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Added By: Alex
Added on: 05/20/2008 @ 1:10:49 PM
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Money discriminates

You know what else discriminates against blind people? Light. We should put bumps on all light too.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
05/20/2008 @ 01:59:02 PM
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Did anyone else see Daredevil? Dude folded his money in different ways for different denominations. This is a good idea.

I don't know about this, I see a long string of discussions, many tangent discussions, and eventually a non decision.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9517 Posts
05/20/2008 @ 02:00:53 PM
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That's sort of silly. It's a disability, by definition that means a lack of ability, like, for example, the ability to tell a 5 from a 50. Now, I don't think it's really THAT big of a deal that some sort of braille marking, or something be used, if anything it will make it much more easy for everyone to tell, or machines to more easily tell, what the bill is. The only thing that worries me is how much of a size difference would be noticeable, if they went that route, which I doubt they would do.

Who still uses paper money anyway? How quaint.

The government might as well argue that, since handicapped people can crawl on all fours or ask for help from strangers, there's no need to make buildings wheelchair accessible, the court said.

Well, not only is that not the same thing, but one could argue that there should indeed be no such mandate for handicapped access. Some businesses still would because they want that business. Mountain Climbers Emporium should have the ability to decide for themselves it's not worth the thousands of dollars to put ramps and parking spots in to cater to the zero wheelchair ridden mountain climbers that want to visit their store.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Broadcast in stunning 1080i
05/20/2008 @ 02:11:44 PM
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I guess my ramblings aside, it seems to me this is something that can better be replaced by technology, rather than redoing the money itself. One could argue this has really already been accomplished with direct deposit and debit/credit cards. Even in terms of paper money I can't imagine it's out of our power to make some sort of money reader that can audibly tell the person what the bill is, perhaps even built right into a wallet that can tell you what the bills are as you pull it out.

People just wont like that example because we like to put the expense on society as a whole, who largely get no benefit from it, rather than "bill" the people who actually need the advantage.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9517 Posts
05/20/2008 @ 02:13:44 PM
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Plus couldn't one make much more of a cogent argument that the use of money discriminates more against poor people than blind people?
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2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
05/20/2008 @ 07:59:37 PM
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The thing with physical markings on bills, is that when I crumple up a dollar will I still be able to tell the difference anyway? And changing the size of the bills is going to discriminate against the probably countless numbers of machines and such that were built for the current size. In other words, I agree with Jeremy's comments completely.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9517 Posts
05/20/2008 @ 08:44:54 PM
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Yeah, the only way you could EVER do the size way would be if the largest bill was the same size as those we already use and then went down from there, but you don't have much wiggle room there to fit all the denominations into a notable size difference. I don't want to be carrying around postage stamp sized $1 bills.
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jon.jpgJon - 3416 Posts
05/21/2008 @ 10:04:16 AM
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Jeremy Wrote - 05/20/2008 @ 08:44:54 PM
I don't want to be carrying around postage stamp sized $1 bills.

I know! I think everyone would much rather have a circular, gold, postage stamp sized dollar made of metal.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9517 Posts
05/21/2008 @ 10:47:14 AM
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No kidding. The government's need to try everything possible to get a dollar coin to catch on is inexplicable. Maybe if we make it bigger! Maybe if we make it smaller! Maybe if we make it gold! Maybe we can get it to catch on with the feminists! Maybe we could make it a collectors type thing! Maybe if we print in microscopic font along the edge of the coin!

Give it up! We don't like coins, period. We put up with some of them because there's no denomination of paper money that small.

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Jeremy perfected this at 05/21/2008 10:48:53 am
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