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Added on: 06/06/2012 @ 1:45:33 PM
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South Carolina Mom Arrested for Cheering at Daughter's Graduation

I wasn't here, and cuffing her might have been an overreaction to whatever she went on to do.

However, it's a safe bet this didn't go down just -> "Yeah my baby!" *cuffed and thrown in the police van*

The rule is reasonable. You're not special, and there are 600 other parents there who don't want their moment ruined because the family of the last kid is reacting like he just made a buzzer beater to win the state championship.
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scott.jpgScott - Ma'am, can you make sure your computer is turned on?
06/06/2012 @ 02:08:54 PM
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here's one of the comments from that article:

As typical of so many YAHOO news articles, this one was a bit incomplete. Other news agencies are reporting this incident this way: The 407 graduating students themselves had VOTED for the audience to hold their applause until the last graduate had been honored. Letters were sent to the families stating that, and warning that any violators would be removed. Announcements were made to the entire audience before the graduation commenced. 30 extra duty police were hired to ensure order. 9,000 attendees were admitted. THREE were arrested for violating this policy, including Shannon Cooper. Cooper herself was not arrested until AFTER the ceremony, as she exited the auditorium.
NOW, this sounds a bit more realistic to me, and clearly everyone was warned, only THREE out of NINE THOUSAND violated it, and the graduating Senior student body voted the rule into place themselves, well ahead of time.

Apparently they were warned, the students voted for it, and a total of 3 people got removed. I imagine that the lady in question was a little more vocal after the fact.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Super Chocolate Bear
06/06/2012 @ 02:17:36 PM
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Yeah, well, even then I still find it hard to believe that a school policy can lead DIRECTLY to an arrest. I'd still put my money on that there's more to this incident that "Yeah! My Baby made it!" *sits back down* [some amount of time passes] *arrested*
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scott.jpgScott - On your mark...get set...Terrible!
06/06/2012 @ 03:04:32 PM
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there's gotta be a video of somewhere. I'm sure someone was videotaping this graduation.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Robots don't say 'ye'
06/06/2012 @ 04:10:29 PM
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I also like how she says "I'mma cheer because, you know, I went through too much to get her to this point." which, while I suppose might be true, really shows what the rule partially "combats" which, other than simple common courtesy because the family of the kid called 8 seconds later want to hear the name, was that this moment is supposed to be a spotlight on the kids on stage, not mom or dad.
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newalex.jpgAlex - Who controls the past now controls the future
06/06/2012 @ 09:26:14 PM
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Removal seems fine, I'm assuming she did more to actually get arrested. But then again, it's pretty easy to get arrested in the land of the free these days.
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scott.jpgScott - Resident Tech Support
06/07/2012 @ 08:03:17 AM
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I've never been arrested. It's pretty easy to NOT get arrested in the land of the free, too.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
06/07/2012 @ 09:21:24 AM
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Jeremy Wrote - Yesterday @ 04:10:29 PM
I also like how she says "I'mma cheer because, you know, I went through too much to get her to this point." which, while I suppose might be true, really shows what the rule partially "combats" which, other than simple common courtesy because the family of the kid called 8 seconds later want to hear the name, was that this moment is supposed to be a spotlight on the kids on stage, not mom or dad.

The reason graduations consist of people all wearing matching gowns is sort of to eliminate the individuality (to a certain extent) and rather celebrate the collective accomplishment that everyone has achieved. When I graduated high school (I didn't waste my time or my family's walking for my college graduation), it was chaos with all the yelling. Parents were screaming for their kids. The band (which had a mic amongst it) would cheer anytime a band member was called which made their cheers amplified. And by the time we to the Ss, Ts, and Vs, the students were so out of control you could hardly hear the individual names called anymore. (it wasn't constant noise, but rather just a loud outburst anytime someone new was called). For me, it was silent. I knew my parents were there. They have never been outburst type people, and frankly, if someone had screamed for me, I would have been more offended for that. Anyway, people just need to stop yelling during graduation ceremonies. Or at the very least, be done with your uncontrolable urge to draw the attention to your kid by drawing even more attention to yourself by the time the next student who wants to have their moment to be recognized is called.

*if you haven't noticed, graduation ceremonies tend to tick me off.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
06/07/2012 @ 10:30:08 AM
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Alex Wrote - Yesterday @ 09:26:14 PM
Removal seems fine, I'm assuming she did more to actually get arrested. But then again, it's pretty easy to get arrested in the land of the free these days.

Scott Wrote - Today @ 08:03:17 AM
I've never been arrested. It's pretty easy to NOT get arrested in the land of the free, too.

Ageed. Don't go all yahoo-commenter on us Alex.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Super Chocolate Bear
06/07/2012 @ 10:36:03 AM
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Scott Wrote - Today @ 09:21:24 AM
Jeremy Wrote - Yesterday @ 04:10:29 PM
I also like how she says "I'mma cheer because, you know, I went through too much to get her to this point." which, while I suppose might be true, really shows what the rule partially "combats" which, other than simple common courtesy because the family of the kid called 8 seconds later want to hear the name, was that this moment is supposed to be a spotlight on the kids on stage, not mom or dad.

