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Added By: PackOne
Added on: 04/29/2009 @ 8:12:44 AM
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
04/29/2009 @ 08:22:56 AM
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"Favre said in a statement he had no intention of returning to football." - Is this quote from this year or last year?
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
04/29/2009 @ 09:05:26 AM
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He probably just wants to have the option of signing one of those one day contracts and retire as a Packer, assuming this move was even prompted by Favre. It actually makes a lot of sense for the Jets to just up and do it. If Favre got the itch to play it would be one letter to the commish and the Jets wold have to clear 13 million under their cap, ASAP. They don't want him back, his rights aren't worth much, and just to alleviate any small chance of that happening they cut him loose.
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Jeremy messed with this at 04/29/2009 9:05:39 am
thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt -'s MBL
04/29/2009 @ 03:00:18 PM
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So, what are the odds he plays for the Vikings this year? 10%? Higher? Lower?
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
04/29/2009 @ 03:39:27 PM
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It doesn't seem to be pointing to anything meaningful. It was prompted by Favre/Cook, but only because he wants to retire a Packer, so this was step one. A comeback seems unlikely, seeing as he skipped that surgery. Wilf and Childress have also, supposedly, both stated they wouldn't be interested.
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flower .jpgPackOne - Well use me, use me, 'caus you ain't that average groupie.
04/29/2009 @ 05:14:05 PM
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There are some injury issues too.
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2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
04/29/2009 @ 05:46:04 PM
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I have to say this thread is kind of a let down after seeing the title.
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4718 Posts
04/30/2009 @ 08:02:37 PM
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I just don't think it's going to happen, but he sures luvs the drama. Shouldn't I actually get something for winning this so-called lottery?
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 1.21 Gigawatts!?!?
05/01/2009 @ 12:19:07 AM
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So apparently a private plane made a trip from MSP to Hattiesburg, MS yesterday two days ago (technically), and reportedly Favre has been working with a personal trainer. Let the rumors commence!
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Jeremy perfected this at 05/01/2009 12:20:00 am
scott.jpgScott - If you aren't enough without it, you'll never be enough with it.
05/01/2009 @ 12:16:31 PM
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I could care less if Favre decides to play; I don't even care for whom he ends up playing. If the man wants to play, let him find a team that wants him. If no one wants him, than he won't play. I support him.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - I hate our freedoms
05/01/2009 @ 12:43:24 PM
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And here I thought we nipped this in the bud.
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2887.gifAlex - Who controls the past now controls the future
05/01/2009 @ 06:29:39 PM
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - So's your face
05/01/2009 @ 06:45:15 PM
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It just got interesting!
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jon.jpgJon - 3497 Posts
05/02/2009 @ 03:25:14 AM
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It's a two-fer!
Scott Wrote - Yesterday @ 12:16:31 PM
If no one wants him, than he won't play.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
05/02/2009 @ 07:33:10 AM
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The "than" was a typo.
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IMG_3063[1].jpgjthompto - 209 Posts
05/03/2009 @ 07:34:41 PM
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Don't know who this "source" is from the NY Daily News.

There was another story out there that Favre had hired a personal trainer, but couldn't find a link.
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2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
05/05/2009 @ 07:22:28 PM
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
05/07/2009 @ 04:35:36 PM
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Favre to remain retired
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2887.gifAlex - I was too weak to give in Too strong to lose
05/07/2009 @ 06:58:47 PM
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I guess that settles it then, once and for all.

