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Added on: 07/01/2008 @ 3:01:47 PM
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Aaron Rodgers tells fans to Shut Up!

In an interview with SI this week, Aaron Rodgers had some strong words for anyone not on the band wagon.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Robots don't say 'ye'
07/01/2008 @ 03:48:55 PM
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flower .jpgPackOne - You analyze me. Tend to despise me. You laugh when I stumble and fall.
07/01/2008 @ 04:33:25 PM
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Yep, that about sums it up. We all know, from an analyst on this site, that Aaron Rodgers will never make a play ... ever. So, it really doesn't matter I guess.
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jon.jpgJon - many posts
07/02/2008 @ 12:04:03 PM
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"Suck it Sarah" - Aaron Rodgers

By the way I totally agree with Rodgers, or at least with what I think he's trying to say. I'm always somewhat baffled when fans talk about being loyal and all that, when all they really mean is, "I'm loyal to him IF and WHEN he plays well for my team." And I think that goes for fans of every team by the way. And that's one approach to take, I guess, but it's not the approach that coincides with the loyalty that fans always preach back toward the players when it comes time to negotiate a contract or when they might part ways in free agency. So I think it's good advice to Packer fans to decide now if you're going to support Rodgers. If not, keep your mouth shut. And I would add, don't jump on the bandwagon when he plays well and pretend like you supported him. And I think that's good advice for all of us, myself included, when it comes to our players.

On another aspect of the whole Rodgers thing, I'm kind of tired of hearing about the other guys who replaced legends. People bring it up for whatever reasons, I guess, often pointing to how hard it is to replace someone like that. But it's often a meaningless comparison. For one, what's the percentage of quarterbacks that actually succeed to become stars anyway, regardless of who they replace? It's not that high. And how many of the post-legend qb's were really the team's next big hope at quarterback? Griese kind of was. But do you think the Dolphins were building around Jay Fiedler? A lot of times these are guys to fill the role while they make new long term plans. And it makes sense, because franchise qb's are rarely free agents you can pick up after your other guy leaves. And if you currently have a legend at qb, you don't always spend the time with a new franchise type guy warming the bench and waiting for the other guy to retire. The Packers actually are a little different in that regard. Favre was halfway out the door for as long as we can remember, so the Packers were proactive and took a guy who had top level talent in the draft. Also, in these articles they always list a bunch of the guys who didn't do well, but they gloss over, or omit, the fact that Steve Young put up a Hall of Fame career immediately after Montana. Even if it's only one example out of 15 instances, that's actually a really high number. 1 out of 15 guys becomes a hall of famer? That doesn't sound that bad.
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Jon messed with this 2 times, last at 07/02/2008 12:06:14 pm
jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
07/02/2008 @ 12:22:14 PM
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Well, should you really have to be blindly loyal to whomever happens to be wearing your favorite jersey either? I don't think a wait-and-see attitude is necessarily "bandwagoning." Or at least, it's too bad that it's come to that.

Your point that most of the usual suspects they dredge up every time a new QB has to replace a big name not being realistic long term solutions in the first place is a valid one. Though, I think often they are just talking to them about how fans react to them. As little slack as QB's get in normal situations, it's taken up a notch when the player before you was a legend. I think their insight into that is still worth something. However, when they start talking about it in a statistical sense, it's irrelevant, because it's likely similar to the odds any QB pans out.
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Jeremy edited this at 07/02/2008 12:24:32 pm
matt.jpgMatt -'s MBL
07/02/2008 @ 12:25:23 PM
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Jon Wrote - 07/02/2008 @ 12:04:03 PM
Also, in these articles they always list a bunch of the guys who didn't do well, but they gloss over, or omit, the fact that Steve Young put up a Hall of Fame career immediately after Montana.

Or that Brett Favre himself replaced superstar and Packer Hall of Famer Don Majkowski. emoticon
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Matt edited this at 07/02/2008 12:25:43 pm
jon.jpgJon - infinity + 1 posts
07/02/2008 @ 01:09:10 PM
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Jeremy Wrote - 07/02/2008 @ 12:22:14 PM
Well, should you really have to be blindly loyal to whomever happens to be wearing your favorite jersey either? I don't think a wait-and-see attitude is necessarily "bandwagoning." Or at least, it's too bad that it's come to that.

It's not that they have to be blindly loyal to anyone. But getting behind Rodgers and giving him the benefit of the doubt is probably the best thing Packer fans can do for the team at this point. And generally fans want to be loyal to their team. Not blindly loyal, but they should want the best for their team. But if fans don't give Rodgers the benefit of the doubt and they treat him like he's some fraud trespassing on Brett Favre's territory, then they aren't really supporting the team, and they aren't giving Rodgers a fair shake.

Anyway, my comment was probably more about the blind loyalty fans credit themselves with as it was a call for blind loyalty.

If fans wanna wait and see on Rodgers before they embrace him, to an extent, that's fine. But if he becomes a free agent and goes somewhere else later on because it's better for him then I don't wanna hear how he's being disloyal to them. I'm generally on the cynical side when it comes to fans and players and the magical relationship they have. It's much more of a transaction than fans want to admit. It's quid pro quo. You do well, I'll cheer for you. You don't do well, I don't mind if you get lost. It's not that it's necessarily wrong to behave that way in the context of sports (as long as you follow the basic rules of being good toward other human beings), it's just that we shouldn't then expect the athletes to go above and beyond for us if someone will treat them better.

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Jon perfected this 2 times, last at 07/02/2008 1:11:58 pm
fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Cube Phenomenoligist
07/02/2008 @ 01:14:13 PM
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Matt Wrote - 07/02/2008 @ 12:25:23 PM
Jon Wrote - 07/02/2008 @ 12:04:03 PM
Also, in these articles they always list a bunch of the guys who didn't do well, but they gloss over, or omit, the fact that Steve Young put up a Hall of Fame career immediately after Montana.

Or that Brett Favre himself replaced superstar and Packer Hall of Famer Don Majkowski. emoticon

To be fair the one of six years he was with the Packers that he actually played the whole season he went to the probowl.

I for one look forward to the day the Vikings induct Koren Robinson into their HOF.
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
07/02/2008 @ 04:24:34 PM
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - As Seen On The Internet
07/02/2008 @ 04:32:16 PM
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Oh for God's sake, it's true.

Edit: Well by true I mean it's at least a somewhat substantiated rumor and not something PackOne made up or picked off only
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Jeremy screwed with this at 07/02/2008 4:36:58 pm
sarah.jpgSarah - How do you use these things?
07/02/2008 @ 04:52:52 PM
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PackOne Wrote - 07/02/2008 @ 04:24:34 PM


Woo hoo! And the last days worth of commenting is useless because A-Rod is outta there! HA HA HA.

Seriously though I don't think it'll happen.
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
07/02/2008 @ 05:31:33 PM
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I hate the nickname more than I dislike the player. Stop with the A-Rod, seriously.

If it's true, welcome back, Brett! If not, well, just more Packer-fan resume fodder for the 2 or 3 years we use Rodgers.
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flower .jpgPackOne - At the Dollhouse in Ft. Lauderdale.
07/02/2008 @ 05:37:03 PM
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Jeremy Wrote - 07/02/2008 @ 04:32:16 PM
Oh for God's sake, it's true. Edit: Well by true I mean it's at least a somewhat substantiated rumor and not something PackOne made up or picked off only

Are you suggesting I make stuff up? Just kidding, but this is interesting. The whole thing will turn into a mess. Ted Thompson is going to have a long weekend.

"However, an NFL source said Wednesday afternoon that Favre — or Cook on his behalf — actually contacted the Packers "within the past few weeks" about returning, and the conversation ended in him asking the club for his release. The Packers refused.

The source wouldn't say why Favre would've asked to be released, but the logical reason he'd have made such a request would be because the team told him it had moved on with new starter Aaron Rodgers and did not want him back. The Packers also could've been testing Favre's resolve to see how serious he really is about playing again."
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/02/2008 @ 06:18:31 PM
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I support Aaron Rodgers. I think he can be pretty good. He seems a bit injury prone, but we'll have to see how that plays out. But do not include me in the potential "bandwagon jumpers" if he ends up doing well, because I'm not a mindless "anyone but Favre sucks" Packer fan.

