MLB 2009 - Game 163 and Beyond!

10/07/2009 7:54 am
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
10/07/2009 @ 08:20:23 AM
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I'm happy with the improbable comeback, the epic game last night, and the 5th Division crown in 5 out of the last 8 years. Anything from here would just be gravy.
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Jeremy screwed with this 3 times, last at 10/07/2009 8:21:37 am
jon.jpgJon - 1000000 posts (and counting!)
10/07/2009 @ 08:26:31 AM
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2009 Game 163. What can be said? Does such a game deserve a full article-length recap? Probably, but we'll never get around to that so I'll throw out some thoughts while I can.

1. As we were making our way into the center of the sports universe, Matt and I were both talking about our lack of enthusiasm-type mood we had going. For whatever reason, I know I just wasn't all that pumped for the game. But emotions are weird like that sometimes. Fast forward about 5 hours and I'm trying to think if there's any reason that wasn't the coolest game I had been to in my life.

2. As for favorite moments, most of them would be obvious, but one that jumps to my mind is watching Orlando Cabrera after his homerun, basically jumping into the arms of a teammate. He's fun to watch in moments like that. Kind of a child-like enthusiasm. Of course, it's hard to top the full team celebration from after the game. The happiness, the relief, the realization of how good that was, etc. I love it when players take a lap and high five the fans too. Plus, they all individually seemed to be sure to acknowledge the crowd and not just celebrate with teammates. I know it's not much in the grand scheme, but I still think it's pretty cool. It seems like everyone is celebrating together and not just watching a celebration.

3. The consensus ruling is that Gomez needs to be back in center and Kubel needs to be the DH. With Span and Young the other OFs of course. Matt's been consistently telling me this and I agree it seems to be the right thing to do. Seeing as offensively it's basically just a substitution of Gomez for Morales or Harris or whatever other batter is the dh when kubel plays the field, the offensive loss would be outweighed by the defensive upgrade alone that a young-gomez-span outfield gives us over young-span-kubel. Plus, we wouldn't lose kubel's bat late, and Gomez wouldn't need to hit in the 4 hole (though gomez did have a good leadoff hit in the final at bat, kubel could have ended the game before that, and that's really not the point anyway since over time it'd just be better to have kubel in there.)

4. What a game!
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jon.jpgJon - infinity + 1 posts
10/07/2009 @ 08:43:41 AM
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I almost forgot!

5. I have a text message that I sent and saved on my phone. On 8/17, just before 8pm, I texted Matt and Jeremy the message: "Season over 7:58"

That was in response to the Twins losing a game to Texas that put them 6.5 games back of first place. Granted, I knew that the season wasn't mathematically over, and that they could come back, but the Twins were playing terribly at that point. And despite having obvious talent, they had not yet even won more than 4 games in a row on the year. They were just too inconsistent. Or maybe too consistent. They were consistently undoing any gains they made all year. At that point they were actually 6 games under .500 for the year.

They would eventually stretch their division deficit to 7 games back, which occurred on 9/6. Just one month exactly before the one game playoff to win the division.
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2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
10/07/2009 @ 10:10:05 AM
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Congrats Twins, for having the worst record of any playoff team this season. At least the Brewers had only the 3rd worst record when they won nothing as the wild card last year. And have fun playing game 163 next year when it's 46 degrees outside.
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jon.jpgJon - many posts
10/07/2009 @ 10:25:08 AM
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Alex Wrote - Today @ 10:10:05 AM
Congrats Twins, for having the worst record of any playoff team this season. At least the Brewers had only the 3rd worst record when they won nothing as the wild card last year. And have fun playing game 163 next year when it's 46 degrees outside.

I nominate this comment for the 2009 Nutcan awards in the category of "Most Bitter Comment."
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
10/07/2009 @ 10:29:42 AM
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2009 Payroll

Yankees $201,449,189 #1
Red Sox $121,745,999 #4
Angels $113,709,000 #6
Twins $65,299,266 #24 overall, and #4 in their Division.

