the NFL through 12.0625 weeks

12/01/2007 7:12 am
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I'm generally against New England going undefeated, but Thursday's game really opened up some big possibilities.

Imagine if the Patriots don't lose and meet Dallas in the Super Bowl and they have won all their (now) remaining games. Or even if they don't meet in the Super Bowl. Just the idea of a 16-0 team and a 15-1 team whose only loss occurred when the two played is kind of fun.

If they do meet in the Super Bowl, either outcome would be equally huge. Two losses and only two losses to the undefeated team? A season split, same record overall, one champion?

I know we're 9 games away from even the easiest of these coming true, but still, it's a mere 13 wins from being possibly the biggest Super Bowl to date. It's a tall order, but it's maybe not too early to mention.

On another topic, I know quarterback is probably the single most important position on the field, but is there any doubt that to be an elite team, you pretty much have to have a phenomenal offensive line? I'm surely no judge of how good any team's line is compared to another, and I'm using no actual stats, but from everything I see and hear when I do pay attention it's the O line that really separates the good from the really good.

Tom Brady never gets touched. Neither does Favre (yeah I know he just got injured). Tony Romo is mobile, but he seems to be able to stand in the pocket for quite some time too. Those three teams have 3 losses combined and only one is to a team outside their group.

And I'm not sure how they are this year, relatively speaking, but remember how there's been a virtual stone wall in front of Peyton Manning for the last few years? Granted, these teams all have pretty good to great quarterbacks, but to have those quarterbacks continually drop back 30 or 40 or 50 times a game and not even get pressured much is just as important as the skill of the quarterbacks themselves.

I mean, I'm not telling you something you haven't heard before, everyone knows the o line is important, but watching the games this season, I'm not sure we're talking about it enough.

Did anyone else hear/read that Adrian Peterson is still the rushing leader? If he doesn't miss those games, he could have made the MVP race a bit more interesting. Either way, it's been fun to see him change games the way only a few players can on any regular basis.
2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
12/01/2007 @ 10:40:05 AM
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There's no way someone from one of those "3 teams" isn't winning the MVP.

The OL is important, but the offensive weapons also keep teams from bringing pressure. When teams are consistently double-teaming or just paying too much attention to Moss, TO, and Driver they aren't going to blitz very much, which makes the OL's job easier. The Cowboys might actually have blitzed the Packers the most of any other team this year (at least early) and it worked for them.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
12/01/2007 @ 11:56:15 AM
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Interestingly enough, the Packers offensive line has been considered one of their weaknesses on offense this year. Until the Carolina game, they still hadn't decided on a definite start for the 2 guard positions. The Packers have used lots of 3 step drops and fire, or shotgun, which can make a QB look untouchable when it's really the play calling that accounts for a potential weakness at the O-line position. Now, that being said, the Packers O-line could be considered pretty good in other realms. I'm just more shocked to hear Jon pay the Packers a compliment of any kind.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Always thinking of, but never about, the children.
12/02/2007 @ 10:48:22 PM
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Jon takes a break from firebombing the Favre household every so often to have a rational thought.
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