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Added By: Scott
Added on: 02/27/2008 @ 6:24:47 PM
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Angry Political Rant Warning

Here is something that is absolutely pissing me off. What is the conservative obsession with Obama's middle name? Are they the shallow, judge a man simply by his name type of people that people always accuse them of being? Well, crap like this doesn't really help their cause much. And don't give me this crap about "what's wrong with saying the man's middle name?" because the only reason people are saying it is to scare people into reconsidering whether or not they want to vote for a guy who happens to share a name with a really bad former dictator. I don't even know John McCain's middle name, so if they were "just saying his name" all the time, why don't they repeatedly point out McCain's middle name?

I have a lot of respect for John McCain, and my respect for him grows even more after calling to attention this vitriol from someone who was supposed to be his supporter.

Bill Cunningham (and pretty much everyone else in the media that has this biased obsession towards the use of Obama's middle name when no other candidate is under the same scrutiny), you are a hyprocrate, and I have no time for actions like yours. How can you sit there and defend yourself, and then retract your support for a man who did the right thing to call you out for you scumbaggery.

(Also, where is Bill O'Reilly on this one? He usually goes after people who use personal attacks. I suppose against liberals these kinds of things are ok).

Ok, I'm done.
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2887.gifAlex - I was too weak to give in Too strong to lose
02/27/2008 @ 07:28:21 PM
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I actually didn't know that was his middle name. I think you're right about why someone would say it, the question I would ask is does it have its intended effect at all? And maybe more importantly since in this case it was being used in a speech to a crowd that wasn't going to vote for Obama anyway, does this just put-off people that realize what the intended effect is?
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - "If at first you don't succeed, failure may be your style."
02/28/2008 @ 07:34:25 AM
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Hussein is a fine name. I knew several Iraqi citizens whos name was Hussein, first or last.

I suppose it's the same as being Andrew Dahmer or Jerry Chavez or something, but still. You're right to be pissed Scott.
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scott.jpgScott - If you aren't enough without it, you'll never be enough with it.
02/28/2008 @ 08:08:22 PM
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I'm not going to lie. This is not exactly helping their cause. "The left always finds something to pick at other than to describe the issues; we're not surprised at all." Again, it is awfully sketchy that they are going to "stop" referring to Obama with his middle name to please the liberals, when they have never once referred to McCain by his middle name. The only reason they were using Obama's middle name to begin with was to create a reaction like this, and then they have the nerve to attack people who pointed it out to them. Seriously, how can they sit there and act like it is nothing but liberals overracting (and John McCain himself)?
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newalex.jpgAlex - Refactor Mercilessly
02/29/2008 @ 01:43:21 PM
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This article hits home the bigger point. Why should saying his middle name even be a big deal? Anyone with half a brain could see Cunningham's angle here, but Obama should've just said, "Whatev. It's my middle name, so what?". Because really, it shouldn't be an issue and if he came with that reply then there's no angle for others to accuse the left of nitpicking.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Super Chocolate Bear
02/29/2008 @ 02:37:20 PM
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Generally speaking it's always said with a bizarre emphasis that's either a sort of "I'm playing this off as being coy, but also am obviously going out of my way to bring it up" or just a direct "fear this name!!??"

It shouldn't be an issue, no. But how often do middle names come up in day-to-day conversation?

I'm not even sure I know most of yours.

Sarah's is Marie
Jon's is...Benjamin?
Matt's is George, but that's easy cause it's his dad's name, though I might not even know that if his AIM name didn't include his initials.
Alex's...I'm thinking J....James?
Wendy's is Beth
Is Micah's Marshall or am I pulling that name from something else.

Edit: and not that he comes here often, but I'm pretty sure Bret's is Eric
Edit 2: Ok, so maybe I know quite a few of your middle names (Assuming I know you IRL). Scott's I have no idea. I'm sure I'll have a huge "Oh, Duh" moment if/when I find out Carl's. Still, I think my "how often would they otherwise come up" argument remains valid. I mean George W Bush is practically DEFINED by that W, and yet how often do you hear it "spelled out".
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Jeremy perfected this 3 times, last at 02/29/2008 2:49:47 pm
scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
02/29/2008 @ 04:55:52 PM
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Alex Wrote - 02/29/2008 @ 01:43:21 PM
This article hits home the bigger point. Why should saying his middle name even be a big deal? Anyone with half a brain could see Cunningham's angle here, but Obama should've just said, "Whatev. It's my middle name, so what?". Because really, it shouldn't be an issue and if he came with that reply then there's no angle for others to accuse the left of nitpicking.

Obama's middle name isn't taboo. But why is John McCain's middle name not used with the same regularity? It's naive to think that people are "just using" his middle name. They have exact reasons and we all know what those angles are. It would be the same thing if a guy had the middle name of Adolf, or something like that. The only reason people will point it out is because it scares people. If Cunningham had been referring to McCain by his middle name with every utterance of the man's name, then it's mute, because he's consistant. But he's not, no one is.

The question is this: why are they using Obama's middle name while no one is using McCain's middle name? Could it be that they are trying to drive the name home? To be honest, and I don't mean anything personal to anyone about this, but anyone who thinks that the use of Obama's middle name is just plain innocent, their thinking is just plain warped.

On a larger point, what a person is referred as should be determined by that person. If a person wants to be called Slick, or Sammy, or J-Dog, that should be their decision. People, especially people in public view, deserve the respect of being called by the name that they wish to be called by. It is a sign of respect that apparently some people have no regard for.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
02/29/2008 @ 05:19:12 PM
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The A in Carl A. G____ is for Adolf. I wore my Deutscher Fussball-Bund track jacket today too.

It's Arthur.
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2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
02/29/2008 @ 06:21:18 PM
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I think the why it's happening is pretty obvious, even if the people doing it won't admit it (and really, would you expect them too? "Oh, I'm sorry, you busted my chops for me being a totally jerk-face, my bad"). Regardless, it shouldn't matter and that's what Obama should say and then this would have been half the story that it's turned out to be and he'd be looking better off. Show the ability to brush aside the pettiness and partisan quibbling.

And it is a J, but it's John.
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jon.jpgJon - 3447 Posts
03/01/2008 @ 05:45:17 PM
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So Scott, I can mark you down as AGAINST culturally ignorant dirty politics that try to ratchet up people's xenophobia?

I'm not sure what John McCain's middle name is. According to wikipedia, it's Sidney, so all I know is that it's probably not Sidney.
Either way, I'm not voting for that Irishman. He's probably loyal to the Queen.
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reign_of_fire.jpgMicah - Shaken not stirred gets you cold water with a dash of gin and dry vermouth
03/02/2008 @ 07:37:00 AM
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Nice call on the Marshall, Jeremy

According to Saturday Night Live, McCain's middle name is Methuselah.
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