Privacy Schmivacy

01/19/2006 10:16 am
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Nothing quite like potentially violating privacy concerns to try and pass a law violating privacy.

When are Bush/Parental Groups going to get it through their heads that no one owns any of the internets? All the filters, game ratings, movie ratings, tv ratings, porn site blocking, ect in the world aren't going to fix anything. If kids want to view it kids are going to view it. Try parenting once in a while. [/url]
2887.gificbeast - You've got to trust your instinct, and let go of regret
01/19/2006 @ 01:34:45 PM
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From what the government is asking for it seems like Google could give them some summary statistics, but just handing over a dump of the raw data is ridiculous.

All these ratings systems border on or basically are censorship if they are government forced. I have no problem with it if they are voluntary, which I think some of them claim to be anyway.
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scott.jpgScott - Resident Tech Support
01/19/2006 @ 02:12:43 PM
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it won't be long before Bill OReilly is demanding that his views boycott google.

Short of censorship, I support the government making it as difficult as possible for underage people to get to pornography sites. No amount of parenting can completely elliminate what your kid does at someone elses house. But at the same time, I think it is up to parents to do everything they can to protect their kids.
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2887.gificbeast - 3619 Posts
01/19/2006 @ 06:30:44 PM
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Google actually plans on fighting the governments request, so if anything that would me more likely to continue using it knowing that they aren't just going to randomly subject themselves to every data request of the government.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9475 Posts
01/19/2006 @ 09:38:03 PM
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No amount of parenting or government control can stop them, if they want to look. The parents can not only keep an eye on them, but they can teach them why they shouldnt look at the sites too.

It's just another facet of our never blame parents society. The Columbine shootings were because they listened to Marilyn Manson, not because the kids were allowed to build an arsenal in the garage for weeks.

A couple teenagers take their dad's gun and shoot up a random car and it's GTA's fault. It can't be the parents fault, desite the fact that the parents had to buy, or at least let them play the game rated for adults. Also it guns themselves just materialized out of thin air too.

The government has no right to police the internet, regardless of where the machine that stores the files is physically plugged into a wall. If they do all that's going to happen is companies will pick up their servers and plug them in somewhere else. That would be alot of money to say goodbye to.
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