NBA All-Star Weekend/Badgers vs. Ohio State/Daytona 500

02/14/2009 7:39 pm
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I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm gonna be watching sports this weekend, starting right now. (In your face Valentine's Day!)

As I said before, Dwight Howard's dunk competition performance last year was one of the better sports moments of last year.
I don't know if he can do something like that again, but I'm gonna watch and find out.
After all, the Dunk Competition is historically a highly exciting and/or disappointing sports event. How can I not watch? Which will it be? No one knows!

What can Howard do this year to live up to last year? Probably nothing. It's a pretty high bar. But if he's thinking of trying, I have a suggestion. Use another prop. And not just any prop, but one that will thrill the crowd. What is that prop? The snuggie. Can you imagine? He goes for a 360 or a windmill dunk while covered in everyone's favorite blanket with sleeves.
Visually, it would be great and comedically, I think it would work. If you're thinking of a last minute audible, Dwight, go with the snuggie.

Anyway, this is the official space to comment on this weekend's sporting events. Enjoy.
2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
02/14/2009 @ 11:16:11 PM
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NBA All-Star Saturday was boring as usual, except for Howard and Robinson. If Howard would've done the free throw line dunk as his 2nd of the first round and the 12' dunk in the last round he would've won. I'm sick of Robinson getting bonus points for being short, but jumping over Howard was pretty amazing. I didn't think his other dunks were that great, specifically his first dunk that got a 50 when Smith did pretty much the same dunk but better and only got like 44.

Huggggggggge win for the Badgers. They're pretty much in now as long as they don't lose either of the Indiana games.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
02/15/2009 @ 07:11:23 AM
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It's worth mentioning that the Badgers had the 4th toughest schedule in the nation this year. They also have played 9 top 25 teams which is the most in the nation. This is according to a stat that flashed by on ESPN during the game last night.
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - ...and Bob's your Uncle!
02/15/2009 @ 02:54:54 PM
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Don't care/don't care/really don't care... sorry
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Carlos44ec screwed with this at 02/15/2009 2:55:01 pm
sarah.jpgSarah - So's your face
02/15/2009 @ 03:19:56 PM
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This time of year for sports is the equivalent of a dead zone for cell phones.
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jon.jpgJon -'s kitten expert
02/15/2009 @ 07:05:31 PM
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Sarah Wrote - Today @ 03:19:56 PM
This time of year for sports is the equivalent of a dead zone for cell phones.

See, people always say that, but the last few years I've noticed how incorrect this is. I mean, I suppose if you're ONLY concerned about nfl and mlb, then yeah, I'm sure this is a bit of a down time. But I've been very satisfied with the February sports landscape in the past.
Now that ESPN can only justify spending about 25% of the time talking about all the NFL non-stories, we can all enjoy all the good college basketball and also pay a little attention to the NBA if needed. (Though I'm bummed Al Jefferson blew out his knee. The Wolves were making a run for the 8 seed I tell you. I was beginning to enjoy following them from afar again. I even watched significant portions of some games. OK, one game and a few look-ins on some others. The point is I was interested.)

Anyway, baseball is like already here anyway and college basketball is like non-stop good from now 'til the first pitch of the regular season.

As for the NBA all star festivities, I thought they were ok as a whole. The dunk competition sucked. The only moment that I got really excited about was Howard's dunk when he used the side of the backboard. Beyond that, the Fernandez dunk was probably second best but he took about a bajillion tries to do it. Which is the thing I still hold against Nate Robinson. He won a few years ago by boring everyone to death with his failed attempts and then people lost their minds and gave him the title. I'm not a fan. And since I thought Howard got robbed two years ago when no one noticed how creative he was, I was a little biased in this showdown. Robinson jumping over howard is tough, but if you're going to launch yourself off of their shoulders while they lean forward, I'm not sure it matters how tall of a guy you're jumping over anyway.

Howard totally almost had me with the phone booth just because it was so absurd, but he went in there, took two minutes and then came out with a cape in his hand. I'm not sure he thought that one all the way through. The whole thing needed work. It was disappointing.

Robinson was just annoying with the posing and dancing and self congratulation after his dunks.

I'm not sure if it was part of the act or not, but when Howard was bringing in the other hoop, I found it funny that Stern was talking on the phone with someone, seemingly about the whole thing. It was probably totally unrelated but it was a nice touch to the moment.
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newalex.jpgAlex - Ignorance is bliss to those uneducated
02/15/2009 @ 09:06:35 PM
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I thought Stern was on the phone disqualifying Robinson for the off-the-back dunk.

I agree with Jon, it's the college basketball stretch run now which pretty much provides games every day. Plus, World Cup qualifying has started, I'm sure everyone watched the US put the smack down on Mexico last Wednesday.

