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Added By: Jeremy
Added on: 01/22/2009 @ 12:19:17 PM
Link View Count: 945
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Marinelli apologizes for comment

Step 1) Wait for rather insignificant comment.
Step 2) Pounce on comment
Step 3) ????
Step 4) Accept knee-jerk "apology"
Step 5) Profit.

Look, people, you don't HAVE to apologize just because some big scary group demands one. Was there ever a day where people just said "suck it up?"

It IS an insult to call a group of men "ladies." That DOESN'T make it an insult against women. I'm pretty sure a woman would be angry if you called her a man.

I feel like this situation plays out like 3 times a week now with some group demanding an apology for something, then getting a meaningless "form-letter" apology from the "offender."
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2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
01/22/2009 @ 12:44:05 PM
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Were they even men? That link doesn't say so explicitly. Maybe your just not allowed to use the word ladies anymore, you have to stick to gender neutral terms only. Ok, they were men.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - The pig says "My wife is a slut?"
01/22/2009 @ 01:16:56 PM
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Your story leads to the other thread a lot of these non-controversial controversies have in common: The person at the center of them is often someone in-tune-to, or fighting for the, cause of the group that was angered. For every one actual "problem" there's five complete non-stories. About 20% of the time it will be someone who, for example, was the principal of a school in a mostly white area who made it a point to hire minority teachers, or something, and has done more for the "cause" than almost anyone around, but he'll make a comment that if you distort it enough, looks like an insult.
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