The Twins would be 100 game winners in the NL.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
10/07/2009 @ 01:38:01 PM
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Jeremy Wrote - Today @ 11:29:42 AM
The Twins would be 100 game winners in the NL.

maybe if they played 200....but I kid.
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Scott edited this at 10/07/2009 1:39:04 pm
jeremy.jpgJeremy - As Seen On The Internet
10/07/2009 @ 04:44:20 PM
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Actually, the more I think about that, the more I think 100 would be a low guess. They have a .646 record in inter-league play in the Gardenhire era, which is about a season's worth of games (which would translate to 104), and they had some pretty mediocre teams a few of those years. 100 is only 13 more wins than they had this year. I've always said the "100 games in the NL" thing somewhat sarcastically, but the more I think about it the more I think it would be pretty trivial for them to do.

Though, to be fair, the Twins get a lot of their inter-league wins against one team in particular, who has only posted like 6 wins against them in that last few seasons.
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Jeremy perfected this 3 times, last at 10/07/2009 4:59:41 pm
jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
10/07/2009 @ 05:03:18 PM
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The brewers figure of 6 wins over the Twins in the last few years (2007-09). However, they are actually only 29 - 19 (.604) over the Brewers in the Gardenhire Era, which is actually below their average. So much for the it's-just-the-sucky-brewers theory. 120 games!
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Jeremy screwed with this at 10/07/2009 5:04:15 pm
hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4605 Posts
10/07/2009 @ 08:32:26 PM
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I'm pretty sure we witnessed first hand one of the best baseball games ever, but it's still sinking in, maybe I'll get a better grasp on it later. Although, this first ALDS game is kind of bringing me back to earth. Anyway, go here and click on Gardy and Carlos Superman Gomez Post Game from October 7th. It's hilarious, and I would like to know exactly what Gomez is saying.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
10/08/2009 @ 10:03:30 AM
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Jeremy Wrote - Yesterday @ 06:03:18 PM
Amendment: The brewers figure of 6 wins over the Twins in the last few years (2007-09). However, they are actually only 29 - 19 (.604) over the Brewers in the Gardenhire Era, which is actually below their average. So much for the it's-just-the-sucky-brewers theory. 120 games!

Which is odd since the Brewers have been a less than average team for a number of those years.
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reign_of_fire_150.jpgMicah - 584 Posts
10/08/2009 @ 10:45:48 AM
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Looking at that list reminds me of this game:

I was at that game 7 rows up on the third base line. Liriano's first start of that year (and a Tony Batista Grand Slam). That really was an awesome 2 months to be a Twins fan. Of 14 starts through the end of July, he gave up 3 or more runs just twice and struck out 105 in 93 innings. During that same period, Santana went 12-1 and 15-2 through the end of the season.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
10/08/2009 @ 10:52:34 AM
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It was, but it makes the current circumstances all the more depressing. Liriano went from an unhittable starting phenom, to a shaky bullpen pitcher who has a 75% chance of giving up a homer to the first guy he sees. I blame Tommy John.
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
10/12/2009 @ 12:31:42 PM
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Micah Wrote - 10/08/2009 @ 10:45:48 AM
Looking at that list reminds me of this game: I was at that game 7 rows up on the third base line. Liriano's first start of that year (and a Tony Batista Grand Slam). That really was an awesome 2 months to be a Twins fan. Of 14 starts through the end of July, he gave up 3 or more runs just twice and struck out 105 in 93 innings. During that same period, Santana went 12-1 and 15-2 through the end of the season.

Miller Park, Attendance: 28,462
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
10/12/2009 @ 01:00:37 PM
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Time of Game: 2:45.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4605 Posts
10/29/2009 @ 07:30:44 PM
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11/05/2009 @ 06:55:55 AM
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Yeah, so the Yankees won the world series but I couldn't bring my self to watch. It really shows whats wrong with baseball when a team can go out and spent 201 million dollars on a team, which is 66 million more than the next highest team (Mets).

But what really makes it hurt is the fact that cheating steroid users like A-Rod and Pettite get rewarded with a World Series ring and they both were a big part in the Yankees playoff run.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - No one's gay for Moleman
11/06/2009 @ 11:13:52 AM
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Brewers trade Hardy for Gomez

Nooooooo! Go go!
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matt.jpgMatt - Ombudsman
11/06/2009 @ 12:04:21 PM
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As much as I hate to see Gomez go, I think the Twins come out on top here. Hardy had a bad year at the plate last year, but I believe he is still considered a very good defensive shortstop. Assuming he hits closer to his past level, the Twins get a good upgrade at SS for a CF they kind of stopped using (and even if Hardy hits more like last year than previous years, he still might even be an upgrade).

