9/11 Conspiracy, it's time to get a grip on reality

09/11/2007 12:16 am
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Six years ago America was attacked by a group of Islamic terrorists from the mid east. Today 36% of Americans polled believe that the Bush administration either allowed, or outright planned the 9/11 attacks. That's hard to believe. The Islamic middle east blames the jews. That's not such a surprise.

As we left the Vikings game Sunday there were "9/11 Truth" protesters handing out information, dvds, and whatnot.

It's really crazy how pervasive the conspiracy has become. It's almost replaced the attacks themselves as the most talked about happenstance.

I don't want to get in a blow for blow debunking of the facts or ideas put forth by the people that think it's a conspiracy. I'm not an expert and the facts have been debunked by experts. The videos are interesting, the ideas are interesting, but they are interesting in the way that watching a documentary on faking the moon landing is interesting.

To me it's so much simpler than blurry photos, circumstantial evidence, and layman's assumptions on architecture and physics.

It's a simple question of "Why?" and an impracticality of population.

Why would the government plan this attack? To justify the war? Say what you will about the reasons for going to war, but 9/11 was a flimsy pretext for a war with Iraq even at the time, let alone in hindsight. What ever money was gained in starting up the war machine was probably lost in the aftermath.

The other thing that is so patently absurd about the belief that 9/11 was an inside job was the sheer number of people that would need to be in on it who are now keeping their mouths shut. The man power to pull off the attacks themselves would have been huge. On top of those people some conspiracy nutters actually believe that the planes that were crashed were swapped out. In other words every passenger on those planes is living out their lives somewhere, everyone of them with grieving friends and family, and everyone keeping quiet. On top of all of that, the entire world was watching it unfold, cameras were everywhere. They weren't going to get away with anything.

I think there are two main reasons that this conspiracy is more pervasive than any other. (The JFK assassination is a pretty well discussed conspiracy, but since the bulk of the conspiracy boils down to if there was more than one shooter or not I don't feel it carries the same weight.) Though I guess both of these points would apply to a both the afore mentioned myths, as well as others.

1) People who believe in the conspiracy believe it so blindly they don't have to listen to reason. Anyone presenting first hand evidence of what occurred is just a member of the conspiracy. Any photographs showing they are wrong are doctored to "throw them off the trail".

2) I don't think people want to come to grips that everything that happened was the result of a relatively small group of guys. No army, no tanks, very little technology of any kind involved. We were that vulnerable, and in many ways, still are. When you're fighting a foe that WANTS to die and puts their mind to harming us, they will. There's really no way to fight that enemy, and that's a pretty big pill to swallow. That's why it gets made bigger than it is. We don't want to believe 4 guys with box cutters brought a skyline and the country to the ground. So we make up stories about military planes and the buildings being pre-wired to fall. (Likewise people don't want to believe one man can just up and assassinate a president.)

Also, maybe this is a minor point: If you believe that the government is really run by a x-files-esq group
of men sitting in a dark room planning how things go and that the government we "see" is just mainly for show then I could see maybe piggy backing this conspiracy onto that one.

If you believe that George W Bush personally planned the attack you are just so far gone that I suspect there's not much we can do to help you. First off, (if I may take my obligatory dig) I'm not sure the Bush Administration could orchestrate a small 10-20 person pot-luck picnic, much less something of this magnitude. Secondly, that's a VERY serious charge, the least of which I'll address. I think it just lacks the fundamental understanding of the system. It's my "population" problem to a "T," and some. The initial planning of the attack would have to involved floating the idea past other people, everyone of which who:
a) Swore and oath to protect us.
b) Wants the job of the person ahead of them.
c) Could at the very least turn their life story into a book and movie about how they blew the whistle on a conspiracy to kill a significant portion of Americans.

