Mr Fusion: Turning trash into Energy and money.

04/16/2007 9:50 pm
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It's a fundamental law of science that you can't get out more energy than you put in. However, what if what you put in wasn't something you wanted in the first place?

Startech Environmental Corporation has made a machine eradicates garbage. In goes garbage, garbage gets eradicated by plasma heated by a 30,000˚F arc of man-made lightning, out comes garbage's core elements. The by-products? An obsidian-like glass used as a raw material useful for many applications and a mixture of primarily hydrogen and carbon monoxide that can be converted into a variety of fuels, including ethanol, natural gas and, obviously, hydrogen.

Once it's going it sustains itself by utilizing said gases, along as there's no garbage shortage.

It really sounds too good too be true. Let's hope "Big Landfill" stays out of it.

This is great news, and I don't even mean for the obvious environmental reasons. Lets face it, we talk a big game about saving the environment here in America, but when it comes time to buy the more expensive light bulb we balk.

Since I know you don't give a crap about the environment, here's why this is a great thing for you: Trash would be profitable. "But Jeremy, I can't afford a $250 million machine, how does that profit help me?" I'll tell you! At the moment garbage is a losing game. A large part of it has to be subsidized by the government, and in many areas a monopoly is allowed to exist. If the trash itself could lead to a profit that would end subsidies and there would be a boom of private companies. Those private companies NEED your garbage, or their machines are useless. Your garbage bill would drop dramatically over time. As this technology gets better it wouldn't be inconceivable to eventually RECEIVE money for your garbage, much like you can already for aluminum cans.
scott.jpgScott - If you aren't enough without it, you'll never be enough with it.
04/16/2007 @ 10:05:59 PM
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5 nuts for using "inconceivable", and for actually informing us of something useful.
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newalex.jpgAlex - 3619 Posts
04/16/2007 @ 11:46:41 PM
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So are we buying one or what? I've got some baseball cards I can sell for startup money.

I'll give you 5 nuts, but allow me to point out the following:
I actually do care about the environment.
Your definition of the conservation of energy is a bit lacking, check out Wikipedia if you're nostalgic for formulas with Greek letters or want to get more detail.
I'm thinking that this process really has nothing to do with fusion so it the title is a bit inappropriate.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
04/17/2007 @ 12:12:43 AM
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I know it isn't fusion, but you put garbage in and get power out. How could I pass up that reference?

I wouldn't say the definition is lacking, just a bit non technical maybe. Everyone knows the principals and it wasn't the point of the blog.

Also, I care about the environment. If put to a questionaire everyone "cares." It's DOING something about it that's the sticking point.
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newalex.jpgAlex - I don't need to get steady I know just how I feel
04/17/2007 @ 12:49:11 AM
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I don't litter, I recycle, I don't buy tons of crap that I don't need in the first place, etc.

You don't need to take cosmicly spectacular and outlandish measures like posting a blog article to be doing something. Every little bit counts when there's 6 billion people that could be doing little bits. Talking about doing something is just as useless as talking about whether you care or not, in fact, I'm going to bed right now to save energy. How's that for doing something?
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scott.jpgScott - Get Up! Get outta here! Gone!
04/17/2007 @ 07:32:48 AM
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I'm actually with Jeremy on this one. People do seem to care, but I'll bet people still run the water constantly when they're doing the dishes, or they leave the windows open while their air conditioning is running, or they haven't gone out and bought a water heater blanket yet.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - I believe virtually everything I read.
04/17/2007 @ 07:48:40 AM
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a) I never said I was excluded from the "do nothing" people. (I think recycling is a law.)

b) Sometimes a joke is just a joke, Alex.
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
04/17/2007 @ 09:15:17 AM
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I can dig it. Obsidian-like by products can be used in all sorts of things. As long as the gas isn't allowed to just "float away" then I consider this win-win. PAY ME FOR MY CAT LITTER!
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2887.gifAlex - 3619 Posts
04/17/2007 @ 01:22:07 PM
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Which part is the joke? Apparently I'm missing something.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Pie Racist
04/17/2007 @ 01:49:34 PM
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Obviously I know that some, if not most, of the people reading this would care about the environment. I was merely poking fun at American's propensity to choose their wallet over their convictions, regardless of the issue.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
04/17/2007 @ 02:41:09 PM
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It is my right as an American and as a Christian to waste all the energy that my tax dollars might be paying for. Our founding fathers didn't fight the British tyrannical machine just so that I would have to watch my energy consumption and my CO2 emissions. This is America. Go to Canada you hippie liberal.

