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Added By: Scott
Added on: 04/18/2008 @ 8:00:03 AM
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Which town is TitleTown?

Can they do this? TitleTown is synonymous with Green Bay, Wisconsin. Can ESPN seriously just take that name and give it to another city simply because someone writes a good esay? At least pick a different name for this contest. Are you next going to decide that some other stadium deserves the nickname Frozen Tundra? If Green Bay doesn't win this contest, will I still be able to refer to it as TitleTown without having to pay ESPN and Dick's Sporting Goods royalties? Either way, I probably still will.
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scott.jpgScott - Get Up! Get outta here! Gone!
04/18/2008 @ 08:06:41 AM
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Here's a good response though.
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jon.jpgJon - infinity + 1 posts
04/18/2008 @ 08:37:02 AM
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I just wish Sportscenter would stop doing these stupid crappy no-good contrived "contests." I'm pretty sure I've never heard a good word spoken about any of these so far, aside from the words of ESPN employees (and even then it's not unanimous). I hope their goal is to get people to switch the channel, because that's what I generally do when these segments come on.

I know it's easy to jump on the "let's bash ESPN/Sportscenter" bandwagon, but I try to keep a level head about the whole thing, remembering the positives and how they've generally outweighed the negatives over the years, but I'm not going to blindly accept all the crap they throw at us either. And this appears to be another load of crap they are sending our way. Oh, and look, it's sponsored! I don't deny them the right to pay the bills and earn a little money, but why not do that while giving us something we'll find worthwhile? Seriously, I won't be able to sleep tonight because of the anticipation of what city will be named TitleTown. I know that's why I took an interest in sports as a kid.

You know who should sponsor these segments? Some dvr company. TiVo could put up a message that says, "Press the thumbs up button to skip this segment completely." (Of course, if you were watching live you'd still have to wait it out, but at least you could watch something on another channel and come back and pick it up without missing some actual sports coverage. Better yet, the dvr company could have a segment of actual sports highlights of all the teams that get about 2 seconds of coverage otherwise and play those while everyone else watches the latest gimmick contest.)
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Jon perfected this 2 times, last at 04/18/2008 8:37:34 am
jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9486 Posts
04/18/2008 @ 09:09:03 AM
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Who's more now though?

This whole thing is pretty stupid, though the comments on the original announcement I read a while back are pretty funny. A lot of people were posting New York or Boston which prompted Packer fans to angrily respond pointing out that outside of Boston's recent run of 3490 sports championships that most of the championships were from the 70's, or earlier, and therefor don't count.

You gotta love Packer fans, they always say the darnedest things.
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flower .jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
04/18/2008 @ 10:41:55 AM
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I'm so finding another place to go. Bye.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
04/23/2008 @ 09:13:32 AM
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Title Town is the home of the Title Towel.
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