The system is down

08/13/2008 1:28 pm
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Yesterday had IE open (18 month old hp dv9000 w Vista premium), just regular surfing, crazy screen flickering, eventually got a notification that graphics card driver had issues but windows had recovered but I was already working on CTRL-ALT-DEL and that screen said I had some Windows updates to install so I said sure, restart and install.

Something like 10 updates installed, restarted fine, back in IE checking MLB scores, crazy screen flickering followed by blank screen. Eventually powered down, turn on, nothing but blank screen. Popped battery, repeat, blank screen, though it was trying to do something.

Fired up ye olde desktop, suggest RAM reseat. Did, power up, blank screen.

Connected CRT monitor to lappy, power up, some message about windows failed to start run auto startup fix. 20 minutes later, Windows could not fix itself. Go to menu, I'm an idiot and have no system restores, no complete back up, tested memory no problems, some WinRE 64 option that pops up dialog which is unreadable on ancient monitor.

Restart again for F8 fun. Boot into safe mode, works. Hook up USB hard drive quick to backup important files. Restart to F8 try safe mode with networking, but only get "limited connection" mode.

Tried window auto fix again this morning, no soup. Tried some other F8 options (disable driver signature, etc.) nothing.

Is problem just software since I can boot into safe mode? Or is my monitor crapped out?

Options, F8 menu has something like "use last successful boot configuration" but from what I've read this cannot be undone. Or try boot to safe mode, undo windows updates if possible and see what that does. Or use hp dvd to wipe to original config. Not too worried if I have to do that, but will that fix the blank monitor screen?

Is contacting hp useful and better results phone or email? Past warranty.
newalex.jpgAlex - I was too weak to give in Too strong to lose
08/13/2008 @ 01:35:32 PM
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Once I had the hang of booting to safe mode down, also tried doing it blind without CRT monitor connected to see if laptop screen would give me something in safe mode but that didn't work either.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Robots don't say 'ye'
08/13/2008 @ 03:54:47 PM
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Well HP wants like 800-900 bucks for that replacement part. They are going for like $150 on Ebay, but the auctions I looked at look shady as hell. You can buy your laptop on ebay for what hp wants for the part.

I doubt this is it but you could follow the steps to 5.14 in your service manual and re-seat the display connector. You'll have to take it all apart to replace the screen anyway.

Can you reinstall your video drivers whist in safe mode?

Edit: If you can't even see your screen in BIOS I would be willing to bet you're boned.
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Jeremy edited this 2 times, last at 08/13/2008 4:12:25 pm
2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
08/20/2008 @ 08:37:27 PM
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Because I'm sure everyone is dying for an update, I was camping Thurs-Sun and haven't really done much else with poor lappy. I tried the "use last working boot configuration" from the safe mode menu and that predictably did nothing. Still not sure if I should try to recover to original factory config or have it looked at. I suspect there are some hardware issues so I'm not sure if that will do anything. If I could get windows to boot at least maybe I'll just try to pickup a used lcd monitor since the battery life makes it pretty poor for travel anyway.

I did however just pickup a new keyboard for the desktop because my other one apparently bit the dust (ps2 connection and num lock light comes on but the buttons don't do anything). The new one only has a USB connection so I don't know if its the port or the keyboard and I guess I don't care. At least I can leave comments now because the on-screen keyboard just wasn't cutting it.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
08/21/2008 @ 08:19:02 AM
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no offense Alex, but don't you ever work? you seem to always be doing something fun- camping, fishing, sailing your catamaran, flying to the Islands with supermodels...

Or do you work crazy hours and just have a lot of vacation time accrued?
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newalex.jpgAlex - I was too weak to give in Too strong to lose
11/01/2008 @ 04:57:18 PM
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Pretty much have just been using the laptop as a desk ornament, finally found a nearby repair business online that seemed reasonable (meaning not going to charge me $100 for diagnosis) and took it in today. Spent half an hour with the guy telling him my symptoms and trying some stuff out. Agreed that most likely was a graphic card issue, he suggested looking for a new one on Ebay but cautioned that it could get expensive to repair. Exchanged numbers and he didn't charge me anything so that was cool.

Looked on Ebay for Nvidia GeForce Go 7600, didn't find anything. I realize now that is because you have to swap the whole motherboard. Anyway, not finding anything on Ebay led to a Google search which lead to some forum post which lead to this forum post on HP (don't bother clicking unless you're super bored):

So now it seems pretty obvious that I'm having the same problem as probably thousands (if not more) of others, but from the sounds of it HP isn't making it easy yet to get it fixed for free unless your laptop has an AMD chipset. Not sure if it's worthwhile trying to navigate support and get it fixed, which would hopefully give me another year or two before it melted down again.

