5 Years

11/16/2003 11:45 am
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Today marks the 5-year anniversary of my employment at Kohl's Department Store. Someone please shoot me.

P.S. Don't really shoot me. That was just a figure of speech.
sarah.jpgSarah - So's your face
11/16/2003 @ 02:30:59 PM
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Whatever makes you happy. :) The working at Kohl's for 5 years, not the shooting. If I am at my current job for more than 2 more months, I am going to be pissed.
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question_mark.gifAndrew (Guest)
11/17/2003 @ 04:17:34 PM
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Congrats! I've been at Premiere Video for over two years now.
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question_mark.gifda (Guest)
06/08/2005 @ 05:42:28 AM
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