As I've said before, I prefer Gomez over Young in the outfield, but at least this means that DY can play regularly. Hopefully, this will help him offensively. On the downside though, our outfield defense is going to be terrible.
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11/06/2009 @ 04:14:51 PM
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The problem with Gomez is that he never produced solid at bats and even when he got on base, would make baserunning errors and didn't get enough stolen bases despite his lightning speed. (The overrun of second in game 2 against the Yankees was the last straw for me). Maybe he can do better in the National League.

I've always been a fan of Hardy, so hopefully a fresh start will do him well. If he can hit .260 and 15-20 hrs with good defense the Twins made a huge upgrade at SS.

The defense will suffer but an everyday outfiled of Young, Span and Cuddy isn't that bad with Kubel as the DH and backup.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4605 Posts
11/06/2009 @ 04:49:37 PM
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He better be awesome next year, that's all I have to say. I am going to miss Gomez, his speed, and his funness.

I really think we'd be better off with Cabrera, he just brings so much more to the table besides the obvious ability to play baseball.
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Sarah perfected this at 11/06/2009 4:52:54 pm
thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - Washington Bureau Chief
11/06/2009 @ 04:54:38 PM
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Hardy is a better SS than Cabrera. It's an upgrade.
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newalex.jpgAlex - 3619 Posts
11/06/2009 @ 09:31:10 PM
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My initial reaction is that this has a very good chance to be a win-win type trade. I always forget what the abbreviations means but I think WAR is the one number to look at if you want to boil it down to that and Hardy has been better than Cabrera there for the last 3 years, so I think he's clearly better, I'm not sure salary-wise if there's much difference.

If you do a fairly unscientific eye-balling of Cameron's first 4 years and Gomez's first 3 years, you can pretty easily talk yourself into Gomez being a young Cameron with somewhat less power and plate discipline (with walks anyway, they both kind of strike out a lot). And at this point he's 12 years younger, a lot cheaper, and plays just as good of defense.

The 2nd reaction I have is that the Brewers are at least re-tooling a bit. I don't want to say rebuild because that implies a little longer time line (to me anyway), but I don't think they're going to do what they did in 09 which was try to hold together the 08 team as much as possible and pretend that Braden Looper was C.C. Because if that was the 10 plan, they had to get pitching back for J.J. Even if they were to trade pretty much their only other big chip in Fielder, they would now have to get back approximately 3 starting pitchers and a reliever for him. So, I'm not saying that 10 is already a give-up, because anything can happen, but they'll now be banking on Gomez improving some, Weeks coming back 100% and Escober being ready for a full season. Which reminds me more of 06 and 07 than 08.
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2887.gifAlex - Ignorance is bliss to those uneducated
11/06/2009 @ 09:35:18 PM
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On another note, I wonder what the Brewers are going to do at catcher?

And what they're going to with Fielder? I'm not sure if this trade gives any indication on their plans there. You could say more likely to trade and get re-tooling pieces back, or you could say more likely to give a contract extension with the shed salaries of J.J. and presumably Cameron.
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newalex.jpgAlex - But let history remember, that as free men, we chose to make it so!
11/06/2009 @ 09:38:43 PM
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Also, I wonder what the ladies think of Gomez? Word on the street is all ladies in the greater Milwaukee area have been crushing on J.J. during his tenure...
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - So's your face
11/08/2009 @ 08:43:40 AM
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Gomez is a great guy (what I base that off of, I don't know) but he has a wife and a kid, so not really in the market. I guess I'm happy he doesn't have to stay at the visitor's hotel when he goes to Milwaukee anymore, it freaked him out too much. But that's the only good thing to come of this.

J.J. doesn't hold a candle to Minnesota's resident stud, so besides getting used to the AL, he'll also have to adjust to that fact.
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newalex.jpgAlex - I was too weak to give in Too strong to lose
11/09/2009 @ 01:28:44 PM
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Twins picked up Cuddyer's option
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4605 Posts
11/09/2009 @ 05:21:24 PM
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And Morillo is on our 40 man roster! Goody for us. I was looking @ our 2010 payroll the other day, it's kind of ridic. M&M's are making like a combined 23 million, which was 1/3 our payroll last year. I think nervous Nathan is making 11. Holy Crap!
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - Tater Salad?
11/10/2009 @ 07:50:36 AM
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Other than "funness" Gogo wasn't worth much to me. Yeah, a few awesome plays in the outfield were great, but Joe is right- last straw. Welcome to JJ!

