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Added By: Jeremy
Added on: 10/23/2007 @ 9:12:06 AM
Link View Count: 857
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Happy 6,010th, Earth. You don't look a day over 40.

I knew creationists had the age of the earth pegged at around 6000 years. I didn't know they picked out the day.
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
10/24/2007 @ 09:45:56 AM
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I read this on another site. Interesting, yet naive. Poor dinosaurs!
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 1.21 Gigawatts!?!?
10/24/2007 @ 10:01:01 AM
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Well I don't give two craps about what people believe, just don't try and pass it off as science.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
10/24/2007 @ 12:17:53 PM
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beliefs =/ science
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