Baseball: America's PASTime

Put him in the past and he'd be even more of a one man show.
Baseball coaches look stupid in the same uniforms as players and Tice has the Vikings staff looking sharp.
Nothing wrong with a little emotion.
While I might be repeating stuff you've already read or you're getting tired of the subject I had to put it my 1 and ¾ cents on the subject. Maybe Jon will even write a forth article on the subject when he returns from Camp Lame.

While I agree with Matt that baseball has a richer history, better hall of fame, and announcers whose careers don't come to an end until they die. I can't help but notice that many of his points have nothing to do with the actual games and just the periphery aspects of baseball. Two of his points center on outfits. I'll go point by point with him then add some thoughts of my own. So be sure to read Matt's Article first.

  1. The 162 game schedule - You could have a close race at the end if you played a 5000 game season, what does that have to do with anything? When it boils right down to it attending sold out games is more fun than attending sparsely populated games. Football games sell out which creates a playoff type atmosphere every game with most everyone making as much noise as possible every time their defense takes the field. At a baseball game the crowd spends the game in their seats, applauding maybe 5 times an inning. Every wonder why football doesn't have a 3rd quarter stretch? Also football's shorter schedule lets you actually watch all of the games, living and dying with every high and low, following and getting to know your team more intimately. Even the a fairly avid baseball fan relies on box scores or game summaries after the fact as a means to keep track of their teams for a good portion of the season.

  2. Fan and Family Friendliness - As far as ticket prices to baseball or football games are concerned it's true that football tickets are usually harder to come by than baseball tickets, but since football makes it a rule that a portion of tickets have to be made available to opposing teams' fans quite often those tickets are returned and are offered at a discount. A few times last season Vikings ticket were available for 15 dollars. Yes baseball is more of a family atmosphere but when your kids are bored at the game they're going to notice all the snacks coming around even more so than usual. In the long run after you factor in the total cost of going to a game football games aren't that much more than baseball games since food and many other costs are the same. Your kids will get their homework done if they know they have a chance to go to a football game. For those worried about church most churches offer Saturday night or early Sunday services and besides I think that's really reaching as a reason one sport in more entertaining that another. Likewise with the tossing the balls into the crowd situation. For one football players DO often times hand the ball to a fan. Secondly again I think that pointing out that 4/20000 people go home with a free souvenir is reaching to compare the two games.

  3. The Playing Of The Game - While it's not even true that there is only action in football every 40 seconds I'd still take a play every 40 seconds over a ball being hit into play maybe twice an inning. No sane person can argue that football has more down time than baseball, and I'll even include halftime in there. It may seem like football has a lot of downtime because it's so action packed that the networks actually have to stop the game to go to commercial. Where as in baseball television networks can pick any one of the many large expanses of dead time to go to one without anyone even knowing they're at commercial.

    In football a winning offensive team running down the clock IS a strategy, and one that can backfire, like purposely loading the bases when you have runners at 2nd and 3rd. As for the taking a knee situation, worst case scenario it's the last 3 plays of the game. If your offense is lucky enough to get the ball back in a situation that it can kneel out the clock why wouldn't they? It would be like if in baseball the home team was winning but was still made to bat in the 9th inning, the game is done, 3 strikeouts who cares, a homerun who cares, maybe football should just stop kidding themselves and do like baseball, if there's little enough time for the offense to kneel out the ball then call the game, don't drag the offense back onto the field.

    You want true "it's not over til it's over "-age. In football defense can score points, special teams can score points, you never know, anything can happen on the score board. In baseball you get the same out for robbing a grand slam as you do for a routine grounder in the infield.

    Coaches call plays in football that have a bigger impact on the game than coaches calling plays in baseball. In football a play determines every step 11 guys are going to make. In baseball you can call things like hit and runs or sac flys but most of the time the runner doing the "run" half of the hit and run has to go back because regardless of the play called most of the time the batter is struggling to hit the ball, at all, anywhere.

  4. The History -I know when I go to Vikings games I often ponder about all the history involved in football and how I could be enjoying the game more if only football had as long a history as baseball or the hall of fame was more elite. I guess you have time to think about those things while you watch the pitcher check 1st 27 times.

