
11/21/2003 12:36 pm
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So, I am trying to write a religions paper, but my mind is drifting so i thought i'd add to the blog. I finally got to watch my tape of the MNF halftime show, where Doug Flutie was up against Jerry Fountane (?) for the contest "at the mic." Flutie played drums with the Barenaked Ladies, while Jerry or whomever played guitar with Nickelback. The skit was pretty funny, and BNL and Flutie played Brian Wilson. Nickelback was ok, but not great. So I rushed down to the computer to find out who had won, since I had not taped that portion. People vote on this thing right? So, I found out Flutie and BNL won with 88% of the votes! Is there nothing Flutie can't do? Obviously, he was playing with BNL, so that helped. The semi-finals begin sometime soon, so I hope he gets to play with BNL again, that'd be sweet. Alright, well I should work on my paper. Can't believe there are only a few weeks left of the semester. Rock on!
thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - 3991 Posts
11/21/2003 @ 12:49:04 PM
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What's your paper on, the life of Saint Brett of Green Bay?
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - So's your face
11/21/2003 @ 12:50:08 PM
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Ha Ha, it's actually on Saint Vince.
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