The reason graduations consist of people all wearing matching gowns is sort of to eliminate the individuality (to a certain extent) and rather celebrate the collective accomplishment that everyone has achieved. When I graduated high school (I didn't waste my time or my family's walking for my college graduation), it was chaos with all the yelling. Parents were screaming for their kids. The band (which had a mic amongst it) would cheer anytime a band member was called which made their cheers amplified. And by the time we to the Ss, Ts, and Vs, the students were so out of control you could hardly hear the individual names called anymore. (it wasn't constant noise, but rather just a loud outburst anytime someone new was called). For me, it was silent. I knew my parents were there. They have never been outburst type people, and frankly, if someone had screamed for me, I would have been more offended for that. Anyway, people just need to stop yelling during graduation ceremonies. Or at the very least, be done with your uncontrolable urge to draw the attention to your kid by drawing even more attention to yourself by the time the next student who wants to have their moment to be recognized is called.

*if you haven't noticed, graduation ceremonies tend to tick me off.

Well, I think that might be the other 10% of the reason. Some kids aren't popular, or close with their families. After hearing raucous cheers for the last 15 students, being able to hear a pin drop when your name is called could, itself, sully the moment. Now, some might spin that partial reason for the thinking as another example of our "no winners, participation trophies for all" educational system, but I think in that context that's reasonable.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
06/07/2012 @ 12:22:30 PM
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I was actually going to make that same point, but didn't. And that's the thought that was running through my head during my own graduation (that is, what if someone doesn't have a lot of friends or their family isn't as numerous or they have low self esteem as it is). Now, I know you aren't advocating this, but for anyone thinking that this is another example of the "participation trophies for all" educational system, I would ask this question: why does everyone wear the same gown? (It should be pointed out that the exceptional students DO get recogniztion, that generally being a different colored tassle or a shawl or some other form of "flare" on their gown. But the point of commencement ceremonies isn't to laud the individual.)

In fact, it would seem somewhat detrimental to have it be that way, in that it would send the wrong message. Basically, the intent is that you are telling a high school graduate that "sure, you have achieved something worth celebrating, but now you enter the real world and and the only thing that matters now is what you do, not what you've done". The reason it is called "commencement" is that it is essentially a ceremony of your "beginning" of life in the real world. There is only so much to celebrate, because spring training is over.
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Scott edited this 2 times, last at 06/07/2012 12:25:07 pm
2887.gifAlex - Refactor Mercilessly
06/07/2012 @ 01:31:04 PM
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Scott Wrote - Today @ 12:22:30 PM
Now, I know you aren't advocating this, but for anyone thinking that this is another example of the "participation trophies for all" educational system, I would ask this question: why does everyone wear the same gown? (It should be pointed out that the exceptional students DO get recogniztion, that generally being a different colored tassle or a shawl or some other form of "flare" on their gown. But the point of commencement ceremonies isn't to laud the individual.)

Because the gown makers are lining the right peoples' pockets? Because "that's the way it's always been"? Because it's just easier to order in bulk and/or reuse? Because conformity is both a key and a threat to human progress? I really have no idea why the gowns are the same, or why gowns are required in the first place.
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newalex.jpgAlex - Refactor Mercilessly
06/07/2012 @ 01:35:14 PM
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Scott Wrote - Today @ 09:21:24 AM
When I graduated high school (I didn't waste my time or my family's walking for my college graduation), it was chaos with all the yelling. Parents were screaming for their kids.

I have a great picture of my college graduation where I'm giving the dean or president or whoever that guy was that I'd never a met a look of "thanks, guy I've never met, I just decided that was huge waste of time so I'm just laughing on the inside about the pointlessness of this". Priceless.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Pie Racist
06/07/2012 @ 02:05:16 PM
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Also, though this has nothing really to do with anything, but does sort of. I never really thought much of wearing the honor chords when I got them in high school, or about what it means to not have them, until I graduated from college and didn't have them, and felt like a piece of shit.

Granted, largely my own fault, but....let me feel my feelings, Turk!.
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scott.jpgScott - If you aren't enough without it, you'll never be enough with it.
06/07/2012 @ 02:07:56 PM
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Alex Wrote - Today @ 01:31:04 PM
Scott Wrote - Today @ 12:22:30 PM
Now, I know you aren't advocating this, but for anyone thinking that this is another example of the "participation trophies for all" educational system, I would ask this question: why does everyone wear the same gown? (It should be pointed out that the exceptional students DO get recogniztion, that generally being a different colored tassle or a shawl or some other form of "flare" on their gown. But the point of commencement ceremonies isn't to laud the individual.)

Because the gown makers are lining the right peoples' pockets? Because "that's the way it's always been"? Because it's just easier to order in bulk and/or reuse? Because conformity is both a key and a threat to human progress? I really have no idea why the gowns are the same, or why gowns are required in the first place.

Apparently the answer is B) "that's the way it's always been". Since probably the middle ages institutions of higher learning had their students wear gowns all the time. Apparently it was orginally supposed to help keep students warm in cold european climates. But since we have to go with your first answer, you got it wrong.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
06/07/2012 @ 02:29:02 PM
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Scott Wrote - Yesterday @ 03:04:32 PM
there's gotta be a video of somewhere. I'm sure someone was videotaping this graduation.

Yeah, but since it was mostly being recorded be parents and grandparents "videotaped" is probably exactly what happened. We'll have to wait until some kid pops it in grandma's VCR, and shakily films it on his crappy phone from across the room, with the windows he forgot to close washing out most of the picture, before it winds up on youtube. Ideally the sound with either be inaudible, or so loud it overpowers the mic in his phone and winds up a distorted mess.
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Jeremy edited this at 06/07/2012 2:35:05 pm
jon.jpgJon -'s kitten expert
06/07/2012 @ 07:10:52 PM
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South Carolina Mom Arrested for Cheering at Daughter’s Graduation...pump up the, pump up the, pump up the volume!?
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Jon screwed with this at 06/07/2012 7:11:11 pm
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