Wrote - Today @ 09:55:25 AM
When I see someone wearing a Cubs fan, I usually tell Melissa something to the effect of "I just want to punch him in the face and run away." I just don't think their fierceness is of a greater quality that baseball.

I have not seen this before, must be a sight to behold...
but in all seriousness, Matt appreciates the heads up.
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Sarah perfected this 2 times, last at 11/04/2011 7:20:57 pm
jeremy.jpgJeremy - As Seen On The Internet
11/04/2011 @ 04:46:07 PM
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Well, perhaps I'm just projecting my "the baseball team I root for has no obvious rival" feelings on to the situation, just like I'm accusing you of being colored by the fact that your team happens to be involved in one of the couple heated baseball rivalries.

The fact that the Brewers might just be one of the closest things the Twins have to a rival shows just how bad it is. A majority of Twins fans don't give a crap, and to the extent that they do, as was the recent consensus of the nutcan braintrust, it's only because WI sports fans are so over the top unbearably in your face about having any kind of success.

Still, while it might mean diddly in the "which is better" argument, while Brewers/Cubs and certainly Yankee/Red Sox would rank highly on the rivalry chart, and most importantly, you can argue it's not even a good thing (Since you're essentially arguing about which inspires a more irrational fighting over your most favorite ever rotating collection of people in uniforms you like out of sheer happenstance.) it seems silly to argue about which of the two, on average, generates the most intensity and gnashing of teeth. Football clearly wins, especially if you count college where most people probably aren't sure if their school even has a baseball team.
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Jeremy perfected this at 11/04/2011 4:50:23 pm
reign_of_fire_150.jpgMicah - 584 Posts
11/04/2011 @ 06:50:40 PM
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How is Twins/White Sox not recognized as a rivalry? I've been to a Twins/Brewers game in Milwaukee almost every year and it's usually pretty good-natured between the fans. I don't know a single White Sox fan who doesn't despise the Twins.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4718 Posts
11/04/2011 @ 07:19:24 PM
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Micah Wrote - Today @ 06:50:40 PM
How is Twins/White Sox not recognized as a rivalry? I've been to a Twins/Brewers game in Milwaukee almost every year and it's usually pretty good-natured between the fans. I don't know a single White Sox fan who doesn't despise the Twins.

To be fair to me, I didn't ever not say this. I agree that White Sox/Twins is a rivalry, but I don't know how much it's appreciated outside of this area. Also, there's a reason we've never been to a White Sox/Twins game in Chicago, the thought seems terrifying. (Face your fears - Road trip 2012!?)

The last Twins/Brewers game at Target Field that we went to left a very bad taste in my mouth, and it's not just because the Twins blew a 7-0 lead.
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reign_of_fire.jpgMicah - Bring down the Beast!!!
11/04/2011 @ 10:40:08 PM
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Jeremy Wrote - Today @ 05:46:07 PM
Well, perhaps I'm just projecting my "the baseball team I root for has no obvious rival" feelings on to the situation, just like I'm accusing you of being colored by the fact that your team happens to be involved in one of the couple heated baseball rivalries.

I was actually referring to this.

I almost made a Twins/Sox game in Chicago this year, but was on my way back from the east coast and we were just too exhausted to stop for the game.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
11/05/2011 @ 12:27:01 AM
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Micah Wrote - Yesterday @ 06:50:40 PM
How is Twins/White Sox not recognized as a rivalry? I've been to a Twins/Brewers game in Milwaukee almost every year and it's usually pretty good-natured between the fans. I don't know a single White Sox fan who doesn't despise the Twins.

I didn't say it wasn't, but they're not exactly the obvious rival. The Twins own the White Sox (at least before this season) so that one probably goes a lot more in one direction than the other. It probably has to be the Tigers or White Sox, with the Brewers tossed in as a sort of much-ado-about-nothing fake rival.

Same as like the Lions. I imagine you consider someone the Lions' rivals, I doubt the feeling is all that mutual.
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Jeremy edited this 2 times, last at 11/05/2011 12:32:56 am
reign_of_fire.jpgMicah - 584 Posts
11/05/2011 @ 09:47:16 AM
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I'd say I dislike the White Sox second after the Yankees, and there would be quite a bit of joy in my life if the Twins signed Buehrle this offseason.

Yeah the Lions rival is technically the Bears, but that is definitely more of an historical thing than a current reality thing. I don't think either team's fans really care at this point, but the Lions lack of rivalry probably has more to do with the fact that they haven't been able to win a game in 5 years. Now that they are apparently the 90's Pistons of the NFL, I am sure someone will step up.

