New Nutcan Features

08/28/2007 11:09 pm
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You've bugged me about it forever, so you can now upload files for posting on Just sign in and visit your account settings page to upload the files. You browse the files for inserting into your comments under the emotions.

Also in your accounts area is a place to add taglines. They are the little notations that show up after your names in your comments. If you add more then one they will just show randomly in each comment.

There are also a long list of changes including a color tweak, the ability to rearrange the comments if we get too side tracked, and a whole host of other things no one will see or care about.
jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
08/28/2007 @ 11:24:29 PM
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[Click to Enlarge]

Be prepared to be bombarded by hooch pictures.
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Jeremy edited this at 08/28/2007 11:24:55 pm
vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - Since 1980!
08/29/2007 @ 08:34:09 AM
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Organization. I like that.
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jon.jpgJon - 3375 Posts
08/29/2007 @ 09:48:13 AM
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I don't like this redish color.
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flower .jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
08/29/2007 @ 08:42:26 PM
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flower .jpgPackOne - There's music to play. Places to go. People to see.
08/29/2007 @ 08:46:02 PM
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I can't figure out how to insert my pic yet though.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - As Seen On The Internet
08/30/2007 @ 01:34:15 AM
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Have you uploaded one?

Upload one using the link in the "My Files" thing below, or in your account section, then pick it out of the drop down box below. A preview of what it will look like will pop up. Click "Add File to comment" and it will stick a little notation I made into the comment.
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Jeremy messed with this at 08/30/2007 1:34:34 am
Might_Guy.JPGBret - Haha Jeremy I'm going to try and break your website with a buffer overflow comment. Oh shoot I don't know what else to type...
08/30/2007 @ 10:53:55 PM
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apparantly i can't upload JPG, GIF, PNG, or BMPs. But here's a link of me hanging with R2.
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flower .jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
08/31/2007 @ 05:17:16 PM
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Yes I uploaded one. It shows it but the little thingie below the emoticons does not.
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4605 Posts
08/31/2007 @ 11:21:36 PM
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[Click to Enlarge]

This is Jeremy Logged in as Sarah, and it works fine.

Where along the way is the hang up?
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
09/03/2007 @ 10:43:21 AM
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Not sure ... I uploaded my picture, it shows it in the files. However, when I go to my files under emoticons ... its is not there.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 1.21 Gigawatts!?!?
09/12/2007 @ 11:46:33 PM
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Hows this for speedy tech support! You didn't title it, so it's in there but blank. I'll make it so it shows the file name if you don't title it.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
09/12/2007 @ 11:54:51 PM
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[Click to Enlarge]

That seemed to work.
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scott.jpgScott - Ma'am, can you make sure your computer is turned on?
09/13/2007 @ 11:43:25 AM
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That's hillarious
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Broadcast in stunning 1080i
09/13/2007 @ 12:12:31 PM
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It certainly is, in a "you feel like you're going to hell for laughing at it" sort of way.

To make up for it here's one that's just funny.

[Click to Enlarge]
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - Knuckle Sammich
09/13/2007 @ 12:58:55 PM
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it's baaaaaaaaaack, and it's all Jeremy's fault
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
09/20/2007 @ 08:55:58 PM
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[Click to Enlarge]

They still suck, but the Twins' level of adorablity increased 3 points today.
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Jeremy edited this 2 times, last at 09/20/2007 10:34:05 pm
question_mark.gifCarl is too lazy to log in (Guest)
09/20/2007 @ 09:14:05 PM
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That's awesome.
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jon.jpgJon -'s kitten expert
09/20/2007 @ 11:43:29 PM
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Jeremy Wrote - 09/20/2007 @ 08:55:58 PM
They still suck, but the Twins' level of adorablity increased 3 points today.

Also, Jeremy's testicles apparently decreased by two.

Oh, I kid. It actually looks even better than I imagined. Can he play third base?
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
09/21/2007 @ 08:54:55 AM
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It actually looks so much like the old style Twins jerseys that I kind of want to order him a "Puckett 34" one. Even the fabric looks like jersey fabric.

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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
09/21/2007 @ 09:31:13 AM
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I wish the cat would wear something like that. She would claw my face off if I tried to put one on her though.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
09/21/2007 @ 09:57:40 AM
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He didn't put up much of a fuss getting it on. He tried to bite at it and squirmed around a bit on his back while I put his legs through, but I had also just gotten home and he kind of always does that cause he wants his belly rubbed.

Once it was on he couldn't have cared less about it.
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goodlooking.jpgcraig - You'll never walk alone
08/01/2008 @ 03:39:49 PM
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emoticonI don't know what's wrong but your site is interfering with my Firefox plugins. Get on fixing that why don't you!
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