At any rate, I believe some of you have HP laptops and/or Nvidia cards in your laptops, so consider this your public service warning. Do whatever you can to keep it cooled. And probably avoid purchasing any used laptops with these issues as there's a fair chance it won't last long.
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Alex messed with this at 11/01/2008 4:58:26 pm
2887.gifAlex - Who controls the past now controls the future
11/01/2008 @ 06:53:31 PM
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If I can find a disk to get Vista installed, I could use my existing product key still if I scrap my laptop right?
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
11/01/2008 @ 10:21:13 PM
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I've had serious problems with all my HP gear. Tower, Laptop, and printer. All within months ofowning, no they won't cover under warranty, and yes, they're all still problems.

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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
11/01/2008 @ 10:22:49 PM
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Alex Wrote - Today @ 06:53:31 PM
If I can find a disk to get Vista installed, I could use my existing product key still if I scrap my laptop right?

i've tried to use my key from dead 'puters- specifically my old dell. If you use the OS disk that came from another manufacturer (dell win __ disk) and the key that came with, you'll likely only be able to install it if it's the same hardware manuf.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
11/01/2008 @ 10:28:45 PM
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Well, you have to be able to upgrade the hard drive. If it checked anything I'd bet it would check the motherboard. Generally speaking they know if you're still trying to install it on the pc the install disks were meant for, but I've installed many new drives and never had a problem, though never with vista.
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2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
11/06/2008 @ 09:38:02 PM
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Tried the HP support email route, they said to try to restore to factory settings, except even with external monitor hooked up when I try to start that process I get some dialog window with no buttons that is all garbled and I can't get any further. So I replied with that, we'll see what they say now.

Someone on the HP forum posted a link to a possible class action lawsuit, so I sent them my story too. Here's the link in case someone needs it
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2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
11/28/2008 @ 10:56:30 PM
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Finally decided today that it would be better to get the motherboard replaced for $400 instead of buying a new laptop. Even at almost 2 years it would cost me more than that to get comparable goods. Then it took me almost an hour and a half of online chat support and confirmation phone call just to get the repair ordered. Now I'm not so sure getting it repaired was a good idea.

Edit: My other thought was that it doesn't pay to buy another Vista machine since it sounds like Windows 7 will be out before too long. Not that I really have a problem with Vista, but on a new computer I'd prefer to get the latest Windows pre-installed. Although my 7 year old Dell PC came with Windows ME which I upgraded to XP Home which I upgraded to XP Pro, upgraded the hard drive twice, upgraded the RAM twice, upgraded the graphics card, and it still runs good even if it is as loud as a small jet taking off. Which is also how loud my laptop is going to be when I switch the fan to the "always on" position to keep the thing from overheating again.
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Alex messed with this at 11/28/2008 11:02:20 pm
fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - No one's gay for Moleman
11/28/2008 @ 11:42:02 PM
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Get a cooling pad. It's had a pretty dramatic effect on my laptop.
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jon.jpgJon - many posts
11/29/2008 @ 11:00:17 PM
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Jeremy Wrote - Yesterday @ 11:42:02 PM
Get a cooling pad. It's had a pretty dramatic effect on my laptop.

I just heard about cooling pads this week and how good they are.
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2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
11/30/2008 @ 02:22:52 PM
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Which ones are good? And will work for a 17" laptop.

This one looks good but it's pricey:
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Alex edited this 2 times, last at 11/30/2008 2:43:02 pm
face.bmpCarlos44ec - "Always remember that you are unique. Just like everybody else."
11/30/2008 @ 06:20:45 PM
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I use the same 2 fan setup I got for myu 15 incher.

(have the 17' Toshiba Satellite SLi5)
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Pie Racist
12/04/2008 @ 09:57:08 AM
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I also have one made for a much smaller laptop. My laptop, like many others, has fans on the bottom, so it's just as much about adding a couple levels of clearance (under cooling pad, and between pad and laptop) as it is about the cooling pad fans.

My laptop was shutting off over and over after hitting 170 degrees just watching videos and surfing the internet (and sometimes just idling) . A can of compressed air to clean it out and a cooling pad later it rarely hits 100.

The fans in the pad blow right up into the existing laptop fans, which in my no-nothing opinion is much better then a 19 fan system that just blows on the bottom of the laptop.
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Jeremy screwed with this at 12/04/2008 10:04:26 am
vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - You had me at "Hello"
12/04/2008 @ 10:31:06 AM
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how old is that box, jeremy? and in your new house, do you have a lot of dust? Just qualifying the solution, my 6 month old box runs fairly hot but my apt is old and dusty.

Also, do most laptops come with the capability to display internal temperature, or does it need to be equipped? I would imagine it has something that toggles fan levels, as mine seems to have some. Any apps I can use for that?