If Brett Favre comes back, I'll be excited. If Brett wants to come back, but the Packers don't want him and he decides to play for another team, I will cheer him on regardless.
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - Don't mess with Jeremy. He owns your tag lines.
07/02/2008 @ 08:16:46 PM
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Favre denies the whole thing.
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jon.jpgJon - 3497 Posts
07/03/2008 @ 09:17:36 AM
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I don't really think that's a denial. Rumors can be true. Plus, if you really want to definitively say you're not coming back, that's just as easy to text as "it's all rumor."

Whether he's coming back or not or whether he's toying with the idea or not, I don't think his texts mean anything. The "no reason for it" text about a media firestorm doesn't really convince me of anything. If I remember correctly, he didn't think the media should have been covering his golf tournament press conference so heavily either. I'm not sure "no reason for it" in Favre's opinion really means there's no story there. Plus, even if it means he's not planning on coming back at the moment, it doesn't mean he didn't contact the Packers about it. And it doesn't mean something won't happen in the future.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
07/03/2008 @ 09:24:43 AM
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Well, if he flat out denied it in no uncertain terms he couldn't continue to jerk his fans around and hog the spotlight.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - Knuckle Sammich
07/03/2008 @ 12:25:13 PM
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - The girls all know he's "way cool" Jr.
07/03/2008 @ 05:59:25 PM
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Jon Wrote - 07/03/2008 @ 09:17:36 AM
I don't really think that's a denial. Rumors can be true. Plus, if you really want to definitively say you're not coming back, that's just as easy to text as "it's all rumor." Whether he's coming back or not or whether he's toying with the idea or not, I don't think his texts mean anything. The "no reason for it" text about a media firestorm doesn't really convince me of anything. If I remember correctly, he didn't think the media should have been covering his golf tournament press conference so heavily either. I'm not sure "no reason for it" in Favre's opinion really means there's no story there. Plus, even if it means he's not planning on coming back at the moment, it doesn't mean he didn't contact the Packers about it. And it doesn't mean something won't happen in the future.

Hmm. Well it was denial of sorts to all of the Favre is coming back stories. I am sure he did contact the Packers, most likely several weeks ago. I imagine the Packers did tell him no as well. There are only four things that can happen, and in reality only three are ever going to be on the table.

1. Favre stays retired. Huge ceremony on opening night. Packers crush Vikings.
2. Favre shows up for camp and competes for the job.
3. Favre shows up for camp and gets traded.
4. Favre gets released. (not going to happen)

They also never printed the actual text messages that were sent as questions. So I guess it is hard to gauge the response. Either way, flashy titles rule.
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images.jpgcraig - 132 Posts
07/04/2008 @ 11:40:08 PM
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I've had it with Favre, as far as I'm concerned he's not welcome to come back. Retire already, or if you want to play somewhere else say so. It's enough already. I don't understand how anyone can be supporting him after all the self-centered crap he's pulled over the years. Yes, he's been a great quarterback, but, he needs to get over himself. He's hardly the 'model-professional' people say he is.

You don't get to retire 6 times*, and get a ticker tape parade each time. Make up your $@$)ing mind. Go away! At least we can lose (or hopefully win!) with dignity now.

*Yes, I know he hasn't retired 6 times, but his whole "maybe I'll retire/maybe I won't"** thing is clearly just a desperate cry for attention.

**"maybe I'll retire/maybe I won't" - is a trade mark of Favre and Clemens Inc., all rights are reserved.
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craig screwed with this 4 times, last at 07/04/2008 11:52:16 pm
flower .jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
07/05/2008 @ 02:30:38 PM
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I totally disagree with the above post for a wide variety of reasons that I am too lazy to re-hash for the ninth time.

Zero nuts.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 1.21 Gigawatts!?!?
07/06/2008 @ 12:50:40 AM
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Look, in defense of Favre, much of the much-ado-about-nothing regarding his retirement over the last few years, including perhaps this latest "news" is a result of the fact that there's 200,000 sports outlets that are forced to fill their air time with wild speculation regarding nothing of any importance what-so-ever, so the chance to report on something that might actually be news is too tempting to pass up, so, quite naturally, they beat the "story" to death and all the big news outlets run with the smallest rumors that the brother of the guy that lives next door to the ex-con that cleans the toilets at Lambeau "overheard" is telling the Some-Unincorporated-Southern-Town-Herald.

That being said it would be awfully hard to deny that Favre has relished* the attention and has ABSOLUTELY held the team hostage over the past few seasons. This of course culminated in his telling the public he would have an announcement in about a week, calling an emergency press conference a week later, then telling the crowd, and not even bothering with a straight face, "I don't know why you're all here, I just want to talk about my golf event," then proceeding to wait until halftime week 3 to officially decide. If that wasn't "unprofessional", then I don't know what would be.

Yes, the media goes crazy over the slightest hint of a story, but the fact remains that there have been many times over the past few years that Brett could have given a definitive statement on something or in this case "There is nothing to the rumor regarding my comeback, I am retired, I have not contacted the Packers, they have not contacted me, unless you hear it from me assume that my family just likes seeing their name in the papers." You could make the case Favre doesn't "owe" the public such statements, but I would argue that the 25 week rollercoster ride every year was his doing, as such he should have addressed some of the bigger stories out there.

Instead he gives what at this point almost have to be deliberate cryptically worded half responses that don't really commit one way or another. The Vikings dumping Randy Moss was a preposterous sounding rumor being whispered about in small pockets of the internet at one point in time too.

In the end he pulled exactly what I said he would from the day it was evident the Packers needed to "start over". He came back while the Packers sucked and Rodgers rode the bench. He came back when they were a bit better, and Rodgers rode the bench. Again and again he came back as the Packers rebuilt, instead of letting Rodgers suck right along with the rest of the team and either get better along with the team over the next few seasons or show you enough to know you need to go get a Brady Quinn, or someone. In the end he left a rebuilt team with a complete unknown at the QB position that could easily slam shut a 3 year window they could have otherwise had. I'm not sure there are many people who wouldn't admit the Packers "overacheived" a bit last year, but it's not like 3-13 teams can accidentally go 13-3 either. Now? Who knows.

*The only other explanation is a level of naivety regarding his impact on the team and community of fans that would border on outright stupidity.
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Jeremy messed with this at 07/06/2008 12:42:00 pm
scott.jpgScott - You're going to have to call your hardware guy. It's not a software issue.
07/06/2008 @ 08:00:52 AM
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craig Wrote - 07/04/2008 @ 11:40:08 PM
I've had it with Favre, as far as I'm concerned he's not welcome to come back. Retire already, or if you want to play somewhere else say so. It's enough already. I don't understand how anyone can be supporting him after all the self-centered crap he's pulled over the years. Yes, he's been a great quarterback, but, he needs to get over himself. He's hardly the 'model-professional' people say he is. You don't get to retire 6 times*, and get a ticker tape parade each time. Make up your $@$)ing mind. Go away! At least we can lose (or hopefully win!) with dignity now. *Yes, I know he hasn't retired 6 times, but his whole "maybe I'll retire/maybe I won't"** thing is clearly just a desperate cry for attention. **"maybe I'll retire/maybe I won't" - is a trade mark of Favre and Clemens Inc., all rights are reserved.

