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Added By: Jeremy
Added on: 07/24/2007 @ 9:36:02 AM
Link View Count: 967
Green Bay Packers
Green Bay Packers
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Packer Fans lock 7 year old in room, with bucket for toilet, to go watch the games.

They also gave him a loaf of bread and some PB&J. Oh, and it was his job to clean the bucket when they returned.

All across Wisconsin the reaction was a collective, "Why didn't we think of that?"
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - Check yourself before you wriggity wreck yourself.
07/24/2007 @ 10:10:57 AM
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Totally tactless Jeremy.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Pie Racist
07/24/2007 @ 10:46:06 AM
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I'm not so sure that qualifies as lacking tact.
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flower .jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
07/24/2007 @ 12:43:57 PM
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I would say it is bluntly inconsiderate to those directly affected by child abuse. I think, and correct me if im wrong, that this would define tactless.

EDIT: This would especially hold true for Wisconsin residents and Packer fans with the same views.

EDIT: Not that I don't appreciate a tactless post.
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PackOne messed with this 2 times, last at 07/24/2007 12:45:43 pm
face.bmpCarlos44ec - Since 1980!
07/24/2007 @ 12:52:30 PM
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Aside from the topic (I despise abuse, in any form) I'd have to say that was a damn fine article. Well written, great [linked] sources, and to- the point. As far as the house goes, the only problem I saw was that they had terribly hard water, and may not know that KABOOM is cheap.

for Packer Fans, they go too far with all the crap in the house. Sell it off.
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - No matter how many MC's I eat up ... oh, it's never enough.
07/24/2007 @ 12:59:59 PM
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I read the article yesterday. I didn't see the pics until now. Holy Crapola! Amen on needing some KABOOM as well.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
07/24/2007 @ 01:02:12 PM
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I wasn't lewd and it's not really a touchy subject (by which I mean there's no "pro-abuse" side of the coin that I could be arguing from that could offend the other side)

It was obviously just in jest.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - I believe virtually everything I read.
07/24/2007 @ 01:47:06 PM
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I know it's part of the internet that everyone reads between lines to put words in everyone's mouth and whatnot, but from this moment on let's see how long we can go without prefacing every comment we make with "Although I'm against (fill in issue you can't possibly, at least publicly, be for), (fill in not all that controversial of a thought here)"

For some issues it might be important, the rest of the time I think we could all assume we all come down on the side of neither abusing children nor killing dogs.
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Jeremy messed with this 2 times, last at 07/24/2007 2:57:21 pm
vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
07/24/2007 @ 02:12:45 PM
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All I meant to say was that if they were taking pictures to say something about the conditions in which he was kept, as far as housekeeping and general cleanliness, there weren't many "health hazards." Until he used his bucket of course.

For my part, I meant nothing towards Jeremy in any way, except that I feel that you torture your lawn. You intentionally refrain from watering your lawn so that you do not appear to support "The Green" as in... Packers.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
07/24/2007 @ 02:38:59 PM
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Yeah, I don't think the pictures depicted an all out "squalor." They were just there to accompany the abuse discussed in the article by depicting the money they pissed away on ugly green crap (money they could have given a baby sitter, or bought a tv with for that matter.)

The place was messy, but if you took the right pictures anyone's house would look like that from time to time, save for the shower. I don't know how you could let a shower get to that point, but it's still just hard water.

Edit: I also didn't mean to imply in anyway I thought someone was "reading too far" into anything I said. Carl had just gone out on a limb and offered up he "hated abuse." It just reminded me of our last discussion with Michael Vick and others we have had here and others I have read elsewhere where half the text on the page is "Well, I'm not defending child molesters but, ...."
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Jeremy perfected this at 07/24/2007 2:42:41 pm
vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
07/24/2007 @ 03:02:46 PM
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You know, I think the article said that it was an event at a casino the parents were going to- not a game... reminds me of the man who left his 5 year old in the car (to sleep) while he spent money in a casino. What is wrong with parents these days?
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Super Chocolate Bear
07/24/2007 @ 03:03:21 PM
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Some people just need to think before they sink the pink.

Edit: Also I agree it's even worse that they were just going to watch the game on TV elsewhere and not going to the game, though I don't know what that's implying. It's not like it's in any way, shape, or form OK even if they were going to the game, yet somehow it's even worse that they weren't. (Perhaps it's because they could have presumably just watched at home.)
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Jeremy edited this at 07/24/2007 3:07:22 pm
avatar2345.jpgPackOne - That hypocrite smokes two packs a day.
07/24/2007 @ 04:13:52 PM
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I wasn't bashing Jeremy. I just remember his "that was a tactless post" comment when everyone was over analyzing abortion. Just thought it was a good time to return the favor. BTW - Good luck to the nutcan squad tonight.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - Tater Salad?
07/24/2007 @ 04:15:56 PM
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Flay-va Flayyyyyyv
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