I've also wondered about chillpads for when you use the machine directly in a lap. My clothes can plug the fan which brings no cool air into the system, just creates a pocket, like you said. Either way, they're good stuff.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
12/04/2008 @ 10:57:23 AM
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I got it Junior or Senior year in college, so it's a good 5-6 years old now (yikes!)

I think I use this to take its temp (which pretty much all computers can tell you, in fact even most of the components can tell you their temp, in case you want to know if your hard drive is running a fever):

Mine is too old for a lot of the other features, but I'm pretty sure you can directly ramp up your fans using it.

The cooling pad I have is almost X shaped with 4 big feet, so there's still space for air under it in my lap, and ever if there isn't there's still space between the pad and the laptop.
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
12/06/2008 @ 11:44:26 AM
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I just noticed an ad for Jeremy's Massage Parlor in your sidebar. That's some funny...
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2887.gifAlex - Ignorance is bliss to those uneducated
12/11/2008 @ 09:25:23 PM
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The system is now up emoticon
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newalex.jpgAlex - 3619 Posts
12/14/2008 @ 09:28:20 PM
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Guess who just got a nvdrvrrv whatever it is dll has stopped working error and a flashing black screen? emoticonemoticonemoticonemoticonemoticonemoticonemoticonemoticonemoticonemoticonemoticonemoticonemoticonemoticonemoticonemoticonemoticonemoticonemoticonemoticon
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Always thinking of, but never about, the children.
12/15/2008 @ 10:36:43 AM
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Well, so now what? Did you waste $400? Are they going to follow up for free?
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newalex.jpgAlex - 3619 Posts
12/15/2008 @ 01:03:05 PM
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I didn't see the charge on my credit card yet, so if they don't charge I'd just as soon take it outside and drive over it with my truck a few times and be done with it. Otherwise there is supposed to be a 90 day warranty on the repair so I guess I have to call support again and see what they say.
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newalex.jpgAlex - 3619 Posts
12/17/2008 @ 09:49:46 PM
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Well, chat support just got docked a few points in my eyes. I asked if they could just refund my repair costs and was told, "Raymundo : Alex, as this is a chat support to troubleshoot the issues related to software we are not aware of this.Raymundo : Only we can do is to arrange a free mailin repair service to fix this issue." Then I asked for contact information for someone who could answer, and then after a long pause with no answer I said screw you guys, I'm sending it in again for free repair under the 90 day warranty. My gut feeling is that there is an 80% chance that after getting it back again the same thing will happen within 90 days.
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newalex.jpgAlex - 3619 Posts
01/08/2009 @ 10:38:14 PM
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It's ba-ack...
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2887.gifAlex - I was too weak to give in Too strong to lose
01/23/2009 @ 11:31:00 PM
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Monkey Balls!!! emoticon Time to buy a new desktop I guess.
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newalex.jpgAlex - 3619 Posts
01/24/2009 @ 12:31:22 AM
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I'm thinking this one
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newalex.jpgAlex - I don't need to get steady I know just how I feel
01/24/2009 @ 06:00:07 PM
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Circuit City didn't have computers anywhere near gaming specs so I went to Best Buy and picked up the above linked Gateway. I wanted the monitor that they had on display with the PC, but they were out of stock and the guy checked other Best Buys and said no dice. So, time to check some other stores or maybe order online. They had one on display at Circuit City but I'm not sure if they had any in stock. Although here's a quandary. Do I get the one with the built in HDTV tuner ( or just the PC monitor version (

On a related but rather expensive note, I guess you can buy 3D monitors:
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Cube Phenomenoligist
01/24/2009 @ 06:53:17 PM
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Well, it would be able to show hdtv either way id assume, but I think you'd manage to get $30 use out of it.
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2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
01/24/2009 @ 07:20:48 PM
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As far as I can tell, the contrast and refresh rate on the straight monitor is better, but obviously the TV could function as TV on its own. And the power consumption is less on the monitor. So would I watch a 22" HDTV in my room instead of my 27" non HDTV? I imagine I'd have to split the cable feed, and then would I do that before or after the DVR and would my signal still be strong enough? Or else I guess I could still get OTA HDTV, but it's not going to be sitting in a particularly good spot for TV watching. I'm kinda thinking I really wouldn't get much use out of it at the moment, and if anything changes in the future it would most likely be adding a TV tuner to the PC to use as a DVR in which case I'd have TV on my monitor anyway. And I almost went with a 19" monitor, so if I got the 22" I wouldn't plan on ever upgrading and relegating it to a TV only. I don't know, I feel like I'm having feature/option overload.

