Drug testing

12/20/2005 9:39 pm
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I just read this article on ESPN.com http://sports.espn.go.com/sports/news/story?id=2266379

Alright, if you couldn't tell by my posts this evening on Week 15, I'm in a bit of mood. Then I see this article. I don't even know where to begin.

So New Jersey is going to implement a state regulated and state funded program to force high school athletes who make it to championship games to undergo random drug testing. This is wrong on so many levels. What ever happened to just cause? I hope the first team that wins the chance to be subjected to this testing forfeits the game in protest.

Even more disturbing is that some supporters want to extend the drug testing to all students. What is the legal justification for this? What happened to privacy rights? Why only high school students? Might as well test everybody. Create an Inquistion squad to randomly cruise around the state and force people to take drug tests.

Check out this quote. "There's one thing out there that should keep them from even thinking of using steroids and that's the disgrace of a positive test on the eve of a championship event" - Peter King. Oh yeah, great plan. Try to stop high schoolers from using steroids by driving fear into their hearts. That usually works well. Who doesn't like governments that thrive by threatening their subjects into submission by invading their privacy and forcing them to take tests?

Here's another good one by Governor Richard Cody, "This is a growing health threat, one we can't leave up to individual parents, coaches or schools to handle." Do I even have to expand on this one? No? Didn't think so.

This is big government creating superfluous programs and invading the rights of the citizens, and if this sort of thing ever comes near Wisconsin it may very well be the beginning of my political career.
fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Cube Phenomenoligist
12/20/2005 @ 10:36:51 PM
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Yeah, they should already know who's using the drugs by the wire taps they have on our phones anyway.
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2887.gificbeast - 3619 Posts
12/21/2005 @ 06:25:47 PM
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Page 2 debate sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=caple/philbrick/051221
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