I don't think there's a shred of truth anywhere in this post. Especially since Favre never told the press that he wants to come back. He told a friend and former teammante that he has an "itch" to play. Anyone who plays football since they were 7 is going to have an itch. The Press should be the once scrutinized here. Favre did anything that any retired veteran would do, he implied that he is going to miss playing the game, which apparently means he hates Aaron Rodgers and wants to bring the Packers down with him.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
07/06/2008 @ 12:44:38 PM
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The story involves him literally contacting the Packers regarding a comeback, that's a bit more than him having a conversation with his brother about possibly missing playing football.
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scott.jpgScott - Ma'am, can you make sure your computer is turned on?
07/06/2008 @ 01:08:31 PM
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I must have missed some of that then.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - I believe virtually everything I read.
07/07/2008 @ 01:05:46 PM
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"Minnesota Vikings: This is the perfect landing spot for Favre. The Vikings are the best team in need of a quarterback. The addition of Favre would make Minnesota an instant Super Bowl contender. But there's a problem: The Packers likely would never let that happen."
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07/07/2008 @ 01:50:28 PM
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Jeremy Wrote - 07/07/2008 @ 01:05:46 PM "Minnesota Vikings: This is the perfect landing spot for Favre. The Vikings are the best team in need of a quarterback. The addition of Favre would make Minnesota an instant Super Bowl contender. But there's a problem: The Packers likely would never let that happen."

Packer FANS wouldn't let that happen, they'd form a mob, head for the Twin Cities and lynch him before the coin toss.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Broadcast in stunning 1080i
07/07/2008 @ 01:58:24 PM
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I know, the reaction would be delicious. Also, I was under the impression "lynch" was a terrible word that required banishment for anyone that utters it.
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jon.jpgJon - 3497 Posts
07/07/2008 @ 05:17:00 PM
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Jeremy Wrote - 07/07/2008 @ 01:58:24 PM
I know, the reaction would be delicious. Also, I was under the impression "lynch" was a terrible word that required banishment for anyone that utters it.

Wendy is hereby banished!
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Jon messed with this 2 times, last at 07/07/2008 5:34:37 pm
jon.jpgJon - 3497 Posts
07/07/2008 @ 05:34:51 PM
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On second thought, Wendy probably just meant they'd send John Lynch to tackle Favre. No banishing necessary.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
07/07/2008 @ 06:04:27 PM
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Seriously though, how hilarious would that pregame number retiring ceremony be if Favre then walked across the field and started the game for the Vikings?

(I know in the slim slim slim chance it played out that he went to the Vikes they just wouldn't do the ceremony, but still it would be funny that it was planned and he's there and his first start on another team is in Lambeau.)
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flower .jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
07/07/2008 @ 07:34:49 PM
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Actually, the popular opinion seems to be that in about ten days Favre will send his intent letter, Ted Thompson feels that trading Favre will bring more wrath than releasing him. That is what popular semi-informed opinion seems to think.

If he is a Viking, ... I can't even go there.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - As Seen On The Internet
07/07/2008 @ 11:46:52 PM
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Well to me the chance that he comes back, let alone is available to anyone who wants him is slim. That said, the Vikings almost make too much sense. Obviously if he comes back to play for another team it's because the Packers pissed him off. He might enjoy a couple shots at them a year. The Vikings play a west coast offense and are just some questions at QB away from being a force to be reckoned with.

Other than him choosing a team because he'd be closer to home, in my mind if he was to be playing for another team (assuming he can go anywhere) next season there's a 50-50 shot it's the Vikings. All in all, if he decides to play again, I'd put the odds at 90% he's on one sideline or the other week one at Lambeau.

Also, keep in mind that for most of the state's population the Bears are the Packers biggest rival.
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4718 Posts
07/08/2008 @ 07:57:52 AM
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Jeremy Wrote - 07/07/2008 @ 11:46:52 PM

Other than him choosing a team because he'd be closer to home, in my mind if he was to be playing for another team (assuming he can go anywhere) next season there's a 50-50 shot it's the Vikings. All in all, if he decides to play again, I'd put the odds at 90% he's on one sideline or the other week one at Lambeau.

I'd give it a 100% shot because they're honoring him that day and retiring his jersey.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Pie Racist
07/08/2008 @ 12:19:01 PM
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Sarah Wrote - 07/08/2008 @ 07:57:52 AM
Jeremy Wrote - 07/07/2008 @ 11:46:52 PM

Other than him choosing a team because he'd be closer to home, in my mind if he was to be playing for another team (assuming he can go anywhere) next season there's a 50-50 shot it's the Vikings. All in all, if he decides to play again, I'd put the odds at 90% he's on one sideline or the other week one at Lambeau.

I'd give it a 100% shot because they're honoring him that day and retiring his jersey.

All in all, if he decides to play again, I'd put the odds at 90% he's on one sideline or the other week one at Lambeau. Something tells me if he's starting for the Bucs that day he'd skip the ceremony.

Also from what I'm reading Brett is working out like a man possessed. Most people in the know seem to be to the point that they would be shocked if Favre didn't "un-retire".
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Jeremy edited this at 07/08/2008 12:40:29 pm
2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
07/08/2008 @ 01:22:00 PM
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Jeremy Wrote - 07/07/2008 @ 11:46:52 PM
Also, keep in mind that for most of the state's population the Bears are the Packers biggest rival.

The Bears are 1a but the Vikings are 1b. There's a difference between Montana switching conferences and finishing out his career and Favre going from the Packers to the Vikings. If that happens then I change my mind to agree with the last 5 years of your "Favre is kind of a jerk" comments.
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jon.jpgJon - 3497 Posts
07/09/2008 @ 05:13:13 PM
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Here's another story. "The latest news" you might say, except that in a way there isn't really any news. But it is interesting to hear how people in or near the packers organization are talking about the whole thing.

p.s. (edit) read the little story in the gray box near the top about mccarthy. It's somewhat amusing.
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Jon perfected this 2 times, last at 07/09/2008 5:15:37 pm
flower .jpgPackOne - She's just a woman. Never again.
07/09/2008 @ 10:32:14 PM
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This is very very interesting. I would love to know EXACTLY when the commercial was made.

I don't see the humor, and don't know how I would feel if it was made this week.
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4718 Posts
07/10/2008 @ 08:02:15 AM
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We saw that on TV like right after the news broke that he might be coming back. I didn't find it funny.
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - Non-Creator
07/10/2008 @ 10:42:53 AM
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Neither did I. I guess it was made before the announcement, according to someone who says they know something.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
07/10/2008 @ 11:11:10 AM
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Yeah, it was too soon for it to have not been in the works before all this. Maybe saying that sentence is what gave him the itch.

Hello Vikings!!
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Jeremy messed with this at 07/10/2008 11:11:30 am
flower .jpgPackOne - Well use me, use me, 'caus you ain't that average groupie.
07/10/2008 @ 11:15:12 AM
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flower .jpgPackOne - Sit down your rockin' the boat.
07/10/2008 @ 03:29:51 PM
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Here you go Jeremy, I suggest a snorkel for all the drool.

[Click to Enlarge]
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 1.21 Gigawatts!?!?
07/10/2008 @ 03:39:57 PM
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Lawl, It's so wrong!
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IMG_3063[1].jpgjthompto - 209 Posts
07/10/2008 @ 04:07:32 PM
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Think about this. Favre will be on the cover of Madden this year, most likely in a Packer Jersey. Does this mean the Madden curse will be on the Packers for losing him to the Vikings? Or will the Vikings now inherit the curse. Imagine if he is on the cover of the game as a Packer and in the game on another team. I think this is all crazy talk and will never happen but on the 1% chance that Favre does join the Vikings I think most Vikings fans will welcome him in, after all we got Sharper and Longwell here.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
07/10/2008 @ 04:11:27 PM
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The fact that he's carrying the Madden Curse is like 60% of the reason it's inevitable he'll be a Viking.

Don't forget his Ex QB coach Darrell Bevell as offensive coordinator and Superstar Robert Ferguson.
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Jeremy messed with this at 07/10/2008 4:12:43 pm
jon.jpgJon - 1 bajillion posts
07/10/2008 @ 06:08:25 PM
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PackOne Wrote - Yesterday @ 10:32:14 PM This is very very interesting. I would love to know EXACTLY when the commercial was made. I don't see the humor, and don't know how I would feel if it was made this week.

