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Added By: Scott
Added on: 03/20/2012 @ 9:33:18 AM
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Debate abounds regarding a memorial for Eisenhower

There is currently an accepted, but protested, proposal for a monument for Dwight Eisenhower. The entire Eisenhower family opposes it. Conservative commentator George Will opposes it too, and the arguments against the current design seem like good arguments.

Here is a link to the monument website:

and here is a link to the protest website:

I've been a fan of Eisenhower ever since I read Stephen Ambrose's book "Supreme Commander" a few years ago (I would recommend it). It would seem that he should be given a monument befitting a man who's accomplishments might be some of the most underrated of any American President. I'll admit that I don't know a whole lot about Eisenhower as President, other than that he ended the Korean War and he created the interstate highway system. But what George Will* says rings true with me: monuents"are reminders that a person esteemed by the nation lived and is worth learning more about."

*normally, one would refer to a source by their last name after introducing them fully the first time; it just seems weird referring to him as "Will". It also should be pointed out that I have a lot of respect for George Will, and often agree with him. So there, I'm not an irrational liberal.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Robots don't say 'ye'
03/20/2012 @ 10:41:34 AM
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Oh, they don't actually oppose a memorial being built, they just hate the design.
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matt.jpgMatt - Washington Bureau Chief
03/20/2012 @ 05:55:10 PM
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Yeah, this has been going on for a bit, and from what I've seen/read, I agree with the critics of the design.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
03/20/2012 @ 08:33:50 PM
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To a certain degree, the idea of having Eisenhower depicted as a young boy sounds nice, but that can't be the focus. The man is responsible for defeating Hitler for crying out loud. I mean, Hitler was the Hitler of Nazi Germany. It's interesting that the criticism was as much about the "story" depicted by the layout as much as the fact that people thought a lot of it was ugly. The FDR monument near the mall depicts a number of scenes specifically related to his presidency. With Ike, there's as much or more to say about his military life as there is about his presidency. You'd think they could do a little better than "a 6 year old kid looking at an old man talking to some suits and an old man talking to some troops"
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scott.jpgScott - On your mark...get set...Terrible!
03/20/2012 @ 08:43:11 PM
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And now I can't help but add some Eisenhowerisms:

When the war ended and Eisenhower decided he needed to send a message to the combined chiefs of staff, everyone around him drafted their attempt at an appropriate document. One staff member said "I tried one myself, and like all my associates, groped for resounding phrases as fitting accolades to the Great Crusade and indicative of our dedication to the great task just completed."

According to Ambrose's book: "Eisenhower quietly watched and listened. Each draft was more grandiloquent than the last. The Supreme Commander finally thanked everyone for his efforts, rejected all the proposals, and dictated the message himself."

At the end of 4 years of war that took the Allies led by Eisenhower from Northern Africa to Italy to England, France, Holland, and Germany, Eisenhower ever direct, announced to his command the end of the war:

'The mission of this Allied force was fulfilled at 0241 local time, May 7, 1945'
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