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Added By: Jeremy
Added on: 03/07/2008 @ 2:08:59 PM
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Man goes to Starbucks; Kids steal tip jar worth $5; Man gives chase; Kids run him over; Man Dies

I don't want to seem like I'm kicking a family when they're down, but is this guy really all that heroic, or was this just foolish? It certainly isn't forgivable that he was run over, but it's still his fault he was in that situation.

I feel like stories like this happen once in a while and the word hero starts flying around but it's just a symptom of the same phenomenon where people can hate someone, but all is forgiven because they're dead.

I mean the kids didn't just warp into their cars. Once it was shown that the mere act of chasing them wasn't enough to make them drop the loot, and they got to, and started the car, why hadn't he given up long before then?
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matt.jpgMatt - 3949 Posts
03/08/2008 @ 10:54:48 AM
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"is this guy really all that heroic, or was this just foolish?"

I don't think they are mutally exclusive. It may have been foolish for him to chase after them, but he was also willing to act to try and stop a crime. I think that qualifies as heroic.

"I mean the kids didn't just warp into their cars. Once it was shown that the mere act of chasing them wasn't enough to make them drop the loot, and they got to, and started the car, why hadn't he given up long before then?"

According to the article, we don't know exactly what happened outside of the store. He could have been trying to block their getaway, or he could have just been trying to gather info for the police (plate number, etc.) and they decided to run him over anyway.

"it's still his fault he was in that situation"

I would've said it was the kids-who-stole-the-money's fault.
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Matt perfected this 4 times, last at 03/08/2008 10:58:27 am
2887.gifAlex - I don't need to get steady I know just how I feel
03/08/2008 @ 12:42:30 PM
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I get the point that $5 may not be worth getting yourself killed, but without knowing what really happened I wouldn't necessarily call the guy foolish. You ask why the guy didn't give up, I'd be worried about why the kids didn't give up.
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