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Added By: Scott
Added on: 07/19/2008 @ 8:27:55 AM
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The George W. Bush Sewage Treatment Plant

San Francisco wants to name a water treatment plant in "honor" or our current president. Who knows what the legality of this is or if Bush actually has to approve of his name being used. I'm not sure if I think this is hilarious or inappropriate.

I like the first comment on the article though, "I really would be opposed to naming anything for w. In this case, it is a treatment plant that takes stuff that is waste and sewage and makes it better. That is just opposite to the process that w does; he takes good stuff and turns it into waste and sewage."
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9517 Posts
07/19/2008 @ 09:04:37 AM
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Republicans would probably be more offended that it wouldn't be named after Reagan.
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jon.jpgJon - 3416 Posts
07/19/2008 @ 05:54:46 PM
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I read the headline and I got the joke, but then I thought about it and kind of had the same thoughts as the quoted commenter. The sewage plant is actually a good thing.

I assume this is a way to honor the president, because I know San Fransisco is the heart of "Bush Country"

In all seriousness, I'd personally be kind of honored to have something like that named after me. Cleaned water, whether it's being sent back to the ocean like with the plant in question, or being made drinkable and being piped into our homes, is one of the countless things we generally take for granted about living where and when we are.
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Jon perfected this at 07/19/2008 5:56:25 pm
fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9517 Posts
07/21/2008 @ 10:22:55 AM
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I know we sort of glossed over this because it's San Fransisco, who have to be about the least-relevant-entity-that-thinks-they-matter ever. But seriously, how bush league is this?
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matt.jpgMatt - Ombudsman
07/21/2008 @ 10:45:35 AM
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Jeremy Wrote - Today @ 10:22:55 AM
But seriously, how bush league is this?

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scott.jpgScott - If you aren't enough without it, you'll never be enough with it.
07/21/2008 @ 04:41:35 PM
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Matt Wrote - Today @ 11:45:35 AM
Jeremy Wrote - Today @ 11:22:55 AM
But seriously, how bush league is this?

I agree, it is Bush league.

It just doesn't make sense that such a conservative city would do something like this.
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Scott perfected this 2 times, last at 07/21/2008 4:44:20 pm
goodlooking.jpgcraig - 22041 Posts
08/17/2009 @ 11:38:21 AM
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This seems like it couldn't possibly be real, but apparently it is. Apparently you Bush haters owe him an apology. That includes you San Fransisco!

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