    All sports records are virtually meaningless because sports have changed so much. Players are bigger faster stronger, equipment is better, and the talent is so concentrated now, drop Barry Bonds in the 30's or Randy Moss in the 70's and you would see some truly unobtainable records. Besides most records are obtained or eventually beaten by just hanging around. Emmitt Smith and Cal Ripken are perfect examples of that.

  5. The Officiating -Yes, yes, we all love the official's outfits, a very important aspect of any game.

    If you've never seen NFL coaches arguing with officials then you've never seen a football game. So yes, you do get that fun - in pretty much every sport for that matter.

    I agree instant replay delays the game too much and I think they should stop patronizing us with the whole "the refs only have 1 ½ minutes to decide" thing, but I think it's a necessary thing to have to endure because I don't think the "human error" factor should be involved in any sport where it's possible to find out what actually happened, if an athlete was good enough to make something happen why should he not get credit just because some doddering official made a bad call. In baseball pitchers are getting too good, balls are coming in too fast and breaking too much to ask a human being to be able to sit back there and judge them, a strike should be called a strike and a ball a ball and that's that. Likewise a catch should be called a catch and a touchdown a touchdown, at least football is trying to do that by involving technology, even if it is 30 year old technology.

    I for one enjoy watching the players celebrate, its part of the fun atmosphere. Baseball players are allowed to watch their homer sail over the wall and then trot around the bases, if a football player slows up and trots into the endzone that's your taunting penalty. Players getting excited gets the fans riled up, either cheering your celebrating player or booing the opposing teams celebrating player. Baseball seems so emotionless. I'm still waiting for the day LaTroy Hawkins shows any indication he's not a pitching machine wrapped in skin.

  6. Broadcasting Legends - Outside of Harry Caray I guarantee you more people know who John Madden is than any of those other guys. Besides there's something creepy about listening to a 95 year old call a sporting event. Football can rotate TV and radio personalities because it places the importance on the game that's going on, not doing it the same way it has always been done with the same announcer for an entire century.

  7. The New York Yankees - Baseball and the world are not better for having the Yankees. Dynasties are not a good thing for anyone than the percentage of fans rooting with that team. Dynasties get old. Who wants to see the same teams in the hunt every year? The one time out of a hundred that you topple Goliath isn't the same as knowing that in any given year you could be Goliath. Besides true hatred knows no winning percentage, Sarah will despise the Cowboys forever. My hatred of the Packers wouldn't subside one iota if they went on a third 30 year skid without a winning record.

On to my thoughts
  1. In baseball the differences in batting average between a star and an average player is roughly a hit a week. Playing 6 games a week that would be like in week 6 of the NFL declaring, all other things being equal, Daunte Culpepper a star because he has 60 completions but at the same time saying Brett Favre is having an average year because he has 59 completions.

  2. The NFL draft is a major event, ESPN already has articles up involving the 2004 NFL draft. People hold draft parties. The are endless debates and prognostications involving picks. There are very few people that know when the MLB draft is or how it works.