Also, here is something that has been boggling me. The maximum resolution is 1680x1050 on these top of line 22" widescreens, but that is either the same or less than on my 2 year old 17" laptop screen. Does that make sense?
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2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
01/24/2009 @ 07:23:19 PM
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Also with a mail-in rebate and ordering from Tiger Direct I can get the non-TV for $250, so it's a $50 difference.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
01/24/2009 @ 10:44:00 PM
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Alex Wrote - Today @ 07:20:48 PM
Also, here is something that has been boggling me. The maximum resolution is 1680x1050 on these top of line 22" widescreens, but that is either the same or less than on my 2 year old 17" laptop screen. Does that make sense?

Sort of. As far as I understand it there's actually 1680x1050 pixels in a lcd. The CRT is kind of just projecting it bigger, or smaller, for lack of a better analogy.
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newalex.jpgAlex - 3619 Posts
01/25/2009 @ 01:14:53 PM
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This one can be rotated 180 degrees. Useful?
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newalex.jpgAlex - 3619 Posts
01/25/2009 @ 02:08:29 PM
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Here's what I could find. Firstly, LCDs only really work great at the resolution that they were designed for ( So I'm thinking there really wouldn't be a whole lot of benefit to increasing the resolution beyond 1680x1050. And the more pixels there are, the greater chance for dead pixels and rejected product which disproportionately drives up the cost of higher resolutions (

I think at one point (like years ago) I knew that LCDs weren't the best for gaming but I had kind of assumed that by now they were magically awesomer. Can you even buy a CRT anymore? Best Buy and Circuit City didn't have any that I saw. Anyway, I'm thinking a 19" LCD with 1440 x 900 resolution would be better for gaming. What kind of setup do you have Jeremy?
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - What the F@#$ am I being arrested fo?
01/27/2009 @ 08:18:38 AM
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how many other times is the cable split in the house? If you have it split once- living room and bedroom- don't worry about another split. If it's more than 3 splits around the house, make sure the splitters are of moderate quality; one more shouldn't hurt. any more than 4, you're asking for it.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - As Seen On The Internet
01/27/2009 @ 11:32:45 AM
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Alex Wrote - 01/25/2009 @ 02:08:29 PM
Here's what I could find. Firstly, LCDs only really work great at the resolution that they were designed for ( So I'm thinking there really wouldn't be a whole lot of benefit to increasing the resolution beyond 1680x1050. And the more pixels there are, the greater chance for dead pixels and rejected product which disproportionately drives up the cost of higher resolutions (

I think at one point (like years ago) I knew that LCDs weren't the best for gaming but I had kind of assumed that by now they were magically awesomer. Can you even buy a CRT anymore? Best Buy and Circuit City didn't have any that I saw. Anyway, I'm thinking a 19" LCD with 1440 x 900 resolution would be better for gaming. What kind of setup do you have Jeremy?

I misread for first post, for some reason I thought you were comparing these new LCD's to an old CRT. LCD's can't go higher than their max. It just cuts off the screen. There are literally that many pixels involved. They fake smaller resolutions by each "software" pixel being represented by a few actual pixels. The reason the resolutions aren't getting higher, as I see it, is two fold. 1) Because there's an egonomic limitation. Fonts can only be so microscopic. 2) Because there's more to improve on than resolution. Response times, and refresh rate, for example. If the latest greatest video card can kick out frames faster than your screen can draw them, that kind of defeats the purpose.

I just have an old CRT monitor. But I do know that you'd rather have a lower res faster than a higher res slowpoke for gaming anyway. You'd have to have a hell of a video card to play a "modern" game at 1680x1050, and likely even 1440x900. Chances are you'll be scaling that down to a smaller wide screen res anyway when gaming. (Even if your pc can handle it, it's hard to compete when people's heads are a pin head on your screen and yours is the size of a quarter on thiers.) Response time is the key, apparently, but unlike days gone by where it was 40 ms almost everything now (at least what I've looked at) is 5 or 2, which is, apparently, negligible.

Edit: The more I look at this thing the more I think there has to be a catch. That's too good of a deal, comparatively speaking. That's just so much money to spend to replace a screen that still works. Sarah? emoticon

Edit2: Upon further inspection that 2nd one isn't a monitor with hdtv capabilities, it's really just an HDTV. They all have a computer hookup. I'm willing to bet the one meant to be just a monitor is much better for that purpose. Better response and contrast, and you can get HDTV tuners for cheap anyway.

