Scott has his BBA!!!

05/18/2007 11:40 am
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Scott is a college graduate. I am completely free for the rest of my life! Well, I'll probably be stuck in cubicle for the next 5 or 10 years, but whatever. Anything's better than being in school.

Post your congratulatory messages here:)
fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
05/18/2007 @ 11:57:06 AM
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School has it's pluses, but there's nothing quite like getting done with work, and actually being done with work until the next day.

Though Bret, Alex and I did have some good, nerdy, times in the lab 'til all hours of the night.

Welcome to the real world, assface! emoticon
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - How do you use these things?
05/18/2007 @ 02:25:20 PM
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What do you want, a cookie?

J/K, congrats on the whole graduating thing.

Have fun where the sun always shines emoticonand the oranges are always cheap. (?)

BTW, I don't think anything's free from here on out.
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jon.jpgJon - 3497 Posts
05/19/2007 @ 03:53:17 AM
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I miss you already Scott.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - As Seen On The Internet
05/19/2007 @ 08:36:00 AM
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He does. He got all emotional when he came over after helping you guys pack. emoticon
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jon.jpgJon - 3497 Posts
05/21/2007 @ 04:23:38 AM
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Just for the record, by "got all emotional," Jeremy means that I said it felt weird that I wouldn't see Scott for a while.

Not that getting all emotional is a bad thing. I just wanted to be accurate about it.

However, at the softball game this week, we will be wearing commemorative Scott patches and will also be having a moment of silence.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
05/21/2007 @ 08:40:51 AM
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The very fact that it took a couple days to pull yourself together enough to refute my comment tells a different story. emoticon
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Might_Guy.JPGBret - Haha Jeremy I'm going to try and break your website with a buffer overflow comment. Oh shoot I don't know what else to type...
05/22/2007 @ 08:56:15 PM
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Now you'll have plenty of time to enjoy 'online gaming' such as this up and coming title:
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
05/23/2007 @ 06:47:07 AM
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I got here safely. I might actually write an article about the experience, because it was a rather interesting trip.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
05/25/2007 @ 07:25:16 PM
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And now, Scott has a job. I'm in technical support for a company called NexTech, which produces software for plastic surgery clinics all over the world. So that's exciting. I start tuesday.
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