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Added By: Wendy
Added on: 11/07/2007 @ 4:37:49 PM
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Oprah Pulls KKK Author's Writings from Book Club List

A book on Oprah's list turns out to be written by a former Ku Klux Klan member. The book isn't about white supremacy, but she pulled it because of her strong feelings about the author.

So I ask: How much does an artist's personal life, influence your feelings about their work?
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11/07/2007 @ 04:41:26 PM
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(I'll add: it's not mentioned in the article, but I read elsewhere today that Oprah knew fully about the author's history when she recommended the title years ago, but only pulled it when the Associated Press questioned her on it.)
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - As Seen On The Internet
11/08/2007 @ 09:04:13 AM
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That would be sort of lame if she only pulled it when questioned. Normally I would say the authors "real life" wouldn't effect me at all, but I think a white supremacist writing a book about acceptance might be different. Of course, I don't read, so my opinion doesn't really matter.
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
11/13/2007 @ 08:54:31 AM
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It depends on the type of book. Autobiographies by these people are intriguing and insightful, if not chilling. I guess if it isn't a flaming pile of propaganda and isn't full of rhetoric.

Then again, I'd read parts of Mein Kampf just for the history insight.
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wendy.gifWendy - 163 Posts
11/15/2007 @ 03:51:53 PM
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I also think it depends on what type of personality flaw you're basing this on.
My favorite example of 2007 is the hot mess that is Amy Winehouse. I cannot stand her image, I cannot stand her "look" and I'm sure if I met her I'd want to beat her down in a cat fight. That said, "Back to Black" is a pretty damn good album, and it's not that hard for me to separate the art from the artist.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
11/15/2007 @ 06:31:19 PM
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can I watch said "cat fight" entertainment! bring the corn!

I just read about what she said at her concert to people who were booing- Just wait til my husband gets out! Hilarious!
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