Edit: forgot my sarcasm tag emoticon
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Alex messed with this at 05/08/2009 3:25:54 pm
avatar2345.jpgPackOne - Push the little daisy's and make em come up.
05/08/2009 @ 03:02:39 PM
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Nope it's not over.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Broadcast in stunning 1080i
05/08/2009 @ 03:20:30 PM
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Well, Alex was being semi sarcastic, I think, but not necessarily I guess. It's oddly suspicious that only Yahoo Sports was able to "break/confirm" the story, but then again it's hard to know if there is a story or not. The old, "where there's smoke there's fire" adage might apply, but with so many people trying desperately to fill the air with smoke of their own, who knows.
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jon.jpgJon - 1000000 posts (and counting!)
05/09/2009 @ 04:38:52 AM
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The best thing about these last two years and the Favre story has been this: For the previous billion years, we Vikings fans on here have been talking about how ridiculously over-covered Favre has been and how we were sick of it, but everyone else in the world seemed to not mind. Now these last two off seasons, I've been fairly interested in the story and actually feel like the coverage is at an ok level, but apparently everyone else in the world would rather beat themselves with a baseball bat than go through another yes-no-maybe he's coming back saga. Well I politely invite all you other people to suck it, because I'm enjoying it now. (As much as I can enjoy a story about football that involves brett favre in the middle of may.)

My thoughts on Favre playing for Minnesota? It's weird, because I wanted it to happen last year, and so I theoretically wanted it to happen again when these rumors started out, but then when it started looking real for a while, I got buyer's remorse (you know, fan-style). They put up that graphic comparing the last 4 or 5 games that Tarvaris played and the last ones Favre played, then I start thinking about how he had as many INTs as TDs last year and how I don't want to see anything even close to that this season, and then I think about how messy it could get and how the whole thing could easily disrupt the whole team, and then I wasn't sure I wanted him anymore.

Then it looked like it was a "no" and I felt disappointed, if for nothing else than because it's one of those things that is such an interesting "what if" that it'd be a shame if it didn't happen twice in a row. At least a shame on some level.

So now it seems back on again. At least leaning that way, and I guess I'm happy. I guess that's why they call me Whiskers.
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scott.jpgScott - If you aren't enough without it, you'll never be enough with it.
05/09/2009 @ 07:31:19 AM
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I think Jon and I sort of think alike here. I sort of stand out as a Packer fan for actually supporting Favre's decision, whatever it will end up being. I for one and moreso sick of fans for thinking that they own the players they once cheered for. It is my understanding that players don't embrace the rivalries between teams the same way that the fans do. In other words, Johnny Damon going to the Yankees to him wasn't about turning his back on the Red Sox Fans. Brett Favre going to the Vikings in no way alienates what he did for so many years in Green Bay. Sure, I'm hearing that part of the reason he wants to play for the Vikings is to stick it to Ted Thompson, and there might be some merrit to that (although, in the defense of Packers management who I think could have handled the whole situation 2 years ago a lot better, how exactly do you part with the best anything of all time; only a handful of coaches/GMs have had to do address something like that).

I can't explain why, but I am a little excited about the possibility of Favre playing for the Vikings. I mean, he's my favorite player, so I would love to watch him play anyway. Also, I know I'll get to see him play my team. And maybe, if Favre does what some of the analysts are saying and solidifies the Vikings mostly Super Bowl caliber roster, I can view the Vikings Super Bowl win as somehow less legimate as they needed the player they for so long couldn't stand to do so.
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - More posts than they wanted.
05/09/2009 @ 12:17:50 PM
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Without the fans there would be no players. There is no arguing that.
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PackOne screwed with this at 05/09/2009 10:42:17 pm
jon.jpgJon - 3497 Posts
05/09/2009 @ 11:03:21 PM
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PackOne Wrote - Today @ 12:17:50 PM
Without the fans there would be no players. There is no argument to that.

Except for the fact that it doesn't make sense. To be hyper-literal about it, people will play sports whether there are fans or not. And more than that, those people's existence is not voided if fans go away. But closer to the point (or at least the point I think you were making), obviously they wouldn't make the money and there wouldn't be the same opportunities for making a living without the fans, but that doesn't give fans ownership of any player at all. I'd say the fan-athlete experience is much more an even exchange. (Or tilted slightly in the other direction) Fans aren't doing players some sort of favor by cheering for them or buying their jersey, as if the players are charity cases we "allow" to entertain us. Fans willingly stand in line to give them money because fans are so hungry for all the experiences associated with cheering for the players.