  3. I could watch NFL films all day.

  4. It struck me as interesting that a good portion of the points brought up as to why baseball was better than football contained some historical reason. Baseball is stuck in the past. America's Pastime is past its time and Football is its more entertaining more successful replacement as Americas favorite. We have too much of an attitude in this country that anything older must be better. For example, the misconception that the Beatles came first so clearly they must be more talented than any "new" band, the Beatles hit it big with songs involving 2 lines of lyrics and 3 chords, but since they did it first they are Gods. Your opinion on the Beatles is unimportant, if you think they are the greatest band ever than fine, but they aren't better by default just because they came first, and neither is baseball.
-Jeremy Lindgren likes to eat eat eat Apples and Bananas
scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
09/03/2003 @ 03:39:51 PM
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I am definitely a big football fan, but I do not think that football is any better than baseball. I enjoy both sports equally. As for living and dying by each game, I do the same for the Packers (who by the way have won 3 Super Bowls) as I do for the Brewers (sad to say, but I'm loyal till the end.) And as far as sold out stadiums, not all NFL teams sell out, but I guess more so than baseball (especially since the Packers have been sold out since the Lombardi era) A side comment: I find it kind of interesting that Minnesota made non-Minnesota fans buy a Jacksonville preseason ticket in order to buy a ticket for the Packer game in the Dome. Hmmmm, too bad we can't win there I guess. Oh well, I still like this site.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
09/03/2003 @ 09:40:46 PM
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Thanks for the comments and checking out the site Scott. To be fair the Vikes required everyone to buy tickets to the Jacksonville game along with tickets to the Packer game. It's not like they asked if you were a Packer fan and if so made you buy the other tickets. A big reason they did it was because people would line up to get the tickets and the first however many people would get as many tickets as possible and then when the ticket office soon ran out the scalpers would turn around and sell them to the rest of the line for triple what they paid for them just 10 minutes earlier. It was an effective way to cut down on scalpers since it cut into profits and made the original investment much more expensive. Plus it made them some more money. It wasn't just to "stick it to Packer fans" although that was a positive fringe benefit. =)
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jon.jpgJon - infinity + 1 posts
10/02/2003 @ 05:18:00 AM
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As for the Beatles, it's no secret that I am not a huge Beatles fan but let me add my thoughts on the subject, not in the context of baseball and football, but simply pertaining to the Beatles.
Should the Beatles be more highly regarded because they came first? Well, yes. In some respects at least. First of all, music is art so naturally it will be argued about, but this also leads me into this point...shouldn't art be looked at within the context it was created? Although more crude by far, I would much rather marvel over the first ever cave drawing of a deer than over a modern day artist's rendering of that same deer in paint on canvas. Why? because that cave man or woman was an innovator who did something that no one else had done before and that led to scores of other drawings. Likewise, I'm much more interested in Thomas Edison's lightbulb than the GE bulb from Menards, or Lowes if you prefer.
I wouldn't claim that the Beatles invented music or even pop music, but what they did was change the music industry through innovation, or so I'm told. So if people consider them better than current bands, it might not be that far fetched of an idea.
Again, I don't like the Beatles, but I just wanted to throw some ideas out there for pondering.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
10/02/2003 @ 10:35:00 AM
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I was talking strictly on talent level, yes there is something to be said for being "innovators" but perhaps no other band had played guitar solos backwards because it sounds like crap or written "songs" like Number 9 because they suck rather than because they never thought of it or because they tried to and record execs said no. The Beatles weren't necessarily great innovators, maybe they just were a group of guys that just took advantage of the fact that they could record themselves taking a dump for 2 hours and it would go quadruple platinum and therefore were afforded the liberty to "experiment."
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4718 Posts
10/02/2003 @ 01:37:00 PM
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I personally don't think either of you should comment on the Beatles because you've never really bothered to listen to them. I have listened to all of their albums except Let It Be, and their stuff is beyond better than most. They experimented with what they could do with music and it worked. To rip on "number 9" because I made you listen to it once is too easy. They have over a hundred songs and to just base your opinion on that and their earlier stuff is ridiculous. I happen to love their earlier stuff, they did that because that's what was being listened to at that time. It's just fun pop. They really grow as a band over the years, especially in 1965 and beyond. They decided to stop touring so they could concentrate on making great music and they succeeded at that. As Jon was saying, yes I suppose you could think of them as innovators and enjoy listening to them based on that one idea, but the fact remains that their stuff stands the test of time and is enjoyable to listen to just based on the fact that it is excellent music.
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2887.gifschebeaj - 3619 Posts
12/15/2003 @ 01:13:33 PM
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I'm hungry so i didn't bother to actually read the article, but based on the title i would like to say that college basketball is America's favorite sport. Fans of this game don't have to worry about multi-billionare athletes and everything that comes with that. Instead they get to watch boys become men in a sport where there is arguably the least selfishness and most team spirit. Sure when there are 300 some teams, there are going to be cocky ball-hogs, but come March all the teams that make the tournament make it because they play as a team. The season is not too long, march madness is THE most exciting sporting event of the year, there are cinderalla teams and hated powerhouses (but they don't dominate like the Yankees). Looking at some of the other headings in the article, for broadcasting legends there is Dickie V screaming about ptp'ers and diaper dandies. Does it get any better than that? Also, it doesn't cost 200 dollars to get a ticket to a regular season game (ehm, Packers). The players play hard, there is great tradition, great broadcasters, great coaches, it's accessible to fans, and its exciting, (plus there is a clear champion = not BCS). What more could you ask for?
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - As Seen On The Internet
12/15/2003 @ 02:04:34 PM
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College sports are a joke. At least professional athletes aren't exploited like college athetes are. I would rather see the players have a load of money insted of the players not being allowed to have a job while the NCAA sells thier name and whatnot. The NCAA and the schools make millions off the players who get nothing out of the deal. Also I wouldn't call March Madness an "event."
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newalex.jpgicbizzle - 3619 Posts
12/15/2003 @ 05:01:05 PM
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College athletes get nothing out of sports? That's absurd. They benefit on two fronts. First of all, part of the goal of college is to prepare you for the rest of your life and make you a more well-rounded person(not from beer, from GE's). Playing sports teaches teamwork, persistence, and how to deal with pressure. These are valuable lessons that they will use the rest of their lives. Secondly, it gives them a chance to develop their skills so that they can one day play in the pros. There are walk-ons and kids that have hardly played a sport before that develop the skills to go pro only after their college career. Without college sports, they would never even have a chance. Most players aren't ready to go pro before college. What would they do without it?
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2887.gificbizzle - You've got to trust your instinct, and let go of regret
12/23/2003 @ 12:55:13 PM
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
12/30/2003 @ 05:24:44 PM
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All I meant is the colleges use the players to make money, of which they dont see a dime.
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2887.gificbizzle - 3619 Posts
01/02/2004 @ 01:54:32 AM
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question_mark.gifFm Bud Selig Baseball is Boring. (Guest)
08/16/2004 @ 03:42:27 PM
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To compare baseball to football is akin to comparing minnows to muskies. Their is no comparison "period.....and other periods for emphasis".