Edit3: Actually, seeing as you most likely aren't going to be playing games at the native res anyway, higher res is probably better for the rest of the time. The screen will look sharper, because the pixel density is that much higher, assuming you're comparing 22" to 22".
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Jeremy messed with this 5 times, last at 01/27/2009 12:09:40 pm
reign_of_fire_150.jpgMicah - Shaken not stirred gets you cold water with a dash of gin and dry vermouth
01/27/2009 @ 12:16:36 PM
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It's really not that much more money to move up to a 22" if you do some smart shopping, and in my opinion the benefit outweighs the cost. Besides gaming, its just a lot easier to manipulate windows on the screen when doing regular things.

I bet there are about 8 million CRTs on craigslist for $20.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
01/27/2009 @ 12:19:59 PM
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We have 4 laying around the office collecting dust.

Edit: 2 of them aren't even flat screen.
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Jeremy edited this at 01/27/2009 12:25:34 pm
2887.gifAlex - Who controls the past now controls the future
01/27/2009 @ 01:16:44 PM
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Jeremy Wrote - Today @ 11:32:45 AM
Edit: The more I look at this thing the more I think there has to be a catch. That's too good of a deal, comparatively speaking. That's just so much money to spend to replace a screen that still works. Sarah? emoticon

Edit3: Actually, seeing as you most likely aren't going to be playing games at the native res anyway, higher res is probably better for the rest of the time. The screen will look sharper, because the pixel density is that much higher, assuming you're comparing 22" to 22".

Well, it's always a good idea to keep a working backup around for emergencies emoticon

Good point. Although I'm able to run COD4 single player at 1280x960 without any issues, so 1440x900 seems doable. I guess it's not exactly a brand new game though either and I don't think I have all the individual effects maxed out. But I'm considering getting a second ATI for Crossfire setup.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Cube Phenomenoligist
01/27/2009 @ 01:39:09 PM
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Yeah, I guess that isn't much of a jump, but as you said there's more to it than res. I guess you'll have to pickup Left 4 Dead on your way home tonight so we can see how well it handles 50 zombies chasing your ass.

I don't have any benchmarks memorized, but I'd bet you could run any game out now, except for Crysis*, at 1680x1050 with that Crossfire setup.

*Because you need $15,000 worth of computer to play this game at anywhere near full capability.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Pie Racist
01/27/2009 @ 05:20:15 PM
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Also, if you do get Left 4 Dead Alex, voice chat is very important, so be sure you have some sort of ability to talk to everyone else. I don't recall if you do or not, I don't remember you talking in TF2, but that might be because it's hard to find a 2 second gap to say something between the other 40 people talking.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - "Always remember that you are unique. Just like everybody else."
01/27/2009 @ 05:27:17 PM
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do you need to hear people talking? I always mute the dumbasses.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
01/27/2009 @ 05:32:01 PM
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Left 4 dead is a very coop orientated game. In fact there are a couple situations where there is literally nothing you can do about your own predicament. (Though in those cases the people are "notified" in other ways.) It's a very "stick/work together, or die", kind of thing.

Also, there's only 4 people in a game, so it makes for better talking just because of that.

Edit: Counterstrike is almost unbearable these days. All talk is on on almost every server I visit and all it is is 40 11 year olds who think talking about their dong is the height of humor, every one wants to hear their music, and everyone who isn't them is "totally walkhacking"

TF2 isn't too bad. There's alot of people talking, but it's game related. I've muted many a CS:Ser though.
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Jeremy edited this 2 times, last at 01/27/2009 5:36:45 pm
newalex.jpgAlex - I don't need to get steady I know just how I feel
01/27/2009 @ 05:33:34 PM
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I'm fine with other people talking but my mouth tends to stay closed when I'm concentrating, so I never really bother to join in. Plus I think the sound card on my first desktop never really worked well with a mic. I have a headset though so I'll have to test it out I guess.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 1.21 Gigawatts!?!?
01/27/2009 @ 05:37:20 PM
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Did you get it then?
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2887.gifAlex - Who controls the past now controls the future
01/27/2009 @ 05:38:57 PM
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No, I'm still at work. But I could test a headset without it anyway.
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reign_of_fire_150.jpgMicah - 584 Posts
01/27/2009 @ 06:11:37 PM
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I'm sorry...when did talking about your dong stop being the height of humor?

What is walkhacking?
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
01/27/2009 @ 07:50:56 PM
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heh, El Duque is a n00b
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reign_of_fire.jpgMicah - 584 Posts
01/27/2009 @ 08:19:55 PM
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Oh I'm sorry I didn't know about your little shooting game. Pardon me, but I'm going to go play a real man's video game. You can start me with 3 lives too, I'll be just fine.

