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Added By: Scott
Added on: 08/11/2008 @ 5:00:55 PM
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Brett Favre Salute

Although he is now playing for another team, this is a fairly honorable tribute. I found it entertaining, and it warmed the cockles of my heart.

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newalex.jpgAlex - Who controls the past now controls the future
08/11/2008 @ 09:18:18 PM
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - I hate our freedoms
08/11/2008 @ 11:07:15 PM
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So was the singer from Fargo, MN? Or was that an intentional over doing of the "Wisconsin accent" that in reality like .01% of the population actually has?
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pyzamOmgWtf.jpgJfk10intex - My computer is better than yours!!!!
08/12/2008 @ 10:42:01 PM
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Well in case some of u dont remember me..... My name is James... and im the guy who said i wasent going to post till football season began.... Brett favre i must say had lost about 1% of my respect... only because the guy changed him mind like twice and put the packers in a difficult positon.... he obvioiusly showed he was not in this for the money because if he was, he would have stayed on the bench and took the 20 million he would have gotten..... now he is with the jets and went to another football team, so he could get another chance to play....this shows that he just wants to come back and play the game and for that he still has my respect and shows the same love i share for the game of football....only thing that pisses me off is now its kinda determined that the packers and jets are going to meet in the superbowl..... and.. well kinda ruined it for the rest of us who like to determine who is going this year.... well........ anyways thats all i got to say.. and hope this football season proves to be as dramatic as its offseason was =D... Go packers and go Jets!!!!!
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jon.jpgJon - 1000000 posts (and counting!)
08/13/2008 @ 05:36:50 AM
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Jeremy Wrote - 08/11/2008 @ 11:07:15 PM
So was the singer from Fargo, MN? Or was that an intentional over doing of the "Wisconsin accent" that in reality like .01% of the population actually has?

Well, for one thing, it wasn't a Wisconsin accent that she had. I actually thought it sounded more like a Canadian, but it also reminded me of a "UP" accent my friends used to do as a joke. Surely enough, she referred to herself as a "UPer" or "Yooper", meaning she's from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Whether or not the accent is faked, I have no idea.
As for an actual Wisconsin accent, I would guess that about 25% of the residents speak in a way that would sound, to many of us, like they are doing a fake accent, only they aren't. People are on tv from WI or MN and you can totally hear it and it makes me question if we all sound like that sometimes.
Additionally, I'd guess about 90% of us speak in a way that is decidedly midwestern-sounding to people from elsewhere. It's not fargo-esque, but it's definitely there. That said, I find it annoying that it's generally exaggerated, but that's probably true for a lot of accents or pseudo-accents.

But back to the video. Not too bad for an internet video. I liked the mirrored part with the heavy guy dancing. Though the whole video did dredge up some familiar feelings of dislike I have for a great many Packer fan antics and attitudes.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 1.21 Gigawatts!?!?
08/13/2008 @ 09:30:05 AM
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I noticed that she identified herself as being from the UP, but that doesn't necessarily mean she wasn't intentionally over doing a WI stereotype. She also said she got drunk, then hopped in her minivan to go to the game. That's decidedly Wisconsin.

The very fact that you hear the accent means it's not likely something you're immersed in. Sarah and I laugh at a B-95 (I think) commercial every time it's on because people are listing what they love about two of the DJs and one of them steps right off the set of Fargo and says "Blond Jokes."

The only thing people from other areas would pick up on the vast majority of us Wisconsinites is our nasally O's. WisCONsin. Say "Wisconsin," but then just stop and hold the noise you're making right after the "O," if you don't know what I mean.

That being said, in the midwest we sort of have "no accent" by definition. Our "accent" is is often referred to as "Newscaster English" and sounds exactly what English "should" sound like to every other region. Actors spend a lot of time, effort, and money learning to sound like they're from our area.