While looking for how long the Lions and Bears have played, I came across this, which I didn't know (from Wikipedia, so clearly it is a lie):

"Note that the strike-shortened 1982 NFL season did not include a Bears-Packers game. Because of this, the Bears-Packers rivalry is not the longest continuous (played every year) rivalry. That title goes to the Packers-Lions, who have played at least once each season since 1932."
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Micah screwed with this at 11/05/2011 9:49:07 am
scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
11/05/2011 @ 10:44:39 AM
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Maybe minnesota sports fans are. Just a little bit apathetic compared to the average sports fans of other teams. Wisconsin fans may be a very excitable bunch over little things, but so are a lot of other fan bases. Philadelphia fans are pretty over the top in my mind, so are cubs fans. Steeler fans are up there as well, and cardinal fans seem to think they are gods gift to sports. I had a roommate once who was a big minnesota sports fan, and he thought the same thing you guys do about wisconsin sports fans, his reasoning was that he felt that minnesota sports fans just didn't think sports was that important. That is probably the divide. Wisconsin fans seem to think it's the world.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 1.21 Gigawatts!?!?
11/05/2011 @ 12:34:05 PM
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Micah Wrote - Today @ 09:47:16 AM
I'd say I dislike the White Sox second after the Yankees, and there would be quite a bit of joy in my life if the Twins signed Buehrle this offseason.

Yeah the Lions rival is technically the Bears, but that is definitely more of an historical thing than a current reality thing. I don't think either team's fans really care at this point, but the Lions lack of rivalry probably has more to do with the fact that they haven't been able to win a game in 5 years. Now that they are apparently the 90's Pistons of the NFL, I am sure someone will step up.

While looking for how long the Lions and Bears have played, I came across this, which I didn't know (from Wikipedia, so clearly it is a lie):

"Note that the strike-shortened 1982 NFL season did not include a Bears-Packers game. Because of this, the Bears-Packers rivalry is not the longest continuous (played every year) rivalry. That title goes to the Packers-Lions, who have played at least once each season since 1932."

I definitely hate the Yankees more than any other team, and they're that team we can't figure out, but it's hard to call that a rivalry. Too one sided. The Twins are a punchline to yankee nation.
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jon.jpgJon - 3497 Posts
11/06/2011 @ 05:11:11 AM
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Micah Wrote - Yesterday @ 09:47:16 AM
I'd say I dislike the White Sox second after the Yankees, and there would be quite a bit of joy in my life if the Twins signed Buehrle this offseason.

Yeah the Lions rival is technically the Bears, but that is definitely more of an historical thing than a current reality thing. I don't think either team's fans really care at this point, but the Lions lack of rivalry probably has more to do with the fact that they haven't been able to win a game in 5 years. Now that they are apparently the 90's Pistons of the NFL, I am sure someone will step up.

While looking for how long the Lions and Bears have played, I came across this, which I didn't know (from Wikipedia, so clearly it is a lie):

"Note that the strike-shortened 1982 NFL season did not include a Bears-Packers game. Because of this, the Bears-Packers rivalry is not the longest continuous (played every year) rivalry. That title goes to the Packers-Lions, who have played at least once each season since 1932."

Do you know the team that the Lions have beaten the most times? It's a tie between the Packers and the Bears. They have beaten both teams 65 times. Of course, they do have a losing record to both, but why focus on the negative? They've lost 4 fewer times to the Packers than the Bears by the way, so the Packers have fared "less-well" against the Lions. (65-89-7 and 65-93-5 are the Lions' record against each.)

If anyone wonders how Minnesota figures in, the Lions have been dominated by the Vikings, winning just 32 of the 100 games for a 32-66-2 record. A fairly lopsided result for the number of games played between the two. Only 6 teams have posted a better winning percentage against Detroit than the Vikings. Of those, only one team has even played them more than 10 times. (Washington has played the Lions 39 times going 27-12.)

I mostly just set out to write about the Packers/Bears/Lions thing, but I sort of liked the idea of the Vikings winning and just went with it.

p.s. Obviously, the data I quoted will only be accurate for about one week from the time I post this, but whatever, future readers can find the current data at the link I'm posting. It was my main source.

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Jon messed with this at 11/06/2011 5:17:06 am
scott.jpgScott - Ma'am, can you make sure your computer is turned on?
11/06/2011 @ 06:23:26 AM
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5am, Jon? Really?
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4718 Posts
11/06/2011 @ 11:12:04 AM
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Someone went back to Water Street...
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jon.jpgJon - 3497 Posts
11/07/2011 @ 03:20:32 AM
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The senior staffers monitor nutcan 24/7 just to be safe. I have the midnight to 6am shift.
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question_mark.gifDennis (Guest)
12/15/2011 @ 04:54:55 PM
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Baseball is nothing like football so comparing the two is moot. However I will try because at in bars the topic is hotly contested. Several of the points you make are true of both sports. I subscribe to the MLB package and probably watch parts of more than twenty games a week. Between college and NFL I watch parts of ten games a week.