The US Little League frequently loses to Taiwan, Korea, Japan, China...(..."infinite series here for emphasis"), or just about anyone who shows up to compete against us. The Words "World Series" connotate world participation. In America against whom...Canada? Where's the rest of the world? Put Cuba on the map and watch out, Mexico might even beat us.

In BasketBall the US Olympic Team just lost to an Island nation (Puerto Rico) that has less people then New York City. Think there are any countries that want to play our version of football against our best? Apparently not.

Now on to Football. In football it is more dynamic and action packed unless it is a blowout. And even when it is a blowout the better for the winning team. In Football Two teams arrive and don't even know when they take the field who to put on it. Kick off or receiving team. Compared to baseball. Away team up first, home team bats last.....Boring. In football even the two teams getting together to decide who receives the ball can be interesting in case anyone still remembers the Phil Luck and Jerome Bettis debacle.

To compare the World Series to the SuperBowl should be illegal. World records get set on SuperBowl Sunday. Advertising spends hundres of millions to try and sell products. Foodcompanies and Liquor stores report it is the second busies day of the year. Las Vegas and other gambling destinations reap billions in betting. Private Party Superbowl Box games set some people for life. I know of one where entry fee is 10000 per box winner take all. Do the math on 100 boxes. Advertisers so look forward to Superbowl Sunday they will risk millions on a few seconds of air-time.
Baseball comes no where near that.

In Baseball who cares, you don't have the draw because unless it is final game of the series, there aren't going to be the viewers there. In Baseball many question if it will be the best of 4,5,6 or 7 games. In Football one game decides who gets everything and is going to Disney.

In Baseball the score of the opponent can't change unless they are at bat. Not so in Football. Throw that rock a little high on that wet Lambeau or Snowy Buffalo field and the other teams score is going to change very quickly. Football, drop that ball, better get your defense out on that field. Baseball its a hit or an error...okay.

In baseball if the hitter is hitting 300 they are not making me any money 7 out of 10 times they go and attempt to hit that ball. That would be an F if graded in most schools.

Yankees Payroll for this year 192 million. Milwaukee Brewers payroll for this year 28 Million. New York Giants Payroll for this year 80 Million, Green Bay Packers Payroll for this year 80 Million. Need I say more?

Baseball... can you say weather? Nope....Rain Delay.
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2887.gificbeast - 3619 Posts
08/16/2004 @ 07:11:04 PM
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First of all, if you find the toin coss exciting, you most likely have some issues.

Secondly, what does the US Little League and the Olympic basketball team losing to other countries have to with the merits of the sports themselves? The basketball team lost for two reasons, 1. the best players choose not to play and 2. the people that put the team together were on crack and didn't include a single jump shooter. I don't see how the fact that the US might not have to best team of kids in the world has anything to do with why or why not baseball is America's pastime.

