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Added By: Jeremy
Added on: 12/17/2007 @ 2:13:23 PM
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Is 'Ladies Night' discriminatory?

I think you would make more of an argument for the kids/elderly discount at restaurants. After all, isn't "Ladies Night" just code for "There will be twice as many women here as normal, and they will be twice as drunk?" It seems to me it has way more of a win-win factor than the previously mentioned discounts.

Furthermore, doesn't it seem like a privately owned business should be able to do whatever they want? If they only want to allow white, male, 20 somethings in, then shouldn't that be their prerogative? It seems to me in most cases of "discrimination" you're just giving your competitor more business anyway. If someone made a "Whites only" diner it would go out of business from people not wanting to support a jackass, but should it really be our job to force people into not being bags of douche?

I mean, you could argue that by charging a cover charge at all, or in turn charging for anything, is discriminating against the people that can't afford it, couldn't you?

I'm just waiting for the lawsuits stating that store's can't have anything on their aisles above 4 feet, because they are discriminating against short/"little"/handicapped people because they have to ask for help to reach half their items. Not to mention all those kids that would go into anaphylactic shock if shown a photograph of a peanut or other items.

Clearly Walmart should be forced into 2 foot high shelves. They can make up for all the lost space by the items they will be forced to get rid of.

Shouldn't Target and Walmart have to hide their "Intimates" section? Women shouldn't be forced into lingerie shopping smack dab in the middle of the store! How embarrassing! Not to mention how dare they have that frilly bra and thong combination where my children can see it!

While we're at it let's force businesses to dedicate a certain percentage of their parking lot and spend tons of money to make sure their business HAS to be accessible to any person with any disability, no matter how crippling, even if no one with a disability shops there. Oh, right, nevermind.
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flower .jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
12/17/2007 @ 02:23:35 PM
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As a member of the bar business this topic has been brought up over a billion times. My previously employer even adopted a guys night just so we didn't have to listen to it. Too bad their bar sucks - it just might work.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9591 Posts
12/17/2007 @ 02:26:53 PM
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Well really isn't the "product" men go to the bar for women almost as much as it is the booze? Doesn't ladies night make that product a lot cheaper? (Both literally, because I think buying a drink FOR a female is cheaper too, and metaphorically)
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flower .jpgPackOne - From your first cigarette to your last dyin' day.
12/17/2007 @ 05:01:03 PM
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Actually, in reality it just brings out the cheapskates. Usually a guy, his girlfriend, and some combination of her ordering drinks for him. Most ladies nights only offer the special to the female directly.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - Tater Salad?
12/17/2007 @ 06:47:45 PM
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This was a huge topic on the Half-Assed Morning Show on 93X here in the cities in the past months. They even called the guy a few times to find out what the hell his problem is. Turns out he's just a giant douchebag who profits off of cases to make new ones.

Super huge douchebag.
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