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Added By: Scott
Added on: 03/13/2011 @ 1:44:10 PM
Link View Count: 857
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Plumbing questions

This is a post I put up on This Old House. If anyone here has any incite, please let me know.

I am finishing off my basement and have started looking at some of my plumbing concerns. I know I need to install drain vents and somehow tie those drain vents into my main vent system. The upstairs plumbing fixtures are walled in so I cannot see any of the drainage pipes. My basement is stubbed in for a bathroom with toilet, sink, and shower. I see what I think might be a vent pipe, but there is not much pipe to work with if I were to tie into it.

So I have a couple questions:
1) Is there a way to tell what pipes are NOT actual waste water drains and which pipe is the one going to the vent? I can see the drains from the upstairs toilet, bathroom sink, and shower. There is another pipe angling up that I believe is a vent pipe, but I want to be sure before I go cutting into it

2) Do I have to tie into the existing vent pipes that lead out through my roof, or can I create a separate vent and just drill it out through the side of my house?

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2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
03/13/2011 @ 11:08:31 PM
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Ha ha, I usually have some "incite" but not tonight. Interesting question, not planning on finishing my basement anytime soon but I may go see if I can find my vent pipe now.
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scott.jpgScott - Resident Tech Support
03/14/2011 @ 12:11:34 PM
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Weird, I will admit that incite/insight is a word that I can never keep straight. Incite means to stir up or encourage. Insight is an understanding. Providing incite would be providing me with encouragment or motivation. Providing insight would be giving me some information or answers. Both could make sense I suppose, but I am looking for information, not encouragement (well, maybe I'm looking for both).
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