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Added By: Jeremy
Added on: 06/18/2008 @ 4:24:17 PM
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At What Age Is A Kid Too Old To Breastfeed?

This article was being discussed on the "Free Beer and Hotwings Show" the other day. I didn't listen to it, but Sarah did. They had people call and let them know what age they were breastfed until. I guess numerous "way-too-old" people called in. Included in the calls was the son of one about-to-be grandmother who was pressuring her other son, who was 14, to start breast feeding again so she could be "available" to the baby.

Another caller who was now 25ish called in and said that although it wasn't breastfeeding her mom let her suck on her breast any time she felt depressed. The hosts asked her when the last time was. She responded, "When I had to call of my engagement a couple weeks ago." They even had a code word for it, which i can't remember. Maybe Sarah can fill us in on a few more details.

At any rate, how old is too old? Should breastfeeding in public be allowed? Does it make you uncomfortable?

I would say that if you can say the words "Mom, I'm hungry" that's a sign the breastfeeding should stop.

I don't think it should be allowed in public, and I really don't understand the feminist fervor over feeling that way. It's not beautiful to anyone but you. It's just as natural as peeing, which, if you did in public, you would be added to a sex offender registry. It makes me, and almost everyone I've heard talk about it, extremely uncomfortable. You feel, somehow, like a tremendous pervert for even noticing.

I don't think I've ever heard a good argument for why this should be allowed that doesn't contain some form of "My precious snowflake needs to be able to participate in this beautiful natural act whenever they are hungry" but doesn't ultimately boil down to "Sure, I decided to have this kid, and bring them along, by my friends are in here, so why should I have to be the one that's inconvenienced and have to go sit in the car, just because I was too lazy to pump a couple bottles worth before I left.
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
06/18/2008 @ 09:12:05 PM
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jon.jpgJon - 3447 Posts
09/19/2008 @ 02:54:43 PM
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This relates.
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Jon edited this 2 times, last at 09/19/2008 2:59:58 pm
fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9551 Posts
09/19/2008 @ 03:04:13 PM
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I know my preconceived notions of what foods are and what foods aren't gross is almost completely arbitrary, but reading that made me want to hurl.
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Jeremy perfected this at 09/19/2008 3:04:20 pm
jon.jpgJon - 3447 Posts
09/19/2008 @ 03:07:35 PM
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Jeremy Wrote - Today @ 03:04:13 PM
I know my preconceived notions of what foods are and what foods aren't gross is almost completely arbitrary, but reading that made me want to hurl.

The picture that shows on the main page for this thread is quite unsettling.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9551 Posts
09/19/2008 @ 03:38:34 PM
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Indeed. I blame you for "bumping" it and not the person who added it in the first place, whomever they are.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9551 Posts
09/19/2008 @ 03:55:24 PM
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I do like this line though:

"Human milk is specifically designed for babies and not to be of nutritional value for adults."

I'm sure that with all the careful breeding and whatnot it is true that cows give us better quality milk (or maybe it just has more nutrients either way), but I still find it sort of funny that human milk is "specifically designed" to be of no nutritional value, but that of a whole another species is.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
09/20/2008 @ 06:55:23 AM
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I will say the picture on the front page of the article is a little disturbing. (And I just saw that Jon said the same thing).
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scott.jpgScott - On your mark...get set...Terrible!
09/20/2008 @ 07:00:10 AM
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I will also say this, my kids are being breast fed by one person and one person only. None of this crap like Jeremy mentioned at the top of the article where the grandmother wanted to be available to breast feed. I just don't want my mom or my mother-in-law to have that sort of connection with my kid. It's just not going to happen.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Always thinking of, but never about, the children.
09/23/2008 @ 10:56:34 PM
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PETA cites article Jon posted when suggesting to Ben and Jerry's that they use human breast milk.
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