So what do we do with Cabrera? Convert him to another position, or was that just a one year thing? Crede- where you at? Morneau; will he be healthy after his surgery? Who's on Second?
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4605 Posts
11/10/2009 @ 05:04:47 PM
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Congrats to Mauer on his 2nd Gold Glove! Hopefully the first of many awards for this year. Not because individual achievements are all the rage, but good lord did you see him play?
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11/10/2009 @ 06:38:45 PM
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Carlos44ec Wrote - 12/31/1969 @ 06:00:00 PM
So what do we do with Cabrera? Convert him to another position, or was that just a one year thing? Crede- where you at? Morneau; will he be healthy after his surgery? Who's on Second?

Both are free agents, Cabrera is gone for sure. Unless Crede agrees to another one year incentive laden deal he will likely be gone too. As far as second you only have to look as far as little Nicky Punto.
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jthompto screwed with this at 11/10/2009 6:41:09 pm
matt.jpgMatt - Washington Bureau Chief
11/17/2009 @ 12:41:07 AM
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Sarah Wrote - 11/09/2009 @ 05:21:24 PM
And Morillo is on our 40 man roster!

Not anymore.
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - 3875 Posts
11/23/2009 @ 01:16:20 PM
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Not a surprise, but Joe Mauer is your 2009 AL MVP.

27 of 28 1st-place votes. Some idiot gave the other to Miguel Cabrera.
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Matt screwed with this 2 times, last at 11/23/2009 1:17:06 pm
jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
11/23/2009 @ 01:36:09 PM
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To bad that didn't break a few days ago, we could have congratulated him in person.
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - ...and Bob's your Uncle!
11/23/2009 @ 02:08:38 PM
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And your silly arse never thought to get an autograph, did you.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - So's your face
11/23/2009 @ 05:19:07 PM
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Oh JOE!!!

Seeing him was good enough (so I say to myself)

Congrats to Cuddy and Kubes for also being in the race. WTG Boys!
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jon.jpgJon - 3375 Posts
11/25/2009 @ 03:51:43 AM
 Quote this comment shop is having a pretty good deal on their Therma Base Premier Jackets right now, through Thanksgiving (eastern time). They're pretty nice jackets from my experience. They're the ones the players wear in the dugout.

The Brewers jacket is actually 40% off.

So is the Cubs.

The Twins jacket is only 25% off (I guess that tells you something).

And some teams are as much as 50% off. This shows most of the teams with various amounts off, but it looks like the full list is on the left side.
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Jon messed with this 2 times, last at 11/25/2009 3:54:04 am
sarah.jpgSarah - So's your face
11/25/2009 @ 08:44:13 AM
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Plus there are pink Twins (and others) T-Shirts for $10 right now!
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4605 Posts
12/01/2009 @ 06:53:40 PM
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I think it'd be very smart for the Twins to get Pavano back, he was very good last year, ate up a lot of innings, and has more experience than like our whole pitching roster combined.
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Sarah screwed with this at 12/02/2009 6:04:40 pm
thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt -'s MBL
12/02/2009 @ 04:59:31 AM
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Yeah, I know the Twins are interested in keeping him and I too think it would be a good move as long as the price isn't too high. That's why this was really a no-brainer for the Twins. If he accepts arbitration, then the Twins will get him for a year at a reasonable salary. If he doesn't accept and signs elsewhere, then the Twins get a supplemental draft pick since Pavano is a Type B free agent. Now, I've read that Pavano is interested in staying with the Twins, but I've also read that other teams are interested in him as well. It's a good bet that he could get a better deal with one of these clubs, so he will probably refuse arbitration. I believe that the Twins could still pursue him as a free agent after he declines arbitration, but I'm not 100% on that. Either way, if other clubs start bidding up his price, I don't think the Twins would try and match it.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
12/02/2009 @ 11:32:14 AM
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Matt Wrote - Today @ 05:59:31 AM
Yeah, I know the Twins are interested in keeping him and I too think it would be a good move as long as the price isn't too high. That's why this was really a no-brainer for the Twins. If he accepts arbitration, then the Twins will get him for a year at a reasonable salary. If he doesn't accept and signs elsewhere, then the Twins get a supplemental draft pick since Pavano is a Type B free agent. Now, I've read that Pavano is interested in staying with the Twins, but I've also read that other teams are interested in him as well. It's a good bet that he could get a better deal with one of these clubs, so he will probably refuse arbitration. I believe that the Twins could still pursue him as a free agent after he declines arbitration, but I'm not 100% on that. Either way, if other clubs start bidding up his price, I don't think the Twins would try and match it.

