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Added on: 05/12/2008 @ 9:41:58 AM
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ESPN's Preseason Power Rankings

The annual exercise in futility has the Vikes nipping at the Packer's heels.
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flower .jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
05/12/2008 @ 10:35:34 AM
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I don't see the Seahawks being that good. Futility is correct.
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05/12/2008 @ 02:01:23 PM
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ESPN sucks. Check out Sports Illistrated's power rankings and see who comes in at number 7 and 8. Crazy.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
05/12/2008 @ 02:35:25 PM
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Wow. As much as I love to see them that high I don't know about that. The Packers are way too high as well.

This pick is predicated on two assumptions: That Aaron Rodgers is almost as good for 16 weeks as he was for one half in Dallas last November and that Ryan Grant's last eight weeks of 2007 are no mirage.

Well, those are pretty large assumptions. The Vikings and Packers' offenses were polar opposites last year. Teams had to stop the run against the Vikings and the pass against the Packers and both teams needed just enough of the other to take advantage of that. The Vikings didn't really, the Packers did once grant took over. Teams aren't going to be as scared of Rogers, so Grant has his work cut out for him, if Grant doesn't pan out that makes Rogers' job that much more difficult. (This also ignores the fact, despite the fact that he pointed out the fact, that the Packers vastly overachieved with the team thy had last year in the first place.)

I know I'm just being biased but I think you'd have to grant that the Vikings have fewer question marks than the Packers at this point, so at least as far as meaningless "on paper" rankings it does seem the Vikes should edge out the Packers.
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05/12/2008 @ 02:39:15 PM
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The Vikings have acquired good players, but a good team has to be more than a bunch of good players. Don't believe me? Ask the Giants. I'll give it to the Vikings that they have worked hard to acquire good players. Their FO has done a great job luring the players in. Their FO has proven themselves. However, their GM has proven that he doesn't pick players who add anything to the collective, and their coach has proven that he doesn't have what it takes to outcoach anyone. (I'm biased of course. While I say that they've proven they're incompetent, in actuality, what they've done is not prove that they are competent.)
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
05/12/2008 @ 03:32:21 PM
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Cowboys look like doodoo,81972
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4718 Posts
05/12/2008 @ 05:56:27 PM
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They just showed it on ESPN, it wasn't that bad, I don't have a good voice and I would never have the courage to sing in front of Wrigley field.
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2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
05/12/2008 @ 06:05:27 PM
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Is "Can this team really have any passing game at all?" really less of a question than "Can a third year former potential #1 QB take over for a HOF quaterback on a team returning its entire WR corps?"? And is that last quotation mark technically supposed to be within the end quote? Also, what's the line on who goes down with a season ending injury first, AP or AR?
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - So's your face
05/12/2008 @ 06:23:13 PM
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No question - A-Rod, 1st series of the 1st game.
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Sarah screwed with this at 05/12/2008 6:34:19 pm
05/12/2008 @ 07:34:23 PM
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i'll put even money against that bet Sarah
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
05/12/2008 @ 08:14:37 PM
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I'll put my money on T-Jack for the "who goes down first" bid.
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05/12/2008 @ 09:06:07 PM
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Well the Pack were a playoff team last year so obviously they are going to be viewed as a more complete team, but losing a HOF QB and replacing him with a player who played one good half in his first 3 years is a big question.

As far as the Vikings questions it appears they tried to answer them in the offseason by adding the leagues best pass rusher and a speedy wideout to stretch the filed for T-jack. (also some QB help just incase)

But the one paper divsion title is meaningless the Vikings have had that before and always proceed to go 8-8 or 6-10.
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flower .jpgPackOne - Check yourself before you wriggity wreck yourself.
05/12/2008 @ 09:25:20 PM
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Sarah Wrote - 05/12/2008 @ 06:23:13 PM
No question - A-Rod, 1st series of the 1st game.

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newalex.jpgAlex - Ignorance is bliss to those uneducated
05/12/2008 @ 10:30:09 PM
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jthompto Wrote - 05/12/2008 @ 09:06:07 PM
As far as the Vikings questions it appears they tried to answer them in the offseason by adding the leagues best pass rusher and a speedy wideout to stretch the filed for T-jack.

For all of Berrian's supposed speed, try to guess which numbers were his last year and which were Williamson's:
Avg. Lng YAC Avg
13.4 59 3.5
13.3 60 3.1

T-jack sounds a lot more like a tasty cheese than an NFL QB.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 1.21 Gigawatts!?!?
05/12/2008 @ 11:16:48 PM
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Was the "Avg Cheeseburgers eaten before game" stat not available? Seems like that's the only way you could have cherry picked anything more meaningless.

Rec Yards TD
71 951 5
18 240 1
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newalex.jpgAlex - 3619 Posts
05/12/2008 @ 11:21:01 PM
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I wasn't trying to say that they're equals, just that I don't see how Berrian is really going to be stretching the field anymore than Williamson could. Just cause the only pass Grossman can throw is the 50 yard hail mary doesn't mean that Berrian is really any better of a deep threat than a lot of other guys.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Robots don't say 'ye'
05/12/2008 @ 11:23:28 PM
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He hung onto 71 of them, which is 8 fewer than Williamson's entire career.

So the point isn't that he's any faster, just that he doesn't come equipped with magical ball dropping powers.

Edit for completeness:
Rec Yards TD
Berrian 07: 71 951 5
Williamson Career (3 seasons): 79 1067 3
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Jeremy perfected this 3 times, last at 05/12/2008 11:28:36 pm
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