Fans thinking they have ownership of players because they generously support them with their time and money is like every human being claiming we own all farmers because we're so supportive as to eat all that food that they are trying to sell. Sure, if everyone stopped eating food, the farmers would be screwed. But who would be worse off?

On a similar note, I've talked about this before, but I'll do it again. Fans love to think of themselves as loyal to the players and demand players remain loyal to them. But fans are usually only "loyal" to the players from whom they want something back. I'm not sure that's loyalty. Is it loyalty that compels Cleveland fans to "allow" LeBron James to be the object of their affection?

Don't misunderstand me completely. I think loyalty probably can and does exist in professional sports between certain parties. But I think we'd be harder pressed to find those cases compared to all the other relationships that are simply based on quid-pro-quo. And the fan-player relationship doesn't seem like some big exception.
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Jon edited this at 05/09/2009 11:05:23 pm
jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
05/13/2009 @ 02:00:24 PM
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - So's your face
05/14/2009 @ 09:33:00 PM
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Apparently 3-6 weeks of rehabilitation is too much for Favre. He could've been over and done with all this if he had had the darn surgery when all this drama started!
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - 3991 Posts
05/18/2009 @ 02:41:45 PM
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Looks like Favre is going to have surgery.
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05/19/2009 @ 06:35:51 AM
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Nope looks like he isn't having surgery. This is getting really annoying.
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2887.gifAlex - I don't need to get steady I know just how I feel
05/19/2009 @ 12:59:12 PM
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And now you know how Packer fans felt over the last 5 offseasons.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4718 Posts
06/07/2009 @ 07:32:02 PM
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Why can't we just go into the future to Week 1 to see how this all plays out????
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2887.gifAlex - I was too weak to give in Too strong to lose
06/08/2009 @ 01:32:38 PM
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Vikings say deadline is end of the week.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - The pig says "My wife is a slut?"
06/08/2009 @ 02:11:23 PM
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Well, they supposedly said that 2-3 weeks ago too.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - A Vote for me is a Vote against Terrorism! ...or atleast just wasted.
06/08/2009 @ 03:37:11 PM
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And Favre has retired twice, so you know how these "deadlines" and "decisions" can get flip-flopped.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4718 Posts
06/15/2009 @ 08:03:19 PM
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Reactions to the Favre interview coming shortly!!!
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sarah.jpgSarah - So's your face
06/15/2009 @ 08:26:57 PM
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All I know is that if he does play for the Vikings, I will still root for him. It'll be tricky, to root for a player yet loathe a team, but I'm sure I'll find a way.
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scott.jpgScott - Resident Tech Support
06/16/2009 @ 07:55:10 AM
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Sarah Wrote - Yesterday @ 09:26:57 PM
All I know is that if he does play for the Vikings, I will still root for him. It'll be tricky, to root for a player yet loathe a team, but I'm sure I'll find a way.

Word. I'll root for the Packers when they play him, but I cannot root against my favorite player of all time.
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2887.gifAlex - Who controls the past now controls the future
06/16/2009 @ 12:19:30 PM
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Scott Wrote - Today @ 07:55:10 AM
Sarah Wrote - Yesterday @ 08:26:57 PM
All I know is that if he does play for the Vikings, I will still root for him. It'll be tricky, to root for a player yet loathe a team, but I'm sure I'll find a way.

Word. I'll root for the Packers when they play him, but I cannot root against my favorite player of all time.

Maybe you can pick a new favorite player of all time?
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scott.jpgScott - Get Up! Get outta here! Gone!
06/16/2009 @ 12:49:43 PM
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I think the "of all time" makes that sort of permanent. Although I suppose it could change if some special player comes along in the future.
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