I've heard rumors that the Brewers are interested in Pavano.
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt -'s MBL
12/02/2009 @ 11:42:54 AM
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Yeah, I've heard that too.
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sarah.jpgSarah - So's your face
12/02/2009 @ 07:09:03 PM
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Buscher's an Indian. I think I'm pretty indifferent to that idea.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
12/02/2009 @ 07:28:36 PM
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Sarah Wrote - Today @ 07:09:03 PM
Buscher's an Indian. I think I'm pretty indifferent to that idea.

... not really an issue.
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2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
12/05/2009 @ 01:33:58 PM
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Alex Wrote - 11/06/2009 @ 09:35:18 PM
On another note, I wonder what the Brewers are going to do at catcher?

Signing a 38 year to a 2 year contract (ok 1, with an option) was not really what I had in mind.

Although over the last 3 years, he does have Kendall beat in AVG (barely), OBP, SLG, and OPS. And he'll be making $3 million less than Kendall did last year. So maybe it is a decent value signing. Will they resign Rivera again as the backup, or try to get one of the minor leaguers in the mix?

Edit: more info,
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Alex edited this at 12/05/2009 1:40:17 pm
hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4605 Posts
12/05/2009 @ 02:54:25 PM
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Alex Wrote - Today @ 01:33:58 PM
Alex Wrote - 11/06/2009 @ 09:35:18 PM
On another note, I wonder what the Brewers are going to do at catcher?

Signing a 38 year to a 2 year contract (ok 1, with an option) was not really what I had in mind.

Although over the last 3 years, he does have Kendall beat in AVG (barely), OBP, SLG, and OPS. And he'll be making $3 million less than Kendall did last year. So maybe it is a decent value signing. Will they resign Rivera again as the backup, or try to get one of the minor leaguers in the mix?

Edit: more info,

Should've signed Mike Redmond, all he does is hit singles into right, but he can't be stopped!
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jon.jpgJon - 3375 Posts
12/06/2009 @ 03:07:47 AM
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I always thought he was Italian.
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scott.jpgScott - If you aren't enough without it, you'll never be enough with it.
12/07/2009 @ 09:21:22 AM
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Jon Wrote - Yesterday @ 04:07:47 AM
I always thought he was Italian.

Nope. Born and raised in Kolkata.
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - Ombudsman
12/08/2009 @ 11:31:06 AM
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Pavano accepts arbitration, so he'll be a Twin next year.
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matt.jpgMatt - Ombudsman
12/08/2009 @ 09:20:01 PM
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Boof Bonser, however, won't be.
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Matt messed with this at 12/08/2009 9:20:29 pm
hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4605 Posts
12/08/2009 @ 11:03:59 PM
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Now, looking back, was the AJ trade worth it? Historians might say no.emoticon I kid of course, suck it AJ
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
12/09/2009 @ 07:55:58 AM
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Sarah Wrote - Yesterday @ 11:03:59 PM
Now, looking back, was the AJ trade worth it? Historians might say no.emoticon I kid of course, suck it AJ

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2887.gifAlex - I don't need to get steady I know just how I feel
12/09/2009 @ 01:22:03 PM
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Brewers signed Randy Wolf for 3 years

