
12/29/2006 12:38 am
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I was just telling the senior staff about how I don't really like bringing up political stuff but here goes anyway.
Try not to read too much into this.

The candidacy of John Edwards is interesting to me. The reason, is that he lost his last re-election campaign for the Senate seat he was trying to keep.

I was struck by how interesting politics is/are in this regard. I mean, in a sense he was "fired" from his last job and is now trying to "move up" to a "higher" position without anything to bridge the gap.

Imagine working your way to supervisor of one department of your company. Then you get fired. Then after a short period of time, just go ahead and apply for CEO. Is there anything else that works this way? Only Isiah Thomas has pulled this off outside of politics.

Ok so I understand the analogy isn't completely accurate. But still it's fun to think about. Also, just so you know, I know politicians lose all the time. Lincoln is famous for how many times he failed prior to becoming president. Actually he's famous for other things, but that is brought up too. The current president lost an election or two also. But the difference is that usually they work off of a recent win.

Anyway, if you ever get fired, just apply for a higher position and see what happens.
fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
12/29/2006 @ 12:42:34 AM
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The current president lost an election or two he won too. emoticon

Waluigi? emoticon
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Jeremy messed with this 2 times, last at 12/29/2006 12:44:01 am
matt.jpgMatt - 3875 Posts
12/29/2006 @ 03:58:13 AM
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Actually, John Edwards decided not to run for re-election in 2004 so he could focus on his presidental bid.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
12/29/2006 @ 09:48:29 AM
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4 nuts for Matt's fact-checking comment.

4 nuts for Jon pointing out the humor of the current president losing to Al Gore but winning anyway.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
12/29/2006 @ 09:48:39 AM
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Politics in general has become really annoying. No one can answer a straight question anymore. The public wants politicians to act like normal people, and then condemns them when they do. Half of any term is spent campaigning for the next term.

Every issue has to be polarized into absolute black and white. You are either supposed to picket (or bomb) abortion clinics or go around getting pregnant for the sole purpose of performing your inalienable right of getting an abortion. You either want to nuke the middle east or you want all our troops to die so we'll "learn our lesson". You either think America should lock down it's borders with roving terminator style robots or you think the Red Cross and Manpower should set up shop 10 feet from the Rio Grande handing out aid and jobs. You either think marriage is between one man and one woman or you think 3 guys should be allowed to marry 9 women, 4 dogs, and a horse.

And worse yet picking a view on any one of those issue auto locks your opinion on all of the other issues. There aren't many "ala carte" politicians that make it every far.
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scott.jpgScott - Resident Tech Support
12/29/2006 @ 09:50:50 AM
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5 nuts for maybe the most relevant political comment on NutCan to date.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
12/29/2006 @ 09:52:24 AM
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I don't think Jon did point that out. -1 nut for you. emoticon
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Super Chocolate Bear
12/29/2006 @ 09:57:17 AM
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Well now my "-1" comment just seems mean spirited.
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newalex.jpgAlex - I don't need to get steady I know just how I feel
12/29/2006 @ 03:02:21 PM
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1 nut for all comments about how many nuts comments are worth. Just rate them and move on.

I think similar scenarios happen all the time. A RB is 2nd string and not getting any carries and then he goes to a new team and gets to be the starter. Someone on the corporate ladder gets stuck behind else and then ends up getting a higher level job at a different company. There's not quite the same "being fired" parallel, but I think it's comparable.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Pie Racist
12/29/2006 @ 03:11:52 PM
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I don't think there's much of an analogy there at all. People who are qualified for other jobs ahead of them "wait their turn" all the time.

Jon is talking about like if a Wide Receiver Coach got fired because they found someone better and then threw his hat in the ring to be head coach of that same team in the offseason.

Also I don't think my -1 nut comments qualified for your criteria on rating them one nut. There has been a new trend of discussing ratings lately. I kinda like it since it encourages other to actually remember you can rate stuff.
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Jeremy perfected this at 12/29/2006 3:13:30 pm
jon.jpgJon - 3375 Posts
12/29/2006 @ 04:17:14 PM
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I cannot believe I was so wrong. Actually I can believe it, but it's just embarrassing. This is the most embarrassing post of mine since the MBL incident. -2 nuts for me if I could rate it. However, the Isiah Thomas comment is worth five so it's a net of three nuts.

For clarifications' sake, I was not making a 2000 election joke Scott. Bush lost at least one bid for positions such as the House. Not the whole house but a seat there. But again, I'm just going from memory so I'm probably way off. Matt can correct me later.

Also, Jeremy's analogy of my analogy is correct and Alex's is flawed even more than the theoretical analogy I made which was flawed in the sense that it had holes and was based on a falsehood to begin with. In short, I will now announce my candidacy for the Senate.
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jon.jpgJon - Nutcan.com's kitten expert
12/29/2006 @ 04:24:51 PM
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Plus Edwards is considered the loser of that race in my book anyway! You can't just quit! He pulled a Tiki!!

John Edwards hates puppies! And baby deer!
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
12/29/2006 @ 04:34:11 PM
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Who doesn't hate baby deer?
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jon.jpgJon - 3375 Posts
12/29/2006 @ 04:38:15 PM
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I could even eat a baby deer
(who's that baby deer over there...)
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jon.jpgJon - Nutcan.com's kitten expert
12/29/2006 @ 04:45:35 PM
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True story, John Edwards is a staunch Aaron "ARod" Rodgers supporter. In his America, ARod starts every game.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
12/29/2006 @ 04:55:29 PM
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In a race that could include Obama and Hillary who is Edwards kidding anyway?
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jon.jpgJon - Nutcan.com's kitten expert
12/29/2006 @ 05:01:03 PM
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Oh I remember my other political point I was gonna bring up.

If you've watched the Gerald Ford coverage lately, you may have heard him say that he never really aspired to be president. He had his eye on Speaker of the House as his dream job. (High aspirations still, but you get the point.) Sometimes I'm a bit of a sap about things like this, but I wondered how things might be different if our presidents were people who didn't have their eye on the job for most of their political career. Maybe it wouldn't make a difference or maybe it would be bad, it's just fun to think about.
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jon.jpgJon - 3375 Posts
12/29/2006 @ 05:03:53 PM
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Actually, Obama and Edwards are just in the race to be young good looking people so that Hillary and Dennis Kucinich can play the experience card and take the ticket.
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newalex.jpgAlex - 3619 Posts
12/29/2006 @ 06:14:12 PM
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
12/29/2006 @ 06:29:10 PM
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