
07/24/2006 4:18 pm
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This is from Pro Football Weekly. It appears that the Packers do actually realize that Fergusuckson sucks.

"WR Robert Ferguson might be a good fit at split end in the Packers' offense, which promises to be more vertical than the traditional West Coast system. Ferguson isn't a great route runner and drops too many balls going underneath. But he can run in the open and has more experience than rookie Greg Jennings, who the team privately hopes can win the job."

It speaks volumes when the only praise to be given is "he can run in the open" and "he has experience at not running good routes and dropping balls".
fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Pie Racist
07/24/2006 @ 04:25:54 PM
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Yeah, I doubt "is best player on the field when only player on the field" is a complement.
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scott.jpgScott - Resident Tech Support
07/31/2006 @ 05:55:58 AM
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I just saw the movie Firewall with Harrison Ford, and I think I get where the phrase "Get off my bank" comes from. IF I'm right, that's freakin hillarious.
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