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face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
01/27/2009 @ 09:44:47 PM
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is that a giant set of testicles?
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
02/15/2009 @ 10:26:36 PM
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Left 4 Dead is 50% off "this weekend only" I'm not sure if that means in .5 hours, or what.
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newalex.jpgAlex - You've got to trust your instinct, and let go of regret
03/24/2009 @ 08:49:50 PM
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30 minutes on the phone to get my case escalated, supposed callback in 24-48 hours. I want my money back!
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2887.gifAlex - Who controls the past now controls the future
03/25/2009 @ 01:27:11 PM
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Full repair price refund! I still have a $2,000 brick now, but at least it's not a $2,400 brick.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - No one's gay for Moleman
03/27/2009 @ 11:03:31 AM
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2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
03/29/2009 @ 09:38:01 PM
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Is 1280 x 1024 good enough in a non-widescreen 19"?
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - I believe virtually everything I read.
03/29/2009 @ 10:55:33 PM
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I don't know if I'd even consider non widescreen.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - "The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the lawnmower."
03/30/2009 @ 08:10:41 AM
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I wouldn't anymore
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2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
03/30/2009 @ 12:40:23 PM
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Why not? I'm not a big movie watcher so besides that what's so great about widescreen?
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
03/30/2009 @ 01:47:56 PM
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It's the wave of the future. Games at widescreen must be cooler (youll see more) and for practical work, you can fit two things side by side.

Things are just moving more and more to widescreen. Now, if widescreen was another 40% of the cost, then you might have a case, since they are the same price, I don't see a reason not to get it.
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2887.gifAlex - You've got to trust your instinct, and let go of regret
03/30/2009 @ 05:28:40 PM
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Betamax was the wave of the future too.

You'll see more on the horizontal but less on the vertical. Which is great I guess if you're running around in a flat desert and never need to look up or down.

Isn't it easier to read 2 pages top to bottom than side to side? Although I suppose you could if you got one of them rotating widescreens.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - Tag This
03/30/2009 @ 07:12:30 PM
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Alex Wrote - Today @ 12:40:23 PM
Why not? I'm not a big movie watcher so besides that what's so great about widescreen?

It's wider. You see more of the peripheral action. Plus, it's wider.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
03/30/2009 @ 10:49:25 PM
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The same amount is displayed vertically, with a horizontal bonus.
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2887.gifAlex - I was too weak to give in Too strong to lose
03/31/2009 @ 10:03:30 PM
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Alright, we're going to use consensus here, if you know what that means.
Cheaper, smaller but somehow heavier, rotates, has 2 usb ports

Better response time and dynamic contrast, nicer looking overall

Vote now! emoticon
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Pie Racist
04/01/2009 @ 01:18:06 AM
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The first one is sold out, so I'd try and buy the second.
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - "The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the lawnmower."
04/01/2009 @ 09:07:47 AM
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second would seem better, but don't limit your options to newegg.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Cube Phenomenoligist
04/01/2009 @ 01:24:22 PM
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Reviewers seem to prefer this one:
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newalex.jpgAlex - I was too weak to give in Too strong to lose
04/01/2009 @ 07:45:37 PM
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Which reviewers? It has slightly worse viewing angle than most I've been looking at.

Edit: I see the TOC Samsung is sold through Dell too and the one you linked has a better average rating.

Edit again: Do I want 1680x1050 or 1920x1080?
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Alex messed with this 2 times, last at 04/01/2009 8:16:59 pm
vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
04/02/2009 @ 12:26:14 PM
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I just caught a flyer for CDW- there's an LG 19 1440x900 listed at $114.

LG W19345-BN

This came through work, so it might be something for the B-B world. Just a thought.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
04/02/2009 @ 01:03:07 PM
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VGA only is a pretty big minus.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - I believe virtually everything I read.
04/02/2009 @ 01:11:15 PM
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I do think I like the 1440x900 res. My laptop is that res and it's a good size. Roomy, but font isn't microscopic. Also, you can game at the native res whereas with those other screens you might have to turn some settings down. My main work screen is a 20 inch 1680 x 1050 LCD, things are a decent size too, I guess, but sometimes my eye's get strained.

You'd really have to see the screens to know what you'll like, plus playing a game for 2 hours a night and sitting in front of the screen for 8 hours are two different things.
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2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
04/02/2009 @ 01:35:29 PM
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Your eyes own "get strained" sometimes? How curious.

VGA only ain't happening, minimum DVI-D with HDCP.

I had kind of settled on 22" but maybe I don't want one that big. Guess I should do some recon at the store again.
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newalex.jpgAlex - 3619 Posts
04/03/2009 @ 09:12:17 PM
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20" with 1600x900 struck my fancy at Best Buy but I didn't buy yet. Checked all the games I have and the max res they offer in 16:9 is 1360x768. So is that going to look crappy then?

Doesn't have HDCP though...
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Alex screwed with this at 04/03/2009 9:33:42 pm
fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
04/03/2009 @ 11:06:08 PM
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No, it wouldn't look crappy, some pixels would bleed over, but some people actually like that look.

