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Added By: PackOne
Added on: 06/22/2007 @ 3:43:47 PM
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16-Year-Old Marries 40-Year-Old Track Coach

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2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
06/22/2007 @ 07:24:04 PM
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I get that it's pretty weird for someone that young to marry someone that old and also that teenagers getting married is probably not the greatest idea, and I'm not going to claim to understand the whole situation from this little article, but I'm not understanding the quotes by the parents that it make sound like her life is ruined, e.g. "She could have done anything," Betty said. "She could have set the world on fire. She threw it all away."

Can't she still do the same thing now? I guess she could be dropping out of school or something...which is actually implied in the article but not stated as fact. But everyone should be lamenting the drop out decision and not necessarily the getting married part.
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - The Harvard comma's #1 fan.
06/22/2007 @ 08:06:16 PM
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I just don't think that a 16 year old is equipped to make that kind of emotional decison. Perhaps she was. There is no reason she could not continue her educaton if she so chooses. I just find it it somewhat twisted.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - As Seen On The Internet
06/22/2007 @ 10:37:37 PM
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Well at most she had 1 year and 364 days until she was 18, it's not like you undergo some magic transformation where suddenly you get life at 18. So in that sense she really wasn't a whole lot more "unequipped" to make decisions as her 18 year old counter parts. Still this is creepy and weird.

Maybe I glossed over it but I didn't get the sense she was dropping out. Still I agree that the parents are way over doing the "her life is over" and way "underdoing" the fact that they signed away their daughter to some creepy dude who started the courting process at age 14. Though again, it really wasn't all that long ago where this sort of thing (age wise) happened a lot. It's just extra creepy because of the whole creepy dude taking advantage of his role as an authority figure thing.

I should expect more "'WTF' outrage" from the parents and less "oh, woe is me".

What exactly are they going to do for money?
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