Also, apparently "Yoopers" do indeed have an accent a la "Fargo" that constantly makes them sounds as if they're all parodying each other at all times.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
08/13/2008 @ 07:14:23 PM
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Jon Wrote - Today @ 06:36:50 AM
Jeremy Wrote - Yesterday @ 12:07:15 AM
So was the singer from Fargo, MN? Or was that an intentional over doing of the "Wisconsin accent" that in reality like .01% of the population actually has?
Well, for one thing, it wasn't a Wisconsin accent that she had. I actually thought it sounded more like a Canadian, but it also reminded me of a "UP" accent my friends used to do as a joke. Surely enough, she referred to herself as a "UPer" or "Yooper", meaning she's from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Whether or not the accent is faked, I have no idea. As for an actual Wisconsin accent, I would guess that about 25% of the residents speak in a way that would sound, to many of us, like they are doing a fake accent, only they aren't. People are on tv from WI or MN and you can totally hear it and it makes me question if we all sound like that sometimes. Additionally, I'd guess about 90% of us speak in a way that is decidedly midwestern-sounding to people from elsewhere. It's not fargo-esque, but it's definitely there. That said, I find it annoying that it's generally exaggerated, but that's probably true for a lot of accents or pseudo-accents. But back to the video. Not too bad for an internet video. I liked the mirrored part with the heavy guy dancing. Though the whole video did dredge up some familiar feelings of dislike I have for a great many Packer fan antics and attitudes.

People in Florida think I sound like that. And with my job, I talk to people all over the country (and all over the world for that matter), and more than once clients have asked me if I'm from Wisconsin because of my "accent". I've even asked people at work if I sound like I'm from Wisconsin and generally the reaction is "definitely". I've even had Florida people with their pseudo-Southern accent say they wished they had an accent (as if they don't already have one).

As far as Southern accents go, when you are the bigger cities it is not nearly as yokel-esque as if you go into a small town out in the country. The city of Atlanta for example is not full of the thick southern drawls that you think of when you think of a Southern accent. But stop at a gas station somewhere in central Georgia and you'd think you walked onto the set of Deliverence.
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Scott perfected this at 08/13/2008 7:20:10 pm
jeremy.jpgJeremy - Super Chocolate Bear
08/13/2008 @ 10:13:21 PM
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To be fair, when you answer the phone that they ask if you can help them you respond, "You betcha."

Also ask someone who doesn't know where you're from. "Do I really sound like I'm from Wyoming?"
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Jeremy screwed with this at 08/13/2008 10:14:29 pm
scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
08/14/2008 @ 06:36:55 PM
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I talked to someone from Appleton today and she actually sounded just like the girl from the video.
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pyzamOmgWtf.jpgJfk10intex - 229 Posts
08/15/2008 @ 12:56:18 PM
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So em... i was curious to know , i know this isnt on topic... but when ware we makin picks again?
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
08/15/2008 @ 01:23:48 PM
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Maybe like a week and a half before the season starts.
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - Since 1980!
08/15/2008 @ 01:36:17 PM
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Yeah, so do your homework!
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4605 Posts
08/16/2008 @ 07:11:33 PM
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Final line for Favre: 5 for 6, 48 yards, 1 TD. Let's see what Rodgers does tonight.
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scott.jpgScott - Resident Tech Support
08/16/2008 @ 07:30:53 PM
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I wonder what people will say (from GB or from elsewhere) if Favre actually comes through and has a season like he did last year.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - How do you use these things?
08/16/2008 @ 09:32:00 PM
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Well, I can say that Rodgers isn't going to have the season that Favre had last year. This 1st half of the football game is unbearable. Just awful.
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
08/17/2008 @ 09:22:38 PM
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Lot of variables to consider in the Pack game. Too many to consider it any kind of report card.
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sarah.jpgSarah - So's your face
08/17/2008 @ 10:35:53 PM
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
08/18/2008 @ 08:07:50 AM
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I didn't see it. Glad, too?
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l_ad719f619e5ad7f4b593814445bf63ec.jpgRUFiO1984 - Go Lions!!!
08/20/2008 @ 09:29:10 AM
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So this is a little off topic, but why is phobia for the fear of long words Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia?
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jon.jpgJon - 3375 Posts
08/20/2008 @ 10:33:33 AM
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RUFiO1984 Wrote - Today @ 09:29:10 AM
So this is a little off topic, but why is phobia for the fear of long words Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia?

Because it's basically a made up word, created to be long for humor purposes.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
08/20/2008 @ 11:01:59 AM
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Jon Wrote - Today @ 10:33:33 AM
RUFiO1984 Wrote - Today @ 09:29:10 AM
So this is a little off topic, but why is phobia for the fear of long words Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia?
Because it's basically a made up word, created to be long for humor purposes.

It follows the Carrot-Top theory of "The larger it is the funnier it is".
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