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Added By: Scott
Added on: 04/07/2010 @ 9:29:50 PM
Link View Count: 1291
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Star Wars In Concert

This looks awesome. I already have my tickets to the Green Bay showing. Check it out, and get your tickets!
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matt.jpgMatt - Ombudsman
04/08/2010 @ 09:47:26 AM
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I saw part of a short little documentary about this on PBS or something a few months ago. It was a behind the scenes look at them preparing for the first concert (in London, I think). It did indeed look awesome, plus I hear Jar Jar will be playing the bassoon!
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
04/08/2010 @ 11:05:11 AM
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I saw this on PBS as well. That's how I heard about it.
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