1360x768 is the upper limit of what our cards offer in widescreen. You might be able to do a custom res higher than that (and it might be that it knows the limits out monitors can go anyway.) Either way I doubt the game dictates the upper limit.

Edit: In order for me to do dual monitors at work I got like a $30 video card and those res's are way up there. I'd be willing to bet that as soon as you got the monitor all set up, those res's would be available.
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Jeremy screwed with this at 04/03/2009 11:10:43 pm
newalex.jpgAlex - 3619 Posts
04/04/2009 @ 02:01:37 PM
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Bought this

from FRYS
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - No one's gay for Moleman
04/04/2009 @ 10:40:14 PM
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Yeah, I just might have to join you on that. Sarah?
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face.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
04/05/2009 @ 08:36:19 PM
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not bad at all. Kudos
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2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
04/10/2009 @ 06:06:18 PM
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Anyone know of any good hard drive wiping software for free? Guess I'll do that and get what I can for the lappy on ebay.
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - "The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the lawnmower."
04/10/2009 @ 06:21:18 PM
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take the HD out and put a couple of rounds of lead into it. Cheapest, and it helps with frustration.
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newalex.jpgAlex - But let history remember, that as free men, we chose to make it so!
04/10/2009 @ 08:56:44 PM
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Alex Wrote - 04/03/2009 @ 09:12:17 PM
Checked all the games I have and the max res they offer in 16:9 is 1360x768. So is that going to look crappy then?

So I plugged it in and wasn't too thrilled because I went to change my desktop size and that was the max res there too and it's not that great looking on a 23" monitor. Then I went into ATI Catalyst Control Center and was able to change it to 1920x1080 from there. And then I wet myself. Also seems like that enabled the higher res in the games too. So at the 2 hour mark I'm thinking it was definitely worth it, just need the DVI cable to get here now.

Carlos44ec Wrote - Today @ 06:21:18 PM
take the HD out and put a couple of rounds of lead into it. Cheapest, and it helps with frustration.

If I'm going to take it out I might as well just add it to my pile of old HDs that I could theoretically turn into external drives that I don't really need so I'll never do it. And by pile I mean 1. The other option is to try to Frankenstein the laptop and replace the mother board myself. Sounds interesting but I currently lack the space, probably tools, and knowledge to do so, if it's even possible. I'd settle for turning the screen into a standalone LCD, that's probably the most valuable remaining piece.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Broadcast in stunning 1080i
04/13/2009 @ 09:48:40 AM
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It's sold out on Fry's and newegg.
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newalex.jpgAlex - But let history remember, that as free men, we chose to make it so!
04/13/2009 @ 01:16:03 PM
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So I should put mine on eBay for $350?

For the record I wasn't particularly impressed with Frys. They wanted a day and evening phone without providing any reason, so I left my work number for day and cell for evening, then to confirm my order they only called my work phone on a Saturday, then I had to confirm all my information when I got the message on Monday and called back, and then they didn't ship it until Wednesday.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - No one's gay for Moleman
04/13/2009 @ 01:28:13 PM
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Well, as soon as you and I confirm some numbers. (Like, for example, the frame rate doesn't drop to 3fps during a hoard rush.) I'll order one of my very own, or at least that was the plan.
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
04/13/2009 @ 03:33:05 PM
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can you do a wedding regsitration on Fry's? I want one too :)
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Cube Phenomenoligist
04/13/2009 @ 03:38:18 PM
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See if you can talk the Mrs out of that $300 mixer, then add it.
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - Tater Salad?
04/13/2009 @ 03:41:51 PM
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sweet. We added stuff like that mixer and the dyson not because we thought suckers would buy them, but because you get an additional 10% off of your registry stuff that you don't get.

So with her Employee discount, and her Red Card discount, another 10% would be SuperFly!

I'll be disappointed if you actually got us a 300 mixer... that's a bit much, folks.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Super Chocolate Bear
04/13/2009 @ 03:50:02 PM
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Well, maybe you/she likes to bake, but we got a nothing special mixer that we registered for and it is still sealed in its box. A small handheld mixer has done just fine in the few instances we've needed mixing. Put a PS3*/bigscreen on there and buy a cheaper mixer, if your only goal is another 10% off. emoticon

*Because it plays blueray and is basically the same price as a standalone blueray player.

