
03/07/2004 1:45 pm
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Since a good portion of my life involves watching the Simpsons, I have a question for ya'all. What episode is a true classic? What episode defines the Simpsons for you? We were watching the commentary on season 3 last night and I would have to say the episode for me is "Radio Bart." It's the one I really remember and it just stands out as being a classic for all of TV history. I guess this doesn't even have to apply to the Simpsons, but for me it does.
thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - Washington Bureau Chief
03/07/2004 @ 07:56:56 PM
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The Simpsons suck...and who is this "we" you're talking about.
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matt.jpgMatt - 3915 Posts
03/07/2004 @ 08:01:42 PM
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To answer your question though.... the best Simpsons episode of all-time is "Homer at the Bat".
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scott.jpgScott - Ma'am, can you make sure your computer is turned on?
03/07/2004 @ 08:58:21 PM
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I agree with Matt, not that the Simpsons sucks, but that Homer at the Bat is a good episode.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - As Seen On The Internet
03/07/2004 @ 10:52:29 PM
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She didn't ask what was your favorite, just the most "classic". I think season 3 as a whole is classic. I'd say lisa's pony, homer at the bat, and radio bart are certainly up there with all time classic tv episodes
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4645 Posts
03/07/2004 @ 10:54:43 PM
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Who else would "we" be? But that wasn't really my question at all. I am not asking for the best or favorite episode, just one that epitomizes (?) the series. That episode that is just like oh yea that defines the Simpsons or something like that. When you think of the Simpsons that episode automatically comes to mind. Yes, no? Get my drift? I'm not sure if I do....
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matt.jpgMatt - 3915 Posts
03/07/2004 @ 11:12:20 PM
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Yeah...I knew what you were asking and "Homer at the Bat", being the best episode ever, is a true classic and defines the Simpsons for me.

Of course I know who you ment by "we", but other people might not.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Pie Racist
03/07/2004 @ 11:20:04 PM
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Most people wont care who "we" is.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
03/07/2004 @ 11:27:33 PM
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My favorite is the one where Marge is a cop and busts the counterfit Jeans operation. You wanted favorite episode, right?
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question_mark.gifAndrew (Guest)
03/08/2004 @ 09:36:16 PM
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Doesn't the episode that defines that show for you kinda indicate towards your favorite? I guess it doesn't have to be your favorite episode, but for most people it probably is. Kinda like I don't watch Seinfeld much but the episode that defines that show for me is the one where Paul O'Neal has to hit 3 homers for a kid in the hospital. Maybe because I've seen that episode 4 times and I've only seen about 15 total episodes of Seinfeld. I don't watch the Simpsons either but the one I like is when Bart changes the church music and they are singing Ina Goda Devita...well probably not spelled write but cool none the less. That episode just sticks out at me.
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question_mark.gifthe evil post messer upper (Guest)
03/08/2004 @ 10:55:39 PM
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your thread has been infected with the MSO.EXPLOIT>IE bug, cince your websit is non mozzilla compatible foo. aanyone who views this page si gonna get thur ie hijacked.
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4645 Posts
03/09/2004 @ 08:32:08 AM
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I don't think Radio Bart is one of my favorites, I just think it's a defining episode for the series.
Oh, and nice try Bret.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Robots don't say 'ye'
03/09/2004 @ 09:49:53 AM
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Bret was drunk apparently
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - 3915 Posts
03/09/2004 @ 12:42:12 PM
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What makes it a defining episode?
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newalex.jpgicbizzle - 3619 Posts
03/09/2004 @ 05:18:25 PM
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no comment
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jon.jpgJon - 3416 Posts
03/12/2004 @ 12:03:48 AM
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I knew there was a classic episode out there that I wasn't thinking of. An episode that defined the Simpsons for me. But I couldn't put my finger on it.
Then, as a friend of mine was dining on his Tremendous Twelve, another friend noted that his three eggs looked like the fish from the Simpsons. There it was. Blinky!
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - So's your face
02/15/2009 @ 07:19:15 PM
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Simpsons in H-Dizzle? Later tonight FOX is showing a special clip for the new Wolverine movie. emoticonShhhh!
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Sarah messed with this at 02/15/2009 7:19:26 pm
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