10/31/2006 11:49 pm
Jeremy - 9486 Posts 11/02/2006 @ 01:40:34 PM |
You know what's funny? How awesome it is to "marathon" watch shows. I was a whole season behind in Lost and watched the whole season over the span of a couple days. (Same with House.) With no commercial breaks or no week between cliffhangers the shows are exponentially more enjoyable. (Which is somewhat counter intuitive.) I was up til all hours of the morning because I couldn't stop watching. I knew if I went to bed I would just be wondering what happened in the next one, knowing I could find out if I wanted. I was actually pretty bummed when I ran out of episodes. I've never seen a single episode of 24. Maybe I should have a 4 season long marathon. |
Scott - On your mark...get set...Terrible! 11/02/2006 @ 03:00:39 PM |
Melissa (my wife) and I watched season 2 of lost over the course of a week or 2 between the time it was released on DVD til season 3 started. Lost was so much more interesting when I could watch any episode at my choosing, not having to wait a whole week to get a little bit of closure for an ending that was way to unnecessarily suspenseful. Basically, I agree with Jeremy |
Scott - Ma'am, can you make sure your computer is turned on? 11/02/2006 @ 03:01:14 PM |
oh, and I like the new "instant update" feature that updates and highlights the newest content within seconds. |
Jeremy - The pig says "My wife is a slut?" 11/02/2006 @ 03:29:47 PM |
The comments on the page you're on update too, and the "current nutcanners" stays "real time". |
Jeremy - 9486 Posts 11/02/2006 @ 06:05:33 PM |
No lie. |
Sarah - 4615 Posts 11/02/2006 @ 06:07:06 PM |
So's your face |
Alex - I don't need to get steady I know just how I feel 11/02/2006 @ 07:43:45 PM |
24 would be a good one to marathon. Heroes and Lost may or may not really be good for marathoning. Certainly the non-commericial break and watching what you want when you want is always nice, but both of those shows (probably Lost more than Heroes) seem to be more "make you think" shows than simple "tell a story" shows (which 24 basically is). So having time in between episodes can actually be more interesting because you can attempt to digest everything before having your mind blown again. I spent like 2 hours last night reading the Heroes message board on NBC.com, mostly just about different theories and all the small clues that are really hard for one person to pick up when watching the show. |
Scott - 6225 Posts 11/02/2006 @ 09:03:25 PM |
what? lost is a great show to marathon. But I do see your point about "waiting a while before having your mind blown AGAIN." |
Jeremy - 9486 Posts 11/02/2006 @ 09:34:20 PM |
Lost doesn't make you think, they just make you think you should be thinking while really they just jerk you around and make it up as they go. |
Jeremy - Pie Racist 11/02/2006 @ 09:36:07 PM |
Well clearly the one guy who was so sure he could fly is like Rogue and just gets other people's powers when he's around them. |
Alex - 3619 Posts 11/02/2006 @ 10:48:58 PM |
After this week's episode I'll agree with the jerking around on Lost. What was the deal with the black cloud killing Eko? It'll probably never even be explained, there will just be some other completely random event to make us forget that one. Like a pirate guy suddenly realizing that there's been a camera on the ceiling for 30 years and deciding now is as good a time as any to bust it up. I'm convinced that after the first year of the show they started using one of those fill in the blank thingys to write the show. ___ (person) has a flashback to ____ (time in the past where you fupped) and gets killed by ____ (noun or person or adjective, just pick something). |
Alex - Who controls the past now controls the future 11/02/2006 @ 11:02:51 PM |
Peter (the one guy as you call him) is apparently not too bright or he would've figured out that his power is to use other people's power by now. I'm not sure that they've explained the rules of time travel enough. Like when Hiro teleports to New York and then comes back his friend says he's been missing for 2 days. But when future Hiro comes back to the present, present Hiro is also in the present in Las Vegas. So if there isn't just one Hiro that moves in time, where was the present Hiro when the "present conscious" Hiro was in the future in New York? |
