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Added By: PackOne
Added on: 11/14/2007 @ 7:53:44 PM
Link View Count: 1110
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How did you find nutcan?

With the huge spike in membership this month, I was wondering where all the traffic was coming from? If anyone would like to tell how they found their way to the nutcan site I would find it mildly entertaining.
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Davis Anthony 2007.JPGpremierdj
11/17/2007 @ 02:48:57 AM
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I had been visiting this site for a while, but never joined in the past. I always went o Google and simply searched for "nfl week # predictions".

Upon reading some of the articles I decided to join. Plus it sounds like there's some people also from Wisconsin here, so I felt like I was at home.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - How do you use these things?
11/17/2007 @ 08:59:01 AM
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Most of us are from WI, (as is the site) but for some reason, we seemed to have piqued the interest of Texas.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
11/17/2007 @ 09:12:10 AM
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it was the Romo Love Fest, I'd say.
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l_ad719f619e5ad7f4b593814445bf63ec.jpgRUFiO1984 - Two raw eggs in the morning
11/19/2007 @ 12:18:19 AM
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premierdj Wrote - 11/17/2007 @ 02:48:57 AM
I had been visiting this site for a while, but never joined in the past. I always went o Google and simply searched for "nfl week # predictions".

ditto, but i am from Delaware
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
11/19/2007 @ 12:28:07 AM
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Virtually everyone outside of the "big 6," and a select few others, found it that way. We actually rank pretty high for NFL pick searches on Google.
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Jeremy screwed with this at 11/19/2007 12:33:12 am
jon.jpgJon -'s kitten expert
11/19/2007 @ 12:34:44 AM
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Was I the only one who found this site by searching for testicle-related websites?

By the way, this is a joke, people. I know it's generally bad form to explain this, but I don't want any confusion about this. nut=nut. or legume. But beyond that, there's no innuendo or adolescent joke in its meaning.
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Jon messed with this 3 times, last at 11/19/2007 12:40:27 am
jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
11/19/2007 @ 12:45:57 AM
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As this shocking graph indicates, our hits are up a bit this year.

Here's the top searches.
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Jeremy screwed with this 4 times, last at 11/19/2007 12:48:50 am
jeremy.jpgJeremy - Always thinking of, but never about, the children.
11/19/2007 @ 12:49:56 AM
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Hmm, it seems those links get messed up, I'll fix that later. (The seccnd link gets made both links for some reason.)
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