Maybe a little comment about what video to watch on the site?
That way I don't have to waste three minutes watching the top video.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Cube Phenomenoligist
07/10/2008 @ 06:16:15 PM
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Yeah, I knew what he was talking about, but thought maybe they had another Favre cameo or reference or something and watched that whole thing. It was terrible. Then I found it and forgot to comment what one he meant to link to. It's on the right and named "Moving."
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wendy.gifWendy - 163 Posts
07/11/2008 @ 02:58:54 PM
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Favre seeks unconditional release from Packers, sources say
By Chris Mortensen

HATTIESBURG, Miss -- Three days after a conference call with Green Bay Packers team officials on Tuesday in which quarterback Brett Favre emphatically expressed his desire to play in 2008, Favre on Friday formally asked for his contractual release from the Packers in a letter, sources close to Favre and the team said.

The letter was sent by Favre's agent, James "Bus" Cook, via overnight mail on Thursday and arrived at the Packers facility Friday morning.

(the rest):
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - As Seen On The Internet
07/11/2008 @ 04:00:14 PM
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Also, I enjoy that fact that roughly 34% of all nutcan content is about Brett Favre, but in the one of the biggest dealings in his career, and one with HUGE potential nutcan implications, he doesn't even get his own thread.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/11/2008 @ 04:05:05 PM
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Hater emoticonemoticon

I'm just lazy, don't read anything into it.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Cube Phenomenoligist
07/11/2008 @ 04:07:19 PM
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Well, there have been 3453 articles linked to, any/all of which could have been their own deal. I wasn't calling anyone out.
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wendy.gifWendy - 163 Posts
07/11/2008 @ 04:10:42 PM
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Yet another reason I should remain banished.emoticon
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Pie Racist
07/11/2008 @ 04:39:01 PM
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Packers Release Statement

I don't know about you guys, but I read this very differently than Seifert. I think he's reading a bit too far between the lines and hanging on one word (active), when the statement as a whole sure seems to be bracing for a "radical" change.

Really the word is just a statement of fact, if you un-retire you're an active member of the team. In and of itself I don't think it has any implications, and the rest of it sure sounds like "Have a nice life, we'll always love you, despite this."

Am I wrong?
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flower .jpgPackOne - Push the little daisy's and make em come up.
07/11/2008 @ 04:59:22 PM
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The Green Bay Packers are aware of the latest developments regarding Brett Favre.

Brett earned and exercised the right to retire on his terms. We wanted him to return and welcomed him back on more than one occasion.

Only thing that matters to me.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - I believe virtually everything I read.
07/11/2008 @ 05:00:32 PM
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I don't get what you mean.
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flower .jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
07/11/2008 @ 05:03:21 PM
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The big talk is whether to blame Brett or the organization. I personally blame Brett.

1. Said he would never wear another jersey.
2. Kept saying Favre wanted back and the Packers didn't want him - so he retired.
3. Has nothing left to give it's over I don't want to play.
4. Screw Favre.

Brett Favre is still a Packer, but he won't wear the uniform again.
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flower .jpgPackOne - Non-Creator
07/11/2008 @ 05:04:03 PM
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So, unless the organization is lying about telling Brett they wanted him back before he retired, Brett was full of it the whole time.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
07/11/2008 @ 05:10:14 PM
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Oh, I see. I guess I read that as "what else are we going to say" and not a defense of the allegations they didn't want him back. I don't have a hard time believing a few years ago when the Packers were in outright rebuilding mode that someone thought, "Maybe we should move on" It would have been the right move, and many teams before have done it. Stands to reason someone in the Packers organization would have wanted him out. The Packers organization isn't one mono-brained organism. More people than not could have wanted him back, the important ones, or ones Brett talked to, could have implied they would like to move on.

Both things could be true, and like I said, what else are the Packers going to say?
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Jeremy edited this at 07/11/2008 5:10:47 pm
jeremy.jpgJeremy - Pie Racist
07/11/2008 @ 05:12:25 PM
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Also, I had some doubts a few days ago, but there's way too much smoke to be no fire at this point, right?
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flower .jpgPackOne - Take your shirt off, twist it 'round yo' hand...spin it like a helicopter.
07/11/2008 @ 05:16:50 PM
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I agree, I am sure they thought of moving on. I also am sure that they pressured Favre for a decision. As a multi million dollar organization that isn't too much to ask.

All I am hearing today is how much the Packers suck for not wanting Favre back. I don't believe that this was the case earlier in the year. I am convinced this was a plan of Mr Favre all along.
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2887.gifAlex - I don't need to get steady I know just how I feel
07/11/2008 @ 05:21:08 PM
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I read the Packers statement as, "Screw you Favre, we're not just going to release you. You want to un-retire? Fine. We could use a veteran backup or if you can work out a trade with someone not in the NFC North and preferably not in the NFC at all then great.". At least that's what I'd say if I had a say. I think. Maybe I'd say he'd have the chance to beat out Rodgers for the starting spot in the preseason. Then you could really see how Rodgers responded to pressure. But there's no way I let him walk because I'm stubborn like that.
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - More posts than they wanted.
07/11/2008 @ 05:25:29 PM
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No way they let him walk. They have the cap space to let him sit there if they have to.

Ill bet my thirty dollar softball fee - that there is no release.
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IMG_3063[1].jpgjthompto - 209 Posts
07/11/2008 @ 05:28:50 PM
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Looks like the Packers are in a no win situation to me. THey were all set to move on and then Favre decides he wants to play. If they bring him back as the starter, they basically say to the rest of the team, the Favre runs this team and he can do wahtever he wants. Trading him seems unlikely because he will refuse to play for any team that isnt playoff ready. The only other option is to release him and either way they are screwed. Favre is in the power position.
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
07/11/2008 @ 05:30:29 PM
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Good post jthompto but I think the Packers are in the power position. Truth be told, not that they will, but they could easily pay him and tell him to sit on the bench. If they REALLY wanted to.
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07/11/2008 @ 05:36:05 PM
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Yeah I didn't think about that. They could very well pay him not to play for 3 years. But if he applies to be reinstated they have to put him on the active roster and what kind of uproar can you expect from the fans in Green Bay if Favre is on the roster and sitting on the bench or not dressing at all while Aaron Rodgers is out there at QB. This is a PR nightmare for the organization.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Robots don't say 'ye'
07/11/2008 @ 05:43:31 PM
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That would be almost the worst situation.

1) Nothing will make the Favre/Packer relationship sour quicker than Keyshawn Johnson-ing him.
2) The fans, especially those in Green Bay, are not going to accept that Favre is back, available, but benched. That would be the ultimate sign that the Packers wanted out before Farvre did.

It's a no win situation. They can't bench him. If they let him back now, then they better look for another heir-apparent, because Rodgers will walk ASAP. They could try to trade him but almost no one has enough money. The amount Favre would be due basically would force the Packers into a situation where Favre could dictate to them where to go, but Ted Thompson would still be the guy that traded Brett Favre, or released him only because the organization wasn't willing to work out the money.

Releasing him right now is the only PR saving thing to do on their end, if only because they can point the finger Brett's direction and say, we're only doing this because HE wants us to. Brett asked for his release, in no uncertain terms, and if Brett is going to be in purple, purple, or pewter next season it may do the Packers well to time the inevitable right, so at least everyone knows whose idea it was.
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scott.jpgScott - On your mark...get set...Terrible!
07/11/2008 @ 05:49:56 PM
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Let the man play. I could personally care less if he he plays, I could care less if he doesn't. If he plays for another team, I will cheer him on. I might not like the fact that such a big deal was made of his retiring only to find that he will still be playing, but come on, who cares. Packer fans just need to let it go. I'll support Favre in whatever direction he goes.
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newalex.jpgAlex - 3619 Posts
07/11/2008 @ 05:57:48 PM
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If there's any team that doesn't need to worry about PR, it's the Packers.

Really though, the Packers have already let go of what, like 6 or 7 starting QBs go during Favre's era, what's one more right? Start Favre, keep Rodgers if he wants to stay but let him seek a trade if not, and make Brohm the next heir apparent that will end up getting traded in 3 years when Favre retires/unretires again.

I'll support the Packers either way, but not Favre if he's going to have a Keith Hernandez moment.

