
10/06/2003 12:29 pm
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I found these stats, thought they were interesting.

Of the 462 flags thrown in NFL games since the start of the season, 81 have been for defensive pass interference, while 22 have been for offensive pass interference.
Out of the total 81 defensive pass interferences, 4 receivers have drawn 37 of them: Terrell Owens, Marvin Harrison, Hines Ward, and Laveranues Coles, all arguably among the current top 6 receivers in football.
For you math majors out there, that’s an average of a little more than 9 per receiver, or almost two calls per game per receiver.
Randy Moss has drawn zero, that’s right, ZERO defensive pass interferences in 5 games.
Of the 22 total offensive pass interference penalties, four have been drawn from the entire group of previously mentioned receivers (excluding Moss). Again, for the math majors, that’s an average of 1 penalty per receiver per 5 regular season games.
Randy Moss has drawn seven, that’s right, SEVEN offensive pass interference penalties in 5 games for an average of over 1 call per each individual regular season game.
scott.jpgScott - On your mark...get set...Terrible!
10/06/2003 @ 07:31:00 AM
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What was the point of the last stat you were trying to make? The averages for offensive P.I. calls is the same among those recievers. I'm confused as to the significance of these stats.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - So's your face
10/06/2003 @ 08:30:00 AM
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I think that while in Jeremy's enthusiasm for math, he kind of made it hard for us non math majors to understand. Those 4 receivers have recieved a total of 4 offensive interference, which is LESS than one penalty for each player through week 5.
Not PER week, but per the season. Randy is averaging a little over 1 penalty per week. I was confused too. Hopefully I didn't add to the confusion. :)~ I don't think i really explained it that well.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Super Chocolate Bear
10/06/2003 @ 09:06:00 AM
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I didnt write the thing, apparently saying I found these stats wasn't clear enough.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
10/06/2003 @ 10:35:00 PM
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That helped, i'm a little bit mathmatically challenged.
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question_mark.gifAndrew (Guest)
10/20/2003 @ 10:45:51 AM
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Randy Moss is the best WR in the NFL.
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