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Added By: Alex
Added on: 09/02/2008 @ 9:02:59 PM
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Pie Racist
09/02/2008 @ 09:53:09 PM
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I don't know, but just by sheer coincidence I've heard a couple interviews of Adam and read one of Jamie in the last couple weeks. In each one they made it a point to add to the interview that they really don't like each other, which is something I had heard before. It's weird because it's almost like it's a taking point because they always say something along the lines of "We don't hang out, we're not friends, and we don't even particularly like each other."

I find it odd that they feel they need to stress that, and that I'm disappointed by that fact.
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Jeremy edited this at 09/02/2008 9:53:46 pm
newalex.jpgAlex - 3619 Posts
09/02/2008 @ 10:16:12 PM
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They do argue a lot and some of the interesting shows are when they each go off on their own and build competing experiments. I imagine they were and maybe still are getting a lot of "so you guys must be bffs huh?" which would be annoying after a while I would think just because it's apparently not true. And of course they are the Mythbusters so they can't just allow the myth to continue.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Cube Phenomenoligist
09/02/2008 @ 10:26:56 PM
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I hate the build-offs almost as much as Jamie appears to. All that happens if you end up with two "mini solutions" instead of one big thing (that works), and they are almost always an anti-climatic catastrophic failure in the end.

The most recent Moon-based episode was awesome. I know what they do for a living, but it always amazes me when they say something like, "I'm going to quick slap a stand in for the lunar lander together," you see them with a stack of different colors of paper, and then 30 tv seconds later they walk out with an exact scale model of the lander with photo realistic levels of detail.
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newalex.jpgAlex - 3619 Posts
09/02/2008 @ 11:39:24 PM
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Fair enough, but failure can be just as interesting as success.
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
09/03/2008 @ 08:37:36 AM
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I was just thinking about how they don't really get along and saw it this way:

They're both CoStars of a really cool and popular show, and they are both extremely intelligent. At the same time they are proud and vastly different people. Get two exeptionally smart and proud people together in the same situation and you will likely have friction.

Add in the concept that they must constantly wonder who is the #1 and who is the #2 and you probably add to the friction.
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