Halloween isn't what it used to be.

11/01/2006 9:15 am
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As you all know last night the trick or treaters were out in full force hitting up everyone in the neighborhood for candy. I was very disappointed in the youth of America this year.

First and foremost back in my day we had to work for our candy. If I had to guess I would say that about 40% of our trick or treaters had no discernible costumes what so ever. I know it was cold but it's pretty easy to tell what's a winter coat over a princess get up and what is a coat and a pair of jeans. Also, about 20% of the kids were being driven around. Of the remaining 80% on foot about 60% had adults with them.

We were told to "smell their feet" about 4 times. We were asked for more than one piece a couple times. A couple asked if they could pick out their piece. One kid even asked if he could inspect the contents of our candy bowl. It apparently was up to code because he moved along after a quick peek at what lay within.

Secondly, I don't know if anyone here actually gave out candy, but I felt like it was wrong to be doing it. We live in a society where men aren't allowed to interact with children that aren't family. Perhaps this is why there were so many parents supervising in one way or another. Maybe I'm the only one that felt like that, but something made feel uneasy answering the door. I think this kind of sad that it's come to that.

Thirdly, I thought it was kind of funny how many people around "our age" (25-27ish) were taking out kids that were clearly to young to be trick or treating. I mean too young as in they probably couldn't eat 90% of the contents of their bag. They just stood there dumbfounded with a bucket in their hand, bundled up for the arctic. It's almost as if people our age miss trick or treating themselves so they jump the gun on taking a son/daughter/niece/nephew out so they can go too. Sadly I think I can understand that.

Fourth, to the parents: I didn't sign a release form and I don't like opening the door to find out I'm being filmed. I understand it's not about filming me but I felt uneasy enough about the whole ordeal without a camcorder in my face.

Fifth and final: Apparently big screen HDTV's are making headway in the market. Last Halloween about 3/4 trick or treaters either made a comment to us about "how big" our TV was or walked away asking each other "Did you see that TV?". I was amazed at how often and consistent it was. It was like none of them had seen a TV larger than 13 inches and ours was 130. This year we got one "nice digs," but not one TV related comment.
reign_of_fire.jpgMicah - They just want the damn ash of that field
11/03/2006 @ 11:37:45 AM
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I was surprised at the amount of trick-or-treaters I heard running around outside. I figured New York would have just banned it a long time ago or made them do it at 2 in the afternoon or some other crazy antics. But I was pretty satisfied with the 5 kids that came to the door and they were satisfied too since I bought a crapload of candy and so they got a ton.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9591 Posts
11/03/2006 @ 02:51:23 PM
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Next year you'll get candy for 20 or so kids and get 100.
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