And don't you mean you "couldn't care less"?
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sarah.jpgSarah - So's your face
07/11/2008 @ 06:09:06 PM
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Speaking as a fan, I say screw Favre. He doesn't care about the fans and has ruined his legacy as the most beloved Packer player ever.
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07/11/2008 @ 06:18:29 PM
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Sarah, I'm so glad you said that.
I echo you 100% and you've liberated me to say that aloud, because you're a bigger Favre fan than most people I know, and if you're pissed at him, we can all be pissed at him!
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images.jpgcraig - 132 Posts
07/11/2008 @ 08:13:11 PM
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Jeremy Wrote - Today @ 05:43:31 PM
That would be almost the worst situation.

1) Nothing will make the Favre/Packer relationship sour quicker than Keyshawn Johnson-ing him.
2) The fans, especially those in Green Bay, are not going to accept that Favre is back, available, but benched. That would be the ultimate sign that the Packers wanted out before Farvre did.

It's a no win situation. They can't bench him. If they let him back now, then they better look for another heir-apparent, because Rodgers will walk ASAP. They could try to trade him but almost no one has enough money. The amount Favre would be due basically would force the Packers into a situation where Favre could dictate to them where to go, but Ted Thompson would still be the guy that traded Brett Favre, or released him only because the organization wasn't willing to work out the money.

Releasing him right now is the only PR saving thing to do on their end, if only because they can point the finger Brett's direction and say, we're only doing this because HE wants us to. Brett asked for his release, in no uncertain terms, and if Brett is going to be in purple, purple, or pewter next season it may do the Packers well to time the inevitable right, so at least everyone knows whose idea it was.

There was some speculation on the radio (not a good source I know) that the packers could just say, ok, you're back on the roster. And when, presumably, he doesn't show up for training camp, they can fine him, and put him on some sort of 'unwilling to play' type thing, where they don't have to pay him, and they don't have to trade him. I doubt they'd do it though (and it may not even be true, those radio guys aren't the least bit reliable) You don't really want to ostracize one of your teams most popular players ever. Even though he's a self centered jerk. Sorry, couldn't resist. emoticon
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Super Chocolate Bear
07/11/2008 @ 09:59:23 PM
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Also, I'd just like to point out that Craig was way ahead of the curve on the packer fan's willing to admit Favre is a "self-centered jerk." And oh how ya'll came to Favre's defense! Who's laughing now?!? Or laughing and finger dancing, as it were.

Edit: And I'm going to start all my sentences with conjunctions from now on.
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Jeremy perfected this at 07/11/2008 10:00:46 pm
images.jpgcraig - 132 Posts
07/11/2008 @ 10:59:23 PM
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Jeremy Wrote - Today @ 09:59:23 PM
Edit: And I'm going to start all my sentences with conjunctions from now on.

Oh the memories.

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flower .jpgPackOne - Sit down your rockin' the boat.
07/11/2008 @ 11:07:22 PM
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There is a substantial report that the Vikings have inquired about a 1-2 deal. I am not giving out the link.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - I hate our freedoms
07/11/2008 @ 11:09:53 PM
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A 1-2 year deal? What do you mean? If the Vikings contacted Favre now I assume that would be tampering, or something.
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
07/11/2008 @ 11:12:52 PM
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"A source in Minnesota says that there have already been "inquiries" about Favre getting a 1 to 2 - year deal with the Vikings.

And why not? Darrell Bevell is the offensive coordinator there, who worked with Favre as an offensive assistant and quarterback coach for five years in Green Bay, 2000 to 2005.

Cook will argue with Thompson, hey, if you let Ryan Longwell and Darren Sharper become free agents, who crossed the state line to the Vikings, why not Brett?"

That's all I got.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - So's your face
07/11/2008 @ 11:15:26 PM
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You got nothing.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
07/11/2008 @ 11:16:31 PM
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According to Peter King the reason Favre wants his unconditional release was that his team of choice is the Vikings. According to another source Bus Cook gauged the Vikings interest in such a deal and the sudden letter might be because those talks "heated up"
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flower .jpgPackOne - There's music to play. Places to go. People to see.
07/11/2008 @ 11:19:25 PM
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The last line also says...

Good luck with that Bus.
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
07/11/2008 @ 11:20:25 PM
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That will cost you at least three spots on the hottest chicks in sports list.
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goodlooking.jpgcraig - 132 Posts
07/11/2008 @ 11:20:27 PM
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PackOne Wrote - Today @ 11:12:52 PM
Cook will argue with Thompson, hey, if you let Ryan Longwell and Darren Sharper become free agents, who crossed the state line to the Vikings, why not Brett?"

Longwell and Sharper can't turn water into wine, heal the sick and dying with a touch of their hand, or forgive the sins of football fans -- unlike Brett Favre.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - So's your face
07/11/2008 @ 11:25:08 PM
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PackOne Wrote - Today @ 11:20:25 PM

That will cost you at least three spots on the hottest chicks in sports list.

That would kick me off the list!
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flower .jpgPackOne - First I limp to the side like my leg was broken.
07/11/2008 @ 11:26:32 PM
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I'll still let you on, Sharapova gets to move up at the very least.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/12/2008 @ 09:11:44 AM
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Sarah Wrote - Yesterday @ 07:09:06 PM
Speaking as a fan, I say screw Favre. He doesn't care about the fans and has ruined his legacy as the most beloved Packer player ever.

I don't think he's ruined anything. In 10 years, what are people going to remember more, this saga that might last at most one season, or the previous 17 years?

Quick word Association (name the first team that comes to mind):

Joe Montana
Pete Rose
Michael Jordan

If You answered 49ers, Reds, and Bulls in that order, than Favre has not ruined anything. If you answered Chiefs, Expos, or Wizards, then you are obviously a rare bird.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4718 Posts
07/12/2008 @ 10:55:05 AM
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I answered Chiefs, Reds, and Wizards. (mostly just to be the antagonist) The only image I have of Montana is him as a Chief on his hands and knees on the field after a bad hit. He was so hurt that he couldn't even move, if he would've retired as a 49er I wouldn't remember him as just being a washed up has been. Not that Favre is leaving the Packers because he's washed up and injured, but still. He was/(is?) the Packers. He retired and WI mourned. Now, it looks like he did it just to get out and leave his fans who have been loyal to him through everything. The addictions, the game-ending interceptions in the playoffs, etc. He was the reason I started watching football and now it just feels like we were never good enough for him.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/12/2008 @ 11:10:22 AM
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Maybe he just doesn't want to play in the cold anymore.

Actually, he read Sarah's article about how baseball sucks and got pissed because he actually is a bigger baseball fan than a football fan. Now he's just sticking it to her.
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Scott messed with this at 07/12/2008 11:11:17 am
scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/12/2008 @ 11:16:46 AM
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Steve Young says it pretty well here.
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Scott edited this 3 times, last at 07/12/2008 11:17:49 am
scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/12/2008 @ 11:26:37 AM
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One more thing, Brett Favre does not owe the fans anything. ANYTHING. Why do fans feel like players owe them something. I owe Brett Favre! I got to watch him play for the past 17 years. He doesn't owe me squat. I owe him a ton, including letting him do whatever he wants to do in a case like this. Some fans seem to be turning on Favre on the exact same points that they viciously defended him on not too long ago. Until you put the uniform on and play, none of us can have any idea what these guys go through. And if you ask many of the other great players from different sports, they all seem to understand what Brett Favre is doing and some even have done the same thing. (Roger Clemens, Michael Jordan, Reggie White, Joe Montana, Jerry Rice). I'm already sick of it. I have no problem with what Favre is doing. The only thing I might say is that I am ready to let Aaron Rodgers have a chance as the Packers QB because he needs to start at some point. I completely understand that the Packers don't really want Favre on another team because they might have to face him. Whatever, people are making a huge deal about this for no reason. His legacy CANNOT be tarnished, especially not because he decided he actually didn't want to retire.
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goodlooking.jpgcraig - 132 Posts
07/12/2008 @ 11:46:46 AM
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Big news, the Packers have 'clarified' their stand on the issue, by posting a statement on their website, that doesn't really say much of anything. Don't fear though 'The Green Bay Packers are aware of the latest developments regarding Brett Favre.'
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craig messed with this at 07/12/2008 11:47:48 am
fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
07/12/2008 @ 12:00:43 PM
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That was indeed big news, 24 hours ago.
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goodlooking.jpgcraig - is going to test the free agent market.
07/12/2008 @ 12:06:43 PM
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Jeremy Wrote - Today @ 12:00:43 PM
That was indeed big news, 24 hours ago.