First and foremost they are both large enterprises that enjoy a disproportionate amount of our time, money, and mental faculties. They are both rampant with drug abuse. The players are arrogant and the owners wealthy lunatics. They are both tirelessly supported by office and stadium staff who are underpaid and unknown to fans who pay outlandish sums in support of their beloved teams. Star players are not the norm. Everyone else is a work a day man just like us and has to work very hard to excel in their profession. Anyone comparing their own abilities to those of professional athletes is crazy. Even standout college athletes are significantly inferior to their professional counterparts. In baseball and football the seasons are physically and psychologically crippling. All professional athletes play injured all the time.

Football enjoys an immediate fascination for people because of violence. The shock and ah of a good sack or a concussion inducing tackle is spectacular. It's like MLA and NASCAR, you watch to see people get beat up. The primordial appreciation of football is self evident but baseball is only dull to the laymen. The true action on the baseball field only involves three players while football involves a cast of 22. The pitcher, catcher and hitter are the most consequential. Careful analysis and appreciation of this relationship make baseball fascinating. However, gaining this knowledge is achieved only through thoughtful study. Baseball fans are extremely proud of their nuanced perspective on the game. Baseball becomes a thinking man's game because it's like reading a book. It delays gratification and those who can go without constant stimulation enjoy a more fruitful relationship. It's like a movie verses the book. The book is always better. Look at it this way. Each down in football is a battle, utter confusion and violence. Baseball is an eloquent duel between two men sixty feet apart.

You mention the lack of salary cap in baseball dilutes the competition between wealthy teams and their competition. Financially they are hard to compare but logic makes simple observations. Perhaps their is nothing more American than using your financial capital to insure your business is more successful than others. I assure you that the Yankee organization runs in the black every year regardless of contractual commitments to players. It's strength as a business allows them to buy talent to win more games and thus make more money when fans come to the game. The Yankees have more money to spend because their fans will pay for the tickets. Teams are allowed to spend what they want and they pay a tax every year to help poor teams sign more talented.

In football the salary cap also makes teams spend a minimum amount, a salary floor to speak. Let's assume you own a business and are told you must spend a certain amount of money (after buying a franchise) regardless of how that affects your organization. You could easy loose money and be forced out out of the business. Baseball teams are not told what they must spend every year so even the Pirates can play lousy and pay lousy. That being said the Cubs pay well and never win.

If you're anti-capital in general examine the labor agreements between owners and players. It goes without saying that union negotiated minimum compensation per player is necessary and founded on good labor and moral principals. Baseball's union is very strong and could break the back of the MLB and it has in the past. The NFL players can't even loose a few games from their season. Even the NBA can hold out longer. MLB players enjoy contracts that teams are obligated to pay regardless of performance or injury so long as the obligations of the standard contract are fulfilled. NFL players can be cut mid-season.

Fans have a more intimate relationship with the players in baseball thus more baseball players receive recognition. Even mediocre everyday players in baseball get the opportunity to become loved by their home fans and even hated by other teams. Unless you're an stand out talent in a visible position and make exceptional plays on the football field no one will remember you. Good linemen make great teams but because they don't get the ball we don't know their names (they are also underpaid in my opinion). Good quarterbacks are confident in the pocket because they have time to make good decisions and this is completely dependent on the offensive line. The best quarterback in football would be lousy with the worse offensive line in the league. The same goes for receivers and running backs. Further more baseball players don't wear helmets covering their faces and are thus more accessible to fans.

Getting into the Baseball Hall of Fame is very difficult. Baseball writers have long memories and can be spiteful or very generous.

Season length can be misleading. The football season is short by comparison of games played but they both rely on opportunity and execution. This relationship is true of everything in life (sex and business come to mind). The longer the season the more opportunity to excel and thus the more skillful. What sets baseball apart is how those games are scheduled. In baseball you play the teams in your division more often, thus the two teams have more opportunity to discover and exploit the weaknesses of their closest rivals. Because the Dodgers and Giants play more games against each other they learn more about their opponents.

The minor league system gives players who aren't yet ready for MLB to gain valuable experience about their profession. Football doesn't have one. Imagine if because you didn't get into the University of Texas (just example) you could never get more than a community college education. This is the NFL. The culture of professional baseball readily admits many players are not MLB ready after their last amateur game. Take a few years to develop and try again. If you don't get into UT the first time go to community college for two years and then apply. If you don't make opening day roster for MLB then play minor league and learn more.

To affirm that rivalries in baseball are less intense than in football is myopic at best. Baseball rivalries go back 100 years. How old is the NFL?