Alex perfected this at 11/02/2006 11:25:08 pm |
Scott - Ma'am, can you make sure your computer is turned on? 11/03/2006 @ 08:15:13 AM |
As for Lost, as much as the writers deny that any of the themes are religious in nature, I'm not buying it so much anymore. Eko, the preist, is killed by a big black cloud right after he tells his imagined brother that he will not confess his sins. Why was the priest the only guy we have seen get killed by the cloud. |
Jeremy - 9486 Posts 11/03/2006 @ 08:37:51 AM |
I'm not sure, but I had forgotten all about the cloud, and was disappointed to see it again. It's pretty lame. |
Scott - 6225 Posts 11/03/2006 @ 10:03:12 AM |
It's weird, when I first started watching, I wanted to know what the "monster" was. It was kind of killing me to find out. Now that I know what it is, I kinda wish I didn't, because it indeed turned out to be sort of lame. |
Jeremy - 9486 Posts 11/03/2006 @ 10:27:20 AM |
It's gotten to the point on Lost that they think we've so accepted that "anything goes" on this island that I don't think they'd accept complaints no matter how "out there" it gets. I think they think that if Santa Claus were to land in his sleigh with a parrot on his shoulder and a trained tiger by his side as he ran around singing the "Hokey Pokey" while throwing M-80's at people we would all soak it in and start debating the "symbolism" and "big picture" they were trying to get across. Actually I better stop before I give them any ideas. |
Micah - I didn't make that! It fell out of your hair that way! 11/03/2006 @ 11:41:16 AM |
If I have to hear "Save the cheerleader...save the world" or whatever that stupid line is one more time I'm going to crack some skulls. |
Jeremy - As Seen On The Internet 11/03/2006 @ 12:04:47 PM |
Current fellow nutcanners Matt, Sarah, Scott, Alex, Micah, 1 Guests Is that right? |
Jeremy - 9486 Posts 11/03/2006 @ 12:31:52 PM |
No it isn't. The server seemed to have forgotten about that whole "am/pm" thing and so everything from the AM is now PM. I fixed our comments, but the log is off. So instead of looking at the last 15 minutes of users its looking at the last 15 minutes and "future" 12 hours. |
Scott - Resident Tech Support 11/03/2006 @ 12:47:58 PM |
Stop answering your own questions |
Scott - On your mark...get set...Terrible! 11/03/2006 @ 12:48:44 PM |
How does it know when I'm going to be logged on. Oh yeah, it doesn't take a genious to realize that I don't have a life. |
Alex - 3619 Posts 11/03/2006 @ 02:12:30 PM |
Maybe the server can bend the time/space continuum. |
Jeremy - 9486 Posts 11/12/2006 @ 09:19:33 PM |
Save the cheerleader!! |
Alex - 3619 Posts 11/12/2006 @ 09:20:42 PM |
It doesn't seem like anyone else is as into Heroes as I am, but if you have some time to kill there's some interesting stuff on the NBC forums. I've seriously already lost count of the number of hours I've wasted reading on there. Particulary good is THE UNIFIED THEORY (v2.0). It's pinned to the top. I just made my first post there today since I'm just now starting to get up to full speed on the show (though I still notice a bunch of new things whenever I rewatch past episodes). I've mentioned before that I hate TV right? Still, shows that make you think and read forums are as good as reading books. Maybe. | ||
Alex messed with this at 11/12/2006 9:21:03 pm |
Jeremy - Pie Racist 11/12/2006 @ 09:32:48 PM |
26 pages? I think I'll pass. |
Alex - 3619 Posts 11/12/2006 @ 09:58:31 PM |
You should just read the first page with the main theory on it. |
Jeremy - The pig says "My wife is a slut?" 11/12/2006 @ 10:06:16 PM |
I was but I quit cause I don't want anything spoiled. |
Alex - Refactor Mercilessly 11/12/2006 @ 10:10:39 PM |