It's not really news at all. I just find it amusing that they even bothered with a press release, that doesn't say much of anything.
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flower .jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
07/12/2008 @ 01:39:07 PM
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Scott Wrote - Today @ 11:26:37 AM
One more thing, Brett Favre does not owe the fans anything. ANYTHING. Why do fans feel like players owe them something. I owe Brett Favre! I got to watch him play for the past 17 years. He doesn't owe me squat. I owe him a ton, including letting him do whatever he wants to do in a case like this. Some fans seem to be turning on Favre on the exact same points that they viciously defended him on not too long ago. Until you put the uniform on and play, none of us can have any idea what these guys go through. And if you ask many of the other great players from different sports, they all seem to understand what Brett Favre is doing and some even have done the same thing. (Roger Clemens, Michael Jordan, Reggie White, Joe Montana, Jerry Rice). I'm already sick of it. I have no problem with what Favre is doing. The only thing I might say is that I am ready to let Aaron Rodgers have a chance as the Packers QB because he needs to start at some point. I completely understand that the Packers don't really want Favre on another team because they might have to face him. Whatever, people are making a huge deal about this for no reason. His legacy CANNOT be tarnished, especially not because he decided he actually didn't want to retire.

The problem with that statement is that it is a two way street.

We supported him through drug addiction, family tragedy, and a couple years of poor play. In turn he made hundreds of millions of dollars and we got to watch him.

It is a two way street. The whole situation was handled poorly at best.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
07/12/2008 @ 05:23:30 PM
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PackOne Wrote - Today @ 01:39:07 PM
We supported him through drug addiction, family tragedy, and a couple years of poor play.

Yes, I'm sure those were all very trying times for all of you.
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flower .jpgPackOne - That hypocrite smokes two packs a day.
07/12/2008 @ 08:50:12 PM
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Hint of sarcasm. Okay, sarcastic much? All I am saying is that it takes two to tango.

The Packers supported him through ... details.

Two things:

Favre was not forced out.

March 27 - Thompson and McCarthy decide they would be fine with Favre returning even though Aaron Rodgers is set to begin off-season workouts as the starter, and they inform Favre. "Mike said, ‘Ted and I talked and we said, fine.' But we'd like to come see you, and Brett was kind of excited that we were coming to see him." In preparation to leave for the owners meetings in West Palm Beach, March 30-April 3, they arrange to meet with Favre and wife, Deanna.

March 29 - McCarthy makes plans to fly to Hattiesburg on April 1 to make plans for Favre's return. McCarthy is leaving for evening Mass when Favre calls to inform him he has changed his mind. "We were all set for them, but Brett called back and that he and Deanna had a long talk about it and they were going to stick with their original decision."

Secondly, expect a trade to Tampa for Simms and a second in the near future.
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scott.jpgScott - Get Up! Get outta here! Gone!
07/12/2008 @ 10:41:27 PM
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Alex Wrote - Yesterday @ 06:57:48 PM
And don't you mean you "couldn't care less"?

This is off topic, but I found this. Someone must have their underoos in a bunch.

(I'm going to put this sit on another thread too).
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - More posts than they wanted.
07/12/2008 @ 10:56:23 PM
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DT Johnny Jolly arrested for felony drug posession of 200 grams of codeine. Wow. Timing.
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scott.jpgScott - On your mark...get set...Terrible!
07/12/2008 @ 11:11:42 PM
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Obviously Favre planted it to make himself look like less of a jerk.
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Scott messed with this at 07/12/2008 11:11:56 pm
jon.jpgJon - 3497 Posts
07/13/2008 @ 03:54:24 PM
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What a time to take two days off from the 'can!

first things first,
jthompto Wrote - 07/11/2008 @ 05:28:50 PM
...they basically say to the rest of the team, the Favre runs this team and he can do wahtever he wants....

was that an intentional use of "the Favre"? either way, hilarious.

Sarah Wrote - 07/11/2008 @ 06:09:06 PM
Speaking as a fan, I say screw Favre. He doesn't care about the fans and has ruined his legacy as the most beloved Packer player ever.

Not to pick on you sarah, because it's a lot bigger than just you, and I sympathize with a lot of the emotions behind the comments like this...but really? This is how it works? So one day he's MBL of Packer nation and now it's screw him? (I know these are complicated times and it's probably said in a passionate moment, but this is the type of thing which I had in mind when I wrote about the loyalty fans credit themselves with and the demands they make of the players and how it's a little different from reality.) So I guess he doesn't care about the fans. I get that some of the stuff he's doing seems selfish (What? an athlete thinking of himself? or, should I say, an employee trying to find a situation that makes him happy? Unheard of.), but even if that's the case right now- that he completely doesn't care about the fans - has he always been that way? I don't know whether he has or hasn't, but my point is that after, what, 17 years are you still going to require that his career follows the path that the fans deem the best for the fans? I don't think he signed up for that. Was that implied in all the cheering everyone did for him? I'm not defending his actions here, he kind of did a crappy job of this whole thing. I'm just wondering if that's where the line is drawn. Almost two decades of greatness buys you near infallibility status from the fans but a severly botched retirement that hasn't even worked itself out yet puts you on the "screw you" list?

Personally, I think Scott's quote here is just about the best take on this whole thing that I've heard or read from a Packer fan.

Scott Wrote - Yesterday @ 11:26:37 AM
One more thing, Brett Favre does not owe the fans anything. ANYTHING. Why do fans feel like players owe them something. I owe Brett Favre! I got to watch him play for the past 17 years. He doesn't owe me squat. I owe him a ton, including letting him do whatever he wants to do in a case like this. Some fans seem to be turning on Favre on the exact same points that they viciously defended him on not too long ago. Until you put the uniform on and play, none of us can have any idea what these guys go through. And if you ask many of the other great players from different sports, they all seem to understand what Brett Favre is doing and some even have done the same thing. (Roger Clemens, Michael Jordan, Reggie White, Joe Montana, Jerry Rice). I'm already sick of it. I have no problem with what Favre is doing. The only thing I might say is that I am ready to let Aaron Rodgers have a chance as the Packers QB because he needs to start at some point. I completely understand that the Packers don't really want Favre on another team because they might have to face him. Whatever, people are making a huge deal about this for no reason. His legacy CANNOT be tarnished, especially not because he decided he actually didn't want to retire.

I wouldn't be as absolutist on the "owing" issue, but the general idea of it is right I think, and the rest of the comment seems right about on target. Though, to nit pick, I also wouldn't say I don't have ANY problem with what Favre is doing. But even so, I don't think people should be all mad at him either. He's a fallible human being making life-altering, time sensitive decisions, with millions of people making noise from all different directions. So, he hasn't handled it perfectly. He's even handled things poorly, you could argue. My advice to Packer fans? Recognize it, accept it, cut him the slack you would want to be given to you, and move on.

Good job, Scott.
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Jon perfected this at 07/13/2008 3:57:25 pm
flower .jpgPackOne - Non-Creator
07/13/2008 @ 05:14:32 PM
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I hate to say it Jon but I will agree with some of that. There are two sides of the fan story though. For as many people bashing Favre there are just as many people planning protests outside the hall of fame induction ceremony for Gilbert Brown and Frank Winters. That is plain embarassing if you ask me. Take the once in a lifetime moment away from two guys.

This whole thing could have been avoided if two grown men would have swallowed their pride and picked up the telephone.

Remember how pissed you get when people don't call in for softball?

