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Added By: Jeremy
Added on: 07/09/2008 @ 1:37:29 PM
Link View Count: 864
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Nancy Pelosi vs. the Internet

Here's a dissenting opinion. This is the stupidest thing I think I've ever read coming from a politician regarding the internet. In fact, that fact that it involves the internet isn't even the main relevance. How would this work, and why bring it up now, you horses ass?

You don't get over partisan politics, and make everyone be united, by just making it look that way by only allowing one type of opinion.

Now, to be fair, this was regarding "official business" and perhaps there are better ways to do that and better places for it than your myspace page. Some regulations could come into play. The government needs to keep some secrets. It's also unfair to characterize this as if the DNC has to sign off on it, when it's really just the leaders of congress, who currently happen to be democrats, it just won't be taken that way. There's also no implied heavy censorship, though it could certainly lead to that. Also, what would define "official business" anyway?
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Always thinking of, but never about, the children.
07/09/2008 @ 02:32:09 PM
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Ok, so I read the actual proposal, and not only does it not contain any of the doom and gloom this guy talks about, it's hard to even interpret it that way. All it is is a proposal for rules that are already in place regarding video content. The current official setup is inadequate for posting videos. Basically I read the proposal as saying it wouldn't make sense to invest in a better setup for video, given there are so many options already out there, but that they would need to choose from a pre-approved list of sites (presumably so the official government video isn't being payed for by pop up ads and hosted alongside porn), and identify it on that site as an official House document.

There's really not even much there there. It's actually opening up things since currently they are only allowed to post such things in one place.
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - There's music to play. Places to go. People to see.
07/09/2008 @ 04:03:16 PM
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No Twitter? What a rip.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - As Seen On The Internet
07/09/2008 @ 04:04:26 PM
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They can twitter all they want.
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flower .jpgPackOne - Sit down your rockin' the boat.
07/09/2008 @ 10:33:22 PM
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I threw this out to my Twitter "fansbase" today. Response was about 50/50.
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reign_of_fire.jpgMicah - 584 Posts
07/13/2008 @ 05:04:50 PM
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Speaking of the internet, I found a CD today that said "Micah Folder" so I looked on it and it was a backup of stuff as old as my freshman year of college. Things like the Napster install file and Winamp Version 2.74. I then came across the install file for Snood, which I haven't played since I was a freshman. Sweet, I thought, and opened her up.

"As an added bonus, Snood comes with Gator and Offer Companion." BURNED!
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question_mark.gifDave Dobson (Guest)
07/21/2008 @ 06:27:02 PM
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Snood hasn't come with Gator in six years.
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