The guy who's post it is is against spoilers. His stated goal at least is just to come up with theories based on what's already been shown. So if he happens to guess right I guess that would still be a spoiler, but he's not just trying to put together a comprehensive list of all spoilers (I think there is a thread for that though). |
Jeremy - 9486 Posts 11/12/2006 @ 10:13:02 PM |
He makes a reference to Hiro's girlfriend who we've never seen. |
Alex - 3619 Posts 11/12/2006 @ 10:20:57 PM |
Yeah, I wasn't sure where he got some of those things, but they're pretty minor and I didn't really see anything that I felt was going to ruin the show for me. It's probably not based solely on what's aired, there's some online comics that give some different background information and probably some other hints on the NBC website that aren't really direct plot revelations. |
Alex - 3619 Posts 11/13/2006 @ 11:20:07 PM |
bump, lol | ||
Alex screwed with this at 11/13/2006 11:20:37 pm |
Jeremy - Robots don't say 'ye' 11/14/2006 @ 08:35:43 AM |
If only there were a negative nut rating that would bring with it some sort of monetary fine so I could properly rate that last comment. |
Micah - Even now in Heaven there are angels carrying savage weapons 11/21/2006 @ 07:14:53 PM |
Heres a good one for all you lovers of Lost and Heroes |
Alex - 3619 Posts 11/21/2006 @ 10:07:59 PM |
I'll admit to saying that Lost was awesome at first, but it's become a total disaster. Please don't lump it in with Heroes ever again. Heroes is actually progressing a plot, it's just complex sci-fi that is well written to keep you guessing. Lost is a one season hit that has morphed into a soap opera. That being said, the clip was mildly entertaining even though I've never attempted to watch most of those shows. I tried to watch Jericho, but it just didn't work out. That might be a show that would be greatly enhance with a marathon viewing though. |
Jon - 3385 Posts 12/03/2006 @ 05:05:11 AM |
I didn't read this thread for a while cause there were a couple episodes I hadn't watched until earlier this week, but I'm caught up now on heroes so here are some comments. First, on alex's last comment, I'm glad to see that other people think lost is terrible. One of my regrets is not writing the article months ago that I wanted to write about how the show was going down the tubes. The episodes since then have only confirmed it. I'm a little sad that I wasn't able to get it down in writing that I was on the lost sucks bandwagon earlier, but I do have this email from a friend: "yes jon, I give you credit for identifying lost as going down hill before all others." That was just part of it but it was the important part. She was a little generous using the term "all others" but Toot! there goes my own horn again. Really though, I know other people thought it was getting lame too, but were they at the point of almost writing an article about it?! Secondly, and probably more importantly, I think the last two episodes of Heroes were really excellent tv shows. I've said it before, but to repeat myself, I didn't think the show was really that great at first but after about four episodes they seemed to get progressively better almost every week. The only disapponting thing is that shows rarely can be that good without things going downhill within a year or two. Also, I have been to Pine Ridge and there were kids and at least one playground. |
Jon screwed with this 2 times, last at 12/03/2006 5:06:21 am |
Sarah - 4615 Posts 12/03/2006 @ 11:51:45 AM |
I never started watching it in the first place, so I believe I am the winner! |
Jon - Nutcan.com's kitten expert 12/04/2006 @ 04:16:03 AM |
If you haven't seen this yet, it's worth a look. Which is rare. |
Jon messed with this 4 times, last at 12/04/2006 4:18:44 am |
Matt - Washington Bureau Chief 05/01/2007 @ 11:10:07 AM |
1. It surprises me that no one has made a comment in this thread in almost 5 months. 2. Last night's episode of Heroes was the best of the season so far. In fact, it was probably one of the best episodes of TV I've ever seen. |
Matt screwed with this at 05/01/2007 12:23:01 pm |
Jeremy - I hate our freedoms 05/01/2007 @ 11:21:17 AM |