Game structure also deserves mention. The offense is awarded the opportunity the initiate play in football and thus controls the clock. The winning team with can simply prohibit the looser from scoring by not putting the ball in play. The winning team must get the last out in baseball. You can't run out the clock because you're winning. The team at bat has until the last pitch of the game to score. Actually, any sport with a game clock is an affront to sport. You play to win against the team not against the clock. Of course officiating can have a dramatic effect on the outcome of any game. However, the NFL is constantly worried that a blown call will decide a game. In baseball, and the NBA for that matter, a team experiences so many calls over the course of a season that they eventually even out. There' is no crying in baseball.

Unfortunately people get killed on the baseball diamond. Football players take their well being on the field but keep their lives on the sideline. Batters take their own lives in their hands and pitchers risk killing a player. A coach was killed a few years ago by a foul ball. There is no comparable relationship in football. I wold rather take a hit from Urlacker than a ball in the back from Verlander.

Finally, there is nothing more difficult in sports than hitting a baseball and every Little Leaguer will tell you the batters box is a lonely place. You can't hide in baseball. Everyone see's you fail and you will fail. Handling failure is more important handling success. Baseball is better because it is harder.
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question_mark.gifDennis (Guest)
12/15/2011 @ 05:10:16 PM
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Dear God that ended up being long:)
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2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
12/15/2011 @ 05:51:04 PM
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Dennis Wrote - Today @ 04:54:55 PM
MLB players enjoy contracts that teams are obligated to pay regardless of performance or injury so long as the obligations of the standard contract are fulfilled.

I don't like this. I'm not sure who this really benefits, other than the guy who signs a huge contract and then sucks. Overall, I'd say it hurts players because other guys who are actually performing well could be paid more if teams didn't have albatross contracts on the payroll.

Although it didn't stop the Angels this year. Must be nice to afford the best hitter and pitcher on the market and be able to pay Vernon Wells $21 million to be a part time player next year.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
12/15/2011 @ 06:43:13 PM
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The Brewers paid $12.5 million to have Jeff Suppan not pitch for them. That hurts, like Alex said, really only comes into play when it's bad for your team, and either way I'm going to say that it doesn't really help the excitement any.

The team running out the clock in football earned that right, and is often a unique mini game in and of itself. There are 2 sides to many of the things you said. Yes, baseball is probably more exciting when your baseball team is down 4 in the 9th than your football team is down 17 with 3 minutes to play. But on the other hand the deadline/finality of that ticking clock, and KNOWING when the end is coming, can be very exciting as well. Knowing your team can score 5 runs on the last out of the game just as easily as any other can be exciting. Knowing the game is going one way or the other based on this down can be exciting too.

Besides which I don't really see much difference between a team getting that last first down, or whatever it was they needed to do, to kneel on it, and a team making that final out. It's not like being in the situation to kneel it out is random.

For every football game where the fact that there's a ticking clock makes the last 2-3 minutes a tedious formality, there's one where the fact that there's a finite limit on the amount of game left makes it a mad flurry of craziness.
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Jeremy messed with this 4 times, last at 12/15/2011 6:51:04 pm
question_mark.gifLol (Guest)
06/29/2012 @ 01:45:27 PM
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Jeremy i read your past posts from the last years , and i just want to stay , shut the hell up , you've probably never played a sport before , your logic is the dumbest poo poo i've ever heard. take your little TV remote and shove it up your ass while your atching your 'super exciting' football games . dumb gently caress .
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - So's your face
06/29/2012 @ 02:45:55 PM
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Lol Wrote - Today @ 01:45:27 PM
Jeremy i read your past posts from the last years , and i just want to stay , shut the hell up , you've probably never played a sport before , your logic is the dumbest shit i've ever heard. take your little TV remote and shove it up your ass while your atching your 'super exciting' football games . dumb fuck .

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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
06/29/2012 @ 02:51:21 PM
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Lol Wrote - Today @ 01:45:27 PM
Jeremy i read your past posts from the last years , and i just want to stay , shut the hell up , you've probably never played a sport before , your logic is the dumbest shit i've ever heard. take your little TV remote and shove it up your ass while your atching your 'super exciting' football games . dumb fuck .

Reading comprehension fail. Seriously, why is it any time we get a comment from the genpop they're borderline illiterate?
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Jeremy edited this at 06/29/2012 2:52:39 pm
question_mark.gifGuest (Guest)
09/24/2014 @ 08:15:21 PM
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I have a really good joke about sports
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question_mark.gifGuest (Guest)
09/24/2014 @ 08:16:04 PM
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question_mark.gifFootball (Guest)
08/16/2017 @ 03:39:42 PM
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Football, turning men's brains to mush for decades.
Combat sports, overcharge for people to watch a fight that lasts all of 2 minutes.
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question_mark.gifMoe Lester (Guest)
05/10/2018 @ 11:55:38 AM
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Ur mum gey
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question_mark.gifMike (Guest)
01/12/2025 @ 02:14:57 PM
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