It is as simple as that, only of course nutcan softball is a way bigger deal.
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scott.jpgScott - Resident Tech Support
07/13/2008 @ 09:07:18 PM
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I can't believe no one brought this up! Is T-Mobile sending a message?
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - Well you can get this lapdance here for free.
07/13/2008 @ 09:32:06 PM
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We did. Jon yelled at me. It is somewhere in the mess above.
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4718 Posts
07/13/2008 @ 09:43:43 PM
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Scott Wrote - Today @ 09:07:18 PM
I can't believe no one brought this up! Is T-Mobile sending a message?

Nothing escapes the Nut, now our readers, that's a whole different story.
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newalex.jpgAlex - 3619 Posts
07/13/2008 @ 10:47:03 PM
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The only thing that really bugs me about the current situation is if anyone says that Favre has earned the right to ask for his outright release. Which I don't think anyone here has stated directly, but Scott pretty much implied as much. Regardless of prior deeds, his contract is still for 3 years. There's probably numerous players who would like to just up and leave their current team and go wherever they want. Why should Favre get special treatment so he can go play for a division rival?
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
07/13/2008 @ 11:34:04 PM
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Sarah Wrote - Today @ 09:43:43 PM
Scott Wrote - Today @ 09:07:18 PM
I can't believe no one brought this up! Is T-Mobile sending a message?

Nothing escapes the Nut, now our readers, that's a whole different story.

I'm starting to wonder if Scott's version of the Nutcan only displays the thread titles and a comment box.
Alex Wrote - Today @ 10:47:03 PM
The only thing that really bugs me about the current situation is if anyone says that Favre has earned the right to ask for his outright release. Which I don't think anyone here has stated directly, but Scott pretty much implied as much. Regardless of prior deeds, his contract is still for 3 years. There's probably numerous players who would like to just up and leave their current team and go wherever they want. Why should Favre get special treatment so he can go play for a division rival?

I don't necessarily think the Packers owe Favre his freedom, but I think the general sentiment is that after years of dedicated service and a few years of lukewarm reception by Packers brass they "owe" him more than stashing him away on the roster, just to keep him from playing. Or that football in general "owes" him more than that. It would really be unfair to equate this with the usual "Chad Johnson" type "I want out" mid-contract situation. The Packers didn't count on him and have moved on, and you could make the case that even if the worst case scenario happens (They cut him, he goes to the Vikings) that the Packers would be better served in the end over the long term. Talk about a locker room dismantling distraction.

Jon Wrote - Today @ 03:54:24 PM
I get that some of the stuff he's doing seems selfish (What? an athlete thinking of himself? or, should I say, an employee trying to find a situation that makes him happy? Unheard of.), but even if that's the case right now- that he completely doesn't care about the fans - has he always been that way?.

I've often heard, or read, the "just a job" metaphor and I was thinking about it, and found it interesting I've never heard it taken to the next logical step, even though it seems to fit quite well. It's often said that plays "owe" the fans first, then their teammates, and so on. "Where's the loyalty?!" people will say.

At many jobs you have co-workers you like and have direct interaction with your customers. You could have great relationships with your customers. They could have a great relationship with you. There could even be a good chance that you are the sole reason they chose, or continue to stick with, your company. Ultimately there is an inherent imbalance of "intimacy" in that relationship. You are their one supplier of widgets, or you are their tech guy, or you are their web programmer. They go to you when they need something. On your end, no matter how much you like them, they are one of many customers who all feel like they have some "special" link to you. However, when the time comes that a better job comes along, or you just want something new, how far up on the list of concerns is "Geeze, think how many customers I'll be disrupting. They might leave, they'll have to find/get-to-know someone else ect" Most likely, not very high. In fact, even if a sense of loyalty to a group of people was the reason you stayed, your customers are still probably low on that list. There are lots of them where you are now, and every other place you'll go will have customers too. There's even a decent chance that your customer could feel slighted, even on a personal level, by your decision to leave. "I've been calling Jim directly to help me solve my propane needs for 10 years. He's made all this money off of me, and now he's just going to go sell cars? He knows the big annual cookoff my company sponsors is coming up! What an asshole!"
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Jeremy messed with this 2 times, last at 07/13/2008 11:35:37 pm
scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
07/14/2008 @ 07:45:16 AM
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Sarah Wrote - Yesterday @ 10:43:43 PM
Scott Wrote - Yesterday @ 10:07:18 PM
I can't believe no one brought this up! Is T-Mobile sending a message?
Nothing escapes the Nut, now our readers, that's a whole different story.

Did someone already bring this up?
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - How do you use these things?
07/14/2008 @ 07:52:44 AM
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I wasn't sure you'd get it the first time.
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
07/14/2008 @ 11:43:06 AM
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Got this anonymously today, from the same source that called the Corey Williams trade. Which is documented here, somewhere.

"My source, within the Packer organization, says that if Favre comes out of retirement, there is a 95% chance that he will be a Buccaneer this season. The Packers will not release Favre for fear of him joining a team within their division. Supposedly secret talks are already underway discussing details of the trade for Favre to the Bucs."
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scott.jpgScott - Resident Tech Support
07/14/2008 @ 12:05:46 PM
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That's sort of buzz down here in Tampa.

Brett Favre will sort of be able to answer Warren Sapp's "Put a jersey on" rant by saying "Ok, I'll put a Bucs' jersey on".
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jon.jpgJon - 1000000 posts (and counting!)
07/14/2008 @ 02:16:52 PM
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Breaking News!

From the horse's mouth!
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07/14/2008 @ 02:29:34 PM
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And why Greta Van Susteren? Yuck.
(sure, it's a petty complaint in the scheme of things, but I can't stand her, so it just compounds the crappiness of the Favre SOAP OPERA)
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jon.jpgJon - 3497 Posts
07/14/2008 @ 02:33:37 PM
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Wendy Wrote - Today @ 02:29:34 PM
And why Greta Van Susteren? Yuck. (sure, it's a petty complaint in the scheme of things, but I can't stand her, so it just compounds the crappiness of the Favre SOAP OPERA)

She's from WI. Actually graduated from UW Madison. A Packer/Brett Favre fan too. And she has done at least one interview with Favre and his wife in the recent past.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - The pig says "My wife is a slut?"
07/14/2008 @ 02:39:28 PM
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Wendy Wrote - Today @ 02:29:34 PM
And why Greta Van Susteren? Yuck.
(sure, it's a petty complaint in the scheme of things, but I can't stand her, so it just compounds the crappiness of the Favre SOAP OPERA)

Anderson Cooper can't do everything.
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wendy.gifWendy - 163 Posts
07/14/2008 @ 04:19:19 PM
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Jeremy Wrote - Today @ 02:39:28 PM
Wendy Wrote - Today @ 02:29:34 PM
And why Greta Van Susteren? Yuck. (sure, it's a petty complaint in the scheme of things, but I can't stand her, so it just compounds the crappiness of the Favre SOAP OPERA)
Anderson Cooper can't do everything.

I love AC.
Slater and Cooper
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wendy.gifWendy - 163 Posts
07/14/2008 @ 04:20:44 PM
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Jon Wrote - Today @ 02:33:37 PM
Wendy Wrote - Today @ 02:29:34 PM
And why Greta Van Susteren? Yuck. (sure, it's a petty complaint in the scheme of things, but I can't stand her, so it just compounds the crappiness of the Favre SOAP OPERA)
She's from WI. Actually graduated from UW Madison. A Packer/Brett Favre fan too. And she has done at least one interview with Favre and his wife in the recent past.

She also just did a really poorly-researched and sensationalistic 1-hr special on the SERIAL KILLER THAT'S STRIKING YOUNG ADULTS IN MADISON (cue horror-movie music here)
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
07/14/2008 @ 05:33:13 PM
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“Them moving on does not bother me. It doesn’t. I totally understand that. By me retiring March 3rd I knew that could possibly happen. All I was saying is you know I’m thinking about playing again. The ‘itch’ has been used. That is the word that has been used if you want to say itch, or the fire is coming back, or whatever. If I’m going to play it’s going to be 100% commitment…. And so if you move on, you tell me one thing, don’t come back and tell the public,… just say it. ‘You know, we’ve moved on and we’ll work with Brett on whatever it is.’ Don’t make up a lot of stuff or give half of the truth.”