Yeah, well to be fair it was "on break" for a while. Last night was an awesome episode. Everyone loves Hiro and last night we got two of them. My only knock against it was the ripped off theme from the X-Men of humans fearing and hoping to cure or kill the mutants (complete with the Fire and Ice battle) I wonder why "future" Hiro needed to rely on "past" Hiro to go back and kill Syler. Couldn't he just go do it? |
Matt - Nutcan.com's MBL 05/01/2007 @ 12:22:48 PM |
Well to be really fair, it was only "on break" for about a month and a half of the five months I mentioned, during which 10 new espisodes aired. I think I had sufficient reason to be surprised. |
Jeremy - 9486 Posts 05/01/2007 @ 12:37:38 PM |
Yeah, I know, I was just saying is all. |
Alex - I don't need to get steady I know just how I feel 05/01/2007 @ 07:08:16 PM |
What if future Hiro died in the past? Seriously though, I spent some times on the NBC forums early on in the season trying to flesh out the rules of the time travel and it's a lot more enjoyable to just go with the flow. It wasn't really humans who were trying to kill or cure the mutants, it was Sylar. |
Sarah - So's your face 05/01/2007 @ 08:23:40 PM |
I just thought of this, and maybe Sylar had killed a mutant who had this power, but how had Parkman not known that the President was Sylar? Couldn't he read his mind? He must've been in a room with Sylar as president when the Haitiaan wasn't around. Plus, at the end why didn't Parkman like acknowledge the fact that Peter and Sylar were fighting right next to him and that maybe they should stop trying to break into the other room? I thought it was a really good episode too. Hiro! |
Alex - 3619 Posts 05/08/2007 @ 01:22:34 PM |
Pretty impressive how by the end of the episode they had slyly introduced at least 4 different possibilites of who/what the bomb would be. |
Jeremy - No one's gay for Moleman 05/08/2007 @ 01:29:27 PM |
Too bad they told us in the last one who it's going to be. |
Alex - 3619 Posts 05/08/2007 @ 06:24:50 PM |
You're assuming that future is the one yet to be lived out. Which would be a pretty dumb ending to the season if the same exact events unfolded that led to that future 5 years from now. At least I think I'd be annoyed. I guess they could just keep trying to kill Sylar for the next 5 years or something. |
Jon - infinity + 1 posts 05/17/2007 @ 05:01:54 AM |
Alex - But let history remember, that as free men, we chose to make it so! 09/24/2007 @ 07:55:44 PM |
It's on in 5 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Sarah - 4615 Posts 09/24/2007 @ 08:25:37 PM |
Hiro!!!!!!!!!!! |
Jeremy - 9486 Posts 09/24/2007 @ 10:50:57 PM |
Heroes is an awesome show. What do you guys think the new girls power is? Super brain hemorrhage ability? (Incidentally, I would not have guessed "hemorrhage" was spelled that way.) |
Alex - But let history remember, that as free men, we chose to make it so! 09/25/2007 @ 12:01:49 AM |
Jeremy Wrote - 09/24/2007 @ 10:50:57 PM Heroes is an awesome show. What do you guys think the new girls power is? Super brain hemorrhage ability? (Incidentally, I would not have guessed "hemorrhage" was spelled that way.) I won't say anything about it for those who don't want to know, but if you go to the nbc website and read the latest online novel it gives some more info. |
Jon - 1000000 posts (and counting!) 09/25/2007 @ 05:23:20 AM |
Jeremy Wrote - 09/24/2007 @ 10:50:57 PM Heroes is an awesome show. What do you guys think the new girls power is? Super brain hemorrhage ability? (Incidentally, I would not have guessed "hemorrhage" was spelled that way.) Lee Lii Lee Laaaa in my hands in my hands again!!!! p.s. I had to check if "in my hands" was actually even what he said. |
Jeremy - 9486 Posts 09/25/2007 @ 08:48:54 AM |
Would it have mattered? He doesn't say "Lee Lii Lee Laaaaa" either. |
RUFiO1984 - 219 Posts 10/18/2007 @ 08:45:29 PM |
this show is amazingly awesome! i also think these shows kinda have to leave you guessing "whats going to happen next" because of all the reality bs thats out there now : / |
Sarah - 4615 Posts 07/26/2008 @ 09:14:30 PM |
