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Added By: Carlos44ec
Added on: 01/07/2008 @ 3:52:03 PM
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Navy Incident in the Persian Gulf

You may have heard about this, but there was an incident with 5 Iranian ships confronting 3 US ships in International waters yesterday.

I usually have something to say about these types of things, but this time it involves my little brother, who is on the Ingraham, FFG-61 right now (one of the three involved). Of course my mom hears about this, and is understandably upset.

It soulds like we have done nothing to provoke this (outside of our foreign policy)- and talking with my Retired Navy father, it has happened many times (experience) before.

I'm done being nervous or angry about this incident, but it still pushes buttons I don't like.

Besides- Iran doesn't want to start a war, they just want to be in the news, like a spoiled pop-star.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - I believe virtually everything I read.
01/07/2008 @ 04:08:04 PM
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How in the world could you play this off as "mistaken identity?"

"We thought we were screwing around with a couple guys fishing from a pontoon. Upon getting close enough to read the insignias we realized it was, in fact, 1500 feet worth of U.S. Navy Warships. Needless to say, our face is red."
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Jeremy edited this at 01/07/2008 5:41:33 pm
avatar2345.jpgPackOne - The Harvard comma's #1 fan.
01/07/2008 @ 07:13:30 PM
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Best wishes to your brother.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - What the F@#$ am I being arrested fo?
01/07/2008 @ 07:27:44 PM
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Thanks, it's appreciated. He'll be fine though. The Iranians are in the news and are a hot topic this week- they've annoyed us, which is all they really want, I suppose.

He's probably happy he finally got to do something though.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
01/08/2008 @ 06:15:03 PM
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newalex.jpgAlex - But let history remember, that as free men, we chose to make it so!
01/08/2008 @ 06:57:14 PM
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Is this supposed to link to a video about Kenya?
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
01/08/2008 @ 08:41:11 PM
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Looks like it.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
01/09/2008 @ 09:00:22 AM
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By the time I got thought the 50 steps it takes to get that direct link emailed to myself the next video was playing. It must have send that link, I'll fix it in a bit.
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - Tater Salad?
01/09/2008 @ 10:17:38 AM
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The Iranians claim we doctored that recording anyway- perhaps its not even worth a look?

Actually all it did was make me more aggitated over the situation.
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
01/09/2008 @ 10:20:29 AM
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Leader Telegram online has a long story on this as well.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
01/09/2008 @ 10:38:27 AM
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Yeah, the AP story every other newspaper has... emoticon
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Might_Guy.JPGBret - 32 Posts
01/14/2008 @ 06:44:16 PM
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It's been reported that the voice heard on the radio could in fact be some prankster. Imagine what would have happened should the US ships have fired on Iran. Can world war III start because somebody makes a prank phone... err I mean radio call?
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - Tater Salad?
01/16/2008 @ 09:46:57 AM
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been reported by who? and where? and then how do you (not you, bret, but "they") explain the boats physically taunting the ships?

I call shenanigans.
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jon.jpgJon - 1 bajillion posts
01/16/2008 @ 10:49:24 PM
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From one day's worth of coverage that I listened to in the background of some video game playing, I heard one guy state that since it was an open frequency you couldn't technically say for sure that the voice was from the ship that they assumed they were talking to. I don't know if anyone has any further information than that.

As for the start of a war, I'm no history major, but hasn't that thing kind of happened? Gulf of Tonkin maybe? Is that when we assumed a ship got fired upon but it actually just blew up or something?
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - "If at first you don't succeed, failure may be your style."
01/17/2008 @ 07:45:36 AM
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You're right about Tonkin John, something like that.

As for the open frequency- that could definitely be an explaination, however that is a part of the world where not many folks can afford to buy much, let alone these types of radios.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
01/17/2008 @ 05:59:39 PM
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jon.jpgJon - 3375 Posts
01/18/2008 @ 03:25:47 PM
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I knew something like that happened with the Gulf of Tonkin, because I heard someone refer to it recently, I think when talking about this Iran incident. However, after more research and a little remembering, I think I was also mixing it up with something that happened almost 70 years earlier. (remember, not a history major) Remember the Maine! Remember the Maine? That ship blew up and they still don't know for sure why. Which I guess makes it a very different situation, but still I think it played a part in leading to the Spanish-American War, according to my skimming.

Carlos44ec Wrote - 01/17/2008 @ 07:45:36 AM
You're right about Tonkin John

Who's "Tonkin John"? Is that a wrestler?
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Jon screwed with this at 01/18/2008 3:27:17 pm
vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - Since 1980!
01/18/2008 @ 03:57:37 PM
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the USS Maine was a ship that exploded and sunk under "mysterious" circumstances in Cuba which started the Spanish American War... if my war buff title is still fresh.

"you were right about Tonkin [comma] jon"
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Carlos44ec edited this at 01/18/2008 3:58:02 pm
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