They certainly need all the help they can get, I'm just hoping Suppanitis isn't contagious.
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reign_of_fire_150.jpgMicah - 584 Posts
12/09/2009 @ 03:35:41 PM
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Brewers also signed LaTroy Hawkins, 2yrs/$7.5M
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sarah.jpgSarah - So's your face
12/10/2009 @ 07:05:26 PM
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He's a Red Sox (Sock?) now.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4605 Posts
12/16/2009 @ 07:19:22 PM
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We were at the best game of the decade, not too shabby.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
12/17/2009 @ 06:35:39 AM
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MOST OUTSTANDING SINGLE-GAME PERFORMANCE: Randy Johnson's perfect game against the Braves on May 18, 2004
You could argue that Shawn Green's 6-for-6, four-homer performance for the Dodgers against Milwaukee in 2002 is as good as anyone can be. Alex Rodriguez and Garret Anderson each had 10-RBI games. And there's Schilling's one-hit, 17-strikeout game against Milwaukee in 2002 and Mark Buehrle's perfect game against the Rays in 2009. But Johnson's perfect game against a good-hitting Atlanta team is the best of the decade. He struck out 14, including future Hall of Fame Chipper Jones three times. He threw 117 pitches -- 87 for strikes.

Read more:
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If you are going to mention a 1 hit 17 strikeout game, how can you not mention Ben Sheets' 2 hit, 18 strikeout game against the Braves? (FYI, 18 strikeout games are more rare than perfect games even). Oh well, at least the Brewers got on this list for something.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - How do you use these things?
12/17/2009 @ 06:18:29 PM
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Joe Mauer's the cover of MLB 10 The Show! (in case you couldn't tell from the name of the link)
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - No one's gay for Moleman
12/18/2009 @ 03:37:57 PM
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When I first clicked that link I thought that was a photo of Mauer, then I realized it was @ Target field and thought maybe it was photo-shopped. Nope, gameplay. Crazy.

Remember when Bases Loaded was awesome graphics?
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newalex.jpgAlex - 3619 Posts
12/18/2009 @ 04:49:21 PM
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It's crazy how far graphics have progressed, but come on, his front cleats aren't on the ground at all and his back foot is only toe down. Pretty sure that's not possible, at least when the back leg has that much knee bend. And Mauer seems to be looking at the ball towards deep center while the runner is still watching the pitcher, the ump is looking for ufos out by the right foul poll, and the catcher is checking out Mauer's rear.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4605 Posts
12/18/2009 @ 05:24:18 PM
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Alex Wrote - Today @ 04:49:21 PM
the catcher is checking out Mauer's rear.

Wouldn't u if u were that close?
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Cube Phenomenoligist
12/18/2009 @ 11:18:57 PM
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Alex Wrote - Today @ 04:49:21 PM
It's crazy how far graphics have progressed, but come on, his front cleats aren't on the ground at all and his back foot is only toe down. Pretty sure that's not possible, at least when the back leg has that much knee bend. And Mauer seems to be looking at the ball towards deep center while the runner is still watching the pitcher, the ump is looking for ufos out by the right foul poll, and the catcher is checking out Mauer's rear.

Well sure, upon closer inspection I saw that it was gameplay as there are a number of things that look unnatural. (The runner just looks weird altogether, and the Mariner's catcher seems to actually be named "Mariner") But seeing it out of the corner of my eye as I read I thought nothing of it being a picture/photoshop.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Robots don't say 'ye'
12/18/2009 @ 11:26:03 PM
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On a side note, I find it funny that we've reached a point where things look so real that they look bad. We used to accept that games just looked they way they look, but now it's so close to human that all you can see is that that their hands don't move right or get creeped out by all the expressionless faces.
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - Washington Bureau Chief
12/19/2009 @ 04:47:32 PM
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Jeremy Wrote - Yesterday @ 11:18:57 PM
The runner just looks weird altogether, and the Mariner's catcher seems to actually be named "Mariner"

I think that's Victor Martinez of the Red Sox.
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Matt edited this at 12/19/2009 4:48:42 pm
sarah.jpgSarah - 4605 Posts
12/30/2009 @ 09:10:06 PM
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Say it ain't so Joe
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - 3875 Posts
12/31/2009 @ 02:06:02 PM
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That guy is an idiot. Unless Mauer secretly wants out of Minnesota, he'll get his extention.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
12/31/2009 @ 02:44:49 PM
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It's a bit freaky though, because I actually had yet to consider the obvious. I had always pictured worse case scenario being Mauer walks after the season. It hadn't even dawned on me that if an extension looked impossible we'd do what we always do, get prospects for a guy with one year left, which would mean he's already had his last at bat as a Twin.

