Brett Favre - A Viking fan continues the love fest

10/01/2007 2:11 pm
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Brett Favre arrived at the Metrodome with one good record to break, one bad record floating out there as a possibility, and one snap away from moving between two Vikings on the All-player games started streak list.

Until the Sherman era of his career the Metrodome was a place of nightmares for Favre, and the Vikings defense was looking to help him pass Blanda before he passed Marino.

The Packers weren't flashy. As far as shock and awe went they were out done by their previously completely inept opponents in purple. What the Packers were, however, was a tactical strike force. What gets lost in the 650 thousand replays of the record setting touchdown, which thanks to miscommunication was likely one of the easiest touchdown of the 421 he had, was that the rest of the day the defense was there, but completely irrelevant.

Farve spent 90% of the game operating with Brain Surgeon like precision with a Brain Surgeon's margin for error. It wasn't that the Vikings played bad defense, it was that they were just completely helpless against the assault. Brett found his man when he was covered, and made the Vikings pay anytime they let someone get open.

When Favre broke the record I stayed standing and clapped. Although I think entirely too much has been made of the record (that is to say we make too big of a deal out of records altogether) I think it was cool that I got to see it. I think it's cool I can say I was there when we inevitably see the replay anytime football is mentioned over the next 50 years. I think it's cool that I watched the same video, on the same screen, right along with Favre as Dan Marino congratulated him.

Farve has repeated over and over that the record wouldn't mean anything if the Packers didn't win. While we'll never know how things would have gone had the game been tied on a late fumble that was ruled an incompletion, I have a feeling it would have been irrelevant, and you could feel that the quieter than usual crowd had the same feeling most of the game.

It was just Brett's day, and there wasn't a damn thing anyone else in the building could do about it.

Farve - Metrodome QB Ratings:
1992: 43.4 rating; Vikings 27, Green Bay 7
1993: 49.1 rating; Vikings 15, Green Bay 13
1994: 25.8 rating; Vikings 13, Green Bay 10, overtime
1995: 46.1 rating; Vikings 27, Green Bay 24
1996: 85.1 rating; Vikings 30, Green Bay 21
1997: 84.8 rating; Green Bay 27, Vikings 11
1998: 105.4 rating; Vikings 28, Green Bay 14
1999: 52.2 rating; Vikings 24, Green Bay 20
2000: 117.2 rating; Green Bay 33, Vikings 28
2001: 79.3 rating; Vikings 35, Green Bay 13
2002: 63.7 rating; Vikings 31, Green Bay 21
2003: 105.4 rating; Green Bay 30, Vikings 27
2004: 109.2 rating; Green Bay 34, Vikings 31
2005: 121.6 rating; Vikings 23, Green Bay 20
2006: 100.0 rating; Green Bay 23, Vikings 17
scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
10/01/2007 @ 05:00:51 PM
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Well said. Well said, indeed.
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goodlooking.jpgcraig - 132 Posts
11/01/2007 @ 09:28:39 AM
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Strange, you taking time out from your usual 24/7 hard-core Randy Moss love fest, to throw a Packer some love. Odd behavior indeed.

Well I assume you're right back to dreaming about Randy in tight purple pants.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9517 Posts
11/01/2007 @ 09:30:33 AM
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How did you unearth this thread?
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goodlooking.jpgcraig - 12521 Posts
11/01/2007 @ 09:36:44 AM
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It was in one of the 5000 links/boxes/tables/divs/etc. on the main page. Somehow in the that jumble of crap it caught my eye. emoticon
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