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Added By: Matt
Added on: 01/17/2008 @ 3:20:48 PM
Link View Count: 844
Green Bay Packers
Green Bay Packers
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Packer Fans Are Bad Parents

From the article:

"Upset that his 7-year-old son wouldn't wear a Green Bay Packers jersey during the team's playoff victory Saturday, a man restrained the boy for an hour with tape and taped the jersey onto him."
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - As Seen On The Internet
01/17/2008 @ 03:34:39 PM
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We should gather in a large auditorium and force this guy to fight to the death with the couple that locked their really young son in a room with PB&J supplies and a bucket for hours on end while they took off to the bar to watch the Packers. Clearly those romans were onto something.

(Actually, after reading the article this really doesn't sound like that big of a deal. If sounds like the wife was just waiting for any reason to make a mountain out of a molehill and get this guy out of there.)
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Jeremy edited this at 01/17/2008 3:37:20 pm
face.bmpCarlos44ec - Tater Salad?
01/17/2008 @ 04:15:01 PM
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I think it was a casino where they watched, wasn't it?

Minnesota people have been well known to lock their kids in their cars or at home to go in to the Casino for a few hours. Besides, that 7 year old had it coming. He should be so lucky to wear a jersey!
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Carlos44ec perfected this at 01/17/2008 4:15:32 pm
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