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Added By: Scott
Added on: 05/31/2012 @ 10:11:06 AM
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Fox News produces Anti-Obama Attack ad

Fox News doesn't just show other people's political ads, they produce and tout their own.

I present this without comment, except to relay the comments of conservative blogger Ed Morrissey, who says "If anyone wanted to look for evidence that the overall Fox News organization intends to campaign against Obama rather than cover the campaign, this video would be difficult to refute as evidence for that claim."
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matt.jpgMatt - 3915 Posts
05/31/2012 @ 11:20:01 AM
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In other news, MSNBC produces Anti-Romney attack network. emoticon
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Matt edited this at 05/31/2012 11:41:59 am
scott.jpgScott - Resident Tech Support
05/31/2012 @ 12:43:24 PM
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There's no doubt MSNBC is a liberal network. But as much as they may have tried to hide it in the past (even from their "straight news" departments) this essentially eliminates the question of who Fox is pulling for, and whether a democrat can get a fair shake over at that network.
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Scott screwed with this at 05/31/2012 12:44:02 pm
newalex.jpgAlex - Refactor Mercilessly
05/31/2012 @ 01:15:47 PM
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Does the media ever give anyone a fair shake? Doe anyone ever give anyone a fair shake? And wouldn't you rather have a root beer float anyway?
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