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Added By: Carlos44ec
Added on: 02/19/2008 @ 9:13:24 AM
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And the Winner is... Blu-Ray!

Toshiba quits the HD DVD business... glad I didn't buy one of the reduced rate deals going on lately.

Did anyone actually buy an HD DVD system? How's that betamax system?
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - The pig says "My wife is a slut?"
02/19/2008 @ 09:29:52 AM
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Well, there's a reason they've been on sale. I didn't read the article, but the writing has been on the wall for months. A lot of people have and love their laserdisc collection. If you could get a player cheap enough there are enough movies out to where it might be worth getting.
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
02/19/2008 @ 09:35:20 AM
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are there any laptops or PCs that unfortunately had them installed? I know some game systems had it.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Pie Racist
02/19/2008 @ 09:43:04 AM
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The add on for the Xbox 360 is HD-DVD. I'm sure you could get a drive if you wanted to.
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reign_of_fire_150.jpgMicah - 584 Posts
02/19/2008 @ 08:21:08 PM
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All the high end Toshiba laptops had them
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