Thirdly, if non-stop scoring action and opportunities make a sport good, then basketball is infinitely better than football. Not only can either team score at any time, they don't even make a distinction between offensive and defensive units. Every player plays both ways!!! And if you love coin tosses, you must also love jump balls which actually involve skill instead of just pure luck like coin tosses.

If the World Series was one game, on a Sunday, at the same time every year, it too would eventually become a huge party day. The hugeness of the Superbowl really is only half about football. I'd be willing to bet that over 50 of the people that go to Superbowl parties watch less than half the game. Ergo, the Superbowl is half about football and half about partying.

This statement, "In baseball if the hitter is hitting 300 they are not making me any money 7 out of 10 times they go and attempt to hit that ball." is just plain untrue. You aren't accounting for walks, sacrifice bunts and flys, moving runners from 1st to 2nd or 2nd to 3rd, the fact that pinch-hitting with a so-so left-handed batter may force a good right-handed pitcher out of the game if the lefty doesn't end up getting a hit, and so on and so forth.

Finally, while the defense may not be able to score in baseball, the offense scores more spontaneously than in football. Let's be honest, 90% of all scoring in the NFL happens when the offense is within 30 yards of the endzone (I tried looking for this kind of stats, but didn't find anything so I just guessed). But in baseball, any single pitch can result in a homerun. How's that for excitement?

Oh yeah, the payroll thing, you do need to say more because I'm not going to try and guess what your point is.
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question_mark.gifKris Irwin (Guest)
09/10/2004 @ 02:14:52 PM
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Don't get me wrong, I am a football fan but who needs to say baseball is in the past. As far as I am concerned all of your acusations and comparisons are false. There is no way that football is more interesting than baseball. Even if baseball is slower, it is just the atmosphere and the smell of the dirt. So this site is not worth looking at because of the bias opinions and you are being very libel.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
09/11/2004 @ 12:12:06 AM
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Lighten up, Kenny.
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question_mark.gifDaniel (Guest)
09/02/2008 @ 03:04:55 AM
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Football is for ass-grabbing I love homosexualss. Oh, and the referees' cheat too. Gay ass sport. Baseball has been around for almost as long as this damn country has, and it's for smart people.

I can't seem to remember the last time I met a football fan with an I.Q. over 125
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question_mark.gifDaniel (Guest)
09/02/2008 @ 03:06:32 AM
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Football is for ass-grabbing I love homosexualss. Oh, and the referees' cheat too. Gay ass sport. Baseball has been around for almost as long as this damn country has, and it's for smart people.

I can't seem to remember the last time I met a football fan with an I.Q. over 125
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question_mark.gifDaniel (Guest)
09/02/2008 @ 03:07:00 AM
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Daniel Wrote - Today @ 03:06:32 AM
Football is for ass-grabbers. Oh, and the referees' cheat too. Gay ass sport. Baseball has been around for almost as long as this damn country has, and it's for smart people.

I can't seem to remember the last time I met a football fan with an I.Q. over 125
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question_mark.gifDaniel (Guest)
09/02/2008 @ 03:07:57 AM
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Football is for ass-grabbers. Oh, and the referees' cheat too. Gay ass sport. Baseball has been around for almost as long as this damn country has, and it's for smart people.

I can't seem to remember the last time I met a football fan with an I.Q. over 125
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
09/02/2008 @ 09:25:40 AM
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Well put, all four times. There's not a lick of irony in there anywhere.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
09/02/2008 @ 10:07:53 AM
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Daniel Wrote - Today @ 03:07:57 AM
I can't seem to remember the last time I met a football fan with an I.Q. over 125

I believe that the average IQ of nutcanners is going to be well (WELL) above the national average. As Jeremy alludes, you seem to have an IQ somewhere between Simple Jack and Forrest Gump.
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Carlos44ec perfected this 2 times, last at 09/02/2008 10:12:03 am
face.bmpCarlos44ec - A Vote for me is a Vote against Terrorism! ...or atleast just wasted.
09/02/2008 @ 10:10:52 AM
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Twins tied for first again.
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Carlos44ec perfected this 2 times, last at 09/02/2008 10:12:32 am
vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - Tag This
09/02/2008 @ 10:24:58 AM
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Fm Bud Selig Baseball is Boring. Wrote - 08/16/2004 @ 03:42:27 PM
In BasketBall the US Olympic Team just lost to an Island nation (Puerto Rico) .