SOMEONE would have said something. Some of them could have been the next president.
2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
09/11/2007 @ 06:49:43 PM
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Number 2 is a good point. That has to be part of it.
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question_mark.gifJ Diggity (Guest)
09/13/2007 @ 07:29:50 AM
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Good blog. To put it simply, the 9/11 conspiracy people are just plain rude. They live in the US and love the freedoms of living here. Yet they walk around blasting the government on our streets. If you're so pissed about the US, get out. If not, wave a flag and support the US for God's sake. These people need some hobbies. We need people supporting stuff like homeless shelters and public schools, not weak conspiracies.
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - "The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the lawnmower."
09/13/2007 @ 07:52:01 AM
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I like this person
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
09/13/2007 @ 08:56:02 AM
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Well I'm not sure that anything short of unquestioning flag waving should be considered as not "supporting the US." Voicing your displeasure with the government, or at least having the right to, is a pretty core American value. That said, I think you must really hate your country if you think they would do something like that to their own people. Not to mention all the talk of the conspiracy shifts the focus/blame off of the people who really did do it.

Edit: A lot of the conspiracy "movement" has been derailed anyway. Much like how on the surface Greenpeace is an environmental group, but listen to any of them talk for more than 2 seconds and you'll realize it's just anti-government and anti-corporation. If you listen to many 9/11 "conspirators" it just comes from a blind, irrational, hatred of George W Bush rather than an altruistic desire to "let people know what really happened".
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Jeremy edited this 3 times, last at 09/13/2007 9:20:18 am
vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - Tag This
09/13/2007 @ 11:58:19 AM
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I atleast partially agree with J Diggity- mostly because many of the loudest nay sayers do only that- sit there bashing anything and everything... then fail to make any effort to change it. We're all guilty of doing this, some more guilty than others.

I am not personally willing to believe that 9/11 was an inside job... not only because of the 3k some odd lives lost in the act, or 3700 American (not to mention Iraqi and Afghani, etc) some odd lives lost in the war, but also because it would be one of the most sinister, degenerate acts of evil of recent time.

One other point I'd like to point out before I make my way back to work (lunch break)... People who have gone overseas or who have stayed home in support of our two wars on terror have families who have been forced to personally justify [in their own minds] why they are risking their loved ones lives... my mom believed in WMD so wholeheartedly- not because of some proof, or someone's unimpeachable word of honor, but because of where I was, and what I was doing. Her justification was that there were terrible weapons of death somewhere, and I would have a hand in finding and destroying them. I bet Jeremy's mom had to somehow justify the risk Chris took... you get my point. Hundreds of thousands- millions actually- of people have trusted the well being of their loved ones to our Government trustingly hoping that it hasn't been in vain. Perhaps we still have to have final word, but...

I started writing this comment and it took most of my break- with distractions; so I apologize if it is broken or doesn't make too much sense... I just didn't feel like going through and rewriting and editing it.
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Carlos44ec screwed with this at 09/13/2007 11:59:02 am
jeremy.jpgJeremy - Always thinking of, but never about, the children.
09/19/2007 @ 12:43:22 PM
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Bill Maher said this on his show the other day during his "New Rules" segment, I thought it fitting here:

New Rule: Crazy people who still think the government brought down the Twin Towers in a controlled explosion have to stop pretending that I'm the one that's being naïve. How big a lunatic do you have to be to watch two giant airliners packed with jet fuel slam into buildings on live TV igniting a massive inferno that burned for two hours and then think, "Well, if you believe that was the cause?" Stop asking me to raise this ridiculous topic on this show and start asking your doctor if Paxil is right for you.
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - A Vote for me is a Vote against Terrorism! ...or atleast just wasted.
09/19/2007 @ 12:48:02 PM
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How dare he give the drug industry a free plug!
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - I believe virtually everything I read.
09/19/2007 @ 12:50:29 PM
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Actually - Here's the video

It's one is his better "New Rules" which usually aren't good/funny at all. Don't watch it at work. The section referred to above starts around 1:30.

Edit: I added a link rather than the clip because youtube picked an unfortunate place to take a "screen shot".
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Jeremy edited this 3 times, last at 09/19/2007 12:53:37 pm
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