That said, I think it will get done. I think people understood we didn't have the dough to dedicate half our payroll to a guy that's going to play one out of every 5 days (Johan). I don't think we'd be so understanding of letting Mauer walk, especially with the new stadium. There'd be riots.
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
12/31/2009 @ 04:49:56 PM
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Matt Wrote - Today @ 02:06:02 PM
That guy is an idiot. Unless Mauer secretly wants out of Minnesota, he'll get his extention.

Is there any way that Mauer could/would take a significant hit in the wallet just to stay here? I thought there were players asscociation rules that said he couldn't do that. Would the MLB Monkeys come out of the woodwork and make me feel better?
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newalex.jpgAlex - But let history remember, that as free men, we chose to make it so!
12/31/2009 @ 08:20:50 PM
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From the little bit I know, the players' association probably wouldn't get overly involved if they sign him to an extension before he becomes a free agent. If it goes all the way to free agency and the Twins offer $40 million and the Yankees offer $80, he would be under a lot of pressure from the union to take the money. But my source is people saying these types of things when C.C. had multiple offers on the table and was reportedly considering taking less to stay in Milwaukee.

I agree that it would borderline insane to let him go, assuming he actually wants to stay.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4605 Posts
01/05/2010 @ 06:03:52 PM
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No more Bobby Keppel. He sure was crucial to Game 163. Apparently Liriano is lighting it up in the minor leagues, that would be awesome if he continued those ways back in the bigs.
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
01/06/2010 @ 09:53:35 AM
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Did Liriano have some issues about his ML playing time? I know Perkins was whining, but was Franky?
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
01/06/2010 @ 01:59:57 PM
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No idea, but there are rumors about the Mariners being interested. Their catcher, Mariner, should be excited about that.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4605 Posts
01/22/2010 @ 07:43:56 PM
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Jim Thome to the Twins? Why do we always get old DH's who end up sucking?
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scott.jpgScott - You're going to have to call your hardware guy. It's not a software issue.
01/22/2010 @ 08:25:09 PM
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His last 4 years hr totals, 23, 34, 35, 42. BA isn't too hot lately, but he's still got some value.

On the other hand, the Twins MO has always been non-huge name, not high priced role playing free agents, so this is a tad out of character.
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Scott screwed with this at 01/22/2010 8:28:18 pm
face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
01/25/2010 @ 08:01:21 AM
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if I say PASS now and he hits like a champ later, is that forgivable if I cheer for him?
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
01/25/2010 @ 11:40:43 AM
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I don't see why not. It wouldn't make you a hypocrite, just wrong, and even then the "wrongness" would be open to debate. If the player they didn't get because they signed Thome has a good year as well then it's a wash.

As it stands I'll take him if the options are Thome, or stand pat. I'd prefer they get a potential difference maker in a position for which we actually need someone. We don't need a DH, and we don't need another lefty in the middle of the lineup, so there's only so much he can impact the team, even with a great year. Every game Thome plays is a game where Kubel, DY, or, on occasion, Cuddy don't. There are many other areas (Pitching, 2nd, 3rd) I would think spending this money could have a much bigger impact, so in that sense, I'm not thrilled with it either.

Unless of course he's a bargain, then why not go for it? *

Edit: *And obviously he'd have to be some kindof "bargain" compared to the 13 mil he made last year, but sometimes people don't take 90% paycuts too well. 5-6 mil would be considered a "bargain" compared to what he's made, but I think I'd much rather they went elsewhere if we're talking those kind of numbers. I hope it'd be more like 2.
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Jeremy screwed with this 3 times, last at 01/25/2010 11:46:40 am
scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
01/25/2010 @ 05:01:37 PM
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Maybe I should stay in Florida afterall. Then again, I think I'm safe in assuming the Brewers aren't going anywhere.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Broadcast in stunning 1080i
01/25/2010 @ 05:25:18 PM
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That's a bizarre rumor. I mean, money is money, so leaving behind a good fan base wouldn't matter all that much if there was more money elsewhere, I just don't think that's the case given you already have 2 teams down there no one cares about.
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sarah.jpgSarah - How do you use these things?
10/06/2014 @ 06:08:31 PM
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Happy 5 year anniversary Game 163! Otherwise known as the last time the Twins won a meaningful game. Woo! Seriously though, one of the best nights ever!
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