That was kinda fun.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - No one's gay for Moleman
04/17/2007 @ 02:49:13 PM
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I think I'd take it a step further and argue that it's not only your right, but your duty.
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - Tag This
04/17/2007 @ 03:04:13 PM
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You wouldn't even have to evoke Christian rights, your rights as an American give you all-encompassing rights to do whatever you want to whom.

I suppose if you use your Christian rights you could call it Divine Right!
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - I hate our freedoms
04/17/2007 @ 03:39:14 PM
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American > Divine > Christian
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
04/17/2007 @ 05:46:36 PM
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So anyway Alex, what's the deal? Bustin' chops today? emoticon
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2887.gifAlex - Ignorance is bliss to those uneducated
04/17/2007 @ 06:06:43 PM
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newalex.jpgAlex - 3619 Posts
04/17/2007 @ 11:42:30 PM
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Here's what happens when there's no one around to bust chops.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
04/17/2007 @ 11:44:43 PM
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Now you're just inventing ways to derail this thread.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
04/19/2007 @ 08:46:33 AM
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What the crap?
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - "Always remember that you are unique. Just like everybody else."
04/19/2007 @ 11:02:06 AM
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Who they think they is?!?
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reign_of_fire_150.jpgMicah - 584 Posts
04/19/2007 @ 11:25:17 AM
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Way to have 0 comments and 0 Diggs.

Actually I bet you would have a problem with "Big Landfill," as the mafia really does own most of the major garbage companies. They are way more legitimate now then back in the day, but either way they still control the industry, and I don't see that monopoly being broken anytime soon.

Speaking of the mafia, James Gandolfini was filming outside my office yesterday.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
04/19/2007 @ 11:33:50 AM
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Well, landfill owners could use these machines to profit off of the trash they already have.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
04/19/2007 @ 11:38:19 AM
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And then the landfill owners would create enough capital to buy off the mafia, and the mafia will be out of business. Goodbye organized crime!! The solution: garbage!!!
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - As Seen On The Internet
04/19/2007 @ 11:41:52 AM
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Micah's point was that the Mafia are the ones that own the landfills in the first place.
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2887.gifAlex - But let history remember, that as free men, we chose to make it so!
04/19/2007 @ 12:50:00 PM
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This will actually promote organized crime. If the mafia starts buying plasma disintegraters they can just toss all the evidence of their crimes in there and poof, it's gone.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
04/19/2007 @ 12:51:49 PM
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True dat. Bodies would go poof just like everything else, except nuclear waste.
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - 2079 Posts
04/19/2007 @ 01:33:12 PM
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No, not POOF and it's gone, POOF and here you have a nice chunk of obsidian!
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scott.jpgScott - Ma'am, can you make sure your computer is turned on?
04/19/2007 @ 02:08:09 PM
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I wonder why and how mafia guys ever gained control of our trash. I guess whatever way you can make money.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Pie Racist
04/19/2007 @ 02:13:45 PM
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - "If at first you don't succeed, failure may be your style."
04/19/2007 @ 03:16:14 PM
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I suppose back in the day when things like municipal garbage was being formulated as a service, the mobsters leaned on government officials for any type of "monopoly" they could get. Garbage is an inportant yet low profile way to keep your backhad to the face of "the man."
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matt.jpgMatt - Washington Bureau Chief
04/19/2007 @ 04:37:30 PM
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Micah Wrote - 04/19/2007 @ 11:25:17 AM

Actually I bet you would have a problem with "Big Landfill," as the mafia really does own most of the major garbage companies. They are way more legitimate now then back in the day, but either way they still control the industry, and I don't see that monopoly being broken anytime soon.

But do the garbage companies have any stake in the landfills? I guess I assumed most landfills were city/county property so then it wouldn't really affect the mafia as there would still be a need for collection and transport to Mr. Fusion.
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Matt perfected this at 04/19/2007 4:37:46 pm
matt.jpgMatt - 3991 Posts
04/19/2007 @ 04:50:19 PM
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After doing a quick check on the issue, I found this article. It says that private ownership of landfills has been increasing and was about 36% in 1998. So its could be closer to 50/50 by now. So I guess it would depend on where you are as to whether or not you would get heat from "Big Landfill".
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reign_of_fire.jpgMicah - 584 Posts
04/19/2007 @ 05:49:57 PM
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The ownership of the garbage companies was used as a front for illegal activities as well as an easy way to dispose of things no longer needed for business
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - Since 1980!
04/20/2007 @ 02:53:02 PM
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"things" = Peoples?
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