It's gonna get ugly. Pretty sad when Brett trumps an interview with a Presidential candidate.

EDIT: I guess that is in the ESPN article too. Didn't see John had posted it. I am getting tons of hate mail today for bashing Favre, has been keeping me off the can.
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PackOne messed with this at 07/14/2008 5:35:21 pm
flower .jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
07/14/2008 @ 05:50:26 PM
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PackOne Wrote - Today @ 05:50:14 PM
PS Jon is the article there now the same as when you got it? I think it was edited.
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flower .jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
07/14/2008 @ 05:57:52 PM
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I also have a very interesting little re-vised time line thingie. Sorry, can't post it, but if anyone is interested I would send it.
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flower .jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
07/14/2008 @ 07:28:00 PM
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Greta radio interview. Go Braun.
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images.jpgcraig - Damn it! I'm not lurking. Why does it say that?
07/16/2008 @ 05:52:57 PM
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More importantly back to Rogers.

From this article: about the American Century Championship celebrity golf tournament, held last weekend.

The best player of the week was ex-MLB pitcher Rick Rhoden. The wettest was Romo, who fell in a pond at No. 1 on Saturday. And perhaps the happiest was Rodgers, who was introduced at the first tee on Sunday as a "Green Bay Packers quarterback." Rodgers corrected the announcer, "Starting quarterback."
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craig perfected this at 07/16/2008 5:54:07 pm
flower .jpgPackOne - You analyze me. Tend to despise me. You laugh when I stumble and fall.
07/16/2008 @ 06:22:49 PM
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That's a great find.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
07/16/2008 @ 06:54:36 PM
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Packers file tampering charges against Vikings
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flower .jpgPackOne - At the Dollhouse in Ft. Lauderdale.
07/16/2008 @ 07:05:35 PM
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I was going to post this last hour. I thought I would let Jeremy have the honor. Mu ha ha ha.
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jon.jpgJon - infinity + 1 posts
07/16/2008 @ 07:07:13 PM
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How does that work though? It must be because he's only on the reserved/retired list and hasn't officially signed retirement papers. Because once someone is retired, they can't forever be banned from talking to another team. Or maybe they can. The NFL is pretty wack. It's somewhat funny though, since the Packers, out of one end of their collective mouth, have been treating the whole issue as, "he's retired," and "we've moved on," but now it's, "keep your hands off our Brett!" Don't get me wrong, I understand why they're doing it. And I get that it still doesn't mean teams can talk to players in situations like Favre is in. It just adds another level of subtle comedy to the whole thing.
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Jon perfected this 2 times, last at 07/16/2008 7:09:37 pm
flower .jpgPackOne - There's music to play. Places to go. People to see.
07/16/2008 @ 10:47:48 PM
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They Packers own his rights, therefore it's tampering.

Check out Pro Football Talk dot com
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
07/16/2008 @ 11:20:58 PM
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Well, that's assuming it really even happened.
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
07/17/2008 @ 12:46:38 AM
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Well usually, phone calls are just made. Rarely is paperwork filed.
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question_mark.giffrozentundrafan - 21 Posts
07/17/2008 @ 07:26:11 AM
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According to NFL rules, tampering results in the release of said team's first round draft pick from the previous season, which would be Adrian Peterson. The Packers would have exclusive rights to offer him a contract first.

Now, back to reality. As most of you know I am a HUGE Favre fan, and an even bigger PACKERS fan. This whole hoopla is just a bunch of crap. For the last three years Packers fans and management has been on one huge merry-go-round. Each off-season Favre has dragged out his decision if he wants to play or not. This year was no different, it just resulted in a decision that we all thought Favre was solid with at the time.

Now, we have only heard Favre's side of the story, and TT's only in writing. I would really like to see these idiots (TT, MM, and Favre) sit down this weekend and discuss the possibilities face to face. No more Peter King, Chris Mortensen B.S.

I totally understand why TT said what he did regarding Favre not being the starter. For crying out loud, the team had to move on after his official March 6 press conference. For the last 4 months, the offense has moved on with Rodgers being "the man." However, if TT and MM look at their best chances of making the playoffs, they have to be kicking themselves for not giving Favre at least a chance to "win" the starting job back.

Now, I know Favre told Gretta (pretty lame interview) that he would not come in as a back-up. Well, there you go ol' Favre. Get a light under your butt and beat Rodgers out at training camp. Wouldn't that make for a fun few weeks in late July-early August.

The organization can not turn it's back on the face of the franchise for the past 16 years. But, Fave can also not keep being a sissy boy and crying for his release. The only option I see for the Packers is for Rodgers and Favre to battle it out at camp. That would save face for both sides.
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07/17/2008 @ 04:22:06 PM
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The Packers are showing how little class they have through all of this. I know Favre is being kind of a baby too, but come on Packers. Don't tell one of the top 5 QBs of all time that he can join your team as a backup and expect him to be OK with it. And just because your organization has all this drama it doesn't mean you can drag another team into it (Vikings).
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
07/17/2008 @ 04:40:21 PM
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Well they feel some supposed conversation between two friends, one of which is affiliated with, though not an official representative of, another organization there's no chance in hell he'd be able to play for is to blame for all the sudden tension and drama between Favre and the Packers. Them telling him "We don't want you back" and then after being informed they'd have to take him back saying, "Fine, but he'll have to be the backup" plays little to no part in it. It's all the Vikings fault.

You know what though? Let's say all this locker room dividing drama of their closest competitor and chief rival is all the Vikings fault. Really, all things considered, not a bad way to spend a middle round draft pick.
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
07/17/2008 @ 08:06:17 PM
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jon.jpgJon - many posts
07/17/2008 @ 08:24:28 PM
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I don't necessarily agree with all of what he says, but Jason Whitlock might have the larger picture correct. Favre is better than Rodgers. Don't let the other crap get in the way of that.,-I'm-here-to-help
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Jon edited this at 07/17/2008 8:27:48 pm
flower .jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
07/17/2008 @ 08:48:18 PM
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Heh Whitlock. That's all I needed to hear.
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
07/17/2008 @ 09:04:10 PM
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Jon Wrote - Today @ 08:24:28 PM
I don't necessarily agree with all of what he says.

That's because your smart. That is the same guy who announced Sherman to the Cardinals. Somehow he has built the fifteenth most popular website in the nation - primarily from being wrong.
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PackOne edited this 2 times, last at 07/17/2008 9:04:44 pm
jon.jpgJon - 3497 Posts
07/17/2008 @ 10:46:21 PM
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PackOne Wrote - Today @ 09:04:10 PM
Jon Wrote - Today @ 08:24:28 PM
I don't necessarily agree with all of what he says.
That's because your smart. That is the same guy who announced Sherman to the Cardinals. Somehow he has built the fifteenth most popular website in the nation - primarily from being wrong.

Well, I don't read a ton of his stuff, but I've read some and seen him on tv and I know I've disagreed with some things of his and thought other stuff was good. But that's not really the point. I think some of his opinions on THIS topic are good and some are a bit off, but I think he's right in that, egos aside, Favre is better than Rodgers for the Packers this year and they should try to work it out. Kind of like frozentundrafan said in his comment earlier.
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
07/18/2008 @ 07:56:14 PM
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Jon Wrote - Yesterday @ 10:46:21 PM
PackOne Wrote - Yesterday @ 09:04:10 PM
Jon Wrote - Yesterday @ 08:24:28 PM
I don't necessarily agree with all of what he says.
That's because your smart. That is the same guy who announced Sherman to the Cardinals. Somehow he has built the fifteenth most popular website in the nation - primarily from being wrong.
Well, I don't read a ton of his stuff, but I've read some and seen him on tv and I know I've disagreed with some things of his and thought other stuff was good. But that's not really the point. I think some of his opinions on THIS topic are good and some are a bit off, but I think he's right in that, egos aside, Favre is better than Rodgers for the Packers this year and they should try to work it out. Kind of like frozentundrafan said in his comment earlier.

Don't get me wrong I agree. There is a thing called a phone, people talk to each other on it. I have always towed that line.
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