We just watched part of a marathon of Heroes, and it made me realize how much I miss this show. Less than 2 months to go! |
frozentundrafan - 21 Posts 07/27/2008 @ 09:22:08 PM |
Cool, a Heroes thread! I'm a big fan and can't wait for the season to start. Last year was great, but it stunk due to having so few episodes. Was that due to the writer's strike or did they just plan it that way? |
Carlos44ec - 2079 Posts 07/28/2008 @ 10:51:53 AM |
I will watch it only if you pay me. |
Matt - Ombudsman 07/28/2008 @ 11:14:18 AM |
frozentundrafan Wrote - Yesterday @ 09:22:08 PM Cool, a Heroes thread! I'm a big fan and can't wait for the season to start. Last year was great, but it stunk due to having so few episodes. Was that due to the writer's strike or did they just plan it that way? I assume it was because of the strike. |
PackOne - Don't mess with Jeremy. He owns your tag lines. 08/01/2008 @ 07:33:25 PM |
I love the show. I believe I only have seen season one. I seem to remember looking for season two and not finding it anywhere. |
Sarah - 4615 Posts 09/23/2008 @ 09:23:45 PM |
Thoughts? We just watched the first two episodes and there seem to be some inconsistencies and I don't know if I'm that excited anymore for the season. |
Alex - 3619 Posts 09/24/2008 @ 01:08:43 PM |
I was discussing this with my mom yesterday and I had similar feelings. There was such a long break since the last season and then they just changed everything in 2 hours. I'm still going to watch it but I'm not as excited as I thought I would be. What inconsistencies are you talking aboot? |
Jeremy - No one's gay for Moleman 09/24/2008 @ 01:29:36 PM |
Dr. Suresh was very unlike himself. (Pre you-know-what) He was always very "what's the greater good" and it seems like they took him in a complete opposite direction, which I assume sets up the rest of the future. [Ok there's no way to avoid spoilers from here on out...so you've been warned] It was also just full of stupid plot holes, like for example, Hiro could just go back and take the formula from himself as soon as he took it out of the safe. Or told Ando/himself not to. Hunting it down makes no sense, he knows exactly where it was and at what time it was there. Also, Future Peter supposedly changed the future by shooting Nathan. One of the examples is that he told Claire to stay home, rather than rush to the hospital in California to save Nathan. Since she listened and didn't go to California Sylar was able to get to her. Of course, she wouldn't have left to go to Cali had he NOT gone back in time to shoot Nathan. I guess she would have otherwise gone to the mall, or something, and the only thing stopping Sylar from getting to a defenseless teenage girl was the inconvenience of stopping by that one particular time and having her not be home, before he gave up looking for her forever. |
Alex - I was too weak to give in Too strong to lose 09/24/2008 @ 01:45:15 PM |
I'm not sure it's that much of a stretch with Mohinder. The whole "woe is me for not having powers" part did seem out of character a bit I guess. As far as actions alone I think what happened wasn't too surprising but his motivations did seem strange. The whole time travel issue is a plot hole. I spent too much time on the forums dealing with that issue during the first season. Then I realized trying to rationalize it was pointless and I should just enjoy the show. As far as Claire goes any million other scenarios could have played out had Future Peter not shot Nathan, so I can't give you that one. |
Jeremy - I believe virtually everything I read. 09/24/2008 @ 02:05:53 PM |
What do you mean "you can't give me that one?" That's the worst one. Unless Sylar died of a heart attack upon hearing the announcement from Nathan on the news he would have gotten to Claire eventually. Unless their point was that "Present Peter" would have been there to protect her at all other times, but just wasn't that one day that exact moment, but it wasn't. It was just that Claire was home, when she otherwise wouldn't have been, that one day. Which is stupid in and of itself (Claire lacks protection from bad guys 90% of the time) but they actually made it a point to say that by not coming to California she was there for the "taking," as if she had always had a little trip to California planned. | ||