Edit: Yikes!
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Jeremy perfected this 2 times, last at 04/13/2009 4:01:02 pm
flower .jpgPackOne - The girls all know he's "way cool" Jr.
04/13/2009 @ 10:43:15 PM
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Everytime I see this thread I mean to ask why nutcan takes forever to load?
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
04/13/2009 @ 11:46:34 PM
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Well, we have a number of long threads up, but it does seem to be taking a while to load lately.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - As Seen On The Internet
04/16/2009 @ 11:06:05 PM
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awwwww yeah.......
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2887.gifAlex - I don't need to get steady I know just how I feel
04/17/2009 @ 01:56:53 PM
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I'm assuming that means you put in your order? I got my DVI cable yesterday and in a few minutes of testing I didn't notice a difference. But if I decide to mess with my laptop anymore I'll need 2 cables anyway. There's a button on the monitor that makes it pretty easy to switch inputs.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
04/22/2009 @ 04:33:13 PM
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Bwahahahah....and just in time for the new L4D content. (Survival mode is epic, pants are wet)
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - No one's gay for Moleman
04/24/2009 @ 03:26:03 PM
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The screen is $20 cheaper on newegg already. Ouch. I thought it was a steal at $250. Clearly you're all obligated to get one at the new price.
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jon.jpgJon - 3375 Posts
04/25/2009 @ 12:16:05 AM
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Jeremy Wrote - Yesterday @ 03:26:03 PM
The screen is $20 cheaper on newegg already. Ouch. I thought it was a steal at $250. Clearly you're all obligated to get one at the new price.

Did you learn nothing from the iphone experience? Just whine about it and they'll magically give you your money back even though you were happy to have it for that price at that time.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
04/25/2009 @ 01:00:31 AM
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Well, it IS fairly common for places to give some sort of 30 day price guarantee, but I wasn't really complaining anyway.
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - Knuckle Sammich
06/21/2009 @ 01:55:00 PM
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I like the pcpitstop website, so every so often I go there for a set of free tests.

Today I ran the tests, and it told me I needed some driver updates. Duh, year old lappy without driver updates. What a difference the network adapter upgrade made! 5 mb downloads and 3 mb upload difference on a different ping test. I plan to test the updates on the sound and video cards next- hello Oblivion and CS:S!
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newalex.jpgAlex - Refactor Mercilessly
06/29/2009 @ 07:13:13 PM
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Do I want to "upgrade" to Windows 7 Professional from Vista Ultimate for $99 pre-order sale? Has anyone run Windows 7?
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2887.gifAlex - You've got to trust your instinct, and let go of regret
11/24/2010 @ 09:11:32 PM
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I don't think I ever mentioned that I sold the defunct hp on craigslist for $120. So that's finally the end of that story. Well, that and I ended up reformatting the hard drive and using it to replace someone's dead one.

Looking to get a new laptop now and this seems like a pretty good deal, right?

Or should I go cheaper? Mainly I just want to surf the net, but I kind of set a goal of getting at least an i3 and this is the cheapest I've seen so far though I should probably shop around some more over the next 2 days. I'd rather not get a better graphics card than what I have in my desktop and pay $100 less.
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jon.jpgJon - 1 bajillion posts
11/25/2010 @ 06:12:45 AM
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Alex Wrote - Yesterday @ 09:11:32 PM
I don't think I ever mentioned that I sold the defunct hp on craigslist for $120. So that's finally the end of that story. Well, that and I ended up reformatting the hard drive and using it to replace someone's dead one.

Looking to get a new laptop now and this seems like a pretty good deal, right?

Or should I go cheaper? Mainly I just want to surf the net, but I kind of set a goal of getting at least an i3 and this is the cheapest I've seen so far though I should probably shop around some more over the next 2 days. I'd rather not get a better graphics card than what I have in my desktop and pay $100 less.

A couple months ago I was in a similar situation. Just wanted to do internet mostly, didn't want to pay too much, but wanted at least an i3. I bought this computer for the same price:

I don't know what a lot of the specs mean, and I don't even know what a graphics card does (graphics, right?), but I do see that mine has a screen that's 17.3 instead of the 15.6 on the one you linked to while having the same 4GB, 500GB, i3, LED display. Plus, mine has the number pad on the side, which was something I really wanted. So far I'm happy with it. I mean, it's compatible, so what more do you need?
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newalex.jpgAlex - I was too weak to give in Too strong to lose
11/25/2010 @ 11:44:42 PM
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Looks pretty comparable (besides the graphic card), but I actually want to use my laptop as a laptop this time and not a desktop replacement so I don't really want 17". And although it would primarily be for net surfing, with that card in it I could probably do a gaming on the road. Didn't see anything better online last night than the newegg one, but I don't think everyone was advertising all their deals yet.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Cube Phenomenoligist
11/26/2010 @ 11:53:50 AM
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Sarah's laptop just died a couple days ago. This morning she got this for $300.

Not great, but $300 is below netbook range, and damn near cell phone range, so we'll see.
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