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Added By: Jeremy
Added on: 04/02/2008 @ 12:40:43 PM
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How Many Five Year Olds Could You Take in a Fight?

I could take 18.
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2887.gifAlex - Ignorance is bliss to those uneducated
04/02/2008 @ 12:53:34 PM
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Put me down for 23.

I'm assuming this site is supposed to be generating interest in a new Fox reality show, right?

Edit: Or else maybe it's part of a teacher's job application process?
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Alex perfected this at 04/02/2008 12:56:47 pm
face.bmpCarlos44ec - What the F@#$ am I being arrested fo?
04/02/2008 @ 02:07:16 PM
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32 here. Keep in mind that you are facing an enemy (details here don't matter) without fear and will stop at nothing to kick your ass. Moral compass should have nothing here, just the fact that these little hellions are coming for you.

Self preservation. Just like that teacher who almost got assaulted by the students- its us or them, people. And it sure as hell won't be me!
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Carlos44ec edited this at 04/02/2008 2:13:49 pm
fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9551 Posts
04/02/2008 @ 03:33:28 PM
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Well I think I looked at like I can't be 100% sure of these kids' intentions and on some level would be holding back because they're just kids (and I mean REALLY just kids.) If it were some sort of 5 year old zombie apocalypse, then there would be some high flying, beating kids with other kids, or their limbs (depending on how securely they're attached), action.
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Jeremy perfected this at 04/02/2008 3:33:55 pm
jeremy.jpgJeremy - Cube Phenomenoligist
04/02/2008 @ 03:35:57 PM
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Also, here's what Carl is talking about.
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flower .jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
04/02/2008 @ 10:10:21 PM
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And this.
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
04/02/2008 @ 10:51:20 PM
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jon.jpgJon - 3447 Posts
04/03/2008 @ 04:27:24 AM
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What do they mean by "how many COULD I take"?
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Jon edited this 4 times, last at 04/03/2008 4:34:15 am
jon.jpgJon -'s kitten expert
04/03/2008 @ 04:30:06 AM
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Seriously though, age 5? As Jeremy alluded to, that's quite a small child. Even if they were attacking me, they'd be so cute doing it I'd probably just giggle.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Always thinking of, but never about, the children.
04/03/2008 @ 09:05:16 AM
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Careful Jon, I think even mentioning you think 5 year olds are cute might land you on a certain list, now-a-days. You work/worked at a school, so the authorities are already 95% sure you're a pedophile.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4679 Posts
04/03/2008 @ 09:03:03 PM
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I could also take down 18 kids.
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matt.jpgMatt - Washington Bureau Chief
04/03/2008 @ 11:16:25 PM
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - "The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the lawnmower."
04/04/2008 @ 07:41:18 AM
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"I could take 18. " Jeremy
Sarah Wrote - 04/03/2008 @ 09:03:03 PM
I could also take down 18 kids.

You know, they say that after years of marriage couples begin to think, act, and even look alike. We're all very sorry, Sarah.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Broadcast in stunning 1080i
04/04/2008 @ 09:59:57 AM
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Sarah got a boost because, not surprisingly, she said she would lay into the kids without mercy.
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reign_of_fire_150.jpgMicah - 584 Posts
04/05/2008 @ 04:37:11 PM
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I got 28 and I'm pretty sure I am on par with Carl due to our complete lack of morals in beating children senseless.
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Micah screwed with this at 04/05/2008 4:37:18 pm
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