Before the season started I was kind of excited about the Bucks, but I'm just not a big fan of hardly anyone on the team and with Redd out for the year I'm feeling very meh towards them. This is the trade I came up with on to generate some interest; Charlie Villanueva, Richard Jefferson, and Damon Jones expiring contract for Amare Stoudamire and Leandro Barbosa. Phoenix gets a PF who doesn't like to play inside anyway which leaves room for Shaq, but I'm not sure if they would really want Jefferson, it looks like Hill is having a decent year. But they could trim some salary next year with Jones contract, although Charlie will also be a free agent and probably wanting a raise. The Bucks get Amare inside to handle post duties while Bogut is out, not sure how well the 2 could play together. And Barbosa covers for Redd for the rest of the year, and next year maybe Redd plays some 3 and Barbosa plays some 1 too. The bad part would be that $21 is locked up for 3 years then and Amare wants a max extension too I think, and might not even want to go to Milwaukee anyway.
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jon.jpgJon - 3375 Posts
02/15/2009 @ 09:35:13 PM
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Alex Wrote - Today @ 09:06:35 PM
I thought Stern was on the phone disqualifying Robinson for the off-the-back dunk.

I didn't like that dunk because I had someone try that off of me once and I felt like I might have broken my back. It's a terrible thing to attempt and I will blame Nate Robinson when the back injury rate among kids multiplies by a factor of 20.

Alex Wrote - Today @ 09:06:35 PM

Plus, World Cup qualifying has started, I'm sure everyone watched the US put the smack down on Mexico last Wednesday.

Probably would have watched it if I could have.
But this comment reminded me of another thing. The World Baseball Classic! Technically this will happen in march, which I think might fall into the (fictitious) "dead zone" period. I think it should be a good one.
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newalex.jpgAlex - But let history remember, that as free men, we chose to make it so!
02/15/2009 @ 09:36:35 PM
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Or how about this Ridnour and Jones for Hinrich. Chicago can't afford a $10 million a year backup PG with 4 years left, so this clears the way for Rose and still gives them a backup.
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flower .jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
02/16/2009 @ 09:52:08 PM
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That dunk of the side of the board was amazing.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
02/17/2009 @ 10:06:36 AM
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No one mentioned this, but Matt Kenseth won the Daytona 500. He's from Wisconsin!
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - You had me at "Hello"
02/17/2009 @ 10:19:11 AM
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IMG_3063[1].jpgjthompto - 209 Posts
02/17/2009 @ 11:51:51 AM
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This is a dead time in sports but soon it will be March Madness and opening day for baseball followed by the NFL Draft and the NBA/NHL playoffs. Then the weather will be nice so we still have a lot to look forward to.

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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - Tag This
02/17/2009 @ 02:03:26 PM
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jthompto Wrote - Today @ 11:51:51 AM
This is a dead time in sports but soon it will be March Madness and opening day for baseball followed by the NFL Draft and the NBA/NHL playoffs. Then the weather will be nice so we still have a lot to look forward to. .

Can't wait! Seriously, I have nothing against nascar, basketball, or whatever else you're working with, it's just not my thing.
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2887.gifAlex - Refactor Mercilessly
02/20/2009 @ 09:49:25 PM
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Alex Wrote - 02/15/2009 @ 09:06:35 PM
Before the season started I was kind of excited about the Bucks, but I'm just not a big fan of hardly anyone on the team and with Redd out for the year I'm feeling very meh towards them.

I remember now why I don't watch the Bucks more. Worst announcers ever. To the point of being literally unbearable actually.
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jon.jpgJon - 1000000 posts (and counting!)
02/21/2009 @ 04:29:56 AM
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Alex Wrote - Yesterday @ 09:49:25 PM
Alex Wrote - 02/15/2009 @ 09:06:35 PM
Before the season started I was kind of excited about the Bucks, but I'm just not a big fan of hardly anyone on the team and with Redd out for the year I'm feeling very meh towards them.

I remember now why I don't watch the Bucks more. Worst announcers ever. To the point of being literally unbearable actually.

And that whole thing where they give up 55 points to a player who's taking ridiculous shots from 30 feet away.
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matt.jpgMatt - Ombudsman
02/22/2009 @ 02:16:51 AM
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And their mascot.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Robots don't say 'ye'
02/22/2009 @ 02:50:08 AM
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The weird thing is that watching that it seems like the last thing the person would tear is their ACL. That had to be all kinds of pain to all kinds of areas, the knees didn't seem to do anything strange. Perhaps it was the landing? The initial kind of fall? Though, it seems like athletes tear things on the most innocent looking plays.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
02/22/2009 @ 07:52:11 AM
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Speaking of NBA, the Bucks are techinically in the 8th playoff spot in the East. Speaking of NBA playoffs, does it seem strange that more than half of the NBA teams reach the playoff each year? Not making the playoffs is mathematically a more impressive feat that actually making them. (unlike baseball where the Wild Card is indeed something to celebrate).
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Scott edited this at 02/22/2009 7:53:07 am
02/22/2009 @ 08:48:35 AM
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Bucks would be my favorite team if they brought this logo back.
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2887.gifAlex - I don't need to get steady I know just how I feel
02/22/2009 @ 12:28:54 PM
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I'm guessing it was when he got his foot caught in the net.

Any logo/color scheme from their last 30 years would be better than what they have now.

Hollinger's playoff odds has them at 47% to make it.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - The pig says "My wife is a slut?"
02/22/2009 @ 07:57:58 PM
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Well, don't get me wrong, there's many a chance to tweak a knee, it's just that with the headline and the position the person was in prior to falling I was expecting some horrific, Homer-esq, "how is their leg still even attached" type of event to take place.

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