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Added By: Matt
Added on: 08/08/2008 @ 4:21:58 PM
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MLB owners to discuss blackout solution

A year or so ago, there was an article in which Bud Selig said that he was going to look into the situation of territorial rights and blackouts that end up preventing many fans (including us here at Nutcan) from seeing certain teams (Twins) on or the Extra Innings package on cable/satellite.

After not hearing too much about it since then, I assumed that Selig wasn't being serious and nothing would be changed.

Luckily, it seems I was wrong and MLB is looking to re-work the rules. While it is still far from a done deal, this story is promising (of course, I'm sure that when all is said and done, Twins fans in western Wisconsin will still end up getting screwed somehow).
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jon.jpgJon - 3497 Posts
08/09/2008 @ 06:25:02 AM
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That would be huge if they can do it. and Extra innings would make a ton of money too, so it seems like they have incentive to get it done. At least that's my understanding.

Then again, the trips to BWW, et al to watch the Twins does constitute about 75% of my social life right now, so I'm not sure it's completely good all around.
I guess we'll have to make an event of it, or focus on those Saturday afternoon blackouts that will still exist.
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flower .jpgPackOne - "That's what I call gettin a piece of Pi"
08/09/2008 @ 11:22:18 PM
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They better not black out the Brewers like they do with the Bucks.
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