Puerto Rico is a Commonwealth, fairly the same as Massachusetts is. It is not a nation, more like a territory of the US. They also have voting privileges in the primaries.

Thought you'd like to know.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - The pig says "My wife is a slut?"
09/02/2008 @ 10:56:48 AM
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Carlos44ec Wrote - Today @ 10:07:53 AM
Daniel Wrote - Today @ 03:07:57 AM
I can't seem to remember the last time I met a football fan with an I.Q. over 125

I believe that the average IQ of nutcanners is going to be well (WELL) above the national average. As Jeremy alludes, you seem to have an IQ somewhere between Simple Jack and Forrest Gump.

Well an IQ of over 125 would be in the upper echelon of society, somewhere around the 97th percentile. Meeting these people would be rare anyway. I wonder if he's tried looking in the luxury boxes?
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Jeremy edited this at 09/02/2008 10:58:43 am
sarah.jpgSarah - So's your face
09/02/2008 @ 05:13:35 PM
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Daniel Wrote - Today @ 03:07:57 AM
Football is for ass-grabbers. Oh, and the referees' cheat too. Gay ass sport. Baseball has been around for almost as long as this damn country has, and it's for smart people.

I can't seem to remember the last time I met a football fan with an I.Q. over 125. Oh, and the referees' cheat too. Gay ass sport. Baseball has been around for almost as long as this damn country has, and it's for smart people.

This has more legitimate points in it than my whole article, kudos.
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question_mark.gifJoey (Guest)
04/26/2010 @ 10:30:36 PM
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I find this completely hysterical. I am 16 years old and I'm sick and tired of all this bullpoo poo circulating about which sport is better than another. Every sport has it's highs and lows and it sickens me to hear everyone be biased because of which sport they were raised to like and appreciate. My father took me out when I was three and taught me how to play baseball and I took to it from the first day. When I was six, he asked me if I wanted to pitch; I said yes. From that day on I have striven to become as good as I can be and to play the game with respect. I'm not a fast pitcher; I'm a finesse pitcher. People always think that baseball is easy, or it's not a sport, or that it doesn't have any skill involved. Well, if that was true, then why is it so difficult to hit a damn baseball? I throw mayybe 80-81 miles per hour. TOPS. But I know how to work the batters, throwing to certain spots depending who is up, changing my arm slot to fool the batters, and I know what pitch to throw in what situation. Such as: on an 0-2 count to any batter, where would you throw the ball? Every time, it is either high and inside-fastball, or low and outside-breaking ball. Never throwing a pitch in the strike zone on that count. In a bunt situation, men on first and second no outs, if the pitch is bunted to the left side with the third basemen crashing, the pitcher doesn't go for the ball, he goes to cover third. Baseball is as much a thinking game as it is a physical game, which is why people despise it so much. It is slow at times, and it doesn't involve contact, unless you count intentionally pegging someone because of the situation or they exchanged a few words with you, but I couldn't think of anything I would rather do than be pitching in a do or die situation in the final game of the World Series helping my team win on one of the biggest sports pedestals. I also love football though. I am not biased and I don't believe any sport is better than another: it just pisses me off when people compare sports when sports are completely incomparable. Like I said: they all have their highs and lows, their good facets and bad, but they all even out and should be treated as such: as equals.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - ...and Bob's your Uncle!
04/27/2010 @ 08:26:57 AM
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I like turtles.
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newalex.jpgAlex - 3619 Posts
04/27/2010 @ 01:05:33 PM
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A long post by a guest using mostly real words and proper grammar!?!

I'm not sure you never want to throw a strike on an 0-2 count. Nothing wrong with trying to hit the corners sometimes.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Pie Racist
04/27/2010 @ 01:19:17 PM
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Well, that statement can't be true. If you never threw a strike on 0-2 no batter would swing.
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4718 Posts
04/27/2010 @ 08:39:59 PM
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Joey Wrote - Yesterday @ 10:30:36 PM
I throw mayybe 80-81 miles per hour. TOPS.

I'm so happy Neshek decided to check out our website!
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