Jeremy screwed with this 2 times, last at 09/24/2008 2:12:20 pm |
Carlos44ec - 2079 Posts 09/24/2008 @ 04:21:58 PM |
Gyro? Delicious. |
Alex - Refactor Mercilessly 09/24/2008 @ 05:56:07 PM |
What we know is that because of what Future Peter did, Sylar got to Claire that day. You can't say for sure that Sylar would have done so anyway had Future Peter not come back. Certainly a possibility, but it's unknown and I don't think we ever saw Sylar in the future until after Future Peter came back and then Mrs. Petrelli dreamed him in the new future, possibly meant to imply that Sylar wasn't in the old future. I'll agree that the pointing out of her not coming to California is a potential plot weakness. Actually hold up a second. After Sylar leaves Claire that's when that weird video of the 2 agents pulling up on Sylar and shooting him happens right? So if future Peter doesn't come back at all, maybe Claire isn't home for whatever reason, Sylar would probably still enter the house and find the records about level 5, that would be interesting enough for him to leave with the plan to catch up with Claire later, then the agents pull up and gun him down because he doesn't have the ability to heal. Then Sylar would have been dead or captured which would eliminate or decrease the chances that he would ever get to Claire. Edit: Got off track a bit. My point was going to be that if Claire wouldn't have been in her house sans Future Peter shooting Nathan, then shooting him made Claire be in the house, but "fate" or whatever you want to call it was still trying to her out of the house by having her come to Cali, but then Future Peter screwed things up again by telling her to stay there. I'm pretty pleased with the previous paragraph's explanation, but even ignoring that the exact reference to not coming to California isn't really a plot snafu anyway. |
Alex messed with this at 09/24/2008 6:00:33 pm |
Matt - 3885 Posts 09/27/2008 @ 04:45:01 AM |
I wanted to watch the first two seasons over before starting the new season, so that's what I did. I finished the season 2 DVD this afternoon and just finished watching the season 3 premiere. I now feel like I wasted about 25 hours of my life, because the two new episodes sucked. The plot holes were too much to ignore in some cases, and the new season seems to lack any continuity with the previous ones. One redeeming thing about watching the first two seasons over, though, was that it reminded me how great of a show Heroes was in season 1. Season 2 was disappointing, but still enjoyable. It's probably too soon still to say for sure about season 3, but its not off to a good start. I'm too tired to do so now, but maybe I'll write up some of the specific issues I had with the episodes, but then again, there is a good chance that I will be too lazy to do so. |
Alex - 3619 Posts 12/15/2008 @ 09:14:12 PM |
Body count much? I was all over this episode with my week 15 analysis. |
Alex - 3619 Posts 05/16/2010 @ 08:17:04 PM |
Just read that Heroes is canceled. How does a show that starts off so good end up so bad? |
Carlos44ec - Knuckle Sammich 05/17/2010 @ 03:51:31 PM |
it's pretty easy to write yourself out of a series. Shortsighted story lines that are not sustainable, attention-challenged audience, blah blah... oh look, shiny. |
Sarah - How do you use these things? 05/17/2010 @ 06:35:14 PM |
I didn't even watch like the last 4-5 episodes. It was ridic at the end and not at all entertaining. It did start out pretty awesome like and I remember how much activity occurred on the internet because of the mythology behind the series. Good riddance I say, it lost its way. |
Matt - Ombudsman 05/18/2010 @ 04:08:27 PM |
It became a chore to even watch the last two seasons. I'm glad it was canceled so now I don't have to make the decision to keep watching or not come fall. |
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